osx-dmg.sh revision 4faa2819855dd8c5108640995f01e825d7939b14
# Inkscape packaging script for Mac OS X
# The script creates a read-write disk image,
# copies Inkscape in it, customizes its appearance using a
# previously created .DS_Store file (inkscape.ds_store),
# and then compresses the disk image for distribution.
# Authors:
# Jean-Olivier Irisson <jo.irisson@gmail.com>
# Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright 2006
# Licensed under GNU General Public License
# How to update the disk image layout:
# ------------------------------------
# Modify the 'dmg_background.svg' file and generate a new
# 'dmg_background.png' file.
# Update the AppleScript file 'dmg_set_style.scpt'.
# Run this script with the '-s' option. It will apply the
# 'dmg_set_style.scpt' AppleScript file, and then prompt the
# user to check the window size # and position before writing
# a new 'inkscape.ds_store' file to work around a bug in Finder
# and AppleScript. The updated 'inkscape.ds_store' will need
# to be commited to the repository when this is done.
if [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then
# Create temp directory with desired contents of the release volume.
echo "Copying files to temp directory..."
# Copy Inkscape.app folder.
# link to Applications in order to drag and drop inkscape onto it.
# Copy a background image inside a hidden directory so the image
# file itself won't be shown.
if [ ${set_ds_store} = "false" ]; then
# Copy the .DS_Store file which contains information about
# window size, appearance, etc. Most of this can be set
# with Apple script but involves # user intervention so we
# just keep a copy of the correct settings and use that instead.
# Create a new RW image from the temp directory.
echo "Creating a new RW disk image..."
/usr/bin/hdiutil create -srcfolder "tmp-dmg" -volname "$VOLNAME" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDRW "$RWNAME"
# We're finished with the temp directory, remove it.
# Mount the created image.
echo "Mounting the disk image..."
DEV_NAME=`/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify $AUTOOPENOPT "$RWNAME" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}'`
# Have the disk image window open automatically when mounted.
if [ ${set_ds_store} = "true" ]; then
# BUG: one needs to move and close the window manually for the
# changes in appearance to be retained...
echo "
* Please move the disk image window *
* to the center of the screen *
* then close it and press enter *
read -e DUMB
# .DS_Store files aren't written till the disk is unmounted,
# or finder is restarted.
DEV_NAME=`/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify $AUTOOPENOPT "$RWNAME" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed 1q | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "New inkscape.ds_store file written."
# Unmount the disk image.
exit 0
# Unmount the disk image.
# Create the offical release image by compressing the RW one.