revision caf4fa4ac3a9eef313c6bb5b0f9f78a44393d9a6
c25356d5978632df6203437e1953bcb29e0c736fTimo Sirainen=encoding UTF-8
2767104d81e97a109f0aa9758792bfa1da325a97Timo SirainenInkscape - an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) editing program.
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen=head1 SYNOPSIS
6cc0546c058f3e6253c6f99727b28dd602712974Timo SirainenC<inkscape [options] [filename ...]>
0ce5f96804e81cb0f857e7df32c0272f1eed9377Timo Sirainen -V, --version
0ce5f96804e81cb0f857e7df32c0272f1eed9377Timo Sirainen -f, --file=FILENAME
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen -e, --export-png=FILENAME
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen -a, --export-area=x0:y0:x1:y1
252db51b6c0a605163326b3ea5d09e9936ca3b29Timo Sirainen -C, --export-area-page
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen -D, --export-area-drawing
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen --export-area-snap
211ed7806d8715ec2280ffbf5d10f0d6e4f1beb2Timo Sirainen -i, --export-id=ID
211ed7806d8715ec2280ffbf5d10f0d6e4f1beb2Timo Sirainen -j, --export-id-only
211ed7806d8715ec2280ffbf5d10f0d6e4f1beb2Timo Sirainen -t, --export-use-hints
211ed7806d8715ec2280ffbf5d10f0d6e4f1beb2Timo Sirainen -b, --export-background=COLOR
211ed7806d8715ec2280ffbf5d10f0d6e4f1beb2Timo Sirainen -y, --export-background-opacity=VALUE
9b7eeffb5752b500ac62ba1fd01c4a8c4ada14e9Timo Sirainen -d, --export-dpi=DPI
9b7eeffb5752b500ac62ba1fd01c4a8c4ada14e9Timo Sirainen -w, --export-width=WIDTH
c0435c854a0e7246373b9752d163095cc4fbe985Timo Sirainen -h, --export-height=HEIGHT
93fa87cf1a96c4f279ec4f5c311820313ba12c34Timo Sirainen -P, --export-ps=FILENAME
93fa87cf1a96c4f279ec4f5c311820313ba12c34Timo Sirainen -E, --export-eps=FILENAME
93fa87cf1a96c4f279ec4f5c311820313ba12c34Timo Sirainen -A, --export-pdf=FILENAME
93fa87cf1a96c4f279ec4f5c311820313ba12c34Timo Sirainen --export-pdf-version=VERSION-STRING
b565a6a7a66fb9f224d00c06a950e3c1c585c18eTimo Sirainen --export-latex
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen --export-ps-level {2,3}
8cb72c59d5ea4e9e5f638d7ec840bb853f5a188eTimo Sirainen -T, --export-text-to-path
8cb72c59d5ea4e9e5f638d7ec840bb853f5a188eTimo Sirainen --export-ignore-filters
8cb72c59d5ea4e9e5f638d7ec840bb853f5a188eTimo Sirainen -l, --export-plain-svg=FILENAME
cd56a23e21f1df3f79648cf07e2f4385e2fadebbTimo Sirainen -p, --print=PRINTER
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen -I, --query-id=ID
c0435c854a0e7246373b9752d163095cc4fbe985Timo Sirainen -X, --query-x
d5cebe7f98e63d4e2822863ef2faa4971e8b3a5dTimo Sirainen -Y, --query-y
d5cebe7f98e63d4e2822863ef2faa4971e8b3a5dTimo Sirainen -W, --query-width
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen -H, --query-height
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen -S, --query-all
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen -x, --extension-directory
2767104d81e97a109f0aa9758792bfa1da325a97Timo Sirainen --verb=VERB-ID
211ed7806d8715ec2280ffbf5d10f0d6e4f1beb2Timo Sirainen --select=OBJECT-ID
59151b71059df1190acd75d8717ed04a7920c862Timo Sirainen -g, --with-gui
59151b71059df1190acd75d8717ed04a7920c862Timo Sirainen -z, --without-gui
c0435c854a0e7246373b9752d163095cc4fbe985Timo Sirainen --vacuum-defs
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen --g-fatal-warnings
c0435c854a0e7246373b9752d163095cc4fbe985Timo Sirainen=head1 DESCRIPTION
683eebe490bbe5caec246c535a10ea9f93f5c330Timo SirainenB<Inkscape> is a GUI editor for B<Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)> format
683eebe490bbe5caec246c535a10ea9f93f5c330Timo Sirainendrawing files, with capabilities similar to B<Adobe Illustrator>,
c0435c854a0e7246373b9752d163095cc4fbe985Timo SirainenB<CorelDraw>, B<Xara Xtreme>, etc. Inkscape features include versatile
5238111c460098d9cc8cc22527026138a278b9a4Timo Sirainenshapes, bezier paths, freehand drawing, multi-line text, text on path,
5238111c460098d9cc8cc22527026138a278b9a4Timo Sirainenalpha blending, arbitrary affine transforms, gradient and pattern fills, node
6ef7e31619edfaa17ed044b45861d106a86191efTimo Sirainenediting, many export and import formats including PNG and PDF, grouping,
2767104d81e97a109f0aa9758792bfa1da325a97Timo Sirainenlayers, live clones, and a lot more. The interface is
68a4946b12583b88fa802e52ebee45cd96056772Timo Sirainendesigned to be comfortable and efficient for skilled users, while
de954ff15b495be13007a8aca2c09fd1d356a283Timo Sirainenremaining conformant to B<GNOME> standards so that users familiar with
de954ff15b495be13007a8aca2c09fd1d356a283Timo Sirainenother GNOME applications can learn its interface rapidly.
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo SirainenB<SVG> is a W3C standard XML format for 2D vector drawing. It allows
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainendefining objects in the drawing using points, paths, and primitive
c0435c854a0e7246373b9752d163095cc4fbe985Timo Sirainenshapes. Colors, fonts, stroke width, and so forth are specified as
2767104d81e97a109f0aa9758792bfa1da325a97Timo Sirainen`style' attributes to these objects. The intent is that since SVG is a
c0435c854a0e7246373b9752d163095cc4fbe985Timo Sirainenstandard, and since its files are text/xml, it will be
2767104d81e97a109f0aa9758792bfa1da325a97Timo Sirainenpossible to use SVG files in a sizeable number of programs and for a
0ce5f96804e81cb0f857e7df32c0272f1eed9377Timo Sirainenwide range of uses.
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo SirainenB<Inkscape> uses SVG as its native document format, and has the goal of
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainenbecoming the most fully compliant drawing program for SVG files
03f5c621d06d6b6d77a145196c9633a7aa64dc78Timo Sirainenavailable in the Open Source community.
d7e72877b7a5085c3addf9729d0bfbe1b5357853Timo Sirainen=head1 OPTIONS
03f5c621d06d6b6d77a145196c9633a7aa64dc78Timo Sirainen=item B<-?>, B<--help>
c0435c854a0e7246373b9752d163095cc4fbe985Timo SirainenShow help message
ecc81625167ed96c04c02aa190a1ea5baa65b474Timo Sirainen=item B<-V>, B<--version>
8cdb3234fe3c77e477c7a0e6934678f58fc54d4dTimo SirainenShow Inkscape version and build date.
8cdb3234fe3c77e477c7a0e6934678f58fc54d4dTimo Sirainen=item B<-a> I<x0:y0:x1:y1>, B<--export-area>=I<x0:y0:x1:y1>
In PNG, PDF, PS, and EPS export, exported area is the drawing (not page), i.e. the bounding box
For PNG export, snap the export area outwards to the nearest integer SVG user unit (px) values. If you are using the
default export resolution of 96 dpi and your graphics are pixel-snapped to minimize antialiasing, this switch
then the page color set in Inkscape in the Document Options dialog will be used (stored in the pagecolor= attribute of sodipodi:namedview).
Option string may be omitted, i.e. you can list the filenames without -f.
For PNG and plain SVG, only export the object whose id is given in --export-id. All other objects are hidden and won't
Without --export-id, this option is ignored. For PDF export, this is the default, so this option has no effect.
Export document(s) to plain SVG format, without sodipodi: or inkscape: namespaces and without RDF metadata.
Remember to do appropriate quoting for your shell, e.g.
So, for example, if you export a shape with id="path231" as /home/me/shape.png at 300 dpi from document.svg using Inkscape GUI, and save the document,
then later you will be able to reexport that shape to the same file with the same resolution simply with
inkscape -i path231 -t document.svg
then the page opacity set in Inkscape in the Document Options dialog will be used (stored in the inkscape:pageopacity= attribute of sodipodi:namedview).
Export document(s) to PostScript format. Note that PostScript does not support transparency, so any transparent objects in the original SVG will be automatically rasterized. Used fonts are subset and embedded. The default export area is page; you can set it to drawing by --export-area-drawing. You can
Export document(s) to Encapsulated PostScript format. Note that PostScript does not support transparency, so any transparent objects in the original SVG will be automatically rasterized. Used fonts are subset and embedded. The default export area is drawing; you can set it to page, however see --export-area-page for applicable limitation. You can specify --export-id to export a single object (all other are hidden).
e.g. "1.4". The default pdf export version is "1.4".
(e.g. as specified by --export-pdf) and a LaTeX file. Text will not be output in
the PDF/PS/EPS file, but instead will appear in the LaTeX file. This LaTeX file
Export filtered objects (e.g. those with blur) as vectors, ignoring the filters (for PS, EPS, and PDF export).
By default, all filtered objects are rasterized at --export-dpi (default 96 dpi), preserving the appearance.
return the dimensions of the drawing (i.e. all document objects), not the page or viewbox
Query the X coordinate of the drawing or, if specified, of the object with --query-id. The returned value is in px (SVG user units).
Query the Y coordinate of the drawing or, if specified, of the object with --query-id. The returned value is in px (SVG user units).
Query the width of the drawing or, if specified, of the object with --query-id. The returned value is in px (SVG user units).
Query the height of the drawing or, if specified, of the object with --query-id. The returned value is in px (SVG user units).
The main configuration file is located in ~/.config/inkscape/preferences.xml; it stores
B<$HOME>/.config/inkscape/extensions/ - extension effects.
B<$HOME>/.config/inkscape/icons/ - icons.
B<$HOME>/.config/inkscape/keys/ - keyboard maps.
B<$HOME>/.config/inkscape/templates/ - new file templates.
inkscape filename.svg
inkscape filename.svg -p '| lpr'
Export an SVG file into PNG with the default resolution of 96 dpi (one SVG user unit translates to one bitmap pixel):
inkscape filename.svg --export-id=text1555 --export-use-hints
inkscape filename.svg --query-width --query-id text1555
inkscape filename.svg --select=path1555 --verb=EditDuplicate --verb=ObjectRotate90 --verb=FileSave --verb=FileClose
B<$PREFIX>/share/inkscape/icons/icons.svg file, the directory
B<$HOME>/.config/inkscape/icons/ is used. Icons are loaded by name The website has news, documentation,
SVG compliance test suite:
SVG validator:
( which is embedded into Inkscape.
To get a complete list of keyboard and mouse shortcuts, view doc/keys.html, or use the Keys and Mouse command in Help menu.
Many bugs are known; please refer to the website ( for reviewing the reported ones and to
Raph's Gill page is at Work on Gill appears
B<Inkscape> is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it