gcodetools_about.inx revision 2cf8f271d9b9084ed96cbdee84f46dd99e603262
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<param name='active-tab' type="notebook">
<page name='about' _gui-text='About'>
<_param name="help" type="description">Gcodetools was developed to make simple Gcode from Inkscape's paths. Gcode is a special format which is used in most of CNC machines. So Gcodetools allows you to use Inkscape as CAM program.
It can be use with a lot of machine types:
Laser and Plasma cutters and engravers
Mill engravers
To get more info visit developers page at http://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools</_param>
<page name='help' _gui-text='Help'>
<_param name="fullhelp" type="description">
Gcodetools plug-in: converts paths to Gcode (using circular interpolation), makes offset paths and engraves sharp corners using cone cutters.
This plug-in calculates Gcode for paths using circular interpolation or linear motion when needed.
Tutorials, manuals and support can be found at
English support forum:
and Russian support forum:
Credits: Nick Drobchenko, Vladimir Kalyaev, John Brooker, Henry Nicolas, Chris Lusby Taylor.
Gcodetools ver. 1.7
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