dxf_outlines.py revision a99c2ce8986cc437b934d14cbca64c2e8615cc48
#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (C) 2005,2007,2008 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org
Copyright (C) 2008 Alvin Penner, penner@vaxxine.com
- template dxf_outlines.dxf added Feb 2008 by Alvin Penner
- ROBO-Master output option added Aug 2008 by Alvin Penner
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import inkex, simplepath, cubicsuperpath, dxf_templates, math
from numpy import *
from numpy.linalg import solve
inkex.errormsg(_("Failed to import the numpy or numpy.linalg modules. These modules are required by this extension. Please install them and try again."))
def pointdistance((x1,y1),(x2,y2)):
return math.sqrt(((x2 - x1) ** 2) + ((y2 - y1) ** 2))
def get_fit(u, csp, col):
return (1-u)**3*csp[0][col] + 3*(1-u)**2*u*csp[1][col] + 3*(1-u)*u**2*csp[2][col] + u**3*csp[3][col]
class MyEffect(inkex.Effect):
def __init__(self):
self.OptionParser.add_option("-R", "--ROBO", action="store", type="string", dest="ROBO")
self.dxf = []
self.handle = 255 # initiallize handle for DXF ENTITY
def output(self):
print ''.join(self.dxf)
def dxf_add(self, str):
def dxf_line(self,csp):
self.dxf_add(" 0\nLINE\n 5\n%x\n100\nAcDbEntity\n 8\n0\n100\nAcDbLine\n" % self.handle)
self.dxf_add(" 10\n%f\n 20\n%f\n 30\n0.0\n 11\n%f\n 21\n%f\n 31\n0.0\n" % (csp[0][0],csp[0][1],csp[1][0],csp[1][1]))
def dxf_spline(self,csp):
knots = 8
ctrls = 4
self.dxf_add(" 0\nSPLINE\n 5\n%x\n100\nAcDbEntity\n 8\n0\n100\nAcDbSpline\n" % self.handle)
self.dxf_add(" 70\n8\n 71\n3\n 72\n%d\n 73\n%d\n 74\n0\n" % (knots, ctrls))
for i in range(2):
for j in range(4):
self.dxf_add(" 40\n%d\n" % i)
for i in csp:
self.dxf_add(" 10\n%f\n 20\n%f\n 30\n0.0\n" % (i[0],i[1]))
def ROBO_spline(self,csp):
# this spline has zero curvature at the endpoints, as in ROBO-Master
knots = 10
ctrls = 6
fits = 4
xfit = zeros((6), dtype=float64)
xfit[0] = csp[0][0]
xfit[1] = get_fit(.333, csp, 0)
xfit[2] = get_fit(.667, csp, 0)
xfit[3] = csp[3][0]
yfit = zeros((6), dtype=float64)
yfit[0] = csp[0][1]
yfit[1] = get_fit(.333, csp, 1)
yfit[2] = get_fit(.667, csp, 1)
yfit[3] = csp[3][1]
d1 = pointdistance((xfit[0],yfit[0]),(xfit[1],yfit[1]))
d2 = pointdistance((xfit[1],yfit[1]),(xfit[2],yfit[2]))
d3 = pointdistance((xfit[2],yfit[2]),(xfit[3],yfit[3]))
u1 = d1/(d1 + d2 + d3)
u2 = (d1 + d2)/(d1 + d2 + d3)
solmatrix = zeros((6,6), dtype=float64)
solmatrix[0,0] = 1
solmatrix[1,1] = (1 - u1/u2)**2
solmatrix[1,2] = (2*u2 - u1*u2 - u1)*u1/u2/u2
solmatrix[1,3] = u1*u1/u2
solmatrix[2,2] = (1 - u2)**2/(1 - u1)
solmatrix[2,3] = (2*u2 - u1*u2 - u1)*(1 - u2)/(1 - u1)/(1 - u1)
solmatrix[2,4] = ((u2 - u1)/(1 - u1))**2
solmatrix[3,5] = 1
solmatrix[4,0] = u2
solmatrix[4,1] = -u1 - u2
solmatrix[4,2] = u1
solmatrix[5,3] = 1 - u2
solmatrix[5,4] = u1 + u2 - 2
solmatrix[5,5] = 1 - u1
xctrl = solve(solmatrix, xfit)
yctrl = solve(solmatrix, yfit)
self.dxf_add(" 0\nSPLINE\n 5\n%x\n100\nAcDbEntity\n 8\n0\n100\nAcDbSpline\n" % self.handle)
self.dxf_add(" 70\n0\n 71\n3\n 72\n%d\n 73\n%d\n 74\n%d\n" % (knots, ctrls, fits))
for i in range(4):
self.dxf_add(" 40\n0\n")
self.dxf_add(" 40\n%f\n" % u1)
self.dxf_add(" 40\n%f\n" % u2)
for i in range(4):
self.dxf_add(" 40\n1\n")
for i in range(6):
self.dxf_add(" 10\n%f\n 20\n%f\n 30\n0.0\n" % (xctrl[i],yctrl[i]))
for i in range(4):
self.dxf_add(" 11\n%f\n 21\n%f\n 31\n0.0\n" % (xfit[i],yfit[i]))
def effect(self):
#References: Minimum Requirements for Creating a DXF File of a 3D Model By Paul Bourke
# NURB Curves: A Guide for the Uninitiated By Philip J. Schneider
# The NURBS Book By Les Piegl and Wayne Tiller (Springer, 1995)
self.dxf_add("999\nDXF created by Inkscape\n")
scale = 25.4/90.0
h = inkex.unittouu(self.document.getroot().xpath('@height', namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0])
path = '//svg:path'
for node in self.document.getroot().xpath(path, namespaces=inkex.NSS):
d = node.get('d')
sim = simplepath.parsePath(d)
p = cubicsuperpath.CubicSuperPath(sim)
for sub in p:
for i in range(len(sub)-1):
# generate unique handle for DXF ENTITY
self.handle += 1
s = sub[i]
e = sub[i+1]
if s[1] == s[2] and e[0] == e[1]:
elif (self.options.ROBO == 'true'):
if __name__ == '__main__':
e = MyEffect()
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