gcodetools.py revision 7765ee8964c8ffd7faee9baa0412abeb1ef5b0a4
Comments starting "#LT" or "#CLT" are by Chris Lusby Taylor who rewrote the engraving function in 2011.
History of CLT changes to engraving and other functions it uses:
9 May 2011 Changed test of tool diameter to square it
10 May Note that there are many unused functions, including:
bound_to_bound_distance, csp_curvature_radius_at_t,
csp_special_points, csplength, rebuild_csp, csp_slope,
csp_simple_bound_to_point_distance, csp_bound_to_point_distance,
bez_at_t, bez_to_point_distance, bez_normalized_slope, matrix_mul, transpose
Fixed csp_point_inside_bound() to work if x outside bounds
20 May Now encoding the bisectors of angles.
23 May Note that Z values generated for engraving are in pixels, not mm.
Removed the biarc curves - straight lines are better.
24 May Changed Bezier slope calculation to be less sensitive to tiny differences in points.
Added use of self.options.engraving_newton_iterations to control accuracy
25 May Big restructure and new recursive function.
Changed the way I treat corners - I now find if the centre of a proposed circle is
within the area bounded by the line being tested and the two angle bisectors at
its ends. See get_radius_to_line().
29 May Eliminating redundant points. If A,B,C colinear, drop B
30 May Eliminating redundant lines in divided Beziers. Changed subdivision of lines
7Jun Try to show engraving in 3D
8 Jun Displaying in stereo 3D.
Fixed a bug in bisect - it could go wrong due to rounding errors if
1+x1.x2+y1.y2<0 which should never happen. BTW, I spotted a non-normalised normal
returned by csp_normalized_normal. Need to check for that.
9 Jun Corrected spelling of 'definition' but still match previous 'defention' and 'defenition' if found in file
Changed get_tool to find 1.6.04 tools or new tools with corrected spelling
10 Jun Put 3D into a separate layer called 3D, created unless it already exists
Changed csp_normalized_slope to reject lines shorter than 1e-9.
tool diameter, maximum engraving distance, tool shape and all Z values.
12 Jun ver 208 Now scales correctly if orientation points moved or stretched.
12 Jun ver 209. Now detect if engraving toolshape not a function of radius
Graphics now indicate Gcode toolpath, limited by min(tool diameter/2,max-dist)
TODO Change line division to be recursive, depending on what line is touched. See line_divide
engraving() functions (c) 2011 Chris Lusby Taylor, clusbytaylor@enterprise.net
Copyright (C) 2009 Nick Drobchenko, nick@cnc-club.ru
based on gcode.py (C) 2007 hugomatic...
based on addnodes.py (C) 2005,2007 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org
based on dots.py (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org
based on interp.py (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org
based on bezmisc.py (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org
based on cubicsuperpath.py (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
### Gcodetools v 1.7
gcodetools_current_version = "1.7"
import os
import math
import bezmisc
import re
import copy
import sys
import time
import cmath
import numpy
import codecs
import random
import gettext
### Check if inkex has errormsg (0.46 version does not have one.) Could be removed later.
print_("Slope error x = %s*t^3+%s*t^2+%s*t+%s, y = %s*t^3+%s*t^2+%s*t+%s, t = %s, dx==dy==0" % (ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy,t))
# VARIABLE NAME SHOULD BE A STRING! Like isset("foobar")
### Styles and additional parameters
straight_tolerance = 0.0001
straight_distance_tolerance = 0.0001
engraving_tolerance = 0.0001
loft_lengths_tolerance = 0.0000001
options = {}
defaults = {
'header': """%
(Generated by gcodetools from Inkscape.)
(Using default header. To add your own header create file "header" in the output dir.)
(Header end.)
'footer': """
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000
(Using default footer. To add your own footer create file "footer" in the output dir.)
intersection_tolerance = 0.00001
styles = {
"in_out_path_style" : simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#0072a7', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width':'1', 'marker-mid':'url(#InOutPathMarker)' }),
"loft_style" : {
'main curve': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#88f', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width':'1', 'marker-end':'url(#Arrow2Mend)' }),
"biarc_style" : {
'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#88f', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#8f8', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'line': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#f88', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'area': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#777', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.1' }),
"biarc_style_dark" : {
'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#33a', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#3a3', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'line': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#a33', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'area': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#222', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.3' }),
"biarc_style_dark_area" : {
'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#33a', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.1' }),
'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#3a3', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.1' }),
'line': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#a33', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.1' }),
'area': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#222', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.3' }),
"biarc_style_i" : {
'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#880', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#808', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'line': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#088', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'area': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#999', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.3' }),
"biarc_style_dark_i" : {
'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#dd5', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#d5d', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'line': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#5dd', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'1' }),
'area': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#aaa', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.3' }),
"biarc_style_lathe_feed" : {
'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#07f', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#0f7', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'line': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#f44', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'area': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#aaa', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.3' }),
"biarc_style_lathe_passing feed" : {
'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#07f', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#0f7', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'line': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#f44', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'area': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#aaa', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.3' }),
"biarc_style_lathe_fine feed" : {
'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#7f0', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#f70', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'line': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#744', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'.4' }),
'area': simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#aaa', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end":"url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width':'0.3' }),
"area artefact": simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#ff0000', 'fill': '#ffff00', 'stroke-width':'1' }),
"area artefact arrow": simplestyle.formatStyle({ 'stroke': '#ff0000', 'fill': '#ffff00', 'stroke-width':'1' }),
### Gcode additional functions
if replace_new_line :
res = ""
if s[-1] == "\n" : s = s[:-1]
for a in s.split("\n") :
if a != "" :
else :
res += "\n"
return res
### Cubic Super Path additional functions
def csp_from_polyline(line) :
res = []
if point_to_point_d2(sp1[1],sp2[1])<=tolerance and point_to_point_d2(sp1[2],sp2[1])<=tolerance and point_to_point_d2(sp1[1],sp2[0])<=tolerance :
else :
return res
# we'll do the raytracing and see how many intersections are there on the ray's way.
# if number of intersections is even then point is outside.
# ray will be x=p.x and y=>p.y
# you can assing any value to on_the_path, by dfault if point is on the path
# function will return thai it's inside the path.
x,y = p
#we've got a special case here
if b[1][1]<=y<=b[3][1] :
# points is on the path
return on_the_path
else :
# we can skip this segment because it wont influence the answer.
if t == 0 or t == 1 :
#we've got another special case here
if y1==y :
# the point is on the path
return on_the_path
# if t == 0 we sould have considered this case previously.
if t == 1 :
# we have to check the next segmant if it is on the same side of the ray
if ax1==0 and bx1==0 and cx1==0 and dx1==x : continue # this segment parallel to the ray, so skip it
else :
if y1==y :
# the point is on the path
return on_the_path
else :
return csp
def csp_simple_bound(csp):
for p in sp:
min_dist = 1e100
max_dist = 0
for i in range(4) :
for j in range(4) :
# draw_pointer( list(csp_at_t(subpath[dist[2]-1],subpath[dist[2]],dist[3]))
# +list(csp_at_t(csp[dist[4]][dist[5]-1],csp[dist[4]][dist[5]],dist[6])),"red","line", comment = math.sqrt(dist[0]))
return [d[0],j,i,d[1]]
else :
return min_dist
d = min( [(p[0]-sp1[1][0])**2 + (p[1]-sp1[1][1])**2,0.], [(p[0]-sp2[1][0])**2 + (p[1]-sp2[1][1])**2,1.] )
for k in range(sample_points) :
i = 0
df = (6*ax*t+2*bx)*(ax*t3+bx*t2+cx*t+dx) + (3*ax*t2+2*bx*t+cx)**2 + (6*ay*t+2*by)*(ay*t3+by*t2+cy*t+dy) + (3*ay*t2+2*by*t+cy)**2
if df!=0 :
t = t - f/df
else :
i += 1
if 0<=t<=1 :
if d1 < d[0] :
d = [d1,t]
return d
def csp_seg_to_csp_seg_distance(sp1,sp2,sp3,sp4, dist_bounds = [0,1e100], sample_points = 5, tolerance=.01) :
# check the ending points first
dist += [0.]
dist = d+[1.]
sample_points -= 2
# try to find closes points using Newtons method
for k in range(sample_points) :
for j in range(sample_points) :
i = 0
x,y = ax1*t13+bx1*t12+cx1*t1+dx1 - (ax2*t23+bx2*t22+cx2*t2+dx2), ay1*t13+by1*t12+cy1*t1+dy1 - (ay2*t23+by2*t22+cy2*t2+dy2)
if F2!=None :
x,y = ax1*t13+bx1*t12+cx1*t1+dx1 - (ax2*t23+bx2*t22+cx2*t2+dx2), ay1*t13+by1*t12+cy1*t1+dy1 - (ay2*t23+by2*t22+cy2*t2+dy2)
Flast = F
F = x*x+y*y
else :
i += 1
return dist
return dist
d = csp_seg_bound_to_csp_seg_bound_max_min_distance(csp1[i1][j1-1],csp1[i1][j1],csp2[i2][j2-1],csp2[i2][j2])
d = csp_seg_to_csp_seg_distance(csp1[i1][j1-1],csp1[i1][j1],csp2[i2][j2-1],csp2[i2][j2], dist_bounds, tolerance=tolerance)
return dist
return dist
return dist
# draw_pointer( list(csp_at_t(csp1[dist[1]][dist[2]-1],csp1[dist[1]][dist[2]],dist[3]))
# + list(csp_at_t(csp2[dist[4]][dist[5]-1],csp2[dist[4]][dist[5]],dist[6])), "#507","line")
def csp_true_bounds(csp) :
# Finds minx,miny,maxx,maxy of the csp and return their (x,y,i,j,t)
ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy,x0,y0 = bezmisc.bezierparameterize((csp[i][j-1][1],csp[i][j-1][2],csp[i][j][0],csp[i][j][1]))
### csp_segments_intersection(sp1,sp2,sp3,sp4)
### Returns array containig all intersections between two segmets of cubic
### super path. Results are [ta,tb], or [ta0, ta1, tb0, tb1, "Overlap"]
### where ta, tb are values of t for the intersection point.
i = 0
if det!=0 :
else: break
i += 1
if a==b :
elif depth_a>0 :
elif depth_b>0 :
else : # Both segments have been subdevided enougth. Let's get some intersections :).
if intersection :
if intersection == "Overlap" :
return intersections
res = []
for intersection in intersections :
if (
(len(intersection)==5 and intersection[4] == "Overlap" and (0<=intersection[0]<=1 or 0<=intersection[1]<=1) and (0<=intersection[2]<=1 or 0<=intersection[3]<=1) )
) :
res += [intersection]
return res
# returns a list containning [t1,t2,t3,...,tn], 0<=ti<=1...
tolerance = .0000000001
res = []
for k in range(sample_points) :
i, F = 0, 1e100
try : # some numerical calculation could exceed the limits
t2 = t*t
F1 = (
t -= F/F1
i += 1
for i in res :
if abs(t-i)<=0.001 :
if not abs(t-i)<=0.001 :
return res
tolerance = .0001
F = 0.
i = 0
t = .5
if d != 0 :
Flast = F
F1 = (
if F1!=0:
t -= F/F1
else: break
return t
#curvature = (x'y''-y'x'') / (x'^2+y'^2)^1.5
if d != 0 :
else :
# Use the Lapitals rule to solve 0/0 problem for 2 times...
if depth>0 :
# little hack ;^) hope it wont influence anything...
return 1e100
if c == 0 : return 1e100
else: return 1/c
# special points = curvature == 0
res = []
for i in roots :
i = i.real
return res
def csp_subpath_ccw(subpath):
# Remove all zerro length segments
s = 0
#subpath = subpath[:]
for p in sp1 :
pl = p
return s<0
return [x,y]
total = 0
lengths = []
total += l
def csp_segments(csp):
seg += [ l ]
if l>0 :
return seg,l
# rebuild_csp() adds to csp control points making it's segments looks like segs
if s==None : s, l = csp_segments(csp)
d = None
del segs[d[1]]
if segs[i]<s[j] : break
if s[j]-s[j-1] != 0 :
s = s[:j] + [ s[j-1]*(1-t)+s[j]*t ] + s[j:]
return csp, s
if aa:
roots = cubic_solver(a,b,c,d)
retval = []
for i in roots :
i = i.real
return retval
elif t1 <= 1e-10:
# points is float=t or list [t1, t2, ..., tn]
last_t = 0
for t in points:
if 1e-10<t<1.-1e-10 :
last_t = t
return res
# points are [[i,t]...] where i-segment's number
parts = []
else :
else :
return parts
def arc_from_s_r_n_l(s,r,n,l) :
def arc_from_c_s_l(c,s,l) :
r = point_to_point_d(c,s)
if r == 0 : return []
alpha = l/r
n = [c[0]-s[0],c[1]-s[1]]
return csp_from_arc(s, e, c, r, slope)
# Creates csp that approximise specified arc
r = abs(r)
alpha = (atan2(end[0]-center[0],end[1]-center[1]) - atan2(start[0]-center[0],start[1]-center[1])) % math.pi2
return []
result = []
return result
def point_to_arc_distance(p, arc):
### Distance calculattion from point to arc
dist = None
p = P(p)
if r>0 :
i = c + (p-c).unit()*r
if a*alpha<0:
return (p-i).mag(), [i.x, i.y]
else :
else :
n, i = 10, 0
i += 1
for j in range(n+1):
t = float(j)/n
return d1[0]
def csp_simple_bound_to_point_distance(p, csp):
x,y = p
c = 0
#CLT added test of x in range
for i in range(4):
c +=1
return 0.
min_dist = 1e100
return min_dist
if x==0 : # Lines are parallel
else: return False
else :
return (
if x==0 : # Lines are parallel
res = []
return res
else: return []
else :
else : return []
def point_to_point_d2(a,b):
return (a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2
def point_to_point_d(a,b):
# p1 - point, p2,p3 - line segment
if c1 <= 0 :
return min(
min_dist = 1e100
max_dist = 0.
for i in range(4) :
min_dist = 0.
for i in range(4) :
for j in range(4) :
def csp_reverse(csp) :
n = []
for j in csp[i] :
n = [ [j[2][:],j[1][:],j[0][:]] ] + n
csp[i] = n[:]
return csp
if t == 0 :
else :
elif t == 1 :
else :
else :
return [1.,0.]
def csp_concat_subpaths(*s):
else :
if len(s) == 0 : return []
result = s[0]
for s1 in s[1:]:
return result
result = []
s = csp[i]
intersections = []
for s in splitted_s[:] :
for p in csp_true_bounds([s]) :
if clip :
result += splitted_s
return result
# Appends subpath with line or polyline.
if not prepend :
for p in points :
subpath += [ [p[:],p[:],p[:]] ]
else :
for p in points :
return subpath
def csp_join_subpaths(csp) :
joined_result = []
while done_smf :
j = 0
while j<len(joined_result) :
j += 1
if done_smf :
result = joined_result[:]
joined_result = []
return joined_result
def triangle_cross(a,b,c):
return (a[0]-b[0])*(c[1]-b[1]) - (c[0]-b[0])*(a[1]-b[1])
abc = triangle_cross(a,b,c)
abd = triangle_cross(a,b,d)
bcd = triangle_cross(b,c,d)
cad = triangle_cross(c,a,d)
raise ValueError, "csp_segment_convex_hull happend something that shouldnot happen!"
### Bezier additional functions
return [
def bounds_intersect(a, b) :
return not ( (a[0]>b[2]) or (b[0]>a[2]) or (a[1]>b[3]) or (b[1]>a[3]) )
def bez_to_csp_segment(bez) :
def bez_split(a,t=0.5) :
# returns [d^2,t]
def bez_normalized_slope(bez,t):
### Some vector functions
def normalize((x,y)) :
if l == 0 : return [0.,0.]
else : return [x/l, y/l]
def cross(a,b) :
return a[1] * b[0] - a[0] * b[1]
def dot(a,b) :
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]
def rotate_ccw(d) :
return [-d[1],d[0]]
def rotate_cw(d) :
return [d[1],-d[0]]
def vectors_ccw(a,b):
return a[0]*b[1]-b[0]*a[1] < 0
def vector_add(a,b) :
return [a[0]+b[0],a[1]+b[1]]
def vector_mul(a,b) :
return [a[0]*b,a[1]*b]
def vector_from_to_length(a,b):
### Common functions
def matrix_mul(a,b) :
return [ [ sum([a[i][k]*b[k][j] for k in range(len(a[0])) ]) for j in range(len(b[0]))] for i in range(len(a))]
try :
return [ [ sum([a[i][k]*b[k][j] for k in range(len(a[0])) ]) for j in range(len(b[0]))] for i in range(len(a))]
except :
return None
def transpose(a) :
try :
except :
return None
def det_3x3(a):
return float(
a[0][0]*a[1][1]*a[2][2] + a[0][1]*a[1][2]*a[2][0] + a[1][0]*a[2][1]*a[0][2]
- a[0][2]*a[1][1]*a[2][0] - a[0][0]*a[2][1]*a[1][2] - a[0][1]*a[2][2]*a[1][0]
def inv_3x3(a): # invert matrix 3x3
if det==0: return None
return [
[ (a[1][1]*a[2][2] - a[2][1]*a[1][2])/det, -(a[0][1]*a[2][2] - a[2][1]*a[0][2])/det, (a[0][1]*a[1][2] - a[1][1]*a[0][2])/det ],
[ -(a[1][0]*a[2][2] - a[2][0]*a[1][2])/det, (a[0][0]*a[2][2] - a[2][0]*a[0][2])/det, -(a[0][0]*a[1][2] - a[1][0]*a[0][2])/det ],
[ (a[1][0]*a[2][1] - a[2][0]*a[1][1])/det, -(a[0][0]*a[2][1] - a[2][0]*a[0][1])/det, (a[0][0]*a[1][1] - a[1][0]*a[0][1])/det ]
def inv_2x2(a): # invert matrix 2x2
if det==0: return None
return [
def small(a) :
global small_tolerance
return abs(a)<small_tolerance
else :
value = None
for k in node :
return value
if style == None :
style = "font-family:DejaVu Sans;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-family:DejaVu Sans;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"
'y': str(y),
'style' : style
if gcodetools_tag!=None :
if group == None:
for s in text :
'x': str(x),
'y': str(y),
y += font_size
def draw_csp(csp, stroke = "#f00", fill = "none", comment = "", width = 0.354, group = None, style = None, gcodetools_tag = None) :
if style == None :
'style' : style
if comment != '':
if group == None :
def draw_pointer(x,color = "#f00", figure = "cross", group = None, comment = "", fill=None, width = .1, size = 10., text = None, font_size=None, pointer_type=None, attrib = None) :
if pointer_type == None:
pointer_type = "Pointer"
if group == None:
if text != None :
group = inkex.etree.SubElement( group, inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {"gcodetools": pointer_type+" group"} )
if figure == "line" :
s = ""
s+= " %s, %s " %(x[i*2],x[i*2+1])
attrib.update({"d": "M %s,%s L %s"%(x[0],x[1],s), "style":"fill:none;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%f;"%(color,width),"comment":str(comment)})
elif figure == "arrow" :
fill_opacity = "0.8"
d = "m %s,%s " % (x[0],x[1]) + re.sub("([0-9\-.e]+)",(lambda match: str(float(match.group(1))*size*2.)), "0.88464,-0.40404 c -0.0987,-0.0162 -0.186549,-0.0589 -0.26147,-0.1173 l 0.357342,-0.35625 c 0.04631,-0.039 0.0031,-0.13174 -0.05665,-0.12164 -0.0029,-1.4e-4 -0.0058,-1.4e-4 -0.0087,0 l -2.2e-5,2e-5 c -0.01189,0.004 -0.02257,0.0119 -0.0305,0.0217 l -0.357342,0.35625 c -0.05818,-0.0743 -0.102813,-0.16338 -0.117662,-0.26067 l -0.409636,0.88193 z")
attrib.update({"d": d, "style":"fill:%s;stroke:none;fill-opacity:%s;"%(fill,fill_opacity),"comment":str(comment)})
else :
attrib.update({"d": "m %s,%s l %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f , %f,%f"%(x[0],x[1], size,size, -2*size,-2*size, size,size, size,-size, -2*size,2*size ), "style":"fill:none;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%f;"%(color,width),"comment":str(comment)})
def straight_segments_intersection(a,b, true_intersection = True) : # (True intersection means check ta and tb are in [0,1])
return ("Overlap" if 0<=ta<=1 or 0<=tb<=1 or 0<=tc<=1 or 0<=td<=1 or not true_intersection else False), (ta,tb), (tc,td)
else :
def between(c,x,y):
return x-straight_tolerance<=c<=y+straight_tolerance or y-straight_tolerance<=c<=x+straight_tolerance
def cubic_solver_real(a,b,c,d):
# returns only real roots of a cubic equation.
roots = cubic_solver(a,b,c,d)
res = []
else :
return res
def cubic_solver(a,b,c,d):
if a!=0:
# Monics formula see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function#Monic_formula_of_roots
a,b,c = (b/a, c/a, d/a)
m = 2*a**3 - 9*a*b + 27*c
k = a**2 - 3*b
n = m**2 - 4*k**3
if n>=0 :
else :
elif b!=0:
if det>0 :
elif d == 0 :
return [-c/(b*b)]
else :
elif c!=0 :
return [-d/c]
else : return []
### print_ prints any arguments into specified log file
for s in arg :
f.write( s )
### Point (x,y) operations
class P:
if not y==None:
if isinstance(other, P):
if h: return self / h
else: return P(0,0)
class Arc():
self.c = P(c)
if self.a>0 :
r += self.r
else :
r = self.r - r
if self.r != 0 :
self.r = r
a = self.a * reverse_angle
r = (st-c)
r = r.mag()
if a<0:
attr = {
'style': style,
"gcodetools": "Preview",
if transform != [] :
return []
class Line():
if self.l != 0 :
"gcodetools": "Preview",
if transform != [] :
if x == 0 :
# lines are parallel
res = []
# lines are the same
if v1.x != 0 :
else :
return res
else :
else : return []
else: return []
class Biarc:
if items == None :
def l(self) :
# offset each element
i = a.intersect(b)
for p in i :
def clip_offset(self):
global gcodetools
for i in [0,1]:
if group==None:
gcodetools.preview_groups = { layer: inkex.etree.SubElement( gcodetools.layers[min(1,len(gcodetools.layers)-1)], inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {"gcodetools": "Preview group"} ) }
gcodetools.preview_groups[layer] = inkex.etree.SubElement( gcodetools.layers[min(1,len(gcodetools.layers)-1)], inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {"gcodetools": "Preview group"} )
if transform != [] :
a,b,c = [0.,0.], [1.,0.], [0.,1.]
k = (b[0]-a[0])*(c[1]-a[1])-(c[0]-a[0])*(b[1]-a[1])
a,b,c = gcodetools.transform(a, layer, True), gcodetools.transform(b, layer, True), gcodetools.transform(c, layer, True)
else : reverse_angle = 1
num = 0
num += 1
#if num>1 : break
#Crve defenitnion [start point, type = {'arc','line','move','end'}, arc center, arc angle, end point, [zstart, zend]]
### Offset function
### This function offsets given cubic super path.
### It's based on src/livarot/PathOutline.cpp from Inkscape's source code.
def csp_offset(csp, r) :
offset_tolerance = 0.05
print_("Offset radius %s"% r)
result = []
if t[0]>.00000001 : t = [0.]+t
if (c>1/r and r<0 or c<1/r and r>0) :
else : # This part will be clipped for sure... TODO Optimize it...
if result==[] :
if intersection != [] :
else :
pass # ???
#raise ValueError, "Offset curvature clipping error"
return result
# See Gernot Hoffmann "Bezier Curves" p.34 -> 7.1 Bezier Offset Curves
if intersection != [] :
if _break:break
if _break :
else :
return []
if intersection != [] :
# Offsets do not intersect... will add an arc...
if arc == [] :
# Clip prev by arc
if intersection != [] :
#else : raise ValueError, "Offset curvature clipping error"
# Clip next by arc
if next == [] :
if intersection != [] :
#else : raise ValueError, "Offset curvature clipping error"
csp_seg_to_point_distance(sp1_r,sp2_r, (P(csp_at_t(sp1,sp2,.25)) + P(csp_normalized_normal(sp1,sp2,.25))*r).to_list())[0],
csp_seg_to_point_distance(sp1_r,sp2_r, (P(csp_at_t(sp1,sp2,.50)) + P(csp_normalized_normal(sp1,sp2,.50))*r).to_list())[0],
csp_seg_to_point_distance(sp1_r,sp2_r, (P(csp_at_t(sp1,sp2,.75)) + P(csp_normalized_normal(sp1,sp2,.75))*r).to_list())[0],
#print_(csp_seg_to_point_distance(sp1_r,sp2_r, (P(csp_at_t(sp1,sp2,.25)) + P(csp_normalized_normal(sp1,sp2,.25))*r).to_list())[0], tolerance)
else :
t = .5
else :
#draw_pointer(sp1[1]+sp1_r[1], "#057", "line")
#draw_pointer(sp2[1]+sp2_r[1], "#705", "line")
# Some small definitions
# Prepare the path
# Remove all small segments (segment length < 0.001)
# TODO Get rid of self intersections.
original_csp = csp[:]
# Clip segments which has curvature>1/r. Because their offset will be selfintersecting and very nasty.
# Offset
# Create offsets for all segments in the path. And join them together inside each subpath.
subpath_offset = []
last_offset_len = 0
if subpath_offset == [] :
else :
# Join last and first offsets togother to close the curve
prev, arc, next = csp_join_offsets(subpath_offset[-prev_l:], subpath_offset[:2], subpath[0], subpath[1], sp1_l,sp2_l, r)
# Collect subpath's offset and save it to unclipped offset list.
unclipped_offset[i] = subpath_offset[:]
#for k,t in intersection[i]:
# draw_pointer(csp_at_t(subpath_offset[k-1], subpath_offset[k], t))
#inkex.etree.SubElement( options.doc_root, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), {"d": cubicsuperpath.formatPath(unclipped_offset), "style":"fill:none;stroke:#0f0;"} )
#for i in range(len(unclipped_offset)):
# draw_csp([unclipped_offset[i]], color = ["Green","Red","Blue"][i%3], width = .1)
#return []
# Now to the clipping.
# First of all find all intersection's between all segments of all offseted subpaths, including self intersections.
#TODO define offset tolerance here
global small_tolerance
small_tolerance = 0.01
summ = 0
summ1 = 0
# If subpath_i==subpath_j we are looking for self intersections, so
# we'll need search intersections only for xrange(i,len(subpath1))
# Find self intersections of a segment
summ +=1
for t in intersections :
summ1 += 1
else :
summ +=1
for t in intersections :
summ1 += 1
#TODO tolerance dependence to cpsp_length(t)
# Split unclipped offset by intersection points into splitted_offset
splitted_offset = []
subpath = unclipped_offset[i]
# Close parts list to close path (The first and the last parts are joined together)
splitted_offset += parts[:]
else :
splitted_offset += [subpath[:]]
#for i in range(len(splitted_offset)):
# draw_csp([splitted_offset[i]], color = ["Green","Red","Blue"][i%3])
# Clipping
result = []
if (P(s1[0][1])-P(s2[-1][1])).l2()<0.0001 and ( (subpath_i+1) % len(splitted_offset) != subpath_j ):
if (P(s2[0][1])-P(s1[-1][1])).l2()<0.0001 and ( (subpath_j+1) % len(splitted_offset) != subpath_i ):
if not clip :
elif options.offset_draw_clippend_path :
(P(csp_at_t(s2[-2],s2[-1],1.))+ P(csp_normalized_normal(s2[-2],s2[-1],1.))*10).to_list(),"Green", "line" )
# Now join all together and check closure and orientation of result
# Check if each subpath from joined_result is closed
for s in joined_result[:] :
if csp_subpaths_end_to_start_distance2(s,s) > 0.001 :
# Remove open parts
else :
# Remove small parts
# Now to the Dummy cliping: remove parts from splitted offset if their
# centers are closer to the original path than offset radius.
for s in joined_result[:]:
dist = csp_to_point_distance(original_csp, s[int(len(s)/2)][1], dist_bounds = [r1,r2], tolerance = .000001)
draw_pointer(csp_at_t(csp[dist[1]][dist[2]-1],csp[dist[1]][dist[2]],dist[3])+s[int(len(s)/2)][1],"blue", "line", comment = [math.sqrt(dist[0]),i,j,sp] )
return joined_result
### Biarc function
### Calculates biarc approximation of cubic super path segment
### splits segment if needed or approximates it with straight line
# Both tangents are zerro - line straight
tang_are_parallel = ((tsa-tea)%math.pi<straight_tolerance or math.pi-(tsa-tea)%math.pi<straight_tolerance )
if ( tang_are_parallel and
((v.mag()<straight_distance_tolerance or TE.mag()<straight_distance_tolerance or TS.mag()<straight_distance_tolerance) or
# Both tangents are parallel and start and end are the same - line straight
# or one of tangents still smaller then tollerance
# Both tangents and v are parallel - line straight
if v.mag()==0:
elif not asmall:
discr = b*b-4*a*c
return None, None
else :
return R, alpha
if R1==None or R2==None or (R1-P0).mag()<straight_tolerance or (R2-P2).mag()<straight_tolerance : return [ [sp1[1],'line', 0, 0, sp2[1], [z1,z2]] ]
if d > options.biarc_tolerance and depth<options.biarc_max_split_depth : return biarc_split(sp1, sp2, z1, z2, depth)
# arc should be straight otherwise it could be threated as full circle
else :
# arc should be straight otherwise it could be threated as full circle
else :
return 0
# get first subcurve and ceck it's length
lc = 0
if (subcurve[-1][4][0]-subcurve[0][0][0])**2 + (subcurve[-1][4][1]-subcurve[0][0][1])**2 < 10**-7 : subcurve_closed = True
i = 0
while lc<l :
if reverse :
seg = [seg[4], "line", 0 , 0, seg[0], seg[5]] # Hmmm... Do we have to swap seg[5][0] and seg[5][1] (zstart and zend) or not?
seg = [seg[4], "arc", seg[2] , -seg[3], seg[0], seg[5]] # Hmmm... Do we have to swap seg[5][0] and seg[5][1] (zstart and zend) or not?
if ls != 0 :
else :
res += [[ seg[0], "line", 0, 0, [(seg[4][0]-seg[0][0])/ls*(l-lc),(seg[4][1]-seg[0][1])/ls*(l-lc)], [seg[5][0],seg[5][1]/ls*(l-lc)] ]]
i += 1
return res
class Postprocessor():
for s in command:
s = s.strip()
if s!="" :
if not r:
else :
self.error("Unrecognized function '%s' while postprocessing.\n(Command: '%s')"%(function,command), "error")
try :
self.error("Bad parameters for regexp. They should be as re.sub pattern and replacement parameters! For example: r\"G0(\d)\", r\"G\\1\" \n(Parameters: '%s')\n %s"%(parameters, ex), "error")
# remap parameters should be like "x->y,y->x"
for s in parameters:
if not r :
if case_sensitive :
else :
gcode = ""
warned = []
plane = "g17"
# get plane selection:
if r :
# Raise warning if scale factors are not the game for G02 and G03
if r :
if plane == "g17" and scale[0]!=scale[1]: self.error("Post-processor: Scale factors for X and Y axis are not the same. G02 and G03 codes will be corrupted.","warning")
if plane == "g18" and scale[0]!=scale[2]: self.error("Post-processor: Scale factors for X and Z axis are not the same. G02 and G03 codes will be corrupted.","warning")
if plane == "g19" and scale[1]!=scale[2]: self.error("Post-processor: Scale factors for Y and Z axis are not the same. G02 and G03 codes will be corrupted.","warning")
# Transform
for a in axis[i] :
s = re.sub(r"(?i)("+a+r")\s*(-?)\s*(\d*\.?\d*)", r"\1 %f"%(float(r.group(2)+r.group(3))*scale[i]+(move[i] if a not in ["i","j","k"] else 0) ), s)
#scale radius R
if r_scale != 1 :
gcode += s + "\n"
if flip :
planes = []
feeds = {}
coords = []
gcode = ""
# get Planes
if r :
# get Feeds
if r :
for c in "xyzijka" :
if r :
if c not in coords :
coords += [c]
# Add offset parametrization
for c in coords:
# Add scale parametrization
gcode += "#10 = 1 (Scale factor)\n"
else :
if "g17" in planes :
if "g18" in planes :
if "g19" in planes :
# Add a scale
if "a" in coords:
gcode += "#12 = 1 (A axis scale)\n"
# Add feed parametrization
for f in feeds :
# Parameterize Gcode
#feed replace :
#Coords XYZA replace
for c in "xyza" :
#Coords IJKR replace
for c in "ijkr" :
gcode += s + "\n"
except :
self.error("Bad parameters for round. Round should be an integer! \n(Parameters: '%s')"%(parameters), "error")
gcode = ""
for a in "xyzijkaf" :
if r :
gcode += s + "\n"
try :
self.error("Bad parameters for scale. Scale should not be 0 at any axis! \n(Parameters: '%s')"%(parameters), "error")
except :
try :
except :
for p in parameters:
if p in [","," "," ","\r","'",'"'] : continue
if p not in ["x","y","z","a"] :
self.error("Bad parameters for flip_axis. Parameter should be string consists of 'xyza' \n(Parameters: '%s')"%(parameters), "error")
### Polygon class
class Polygon:
for p in poly :
return b[2]-b[0]
# Polygon is a list of simple polygons
# Surface is a polygon + line y = 0
# Direction is [dx,dy]
centroids = []
sa = 0
a *= 3.
if abs(a)>0 :
cx /= a
cy /= a
for c in centroids :
# Polygon is a list of simple polygons
# Surface is a polygon + line y = 0
# Down means min y (0,-1)
# Get surface top point
# Get polygon bottom point
# Now get shortest distance from surface to polygon in positive x=0 direction
# Such distance = min(distance(vertex, edge)...) where edge from surface and
# vertex from polygon and vice versa...
dist = 1e300
# and vice versa just change the sign because vertex now under the edge
#print_(dist, top, bottom)
else :
def point_inside(self,p) :
if st[0]>end[0] : st, end = end, st # This will be needed to check that edge if open only at rigth end
if c<0 :
return True
return inside
# Add vertices at all self intersection points.
hull = []
poly_ = []
poly_ += [s]
# Check self intersections
for p in int_ :
poly_ += [p]
# Check self intersections with other polys
for p in int_ :
poly_ += [p]
# Create the dictionary containing all edges in both directions
edges = {}
if (point_to_point_d2(e,s)<0.000001) : continue
for p in edges :
if point_to_point_d2(p,s)<0.000001 :
s = p
if point_to_point_d2(p,e)<0.000001 :
e = p
l = point_to_point_d(s,e)
edges[s] = [ [s,e,l] ]
edges[e] = [ [e,s,l] ]
else :
if e in edges :
edges[e] += [ [e,s,l] ]
else :
edges[e] = [ [e,s,l] ]
if s in edges :
edges[s] += [ [s,e, l] ]
else :
edges[s] = [ [s,e,l] ]
# quadrants are (0,pi/2], (pi/2,pi], (pi,3*pi/2], (3*pi/2, 2*pi], i.e. 0 is in the 4-th quadrant
# 0 = 2*pi is the largest angle
return False
return True
# Last edge is normalized vector of the last edge.
for p in edges:
#draw_pointer(list(p[0])+[p[0][0]+last_edge[0]*40,p[0][1]+last_edge[1]*40], "Red", "line", width=1)
#draw_pointer(list(p[0])+[p[0][0]+cur[0]*40,p[0][1]+cur[1]*40], "Orange", "line", width=1, comment = [sin,cos])
#print_("cos, sin=",cos,sin)
next = p
return next
# Join edges together into new polygon cutting the vertexes inside new polygon
loops = 0
poly = []
# Find left most vertex.
loops1 = 0
loops1 += 1
#draw_pointer(next[0]+next[1],"Green","line", comment=i, width= 1)
# Remove all edges that are intersects new poly (any vertex inside new poly)
class Arangement_Genetic:
# gene = [fittness, order, rotation, xposition]
# spieces = [gene]*shapes count
# population = [spieces]
self.population = []
specimen = []
for j in order:
# retun distance, each component is normalized
s = 0
s += ((sp1[j][0]-sp2[j][0])/self.genes_count)**2 + (( sp1[j][1]-sp2[j][1]))**2 + ((sp1[j][2]-sp2[j][2]))**2
return s
# Define similarity as a simple distance between two points in len(gene)*len(spiece) -th dimentions
# for sp2 in top_spieces sum(|sp1-sp2|)/top_count
sim = 0
t = []
for j in range(20) :
#del self.population[0]
#for c in range(count-1) :
# rank = []
# for i in range(len(self.population)) :
# sim = self.similarity(self.population[i][1],res)
# rank += [ [self.population[i][0] / sim if sim>0 else 1e100,i] ]
# rank.sort()
# res += [ copy.deepcopy(self.population[rank[0][1]]) ]
# print_(rank[0],self.population[rank[0][1]][0])
# print_(res[-1])
# del self.population[rank[0][1]]
genes_order = []
# OMG it's a incest :O!!!
# Damn you bastards!
else :
# if random.random()<.01 : print_(self.species_distance2(parent1, parent2))
end_gene = (max(1,random.randint(0,self.genes_count),int(self.genes_count/4))+start_gene) % self.genes_count
if end_gene<start_gene :
#rotation_mutate_param = random.random()/100
#xposition_mutate_param = random.random()/100
specimen[i] = [parent1[i][0], parent1[i][1]*tr+parent2[i][1]*(1-tr),parent1[i][2]*tp+parent2[i][2]*(1-tp)]
j = i
specimen[i] = [parent2[j][0], parent1[i][1]*tr+parent2[i][1]*(1-tr),parent1[i][2]*tp+parent2[i][2]*(1-tp)]
for i in range(random.randint(self.mutation_genes_count[0],self.mutation_genes_count[0]*self.incest_mutation_count_multiplyer )) :
for p in spiece :
return surface
for p in spiece[1:] :
return surface
def test_inline(self) :
### Fast test function using weave's from scipy inline function
try :
converters is None
except :
options.self.error("For this function Scipy is needed. See http://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools for details.","error")
# Prepare vars
for subpoly in p :
test_ = []
population_ = []
population_ += sp
s = ''
['points_','subpoly_','poly_', 'lp_', 'ls_', 'l_', 'lt_','test_', 'population_'],
### Gcodetools class
if not no_headers :
### TODO move it to the bottom
def plasma_prepare_path(self) :
if not end :
# r is needed only for be compatible with add_arc
if not end :
# r is needed only for be compatible with add_arc
if not end :
if not self.options.in_out_path and not self.options.plasma_prepare_corners and self.options.in_out_path_do_not_add_reference_point:
self.error("Warning! Extenstion is not said to do anything! Enable one of Create in-out paths or Prepare corners checkboxes or disable Do not add in-out referense point!")
# Add in-out-reference point if there is no one yet.
add_func = {"Round":add_arc, "Perpendicular": add_normal, "Tangent": add_tangent}[self.options.in_out_path_type]
if self.options.in_out_path_type == "Round" and self.options.in_out_path_len > self.options.in_out_path_radius*3/2*math.pi :
if self.selected_paths == {}:
res = []
# Find closes point to in-out reference point
# If subpath is open skip this step
# split and reverse path for further add in-out points
d = [1e100,1,1,1.]
for p in self.in_out_reference_points :
d = d1[:]
p_ = p
# Lets find is there any angles near this point to put in-out path in
# the angle if it's possible
# remove last node to make iterations easier
del subpath[-1]
max_cross = [-1e100, None]
# return back last point
# there's an angle near the point
j = max_cross[1]
if j<0 : j -= 1
if j!=0 :
else :
# have to cut path's segment
d,i,j,t = d
# prepare corners
# find corners and add some nodes
# got a corner to process
res_ += [
# finally add let's add in-out paths...
### Arrangement: arranges paths by givven params
### TODO move it to the bottom
def arrangement(self) :
polygons = []
original_paths = []
#print_("Redused edges count from", sum([len(poly) for poly in polygon.polygon ]) )
original_paths += [path]
print_("Got %s polygons having average %s edges each."% ( len(polygons), float(sum([ sum([len(poly) for poly in polygon.polygon]) for polygon in polygons ])) / len(polygons) ) )
# material_width = self.options.arrangement_material_width
# population = Arangement_Genetic(polygons, material_width)
# population.add_random_species(1)
# population.test_population_centroid()
## return
last_champ = -1
champions_count = 0
for i in range(population_count):
randomize = i%100 < 40
if i%100 < 40 :
if 40<= i%100 < 100 :
population.mutation_genes_count = [1,max(2,int(population.genes_count/4))] #[1,max(2,int(population.genes_count/2))] if 40<=i%100<60 else [1,max(2,int(population.genes_count/10))]
population.move_mutation_multiplier = 1. if 40<=i%100<80 else .1
population.move_mutation_factor = (-(i%100)/30+10/3) if 50<=i%100<100 else .5
population.order_mutation_factor = 1./(i%100-79) if 80<=i%100<100 else 1.
population.populate_species(250, 10)
colors = ["blue"]
draw_text("Step = %s\nSquare = %f\nSquare improvement = %f\nTime from start = %f"%(i,(b[2]-b[0])*(b[3]-b[1]),improve,time.time()-start_time),x,y-50)
champions_count += 1
spiece = population.population[0][1]
poly = Polygon(copy.deepcopy(population.polygons[spiece[0][0]].polygon))
surface = Polygon(poly.polygon)
poly.draw(width = 2, color= "Violet")
for p in spiece[1:] :
poly = Polygon(copy.deepcopy(population.polygons[p[0]].polygon))
direction = [math.cos(p[1]*math.pi2), -math.sin(p[1]*math.pi2)]
c = surface.centroid()
c1 = poly.centroid()
c = surface.centroid()
c1 = poly.centroid()
poly.draw(width = 5, color= "Violet")
direction = normalize(direction)
sin,cos = direction[0], direction[1]
# poly.draw(color = "Violet",width=4)
surface.draw(color = "Orange",width=4)
# Now we'll need apply transforms to original paths
self.OptionParser.add_option("-d", "--directory", action="store", type="string", dest="directory", default="/home/", help="Directory for gcode file")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-f", "--filename", action="store", type="string", dest="file", default="-1.0", help="File name")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--add-numeric-suffix-to-filename", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="add_numeric_suffix_to_filename", default=True,help="Add numeric suffix to filename")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--Zscale", action="store", type="float", dest="Zscale", default="1.0", help="Scale factor Z")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--Zoffset", action="store", type="float", dest="Zoffset", default="0.0", help="Offset along Z")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-s", "--Zsafe", action="store", type="float", dest="Zsafe", default="0.5", help="Z above all obstacles")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-z", "--Zsurface", action="store", type="float", dest="Zsurface", default="0.0", help="Z of the surface")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-c", "--Zdepth", action="store", type="float", dest="Zdepth", default="-0.125", help="Z depth of cut")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--Zstep", action="store", type="float", dest="Zstep", default="-0.125", help="Z step of cutting")
self.OptionParser.add_option("-p", "--feed", action="store", type="float", dest="feed", default="4.0", help="Feed rate in unit/min")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--biarc-tolerance", action="store", type="float", dest="biarc_tolerance", default="1", help="Tolerance used when calculating biarc interpolation.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--biarc-max-split-depth", action="store", type="int", dest="biarc_max_split_depth", default="4", help="Defines maximum depth of splitting while approximating using biarcs.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--path-to-gcode-order", action="store", type="string", dest="path_to_gcode_order", default="path by path", help="Defines cutting order path by path or layer by layer.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--path-to-gcode-depth-function",action="store", type="string", dest="path_to_gcode_depth_function", default="zd", help="Path to gcode depth function.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--path-to-gcode-sort-paths", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="path_to_gcode_sort_paths", default=True, help="Sort paths to reduse rapid distance.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--comment-gcode", action="store", type="string", dest="comment_gcode", default="", help="Comment Gcode")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--comment-gcode-from-properties",action="store", type="inkbool", dest="comment_gcode_from_properties", default=False,help="Get additional comments from Object Properties")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--tool-diameter", action="store", type="float", dest="tool_diameter", default="3", help="Tool diameter used for area cutting")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--max-area-curves", action="store", type="int", dest="max_area_curves", default="100", help="Maximum area curves for each area")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--area-inkscape-radius", action="store", type="float", dest="area_inkscape_radius", default="0", help="Area curves overlaping (depends on tool diameter [0,0.9])")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--area-tool-overlap", action="store", type="float", dest="area_tool_overlap", default="-10", help="Radius for preparing curves using inkscape")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--unit", action="store", type="string", dest="unit", default="G21 (All units in mm)", help="Units")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--active-tab", action="store", type="string", dest="active_tab", default="", help="Defines which tab is active")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--area-fill-angle", action="store", type="float", dest="area_fill_angle", default="0", help="Fill area with lines heading this angle")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--area-fill-shift", action="store", type="float", dest="area_fill_shift", default="0", help="Shift the lines by tool d * shift")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--area-fill-method", action="store", type="string", dest="area_fill_method", default="zig-zag", help="Filling method either zig-zag or spiral")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--area-find-artefacts-diameter",action="store", type="float", dest="area_find_artefacts_diameter", default="1", help="Artefacts seeking radius")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--area-find-artefacts-action", action="store", type="string", dest="area_find_artefacts_action", default="mark with an arrow", help="Artefacts action type")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--auto_select_paths", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="auto_select_paths", default=True, help="Select all paths if nothing is selected.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--loft-distances", action="store", type="string", dest="loft_distances", default="10", help="Distances between paths.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--loft-direction", action="store", type="string", dest="loft_direction", default="crosswise", help="Direction of loft's interpolation.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--loft-interpolation-degree", action="store", type="float", dest="loft_interpolation_degree", default="2", help="Which interpolation use to loft the paths smooth interpolation or staright.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--min-arc-radius", action="store", type="float", dest="min_arc_radius", default=".1", help="All arc having radius less than minimum will be considered as straight line")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--engraving-sharp-angle-tollerance",action="store", type="float", dest="engraving_sharp_angle_tollerance", default="150", help="All angles thar are less than engraving-sharp-angle-tollerance will be thought sharp")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--engraving-max-dist", action="store", type="float", dest="engraving_max_dist", default="10", help="Distanse from original path where engraving is not needed (usualy it's cutting tool diameter)")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--engraving-newton-iterations", action="store", type="int", dest="engraving_newton_iterations", default="4", help="Number of sample points used to calculate distance")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--engraving-draw-calculation-paths",action="store", type="inkbool", dest="engraving_draw_calculation_paths", default=False, help="Draw additional graphics to debug engraving path")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--engraving-cutter-shape-function",action="store", type="string", dest="engraving_cutter_shape_function", default="w", help="Cutter shape function z(w). Ex. cone: w. ")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--lathe-width", action="store", type="float", dest="lathe_width", default=10., help="Lathe width")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--lathe-fine-cut-width", action="store", type="float", dest="lathe_fine_cut_width", default=1., help="Fine cut width")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--lathe-fine-cut-count", action="store", type="int", dest="lathe_fine_cut_count", default=1., help="Fine cut count")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--lathe-create-fine-cut-using", action="store", type="string", dest="lathe_create_fine_cut_using", default="Move path", help="Create fine cut using")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--lathe-x-axis-remap", action="store", type="string", dest="lathe_x_axis_remap", default="X", help="Lathe X axis remap")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--lathe-z-axis-remap", action="store", type="string", dest="lathe_z_axis_remap", default="Z", help="Lathe Z axis remap")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--lathe-rectangular-cutter-width",action="store", type="float", dest="lathe_rectangular_cutter_width", default="4", help="Rectangular cutter width")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--create-log", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="log_create_log", default=False, help="Create log files")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--log-filename", action="store", type="string", dest="log_filename", default='', help="Create log files")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--orientation-points-count", action="store", type="string", dest="orientation_points_count", default="2", help="Orientation points count")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--tools-library-type", action="store", type="string", dest="tools_library_type", default='cylinder cutter', help="Create tools definition")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--dxfpoints-action", action="store", type="string", dest="dxfpoints_action", default='replace', help="dxfpoint sign toggle")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--help-language", action="store", type="string", dest="help_language", default='http://www.cnc-club.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=35', help="Open help page in webbrowser.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--offset-radius", action="store", type="float", dest="offset_radius", default=10., help="Offset radius")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--offset-step", action="store", type="float", dest="offset_step", default=10., help="Offset step")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--offset-draw-clippend-path", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="offset_draw_clippend_path", default=False, help="Draw clipped path")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--offset-just-get-distance", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="offset_just_get_distance", default=False, help="Don't do offset just get distance")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--arrangement-material-width", action="store", type="float", dest="arrangement_material_width", default=500, help="Materials width for arrangement")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--arrangement-population-count",action="store", type="int", dest="arrangement_population_count", default=100, help="Genetic algorithm populations count")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--arrangement-inline-test", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="arrangement_inline_test", default=False, help="Use C-inline test (some additional packets will be needed)")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--postprocessor", action="store", type="string", dest="postprocessor", default='', help="Postprocessor command.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--postprocessor-custom", action="store", type="string", dest="postprocessor_custom", default='', help="Postprocessor custom command.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--graffiti-max-seg-length", action="store", type="float", dest="graffiti_max_seg_length", default=1., help="Graffiti maximum segment length.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--graffiti-min-radius", action="store", type="float", dest="graffiti_min_radius", default=10., help="Graffiti minimal connector's radius.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--graffiti-start-pos", action="store", type="string", dest="graffiti_start_pos", default="(0;0)", help="Graffiti Start position (x;y).")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--graffiti-create-linearization-preview", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="graffiti_create_linearization_preview", default=True, help="Graffiti create linearization preview.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--graffiti-create-preview", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="graffiti_create_preview", default=True, help="Graffiti create preview.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--graffiti-preview-size", action="store", type="int", dest="graffiti_preview_size", default=800, help="Graffiti preview's size.")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--graffiti-preview-emmit", action="store", type="int", dest="graffiti_preview_emmit", default=800, help="Preview's paint emmit (pts/s).")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--in-out-path", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="in_out_path", default=True, help="Create in-out paths")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--in-out-path-do-not-add-reference-point", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="in_out_path_do_not_add_reference_point", default=False, help="Just add reference in-out point")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--in-out-path-point-max-dist", action="store", type="float", dest="in_out_path_point_max_dist", default=10., help="In-out path max distance to reference point")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--in-out-path-type", action="store", type="string", dest="in_out_path_type", default="Round", help="In-out path type")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--in-out-path-len", action="store", type="float", dest="in_out_path_len", default=10., help="In-out path length")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--in-out-path-replace-original-path",action="store", type="inkbool", dest="in_out_path_replace_original_path", default=False, help="Replace original path")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--in-out-path-radius", action="store", type="float", dest="in_out_path_radius", default=10., help="In-out path radius for round path")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--plasma-prepare-corners", action="store", type="inkbool", dest="plasma_prepare_corners", default=True, help="Prepare corners")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--plasma-prepare-corners-distance", action="store", type="float", dest="plasma_prepare_corners_distance", default=10.,help="Stepout distance for corners")
self.OptionParser.add_option("", "--plasma-prepare-corners-tolerance", action="store", type="float", dest="plasma_prepare_corners_tolerance", default=10.,help="Maximum angle for corner (0-180 deg)")
self.default_tool = {
"name": "Default tool",
"id": "default tool",
"shape": "10",
"penetration angle":90.,
"penetration feed":100.,
"depth step":1.,
"in trajectotry":"",
"out trajectotry":"",
"gcode before path":"",
"gcode after path":"",
"spinlde rpm":"",
"CW or CCW":"",
"tool change gcode":" ",
"4th axis meaning": " ",
"4th axis scale": 1.,
"4th axis offset": 0.,
"passing feed":"800",
"fine feed":"800",
'penetration angle',
'penetration feed',
"passing feed",
'depth step',
"in trajectotry",
"out trajectotry",
"gcode before path",
"gcode after path",
"spinlde rpm",
"CW or CCW",
"tool change gcode",
c = []
if len(p)==0 :
return []
### Sort to reduce Rapid distance
keys = [0]
while len(k)>0:
dist = None
del k[dist[1]]
for k in keys:
subpath = p[k]
# l1 = biarc(sp1,sp2,0,0) if w==None else biarc(sp1,sp2,-f(w[k][i-1]),-f(w[k][i]))
# print_((-f(w[k][i-1]),-f(w[k][i]), [i1[5] for i1 in l1]) )
return c
### Draw csp
def draw_csp(self, csp, layer=None, group=None, fill='none', stroke='#178ade', width=0.354, style=None):
if layer!=None :
if style!=None :
else :
for i in [0,1]:
if group==None:
self.preview_groups = { layer: inkex.etree.SubElement( self.layers[min(1,len(self.layers)-1)], inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {"gcodetools": "Preview group"} ) }
self.preview_groups[layer] = inkex.etree.SubElement( self.layers[min(1,len(self.layers)-1)], inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {"gcodetools": "Preview group"} )
if transform != [] :
a,b,c = [0.,0.], [1.,0.], [0.,1.]
k = (b[0]-a[0])*(c[1]-a[1])-(c[0]-a[0])*(b[1]-a[1])
a,b,c = self.transform(a, layer, True), self.transform(b, layer, True), self.transform(c, layer, True)
else : reverse_angle = -1
si[0], si[2] = self.transform(si[0], layer, True), (self.transform(si[2], layer, True) if type(si[2])==type([]) and len(si[2])==2 else si[2])
if s!='':
if s[1] == 'line':
"gcodetools": "Preview",
if transform != [] :
elif s[1] == 'arc':
arcn += 1
sp = s[0]
c = s[2]
if s[3]*a<0:
if a>0:
attr = {
'style': st,
"gcodetools": "Preview",
if transform != [] :
s = si
else :
self.error(_("Directory does not exist! Please specify existing directory at Preferences tab!"),"error")
return False
ext = ""
max_n = 0
for s in dir_list :
if r :
else :
self.error(_("Can not write to specified file!\n%s"%(self.options.directory+self.options.file)),"error")
return False
return True
### Generate Gcode
### Generates Gcode on given curve.
### Curve definition [start point, type = {'arc','line','move','end'}, arc center, arc angle, end point, [zstart, zend]]
g = ""
def c(c):
if c[5] == 0 : c[5]=None
m,a = [1,1,self.options.Zscale*Zauto_scale,1,1,self.options.Zscale*Zauto_scale], [0,0,self.options.Zoffset,0,0,0]
r = ''
for i in range(6):
if c[i]!=None:
r += s[i] + ("%f" % (c[i]*m[i]+a[i])) + s1[i]
return r
def calculate_angle(a, current_a):
return min(
try :
self.last_used_tool == None
except :
self.last_used_tool = None
print_("working on curve")
g += ( "(Change tool to %s)\n" % re.sub("\"'\(\)\\\\"," ",tool["name"]) ) + tool["tool change gcode"] + "\n"
current_a = 0
# Creating Gcode for curve between s=curve[i-1] and si=curve[i] start at s[0] end at s[4]=si[0]
if s[1] == 'move':
lg = 'G00'
elif s[1] == 'end':
lg = 'G00'
elif s[1] == 'line':
a = calculate_angle(a, current_a)
current_a = a
lg = 'G01'
elif s[1] == 'arc':
r = [(s[2][0]-s[0][0]), (s[2][1]-s[0][1])]
if s[3]<0 : # CW
else: #CCW
current_a = a
else : axis4 = ""
g += ("G02" if s[3]<0 else "G03") + c(si[0]+[ s[5][1]+depth, (s[2][0]-s[0][0]),(s[2][1]-s[0][1]) ]) + feed + axis4 + "\n"
lg = 'G02'
a = calculate_angle(a, current_a)
current_a = a
lg = 'G01'
return g
def get_transforms(self,g):
trans = []
while (g!=root):
if 'transform' in g.keys():
t = g.get('transform')
t = simpletransform.parseTransform(t)
return trans
return trans
else :
return transform
if trans != []:
if not reverse :
else :
return csp
self.error(_("Orientation points for '%s' layer have not been found! Please add orientation points using Orientation tab!") % layer.get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')),"no_orientation_points")
else :
self.error(_("There are more than one orientation point groups in '%s' layer") % orientation_layer.get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')),"more_than_one_orientation_point_groups")
points += [ [ [(points[1][0][1]-points[0][0][1])+points[0][0][0], -(points[1][0][0]-points[0][0][0])+points[0][0][1]], [-(points[1][1][1]-points[0][1][1])+points[0][1][0], points[1][1][0]-points[0][1][0]+points[0][1][1]] ] ]
# Zcoordinates definition taken from Orientatnion point 1 and 2
self.Zcoordinates[layer] = [max(points[0][1][2],points[1][1][2]), min(points[0][1][2],points[1][1][2])]
[[points[0][1][0]], [points[0][1][1]], [1], [points[1][1][0]], [points[1][1][1]], [1], [points[2][1][0]], [points[2][1][1]], [1]]
else :
self.error(_("Orientation points are wrong! (if there are two orientation points they should not be the same. If there are three orientation points they should not be in a straight line.)"),"wrong_orientation_points")
else :
self.error(_("Orientation points are wrong! (if there are two orientation points they should not be the same. If there are three orientation points they should not be in a straight line.)"),"wrong_orientation_points")
###self.Zauto_scale[layer] = math.sqrt( (self.transform_matrix[layer][0][0]**2 + self.transform_matrix[layer][1][1]**2)/2 )
### Zautoscale is absolete
if not reverse :
else :
return [t[0][0]*x+t[0][1]*y+t[0][2], t[1][0]*x+t[1][1]*y+t[1][2]]
csp = [ [ [csp_[i][j][0][:],csp_[i][j][1][:],csp_[i][j][2][:]] for j in range(len(csp_[i])) ] for i in range(len(csp_)) ]
return csp
### Errors handling function, notes are just printed into Logfile,
### warnings are printed into log file and warning message is displayed but
### extension continues working, errors causes log and execution is halted
### Notes, warnings adn errors could be assigned to space or comma or dot
### sepparated strings (case is ignoreg).
notes = "Note "
warnings = """
Warning tools_warning
errors = """
s = str(s)
else :
### Set markers
def set_markers(self) :
# Add marker to defs if it doesnot exists
marker = inkex.etree.SubElement( defs, inkex.addNS("marker","svg"), {"id":"CheckToolsAndOPMarker","orient":"auto","refX":"-4","refY":"-1.687441","style":"overflow:visible"})
{ "d":" m -4.588864,-1.687441 0.0,0.0 L -9.177728,0.0 c 0.73311,-0.996261 0.728882,-2.359329 0.0,-3.374882",
"style": "fill:#000044; fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;" }
marker = inkex.etree.SubElement( defs, inkex.addNS("marker","svg"), {"id":"DrawCurveMarker","orient":"auto","refX":"-4","refY":"-1.687441","style":"overflow:visible"})
{ "d":"m -4.588864,-1.687441 0.0,0.0 L -9.177728,0.0 c 0.73311,-0.996261 0.728882,-2.359329 0.0,-3.374882",
"style": "fill:#000044; fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;" }
marker = inkex.etree.SubElement( defs, inkex.addNS("marker","svg"), {"id":"DrawCurveMarker_r","orient":"auto","refX":"4","refY":"-1.687441","style":"overflow:visible"})
{ "d":"m 4.588864,-1.687441 0.0,0.0 L 9.177728,0.0 c -0.73311,-0.996261 -0.728882,-2.359329 0.0,-3.374882",
"style": "fill:#000044; fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;" }
marker = inkex.etree.SubElement( defs, inkex.addNS("marker","svg"), {"id":"InOutPathMarker","orient":"auto","refX":"-4","refY":"-1.687441","style":"overflow:visible"})
{ "d":"m -4.588864,-1.687441 0.0,0.0 L -9.177728,0.0 c 0.73311,-0.996261 0.728882,-2.359329 0.0,-3.374882",
"style": "fill:#0072a7; fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;" }
### Get defs from svg
def recursive(g) :
for i in g:
for j in i:
### Get Gcodetools info from the svg
self.selected_paths = {}
self.orientation_points = {}
self.Zcoordinates = {}
self.transform_matrix = {}
self.Zauto_scale = {}
items = g.getchildren()
for i in items:
if selected:
else :
if points != None :
self.orientation_points[layer] = self.orientation_points[layer]+[points[:]] if layer in self.orientation_points else [points[:]]
print_("Found orientation points in '%s' layer: %s" % (layer.get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')), points))
else :
self.error(_("Warning! Found bad orientation points in '%s' layer. Resulting Gcode could be corrupt!") % layer.get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')), "bad_orientation_points_in_some_layers")
#Need to recognise old files ver 1.6.04 and earlier
elif i.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools tool definition" or i.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools tool defenition" :
if point != [] :
self.graffiti_reference_points[layer] = self.graffiti_reference_points[layer]+[point[:]] if layer in self.graffiti_reference_points else [point]
else :
self.error(_("Warning! Found bad graffiti reference point in '%s' layer. Resulting Gcode could be corrupt!") % layer.get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')), "bad_orientation_points_in_some_layers")
if "gcodetools" not in i.keys() :
self.selected_paths[layer] = self.selected_paths[layer] + [i] if layer in self.selected_paths else [i]
items_ = i.getchildren()
for j in items_ :
self.in_out_reference_points.append( self.apply_transforms(j,cubicsuperpath.parsePath(j.get("d")))[0][0][1] )
# xgettext:no-pango-format
self.error(_("This extension works with Paths and Dynamic Offsets and groups of them only! All other objects will be ignored!\nSolution 1: press Path->Object to path or Shift+Ctrl+C.\nSolution 2: Path->Dynamic offset or Ctrl+J.\nSolution 3: export all contours to PostScript level 2 (File->Save As->.ps) and File->Import this file."),"selection_contains_objects_that_are_not_paths")
self.error(_("Document has no layers! Add at least one layer using layers panel (Ctrl+Shift+L)"),"Error")
self.error(_("Warning! There are some paths in the root of the document, but not in any layer! Using bottom-most layer for them."), "tools_warning" )
else :
else :
def get_orientation_points(self,g):
items = g.getchildren()
p = None
for i in items:
if i.tag == inkex.addNS("g",'svg') and i.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools orientation point (2 points)":
p2 += [i]
if i.tag == inkex.addNS("g",'svg') and i.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools orientation point (3 points)":
p3 += [i]
if p==None : return None
points = []
for i in p :
point = [[],[]]
for node in i :
r = re.match(r'(?i)\s*\(\s*(-?\s*\d*(?:,|\.)*\d*)\s*;\s*(-?\s*\d*(?:,|\.)*\d*)\s*;\s*(-?\s*\d*(?:,|\.)*\d*)\s*\)\s*',get_text(node))
else : return None
def get_graffiti_reference_points(self,g):
point = [[], '']
for node in g :
else : return []
tool["self_group"] = g
for i in g:
# Get parameters
key = None
value = None
for j in i:
#need to recognise old tools from ver 1.6.04
if j.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools tool definition field name" or j.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools tool defention field name":
if j.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools tool definition field value" or j.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools tool defention field value":
#print_("Found tool parameter '%s':'%s'" % (key,value))
try :
except :
self.error(_("Warning! Tool's and default tool's parameter's (%s) types are not the same ( type('%s') != type('%s') ).") % (key, value, self.default_tool[key]), "tools_warning")
else :
self.error(_("Warning! Tool has parameter that default tool has not ( '%s': '%s' ).") % (key, value), "tools_warning" )
return tool
# print_(("index(layer)=",self.layers.index(layer),"set_tool():layer=",layer,"self.tools=",self.tools))
# for l in self.layers:
# print_(("l=",l))
# print_(("processing layer",i))
if len(self.tools[layer])>1 : self.error(_("Layer '%s' contains more than one tool!") % self.layers[i].get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')), "more_than_one_tool")
else :
self.error(_("Can not find tool for '%s' layer! Please add one with Tools library tab!") % layer.get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')), "no_tool_error")
### Path to Gcode
def path_to_gcode(self) :
def get_boundaries(points):
for p in points:
if minx==p[0]:
if miny==p[1]:
if maxx==p[0]:
if maxy==p[1]:
return out
def remove_duplicates(points):
for p in points:
if p!=[None,None]: out+=[p]
def get_way_len(points):
return l
def sort_dxfpoints(points):
# print_(get_boundaries(get_boundaries(points)[2])[1])
# l=0, d=1, r=2, u=3
[3,0], # ul
[3,2], # ur
[1,0], # dl
[1,2], # dr
[0,3], # lu
[0,1], # ld
[2,3], # ru
[2,1], # rd
# print_(("points=",points))
for w in ways:
# print_(("tpoints=",tpoints))
# print_(p)
return minimal_way
def sort_lines(lines):
keys = [0]
del lines[0]
del lines[i]
return keys
def sort_curves(curves):
lines = []
return sort_lines(lines)
def print_dxfpoints(points):
gcode +="(drilling dxfpoint)\nG00 Z%f\nG00 X%f Y%f\nG01 Z%f F%f\nG04 P%f\nG00 Z%f\n" % (self.options.Zsafe,point[0],point[1],self.Zcoordinates[layer][1],self.tools[layer][0]["penetration feed"],0.2,self.options.Zsafe)
# print_(("got dxfpoints array=",points))
return gcode
def get_path_properties(node, recursive=True, tags={inkex.addNS('desc','svg'):"Description",inkex.addNS('title','svg'):"Title"} ) :
res = {}
for i in node.getchildren():
return res
else :
gcode = ""
biarc_group = inkex.etree.SubElement( self.selected_paths.keys()[0] if len(self.selected_paths.keys())>0 else self.layers[0], inkex.addNS('g','svg') )
colors = {}
# transform simple path to get all var about orientation
curves = []
dxfpoints = []
try :
self.error(_("Warning: One or more paths do not have 'd' parameter, try to Ungroup (Ctrl+Shift+G) and Object to Path (Ctrl+Shift+C)!"),"selection_contains_objects_that_are_not_paths")
return "None"
comment = re.sub("\[([A-Za-z_\-\:]+)\]", partial(set_comment, path=path), self.options.comment_gcode)
comment = ""
colors[id_] = simplestyle.parseColor(style['stroke'] if "stroke" in style and style['stroke']!='none' else "#000")
print_("got dxfpoint (scaled) at (%f,%f)" % (x,y))
dxfpoints += [[x,y]]
curves += [
# for c in curves :
# print_(c)
curves_ = []
else :
else: # pass by pass
curves_ = []
gcode += "\n(Pass at depth %s)\n"%z
else :
### dxfpoints
if self.selected_paths == {}:
self.error(_("Noting is selected. Please select something to convert to drill point (dxfpoint) or clear point sign."),"warning")
# print_(("processing path",path.get('d')))
# print_("trying to set as dxfpoint")
if r!=None:
path.set("d","m %s 2.9375,-6.343750000001 0.8125,1.90625 6.843748640396,-6.84374864039 0,0 0.6875,0.6875 -6.84375,6.84375 1.90625,0.812500000001 z" % r.group(1))
# for id, node in self.selected.iteritems():
# print_((id,node,node.attrib))
### Artefacts
def area_artefacts(self) :
else :
# paths[layer].reverse() # Reverse list of paths to leave their order
self.error(_("Warning: One or more paths do not have 'd' parameter, try to Ungroup (Ctrl+Shift+G) and Object to Path (Ctrl+Shift+C)!"),"selection_contains_objects_that_are_not_paths")
remove = []
if (bounds[2]-bounds[0])**2+(bounds[3]-bounds[1])**2 < self.options.area_find_artefacts_diameter**2:
arrow = cubicsuperpath.parsePath( 'm %s,%s 2.9375,-6.343750000001 0.8125,1.90625 6.843748640396,-6.84374864039 0,0 0.6875,0.6875 -6.84375,6.84375 1.90625,0.812500000001 z' % (subpath[0][1][0],subpath[0][1][1]) )
'gcodetools': 'area artefact arrow',
inkex.etree.SubElement(parent, inkex.addNS('path','svg'), {'d': cubicsuperpath.formatPath(csp[i]), 'style': styles["area artefact"]})
for i in remove :
del csp[i]
else :
### Calculate area curves
self.error(_("Tool diameter must be > 0 but tool's diameter on '%s' layer is not!") % layer.get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')),"area_tools_diameter_error")
if d==None:
print_("omitting non-path")
# Path is not offset. Preparation will be needed.
# Finding top most point in path (min y value)
# Reverse path if needed.
# Move outline subpath to the begining of csp
j = min_j
# Split by the topmost point and join again
subp = [ [subp[j][1], subp[j][1], subp[j][2]] ] + subp[j+1:] + subp[:j] + [ [subp[j][0], subp[j][1], subp[j][1]] ]
subp = [ [ sp2[1], sp2[1],sp2[2] ] ] + [sp3] + subp[j+1:] + subp[:j-1] + [sp1] + [[ sp2[0], sp2[1],sp2[1] ]]
# reverse path if needed
n = []
for j in csp[i]:
n = [ [j[2][:],j[1][:],j[0][:]] ] + n
csp[i] = n[:]
print_(("original d=",d))
print_(("formatted d=",d))
# scale = sqrt(Xscale**2 + Yscale**2) / sqrt(1**2 + 1**2)
# avoiding infinite loops
radius = -r
if radius == -r : break
### Polyline to biarc
### Converts Polyline to Biarc
def polyline_to_biarc(self):
# Both tangents are zerro - line straight
tang_are_parallel = ((tsa-tea)%math.pi<straight_tolerance or math.pi-(tsa-tea)%math.pi<straight_tolerance )
if ( tang_are_parallel and
((v.mag()<straight_distance_tolerance or TE.mag()<straight_distance_tolerance or TS.mag()<straight_distance_tolerance) or
# Both tangents are parallel and start and end are the same - line straight
# or one of tangents still smaller then tollerance
# Both tangents and v are parallel - line straight
if v.mag()==0:
elif not asmall:
discr = b*b-4*a*c
return None, None
else :
return R, alpha
if R1==None or R2==None or (R1-P0).mag()<straight_tolerance or (R2-P2).mag()<straight_tolerance : return [ [sp1[1],'line', 0, 0, sp2[1], [z1,z2]] ]
if d > options.biarc_tolerance and depth<options.biarc_max_split_depth : return biarc_split(sp1, sp2, z1, z2, depth)
# arc should be straight otherwise it could be threated as full circle
else :
# arc should be straight otherwise it could be threated as full circle
else :
if d==None:
print_("omitting non-path")
# lets pretend that csp is a polyline
# lets create biarcs
# lets split polyline into different smooth parths.
# normalize p1p2 and p2p3 to get angle
#it's an angle
### Area fill
### Fills area with lines
# convert degrees into rad
self.error(_("Tool diameter must be > 0 but tool's diameter on '%s' layer is not!") % layer.get(inkex.addNS('label','inkscape')),"area_tools_diameter_error")
lines = []
if d==None:
print_("omitting non-path")
#maxx = max([x,y,i,j,root],maxx)
# rotate the path to get bounds in defined direction.
rotated_path = [ [ [ [point[0]*math.cos(a) - point[1]*math.sin(a), point[0]*math.sin(a)+point[1]*math.cos(a)] for point in sp] for sp in subpath] for subpath in csp ]
# Draw the lines
# Get path's bounds
b = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
for k in range(4):
# Zig-zag
if r<=0 :
lines += [ [] ]
while (i<b[2] or last_one) :
if lines[-1] == [] :
if top :
else :
i += r
else :
lines[-1] += [ [x,y] ]
stage = 0
while w>0 and h>0 :
if stage == 0 :
y -= h
h -= r
elif stage == 1:
x += w
if not start:
w -= r
elif stage == 2 :
y += h
h -= r
elif stage == 3:
x -= w
w -=r
lines[-1] += [ [x,y] ]
if w <= 0 and h>0 :
y = y-h if stage == 0 else y+h
if h <= 0 and w>0 :
x = x-w if stage == 3 else x+w
lines[-1] += [ [x,y] ]
# Rotate created paths back
lines = [ [ [point[0]*math.cos(a) - point[1]*math.sin(a), point[0]*math.sin(a)+point[1]*math.cos(a)] for point in subpath] for subpath in lines ]
# get the intersection points
intersections = {}
ints = []
for t in roots :
else :
if p in intersections :
intersections[p] += [ [i,j,t] ]
else :
intersections[p] = [ [i,j,t] ]
#p = self.transform(p,layer,True)
for i in ints:
i = 0
while i < len(splitted_line) :
# check if the middle point of the first lines segment is inside the path.
# and remove the subline if not.
if not point_inside_csp(p, csp):
#i +=1
del splitted_line[i]
else :
i += 1
# if we've used spiral method we'll try to save the order of cutting
# now let's try connect splitted lines
#while len(splitted_line)>0 :
# and apply back transrormations to draw them
# draw_csp(lines)
### Engraving
#LT Notes to self: See wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/PythonEffectTutorial
# To create anything in the Inkscape document, look at the XML editor for
# details of how such an element looks in XML, then follow this model.
#layer number n appears in XML as <svg:g id="layern" inkscape:label="layername">
#to create it, use
#Mylayer=inkex.etree.SubElement(self.document.getroot(), 'g') #Create a generic element
#Mylayer.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), "layername") #Gives it a name
#Mylayer.set(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer') #Tells Inkscape it's a layer
#group appears in XML as <svg:g id="gnnnnn"> where nnnnn is a number
#to create it, use
#Mygroup=inkex.etree.SubElement(parent, inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {"gcodetools":"My group label"})
# where parent may be the layer or a parent group. To get the parent group, you can use
#parent = self.selected_paths[layer][0].getparent()
#global x1,y1,rx,ry
global nlLT, i, j
global gcode_3Dleft ,gcode_3Dright
global max_dist #minimum of tool radius and user's requested maximum distance
global eye_dist
"""LT Find angle bisecting the normals n1 and n2
Parameters: Normalised normals
Returns: nx - Normal of bisector, normalised to 1/cos(a)
ny -
sinBis2 - sin(angle turned/2): positive if turning in
Note that bisect(n1,n2) and bisect(n2,n1) give opposite sinBis2 results
If sinturn is less than the user's requested angle tolerance, I return 0
#We can get absolute value of cos(bisector vector)
#Note: Need to use max in case of rounding errors
#We can get correct sign of the sin, assuming cos is positive
else :
#We can correct signs by noting that the dot product
# of bisector and either normal must be >0
#end bisect
"""LT find biggest circle we can engrave here, if constrained by line 2-3
x1,y1,nx1,ny1 coordinates and normal of the line we're currently engraving
nx2,ny2 angle bisector at point 2
x2,y2 coordinates of first point of line 2-3
nx23,ny23 normal to the line 2-3
x3,y3 coordinates of the other end
nx3,ny3 angle bisector at point 3
radius or self.options.engraving_max_dist if line doesn't limit radius
This function can be used in three ways:
- With nx1=ny1=0 it finds circle centred at x1,y1
- with nx1,ny1 normalised, it finds circle tangential at x1,y1
- with nx1,ny1 scaled by 1/cos(a) it finds circle centred on an angle bisector
If the centre of the circle tangential to the line 2-3 is outside the
angle bisectors at its ends, ignore this line.
# Note that it handles corners in the conventional manner of letter cutting
# by mitering, not rounding.
# Algorithm uses dot products of normals to find radius
# and hence coordinates of centre
global max_dist
#Start by converting coordinates to be relative to x1,y1
#The logic uses vector arithmetic.
#The dot product of two vectors gives the product of their lengths
#multiplied by the cos of the angle between them.
# So, the perpendicular distance from x1y1 to the line 2-3
# is equal to the dot product of its normal and x2y2 or x3y3
#It is also equal to the projection of x1y1-xcyc on the line's normal
# plus the radius. But, as the normal faces inside the path we must negate it.
#Make sure the line in question is facing x1,y1 and vice versa
#radius and centre are:
#if c is not between the angle bisectors at the ends of the line, ignore
#Use vector cross products. Not sure if I need the .0001 safety margins:
return max_dist
return max_dist
#end of get_radius_to_line
"""LT find biggest circle we can engrave here, constrained by point x2,y2
This function can be used in three ways:
- With nx=ny=0 it finds circle centred at x1,y1
- with nx,ny normalised, it finds circle tangential at x1,y1
- with nx,ny scaled by 1/cos(a) it finds circle centred on an angle bisector
Note that I wrote this to replace find_cutter_centre. It is far less
sophisticated but, I hope, far faster.
It turns out that finding a circle touching a point is harder than a circle
touching a line.
global max_dist
#Start by converting coordinates to be relative to x1,y1
#if x2,y2 not in front of the normal...
#It is a corner bisector, so..
if discriminator < 0 :
return max_dist #this part irrelevant
#end of get_radius_to_point
def bez_divide(a,b,c,d):
"""LT recursively divide a Bezier.
Divides until difference between each
part and a straight line is less than some limit
Note that, as simple as this code is, it is mathematically correct.
a,b,c and d are each a list of x,y real values
Bezier end points a and d, control points b and c
a list of Beziers.
Each Bezier is a list with four members,
each a list holding a coordinate pair
Note that the final point of one member is the same as
the first point of the next, and the control points
there are smooth and symmetrical. I use this fact later.
#LT This is the only limit we get from the user currently
return [[a,b,c,d]]
#end of bez_divide
"""LT Find biggest circle we can draw inside path at point x1,y1 normal nx,ny
point - either on a line or at a reflex corner
normal - normalised to 1 if on a line, to 1/cos(a) at a corner
tuple (j,i,r)
..where j and i are indices of limiting segment, r is radius
jjmin = -1
iimin = -1
r = max_dist
# set limits within which to look for lines
if jj==j : #except this one
#print_("Try pt i,ii,t1,x1,y1",i,ii,t1,x1,y1)
else: #doing a line
if jj==j : #except this one
#see if line in range
#print_("Try line i,ii,t1,x1,y1",i,ii,t1,x1,y1)
if 0<=t1<r :
r = t1
#next ii
#next jj
#end of get_biggest
"""LT recursively divide a line as much as necessary
NOTE: This function is not currently used
By noting which other path segment is touched by the circles at each end,
we can see if anything is to be gained by a further subdivision, since
if they touch the same bit of path we can move linearly between them.
Also, we can handle points correctly.
end points and indices of limiting path, normal, length
list of toolpath points
each a list of 3 reals: x, y coordinates, radius
return [ line_divide((x0,y0),j0,i0,(x2,y2),j2,i2,(nx,ny),length/2), line_divide((x2,y2),j2,i2,(x1,y1),j1,i1,(nx,ny),length/2)]
#end of line_divide()
"""LT Save this point and delete previous one if linear
The point is, we generate tons of points but many may be in a straight 3D line.
There is no benefit in saving the imtermediate points.
#get the xy distance of point 1 from the line 0-2
#end of save_point
"""LT Draw this point as a circle with a 1px dot in the middle (x,y)
and a 3D line from (x0,y0) down to x,y. 3D line thickness should be t/2
Note that points that are subsequently erased as being unneeded do get
displayed, but this helps the user see the total area covered.
global gcode_3Dleft ,gcode_3Dright
{"gcodetools": "Engraving calculation toolpath", 'style': "fill:#ff00ff; fill-opacity:0.46; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.1;", inkex.addNS('cx','sodipodi'): str(x), inkex.addNS('cy','sodipodi'): str(y), inkex.addNS('rx','sodipodi'): str(1), inkex.addNS('ry','sodipodi'): str(1), inkex.addNS('type','sodipodi'): 'arc'})
#Don't draw zero radius circles
if w:
{"gcodetools": "Engraving calculation paths", 'style': "fill:none; fill-opacity:0.46; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.1;", inkex.addNS('cx','sodipodi'): str(x), inkex.addNS('cy','sodipodi'): str(y),inkex.addNS('rx','sodipodi'): str(w), inkex.addNS('ry','sodipodi'): str(w), inkex.addNS('type','sodipodi'): 'arc'})
# Find slope direction for shading
# convert to 2 hex digits as a shade of red
"gcodetools": "Gcode G1R"
"gcodetools": "Gcode G1L"
#end of draw_point
#end of subfunction definitions. engraving() starts here:
gcode = ''
cspe =[]
we = []
#Find what units the user uses
unit=" mm"
unit=" inches"
#LT See if we can use this parameter for line and Bezier subdivision:
#Calculate scale in pixels per user unit (mm or inch)
self.error(_("Tool '%s' has no shape. 45 degree cone assumed!") % self.tools[layer][0]['name'],"Continue")
toolshape = lambda w: w
#Get tool radius in pixels
#max dist from path to engrave in user's units
engraving_group = inkex.etree.SubElement( self.selected_paths[layer][0].getparent(), inkex.addNS('g','svg') )
self.my3Dlayer=inkex.etree.SubElement(self.document.getroot(), 'g') #Create a generic element at root level
#Create groups for left and right eyes
gcode_3Dleft = inkex.etree.SubElement(self.my3Dlayer, inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {"gcodetools":"Gcode 3D L"})
gcode_3Dright = inkex.etree.SubElement(self.my3Dlayer, inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {"gcodetools":"Gcode 3D R"})
#LT: Create my own list. n1LT[j] is for subpath j
nlLT = []
# Remove zero length segments, assume closed path
i = 0 #LT was from i=1
if abs(cspi[j][i-1][1][0]-cspi[j][i][1][0])<engraving_tolerance and abs(cspi[j][i-1][1][1]-cspi[j][i][1][1])<engraving_tolerance:
del cspi[j][i]
i += 1
#Create copies in 3D layer
#create list containing lines and points, starting with a point
# line members: [x,y],[nx,ny],False,i
# x,y is start of line. Normal on engraved side.
# Normal is normalised (unit length)
#Note that Y axis increases down the page
# corner members: [x,y],[nx,ny],True,sin(halfangle)
# if halfangle>0: radius 0 here. normal is bisector
# if halfangle<0. reflex angle. normal is bisector
# corner normals are divided by cos(halfangle)
#so that they will engrave correctly
#n = []
#Copy it to 3D layer objects
#LT find angle between this and previous segment
#I don't trust this function, so test result
#record x,y,normal,ifCorner, sin(angle-turned/2)
#LT now do the line
else : #Bezier. First, recursively cut it up:
if l1<engraving_tolerance :
if l1<engraving_tolerance :
#LT for each segment - ends here.
#Copy complete paths to 3D layer
'style': "stroke:#808080; stroke-opacity:1; stroke-width:0.6; fill:none",
"gcodetools": "G1L outline"
'style': "stroke:#808080; stroke-opacity:1; stroke-width:0.6; fill:none",
"gcodetools": "G1L outline"
{ "d": "M %f,%f L %f,%f" %(p[0][0],p[0][1],p[0][0]+p[1][0]*10,p[0][1]+p[1][1]*10),
'style': "stroke:#f000af; stroke-opacity:0.46; stroke-width:0.1; fill:none",
"gcodetools": "Engraving normals"
{ "d": "M %f,%f L %f,%f" %(p[0][0],p[0][1],p[0][0]+p[1][0]*10,p[0][1]+p[1][1]*10),
'style': "stroke:#0000ff; stroke-opacity:0.46; stroke-width:0.1; fill:none",
"gcodetools": "Engraving bisectors"
#LT6a build nlLT[j] for each subpath - ends here
#for nnn in nlLT :
#print_("nlLT",nnn) #LT debug stuff
# Calculate offset points
cspm=[] #Will be my output. List of csps.
wl=[] #Will be my w output list
w = r = 0 #LT initial, as first point is an angle
#LT Note: Python enables wrapping of array indices
# backwards to -1, -2, but not forwards. Hence:
#if n1[2] == True and n1[3]==0 : # A straight angle
#lastr=r #Remember r from last line
lastw=w #Remember w from last line
w = max_dist
#set initial r value, not to be exceeded
else: #line. Cut it up if long.
else : bit0=0.0
#split excess evenly at both ends
#w = min(r, toolr)
if reflex : #just after a reflex corner
if w<lastw : #need to adjust it
if w>lastw :
elif b>0 and n2[3]>0 and not self.options.engraving_draw_calculation_paths : #acute corner coming up
#LT end of for each bit of this line
lastw = w #remember this w
#LT next i
#Note: Original csp_points was a list, each element
#being 4 points, with the first being the same as the
#last of the previous set.
#Each point is a list of [cx,cy,r,w]
#I have flattened it to a flat list of points.
"gcodetools": "Engraving calculation paths",
{"gcodetools": "Engraving calculation paths", 'style': "fill:none; fill-opacity:0.46; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.1;", inkex.addNS('cx','sodipodi'): str(cspm[i][1][0]), inkex.addNS('cy','sodipodi'): str(cspm[i][1][1]),inkex.addNS('rx','sodipodi'): str(wl[i]), inkex.addNS('ry','sodipodi'): str(wl[i]), inkex.addNS('type','sodipodi'): 'arc'})
for w in wl :
wluu+=[ w / orientation_scale ]
#LT previously, we was in pixels so gave wrong depth
#LT6b For each subpath - ends here
#LT5 if it is a path - ends here
#LT4 for each selected object in this layer - ends here
if cspe!=[]:
#LT3 for layers loop ends here
if gcode!='' :
### Orientation
if layer == None :
if transform != [] :
print_("Inserting graffiti points")
if layer in self.graffiti_reference_points: graffiti_reference_points_count = len(self.graffiti_reference_points[layer])
else: graffiti_reference_points_count = 0
if transform != [] :
'style': "stroke:none;fill:#00ff00;",
'd':'m %s,%s 2.9375,-6.343750000001 0.8125,1.90625 6.843748640396,-6.84374864039 0,0 0.6875,0.6875 -6.84375,6.84375 1.90625,0.812500000001 z z' % (graffiti_reference_points_count*100, 0),
'gcodetools': "Gcodetools graffiti reference point arrow"
draw_text(axis,graffiti_reference_points_count*100+10,-10, group = g, gcodetools_tag = "Gcodetools graffiti reference point text")
draw_pointer(group = self.current_layer, x = self.view_center, figure="arrow", pointer_type = "In-out reference point", text = "In-out point")
else :
print_("Inserting orientation points")
self.error(_("Active layer already has orientation points! Remove them or select another layer!"),"active_layer_already_has_orientation_points")
if transform != [] :
doc_height = 1052.3622047
orientation_scale = 3.5433070660
orientation_scale = 90
for i in points :
g = inkex.etree.SubElement(orientation_group, inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {'gcodetools': "Gcodetools orientation point (%s points)" % self.options.orientation_points_count})
'style': "stroke:none;fill:#000000;",
'd':'m %s,%s 2.9375,-6.343750000001 0.8125,1.90625 6.843748640396,-6.84374864039 0,0 0.6875,0.6875 -6.84375,6.84375 1.90625,0.812500000001 z z' % (si[0], -si[1]+doc_height),
'gcodetools': "Gcodetools orientation point arrow"
draw_text("(%s; %s; %s)" % (i[0],i[1],i[2]), (si[0]+10), (-si[1]-10+doc_height), group = g, gcodetools_tag = "Gcodetools orientation point text")
### Tools library
# Add a tool to the drawing
if layer == None :
self.error(_("Active layer already has a tool! Remove it or select another layer!"),"active_layer_already_has_tool")
tool = {
"name": "Cylindrical cutter",
"id": "Cylindrical cutter 0001",
"penetration angle":90,
"penetration feed":"100",
"depth step":"1",
"tool change gcode":" "
tool = {
"name": "Lathe cutter",
"id": "Lathe cutter 0001",
"penetration angle":90,
"passing feed":"800",
"fine feed":"100",
"penetration feed":"100",
"depth step":"1",
"tool change gcode":" "
tool = {
"name": "Cone cutter",
"id": "Cone cutter 0001",
"penetration feed":"100",
"depth step":"1",
"tool change gcode":" "
tool = {
"name": "Tangent knife",
"id": "Tangent knife 0001",
"penetration feed":"100",
"depth step":"100",
"4th axis meaning": "tangent knife",
"4th axis scale": 1.,
"4th axis offset": 0,
"tool change gcode":" "
tool = {
"name": "Plasma cutter",
"id": "Plasma cutter 0001",
"penetration feed":100,
"gcode before path":"""G31 Z-100 F500 (find metal)
G92 Z0 (zero z)
G00 Z10 F500 (going up)
M03 (turn on plasma)
G04 P0.2 (pause)
G01 Z1 (going to cutting z)\n""",
"gcode after path":"M05 (turn off plasma)\n",
tool = {
"name": "Graffiti",
"id": "Graffiti 0001",
"penetration feed":100,
"gcode before path":"""M03 S1(Turn spray on)\n """,
"gcode after path":"M05 (Turn spray off)\n ",
"tool change gcode":"(Add G00 here to change sprayer if needed)\n",
else :
colors = ["00ff00","0000ff","ff0000","fefe00","00fefe", "fe00fe", "fe7e00", "7efe00", "00fe7e", "007efe", "7e00fe", "fe007e"]
tools_group = inkex.etree.SubElement(layer, inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {'gcodetools': "Gcodetools tool definition"})
{'style': "fill:#%s;fill-opacity:0.5;stroke:#444444; stroke-width:1px;"%colors[tool_num%len(colors)], "gcodetools":"Gcodetools tool background"})
y = 0
keys = []
g = inkex.etree.SubElement(tools_group, inkex.addNS('g','svg'), {'gcodetools': "Gcodetools tool parameter"})
draw_text(key, 0, y, group = g, gcodetools_tag = "Gcodetools tool definition field name", font_size = 10 if key!='name' else 20)
draw_text(param, 150, y, group = g, gcodetools_tag = "Gcodetools tool definition field value", font_size = 10 if key!='name' else 20)
tool = []
tools_group.set("transform", simpletransform.formatTransform([ [1,0,self.view_center[0]-150 ], [0,1,self.view_center[1]] ] ))
### Check tools and OP asignment
def check_tools_and_op(self):
self.error(_("Selection is empty! Will compute whole drawing."),"selection_is_empty_will_comupe_drawing")
else :
# Set group
group = inkex.etree.SubElement( self.selected_paths.keys()[0] if len(self.selected_paths.keys())>0 else self.layers[0], inkex.addNS('g','svg') )
tools_bounds = {}
tools_bounds[layer] = tools_bounds[layer] if layer in tools_bounds else [float("inf"),float("-inf")]
style = "fill:%s; fill-opacity:%s; stroke:#000044; stroke-width:1; marker-mid:url(#CheckToolsAndOPMarker);" % (
trans = simpletransform.composeTransform( trans_, trans if trans != [] else [[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.]])
bounds = [min(bounds[0],path_bounds[0]), min(bounds[1],path_bounds[1]), max(bounds[2],path_bounds[2]), max(bounds[3],path_bounds[3])]
tools_bounds[layer] = [min(tools_bounds[layer][0], path_bounds[1]), max(tools_bounds[layer][1], path_bounds[3])]
if layer in tools_bounds :
### TODO Launch browser on help tab
self.error(_("""Tutorials, manuals and support can be found at\nEnglish support forum:\n http://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools\nand Russian support forum:\n http://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetoolsru"""),"warning")
### Lathe
#draw_csp(self.transform_csp([subpath],layer,True), color = "Orange", width = .1)
c[i-1][4] = c[i][0][:]
gcode = ("G01 %s %f %s %f" % (x, c[0][4][0], z, c[0][4][1]) ) + feed + "\n" # Just in case move to the start...
for s in c :
if s[1] == 'line':
elif s[1] == 'arc':
r = [(s[2][0]-s[0][0]), (s[2][1]-s[0][1])]
gcode += ("G02" if s[3]*flip_angle<0 else "G03") + (" %s %f %s %f %s %f %s %f" % (x,s[4][0],z,s[4][1],i_,(s[2][0]-s[0][0]), k_, (s[2][1]-s[0][1]) ) ) + feed + "\n"
gcode += ("G02" if s[3]*flip_angle<0 else "G03") + (" %s %f %s %f" % (x,s[4][0],z,y[4][1]) ) + " R%f"%r + feed + "\n"
return gcode
if x not in ["X", "Y", "Z", "x", "y", "z"] or z not in ["X", "Y", "Z", "x", "y", "z"] :
gcode = ""
self.tool["passing feed"] = float(self.tool["passing feed"] if "passing feed" in self.tool else self.tool["feed"])
self.tool["fine feed"] = float(self.tool["fine feed"] if "fine feed" in self.tool else self.tool["feed"])
gcode += ( "(Change tool to %s)\n" % re.sub("\"'\(\)\\\\"," ",self.tool["name"]) ) + self.tool["tool change gcode"] + "\n"
# Offset the path if fine cut is defined.
else :
# Close the path to make offset correct
offsetted_subpath = csp_subpath_line_to(subpath[:], [ [subpath[-1][1][0], miny[1]-r*10 ], [subpath[0][1][0], miny[1]-r*10 ], [subpath[0][1][0], subpath[0][1][1] ] ])
offsetted_subpath = csp_offset([offsetted_subpath], r if not csp_subpath_ccw(offsetted_subpath) else -r )
#draw_csp(self.transform_csp(offsetted_subpath,layer,True), color = "Green", width = 1)
# Join offsetted_subpath together
# Hope there wont be any cicles
# Create solid object from path and lathe_width
top_start, top_end = [subpath[0][1][0], self.options.lathe_width+self.options.Zsafe+self.options.lathe_fine_cut_width], [subpath[-1][1][0], self.options.lathe_width+self.options.Zsafe+self.options.lathe_fine_cut_width]
gcode += ("G01 %s %f %s %f F %f \n" % (x, top_start[0], z, top_start[1], self.tool["passing feed"]) )
intersections = []
intersections += [[j,k] for k in csp_line_intersection([bound[0]-10,current_width], [bound[2]+10,current_width], sp1, sp2)]
intersections += [[j,k] for k in csp_line_intersection([bound[0]-10,current_width+step], [bound[2]+10,current_width+step], sp1, sp2)]
if y > current_width+step :
else :
# full step cut
top_start, top_end = [fine_cut[0][1][0], self.options.lathe_width+self.options.Zsafe+self.options.lathe_fine_cut_width], [fine_cut[-1][1][0], self.options.lathe_width+self.options.Zsafe+self.options.lathe_fine_cut_width]
gcode += "\n(Fine cutting start)\n(Calculating fine cut using %s)\n"%self.options.lathe_create_fine_cut_using
if width == 0 :
else :
else :
offsetted_subpath = csp_subpath_line_to(fine_cut[:], [ [fine_cut[-1][1][0], miny[1]-r*10 ], [fine_cut[0][1][0], miny[1]-r*10 ], [fine_cut[0][1][0], fine_cut[0][1][1] ] ])
offsetted_subpath = csp_offset([offsetted_subpath], width if not csp_subpath_ccw(offsetted_subpath) else -width )
gcode += ("G01 %s %f %s %f F %f \n" % (x, top_start[0], z, top_start[1], self.tool["passing feed"]) )
gcode += ("G01 %s %f %s %f F %f \n" % (x, current_pass[0][1][0], z, current_pass[0][1][1]+self.options.lathe_fine_cut_width, self.tool["passing feed"]) )
gcode += ("G01 %s %f %s %f F %f \n" % (x, current_pass[0][1][0], z, current_pass[0][1][1], self.tool["fine feed"]) )
gcode += ("G01 %s %f %s %f F %f \n" % (x, top_start[0], z, top_start[1], self.tool["passing feed"]) )
### Lathe modify path
### Modifies path to fit current cutter. As for now straight rect cutter.
def lathe_modify_path(self):
else :
new_csp = []
last_n = None
last_o = 0
new_subpath = []
# Split segment at x' and y' == 0
new_subpath = []
if not orientation: o = 1-o
# Add first horisontal straight line if needed
if not first_seg and new_subpath==[] : new_subpath = [ [[subpath[0][i][0] - width*o ,subpath[0][i][1]] for i in range(3)] ]
# Add last horisontal straigth line if needed
new_csp += [new_subpath]
# o = (1 if cross(n, [0,1])>0 else -1)*orientation
# new_subpath += [ [sp1[i][0] - width*o,sp1[i][1]] for i in range(3) ]
# n = csp_normalized_normal(sp1,sp2,1)
# o = (1 if cross(n, [0,1])>0 else -1)*orientation
# new_subpath += [ [sp2[i][0] - width*o,sp2[i][1]] for i in range(3) ]
### Update function
### Gets file containing version information from the web and compaares it with.
### current version.
try :
import urllib
f = urllib.urlopen("http://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools_latest_version", proxies = urllib.getproxies())
a = f.read()
for s in a.split("\n") :
if r :
if ver != gcodetools_current_version :
self.error("There is a newer version of Gcodetools you can get it at: \nhttp://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools (English version). \nhttp://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools_ru (Russian version). ","Warning")
else :
self.error("Can not check the latest version. You can check it manualy at \nhttp://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools (English version). \nhttp://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools_ru (Russian version). \nCurrent version is Gcodetools %s"%gcodetools_current_version,"Warning")
except :
self.error("Can not check the latest version. You can check it manualy at \nhttp://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools (English version). \nhttp://www.cnc-club.ru/gcodetools_ru (Russian version). \nCurrent version is Gcodetools %s"%gcodetools_current_version,"Warning")
### Graffiti function generates Gcode for graffiti drawer
# Get reference points.
gcode = ''
pos = []
pos += [c]
def graffiti_preview_transform(x,y):
return [(x-tr[0]+1)*self.options.graffiti_preview_size/d, self.options.graffiti_preview_size - (y-tr[1]+1)*self.options.graffiti_preview_size/d]
# Emit = dots per second
x,y = graffiti_preview_transform(x,y)
# Get closest possible centers of arcs, also we define that arcs are both ccw or both not.
if dc == 0 :
# can be joined by one arc
#draw_csp(self.transform_csp([[ [[C1.x-r*sin,C1.y+r*cos]]*3,[[C2.x-r*sin,C2.y+r*cos]]*3 ]],layer,reverse=True), color = "#00ff00;" )
else :
gcode = """(Header)
(Generated by gcodetools from Inkscape.)
(Using graffiti extension.)
(Header end.)"""
# Get all reference points and path's bounds to make preview
# Set reference points
reference_points = None
if reference_points == None :
# Transform reference points
self.graffiti_reference_points[layer][i][0] = self.transform(self.graffiti_reference_points[layer][i][0], layer)
minx,miny,maxx,maxy = min(minx,point[0][0]), min(miny,point[0][1]), max(maxx,point[0][0]), max(maxy,point[0][1])
minx,miny,maxx,maxy = min(minx,bounds[0]), min(miny,bounds[1]), max(maxx,bounds[2]), max(maxy,bounds[3])
self.graffiti_preview = list([ [255]*(4*self.options.graffiti_preview_size) for i in range(self.options.graffiti_preview_size)])
if r :
else :
# Change tool every layer. (Probably layer = color so it'll be
# better to change it even if the tool has not been changed)
gcode += ( "(Change tool to %s)\n" % re.sub("\"'\(\)\\\\"," ",self.tool["name"]) ) + self.tool["tool change gcode"] + "\n"
subpaths = []
# Rebuild the paths to polyline.
polylines = []
del subpaths[i]
polylines += [
['connector', create_connector(
polyline = []
spl = None
# remove zerro length segments
i = 0
del subpath[i+1]
else :
i += 1
if spl != None and abs(cross( csp_normalized_slope(spl,sp1,1.),csp_normalized_slope(sp1,sp2,0.) )) > 0.1 : # TODO add coefficient into inx
# We've got sharp angle at sp1.
polylines += [
['connector', create_connector(
polyline = []
# max_segment_length
# Add return to start_point
if polylines == [] : continue
polylines += [ ["connect1", [ [polylines[-1][1][-1][1] for i in range(3)],[start_point for i in range(3)] ] ] ]
# Make polilynes from polylines. They are still csp.
polyline = []
l = 0
if l>0.00000001 :
if l>0.00000001 :
t = 0
last_state = None
# Draw linearization
t += 1
draw_csp(self.transform_csp([csp],layer,reverse=True), color = "#00cc00;" if polyline_[0]=='draw' else "#ff5555;")
# Export polyline to gcode
# we are making trnsform from XYZA coordinates to R1...Rn
# where R1...Rn are radius vectors from grafiti reference points
# to current (x,y) point. Also we need to assign custom feed rate
# for each segment. And we'll use only G01 gcode.
if l!=0:
draw_graffiti_segment(layer,real_pos,last_real_pos,feed,color=(0,0,255,200) if polyline_[0] == "draw" else (255,0,0,200),emmit=self.options.graffiti_preview_emmit)
try :
# Draw reference points
import png
writer = png.Writer(width=self.options.graffiti_preview_size, height=self.options.graffiti_preview_size, size=None, greyscale=False, alpha=True, bitdepth=8, palette=None, transparent=None, background=None, gamma=None, compression=None, interlace=False, bytes_per_sample=None, planes=None, colormap=None, maxval=None, chunk_limit=1048576)
except :
### Effect
### Main function of Gcodetools class
global options
# define print_ function
global print_
try :
f.write("Gcodetools log file.\nStarted at %s.\n%s\n" % (time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"),options.log_filename))
except :
print_ = lambda *x : None
else : print_ = lambda *x : None
elif self.options.active_tab not in ['"dxfpoints"','"path-to-gcode"', '"area_fill"', '"area"', '"area_artefacts"', '"engraving"', '"orientation"', '"tools_library"', '"lathe"', '"offset"', '"arrangement"', '"update"', '"graffiti"', '"lathe_modify_path"', '"plasma-prepare-path"']:
self.error(_("Select one of the action tabs - Path to Gcode, Area, Engraving, DXF points, Orientation, Offset, Lathe or Tools library.\n Current active tab id is %s" % self.options.active_tab),"error")
# Get all Gcodetools data from the scene.
if self.options.active_tab in ['"dxfpoints"','"path-to-gcode"', '"area_fill"', '"area"', '"area_artefacts"', '"engraving"', '"lathe"', '"graffiti"', '"plasma-prepare-path"']:
if self.orientation_points == {} :
self.error(_("Orientation points have not been defined! A default set of orientation points has been automatically added."),"warning")
self.error(_("Cutting tool has not been defined! A default tool has been automatically added."),"warning")
else :
csp1, csp2 = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(self.selected_paths[layer][0].get("d")), cubicsuperpath.parsePath(self.selected_paths[layer][1].get("d"))
+list(csp_at_t(csp2[dist[4]][dist[5]-1],csp2[dist[4]][dist[5]],dist[6])),"red","line", comment = math.sqrt(dist[0]))
offsets_count = 0
offsets_count += 1
if offset_ != [] :
else :
gcodetools = Gcodetools()