gcodetools_all_in_one.inx revision 241ef7771aef53c1e27e4c8c1a721dec6d206509
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inkscape-extension xmlns="http://www.inkscape.org/namespace/inkscape/extension">
<_name>All in one</_name>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions">gcodetools.py</dependency>
<dependency type="executable" location="extensions">inkex.py</dependency>
<param name='active-tab' type="notebook">
<page name='path-to-gcode' _gui-text='Path to Gcode'>
<param name="biarc-tolerance" type='float' precision="5" _gui-text='Biarc interpolation tolerance:'>1</param>
<param name="biarc-max-split-depth" type="int" _gui-text="Maximum splitting depth:">4</param>
<_param name="help" type="description">
Biarc interpolation tolerance is the maximum distance between path and its approximation.
The segment will be split into two segments if the distance between path's segment and it's approximation exceeds biarc interpolation tolerance.
<page name='area' msgctxt="gcodetools extension" _gui-text='Area'>
<param name="max-area-curves" type="int" min="0" max="1000" _gui-text="Maximum area cutting curves:">100</param>
<param name="area-inkscape-radius" type="float" min="-1000" max="1000" _gui-text="Area width:">-10</param>
<_param name="help" type="description">
"Create area offset": creates several Inkscape path offsets to fill original path's area up to "Area radius" value.
Outlines start from "1/2 D" up to "Area width" total width with "D" steps where D is taken from the nearest tool definition ("Tool diameter" value).
Only one offset will be created if the "Area width" is equal to "1/2 D".
<page name='area_artefacts' _gui-text='Area artefacts'>
<param name="area-find-artefacts-diameter" type="float" min="0.01" max="1000" _gui-text="Artefact diameter:">5.0</param>
<param name="area-find-artefacts-action" type="optiongroup" _gui-text="Action:">
<_option value="mark with an arrow">mark with an arrow</_option>
<_option value="mark with style">mark with style</_option>
<_option value="delete">delete</_option>
<_param name="help" type="description">
1. Select all Area Offsets (gray outlines)
2. Object/Ungroup (Shift+Ctrl+G)
3. Press Apply
Suspected small objects will be marked out by colored arrows.
<page name='engraving' _gui-text='Engraving'>
<param name="engraving-sharp-angle-tollerance" type="float" precision="5" min="0" max="180" _gui-text="Sharp angle tolerance:">150</param>
<param name="engraving-max-dist" type="float" precision="5" min="0" max="1000" _gui-text="Maximum distance for engraving:">10</param>
<param name="engraving-newton-iterations" type="int" min="2" max="10" _gui-text="Number of sample points used to calculate distance:">4</param>
<param name="engraving-draw-calculation-paths" type="boolean" _gui-text="Draw additional graphics to debug engraving path:">false</param>
<_param name="help" type="description">
This function creates path to engrave sharp angles.
Cutter's shape function is defined by the tool. Some simple shapes:
cone....(45 degrees)...........: w
cone....(height/diameter=10/3).: 10/3 w
sphere..("r" diameter).........: math.sqrt(max(0,r**2-w**2))
ellipse.(R1=r and R2=r*4r).....: math.sqrt(max(0,r**2-w**2))*4</_param>
<page name='dxfpoints' _gui-text='DXF points'>
<_param name="help" type="description">
Convert selected objects to drill points (as dxf_import plugin does). Also you can save original shape. Only the start point of each curve will be used.
Also you can manually select object, open XML editor (Shift+Ctrl+X) and add or remove XML tag 'dxfpoint' with any value.
<param type='optiongroup' name='dxfpoints-action' _gui-text="Convert selection:">
<_option value='save'>set as dxfpoint and save shape</_option>
<_option value='replace'>set as dxfpoint and draw arrow</_option>
<_option value='clear'>clear dxfpoint sign</_option>
<page name='tools_library' _gui-text='Tools library'>
<param type='optiongroup' name='tools-library-type' _gui-text="Tools type:">
<_option value='default tool'>default</_option>
<_option value='cylinder cutter'>cylinder</_option>
<_option value='cone cutter'>cone</_option>
<_option value='plasma cutter'>plasma</_option>
<_option value='tangent knife'>tangent knife</_option>
<_option value='lathe cutter'>lathe cutter</_option>
<_option value='check'>Just check tools</_option>
<_param name="help" type="description">
Selected tool type fills appropriate default values. You can change these values using the Text tool later on.
The topmost (z order) tool in the active layer is used. If there is no tool inside the current layer it is taken from the upper layer.
Press Apply to create new tool.
<page name='orientation' _gui-text='Orientation'>
<param name="orientation-points-count" type="optiongroup" _gui-text="Orientation type:">
<_option value="2">2-points mode
(move and rotate,
maintained aspect ratio X/Y)</_option>
<_option value="3">3-points mode
(move, rotate and mirror,
different X/Y scale)</_option>
<param name="Zsurface" type="float" precision="5" min="-1000" max="1000" _gui-text="Z surface:">0</param>
<param name="Zdepth" type="float" precision="5" min="-1000" max="1000" _gui-text="Z depth:">-1</param>
<param name="unit" type="enum" _gui-text="Units (mm or in):">
<item value="G21 (All units in mm)">mm</item>
<item value="G20 (All units in inches)">in</item>
<_param name="help" type="description">
Orientation points are used to calculate transformation (offset,scale,mirror,rotation in XY plane) of the path.
3-points mode only: do not put all three into one line (use 2-points mode instead).
You can modify Z surface, Z depth values later using text tool (3rd coordinates).
If there are no orientation points inside current layer they are taken from the upper layer.
Do not ungroup orientation points! You can select them using double click to enter the group or by Ctrl+Click.
Now press apply to create control points (independent set for each layer).
<page name='options' _gui-text='Options'>
<param name="Zscale" type="float" precision="5" min="-100000" max="100000" _gui-text="Scale along Z axis:">1</param>
<param name="Zoffset" type="float" precision="5" min="-100000" max="100000" _gui-text="Offset along Z axis:">0.0</param>
<param name="auto_select_paths" type="boolean" _gui-text="Select all paths if nothing is selected">true</param>
<param name="min-arc-radius" type="float" precision="5" min="-1000" max="1000" _gui-text="Minimum arc radius:">0.05</param>
<page name='preferences' _gui-text='Preferences'>
<param name="filename" type="string" _gui-text="File:">output.ngc</param>
<param name="add-numeric-suffix-to-filename" type="boolean" _gui-text="Add numeric suffix to filename">true</param>
<param name="directory" type="string" _gui-text="Directory:">/home</param>
<param name="Zsafe" type="float" precision="5" min="-1000" max="1000" _gui-text="Z safe height for G00 move over blank:">5</param>
<param name="unit" type="enum" _gui-text="Units (mm or in):">
<item value="G21 (All units in mm)">mm</item>
<item value="G20 (All units in inches)">in</item>
<param name="postprocessor" type="enum" _gui-text="Post-processor:">
<item value=" ">None</item>
<item value="parameterize();">Parameterize Gcode</item>
<item value="flip(y);parameterize();">Flip y axis and parameterize Gcode</item>
<item value="round(4);">Round all values to 4 digits</item>
<param name="postprocessor-custom" type="string" _gui-text="Additional post-processor:"></param>
<param name="create-log" type="boolean" _gui-text="Generate log file">false</param>
<param name="log-filename" type="string" _gui-text="Full path to log file:"></param>
<page name='help' _gui-text='Help'>
<_param name="fullhelp" type="description">
Gcodetools plug-in: converts paths to Gcode (using circular interpolation), makes offset paths and engraves sharp corners using cone cutters.
This plug-in calculates Gcode for paths using circular interpolation or linear motion when needed.
Tutorials, manuals and support can be found at
English support forum:
and Russian support forum:
Credits: Nick Drobchenko, Vladimir Kalyaev, John Brooker, Henry Nicolas.
Gcodetools ver. 1.6.01
<submenu _name="Gcodetools"/>
<command reldir="extensions" interpreter="python">gcodetools.py</command>