revision 98ddd0ef7554a9d613111dbc0a18f4a481682641
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Purpose: To extract the svgprops data from the
# SVG 1.1 2nd Ed specification file attindex.html. The file can be found at:
# Note cssprops must be generated first to pickup "Presentation Attributes".
# Author: Tavmjong Bah
# Rewrite of script by Abhishek
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::TokeParser;
my $p= HTML::TokeParser->new('attindex.html') or die "Can't open file: $!";
my %attributes;
my $attribute;
# Loop over tokens
while( my $t = $p->get_token ) {
# Look for <tr> (start token with value 'tr').
if( $t->[0] eq 'S' and lc $t->[1] eq 'tr') {
print "---------\n";
my $column = 0;
while( $t = $p->get_token ) {
# Keep track of column
if( $t->[0] eq 'S' and lc $t->[1] eq 'td') {
$t = $p->get_token; # Skip to next token
if( $column == 1 and $t->[0] eq 'S' and lc $t->[1] =~ 'span') {
# First column is always attribute name, defined inside <span>.
$t = $p->get_token;
$attribute = $t->[1];
$attribute =~ s/‘//; # Opening single quote
$attribute =~ s/’//; # Closing single quote
print "Attribute: $attribute\n";
if( $column == 2 and $t->[0] eq 'S') {
# Second column is list of elements, each inside its own span.
if( lc $t->[1] eq 'span' && ${$t->[2]}{'class'} =~ 'element-name' ) {
$t = $p->get_token;
my $element = $t->[1];
$element =~ s/‘//; # Opening single quote
$element =~ s/’//; # Closing single quote
print " Elements: $element\n";
push @{$attributes{ $attribute }->{elements}}, $element;
} else {
# print " Not Elements: $t->[1]\n";
if( $t->[0] eq 'E' and lc $t->[1] eq 'tr') {
# Stop if we get to presentation attributes
if( $t->[0] eq 'S' and lc $t->[1] eq 'h2') {
$t = $p->get_token;
if( $t->[1] =~ /Presentation/ ) {
print "Found: $t->[1], quiting.\n";
# Adjustments
push @{$attributes{ "in" }->{elements}}, "feMergeNode";
push @{$attributes{ "class" }->{elements}}, "flowRoot","flowPara","flowSpan","flowRect","flowRegion";
push @{$attributes{ "id" }->{elements}}, "flowRoot","flowPara","flowSpan","flowRect","flowRegion";
push @{$attributes{ "style" }->{elements}}, "flowRoot","flowPara","flowSpan","flowRect","flowRegion";
push @{$attributes{ "xml:space" }->{elements}}, "flowRoot","flowPara","flowSpan";
push @{$attributes{ "transform" }->{elements}}, "flowRoot","flowPara","flowSpan";
# Output
open( ELEMENTS, ">svgprops_new" ) or die "Couldn't open output";
for $attribute ( sort keys %attributes ) {
print ELEMENTS "\"$attribute\" - ";
my $first = 0;
foreach (@{$attributes{ $attribute }->{elements}}) {
if( $first != 0 ) {
print ELEMENTS ",";
$first = 1;
print ELEMENTS "\"$_\"";
print ELEMENTS "\n\n";
# Copy cssprops verbatim. For every CSS property there is a
# corresponding "Presentation Attribute".
open( PROPERTIES, "cssprops" ) or die "Couldn't open $!";
while( <PROPERTIES> ) {