generate_voronoi.inx revision d9b1d836390f0891fb0d18f7894a385cd1b38020
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="">
<_name>Voronoi Pattern</_name>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
<_param name="title1" type="description">Generate a random pattern of Voronoi cells. The pattern will be accessible in the Fill and Stroke dialog. You must select an object or a group.</_param>
<_param name="title2" type="description">If border is zero, the pattern will be discontinuous at the edges. Use a positive border, preferably greater than the cell size, to produce a smooth join of the pattern at the edges. Use a negative border to reduce the size of the pattern and get an empty border.</_param>
<param name="size" type="int" min="2" max="200" _gui-text=" Average size of cell (px) ">10</param>
<param name="border" type="int" min="-200" max="200" _gui-text=" Size of Border (px) ">0</param>
<submenu _name="Generate from Path"/>
<command reldir="extensions" interpreter="python"></command>