NEWS revision b6b416ec12d0442df6b3b9d9256476a295b07551
2250N/AInkscape 0.45: overview
0N/A This release brings the exciting new features developed by the Google
0N/A Summer of Code 2006 participants, as well as tons of other
0N/A improvements across the board.
0N/ASVG filters: Gaussian blur
0N/A Thanks to Google's Summer of Code program, Inkscape now has basic
0N/A support for [44]SVG filters. The only filter enabled so far is
0N/A Gaussian blur.
0N/A With it, you can softly and naturally blur any Inkscape objects:
0N/A paths, shapes, groups, text], images. Clones inherit blurring from
0N/A their original, but they can also be blurred independently from the
0N/A original (you can create blurred clones with Tile Clones, too). Both
0N/A the fill and stroke of an object are blurred together, creating
1472N/A semitransparent margins that smoothly blend into the background.
1472N/A Gaussian blur enables a wide range of photorealistic effects:
0N/A arbitrarily shaped shades and lights, depth of field, drop shadows,
0N/A glows, etc. Also, blurred objects can be used as masks for other
0N/A objects to achieve the "feathered mask" effect.
1879N/A * To blur selected objects, open the Fill and Stroke dialog
1879N/A (Ctrl+Shift+F) and use the Blur slider. The blur value is a
1879N/A percentage, with 100% corresponding to a blurring radius of 1/8 of
1879N/A the object's bounding box' perimeter (that is, for a square, a
1879N/A blur of 100% will have the radius equal to half a side).
0N/A * The Tile Clones dialog also supports blurring. On the Blur &
0N/A opacity tab, you can set the blur percentage per row or per column
0N/A of your tiling, as well as randomize blurring and make it
0N/A alternate (all the same options as for Opacity).
0N/A * The quality of on-screen blur display is controlled by the Blur
0N/A quality option on the new Filters tab of Inkscape Preferences
0N/A (Ctrl+Shift+P). The available options range from best
0N/A quality/slowest display to worst quality/fastest display, the
0N/A default being in the middle of the range. Any setting except the
0N/A "best quality" may introduce some rendering artifacts, especially
0N/A when blurring thin strokes; on the other hand, the "best quality"
0N/A setting may make Inkscape extremely slow at high zooms. These
0N/A settings only affect the screen display of blurred objects; bitmap
0N/A export always uses the best quality.
0N/A Here are a few tips on using blur:
0N/A * Masks and clipping are applied after blur. That is, if you clip an
0N/A object and then blur it (or blur it first and then clip - it makes
0N/A no difference), the clipped edges will remain crisp. Often, this
0N/A is what you want. If, however, you want to blur the clipped/masked
0N/A edges too (possibly with a different radius), you can use
0N/A grouping: group the clipped object with some other object (which
0N/A you can then delete from the group) and blur the group.
0N/A * A simple drop shadow is now very easy to do: just copy the object,
0N/A paint the copy black, blur it, shift away a bit and lower it to
0N/A the bottom. However, such a shadow does not update when you edit
0N/A the foreground object. If your object is already black (or, more
0N/A generally, if you want the shadow to be the same color as the
0N/A object), you can clone instead of copy to make the shadow
0N/A auto-updating. But what if your foreground object is not black but
0N/A you need a black shadow? Here's a recipe: unset the object's fill
0N/A (it becomes black); create two clones of it; put one clone on top
0N/A and paint any color you want; put the other clone at bottom, blur
0N/A it and shift sideways. Now you can edit the unset-fill original
0N/A (use Alt+click to select it) and everything will update.
0N/A * If an object has a fill that you don't want to blur (e.g. pattern,
0N/A or if it's a bitmap), but you just want to feather its edges, use
0N/A a blurred transparency mask. For this, copy the object; paint it
0N/A white; blur it as needed; scale the blurred copy down so its blur
0N/A margins are entirely within the original object; select both the
0N/A original and the blurred mask; do Object > Mask > Set.
0N/A * Transforming a blurred object transforms its blur, too. This
0N/A applies to a non-uniform scaling as well, so by squeezing a
0N/A blurred object you make its blur squeezed as well. So, the easiest
0N/A way to blur a path horizontally more than vertically is this:
0N/A stretch it upwards without blur, then apply blur and squeeze it
0N/A back into the original shape.
0N/A * You can combine blurring with gradients. For example, an ellipse
0N/A with elliptic opacity gradient will look much softer and more
0N/A natural when blurred. An object with a horizontal linear opacity
0N/A gradient, when blurred, will look like it is more blurred on its
0N/A transparent side than on its opaque side.
0N/A * A clone of a blurred object inherits the blur of the original.
0N/A Therefore, such a clone can be blurred more, but you can't
0N/A "unblur" it to make the clone sharper than its original (unless,
0N/A of course, you unlink it). The Fill and Stroke dialog shows you
0N/A the amount of the blur applied to this particular object; however,
0N/A if the object is a clone of an already blurred original, the
0N/A dialog does not reflect that.
0N/A * Note that Firefox 2.0 does not support SVG filters, so your files
0N/A will be displayed in Firefox 2.0 without blur. However, support
0N/A has been added in the current development version ("trunk") and
0N/A will be included in Firefox 3.0. The Opera web browser, as well as
0N/A librsvg (used by Wikipedia) and Batik, support filters correctly.
0N/AUndo history
0N/A * Inkscape now features a History Dialog accessible through
222N/A Ctrl+Shift+H or Edit->Undo History. All changes to the document
222N/A since it was opened are recorded here.
222N/A + In the dialog, changes are listed from the oldest (top) to
222N/A the newest (bottom).
222N/A + The type of each change is indicated by an icon and a short
0N/A description.
0N/A + For readability, consecutive changes of the same type are
0N/A placed in a collapsable branch showing a triangle marker and
0N/A the number of the hidden actions in the branch.
0N/A + By clicking on an event event in the list, you can easily
0N/A move through the undo history, i.e. undo or redo any number
222N/A of actions with one click.
0N/A * The Undo and Redo commands in the Edit menu display the
0N/A descriptions of the commands to be undone and redone,
0N/A correspondingly. (These are the same descriptions that you see in
0N/A the History dialog.)
0N/ARendering improvements
0N/A * Interruptible display: Previously, Inkscape could not do anything
0N/A until it finishes the current screen redraw. Now the redraw is
0N/A made interruptible, so that Inkscape responds to mouse and
0N/A keyboard input and can abort the current redraw and start over if
0N/A you do some screen-changing operation. As a result, Inkscape now
222N/A feels much snappier and more interactive. This interruptibility is
222N/A fine-tuned for some interactive operations (such as node dragging)
0N/A so that a balance is achieved between responsiveness and
222N/A completeness of display.
0N/A * Radial gradients are rendered faster by at least 10%.
0N/A * Screen render is faster by 2-3%, up to 5% for complex drawings
222N/A with transparency.
0N/A * Display is more responsive when working at high zoom levels when
0N/A using a tablet.
0N/A * Rendering (compositing) quality has been improved. This is most
0N/A visible with (partially) transparent gradients, banding is a lot
0N/A less pronounced now. Speed has also been improved in some cases.
0N/ANode tool
0N/A * You can grow or shrink node selection by hovering the mouse
0N/A pointer over a node and using mousewheel (up = grow, down =
1410N/A shrink) or the keys PageUp (grow) and PageDown (shrink). Growing
1410N/A adds the closest unselected node to the selection; shrinking
0N/A deselects the farthest selected node. There are two modes that
0N/A differ by how the closest/farthest nodes are chosen:
222N/A *
222N/A + Spatial selection (Mousewheel, PageUp/PageDown): distances to
222N/A nodes are measured directly, regardless of which subpath a
0N/A node belongs to.
0N/A *
0N/A + Linear selection (Ctrl+Mousewheel,
0N/A Ctrl+PageUp/Ctrl+PageDown): node distances are measured along
222N/A the path, and only the nodes belonging to the same subpath as
222N/A the hovered node are considered (i.e. other subpaths are
222N/A never selected).
222N/A This technique is convenient for quickly selecting an area in a
222N/A complex path starting from a center - for example, for node
222N/A sculpting.
0N/A * Instead of the confusing toggle button, now the Controls bar for
0N/A the Dropper tool has two checkboxes, "Pick alpha" and "Set alpha",
0N/A which work as follows. Suppose you have an object selected and,
0N/A using Dropper, click on an object which has red (#FF0000) fill and
0N/A 0.5 opacity (half-transparent).
0N/A + If the "Pick alpha" checkbox is off, the selected object will
0N/A get the fill color #800000 (i.e. faded-out red) and fill
0N/A opacity will be at 1.0 (opaque).
0N/A + If the "Pick alpha" checkbox is on but "Set alpha" is off,
0N/A the selected object will get the fill color #FF0000 (red) and
0N/A fill opacity will be at 1.0.
0N/A + If both "Pick alpha" and "Set alpha" are on, the selected
0N/A object will get the fill color #FF0000 (red) and fill opacity
0N/A will be at 0.5 (half-transparent).
222N/A If you Shift+click instead of click, the same changes will be
222N/A made to stroke color and stroke opacity, correspondingly. Note
222N/A that in no situation can Dropper change the master opacity of
222N/A the selected object(s), although it can pick it just as it does
222N/A any other kind of opacity.
222N/A * A new numeric parameter, Caps, controls the amount of protruding
222N/A at the ends of calligraphic strokes. This parameter can range from
0N/A 0 (flat caps, default behavior in previous versions) through 1
222N/A (approximately half-circle caps) and up to 5 (long elliptic caps).
222N/A Rounded caps much improve the look of low-fixation strokes,
222N/A simulating a rounded pen.
222N/A * The "Drag" parameter has been renamed to Wiggle with a value
222N/A inversion (i.e. low drag corresponds to high wiggle, and vice
222N/A versa). Increase this parameter (default is 0) to make the pen
222N/A waver and wiggle in curly patterns.
222N/AOutline mode
222N/A * A new menu command (View > Display Mode > Toggle) and a new
222N/A keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+<keypad 5>) switch the display mode from
222N/A Normal to Outline and back.
222N/A * The window title displays "(outline)" next to the file name when
222N/A that editing window is in Outline mode.
222N/A * An object with mask and/or clipping path, when viewed in Outline
222N/A mode, now displays both the object itself and its clipping path
222N/A and mask as objects, using different outline colors. By default,
222N/A clippaths use green outlines, and masks use blue.
222N/A * Images in Outline mode are displayed as red (by default) frames
222N/A with two diagonals.
222N/A * An object with no fill and no stroke, invisible and not selectable
222N/A by mouse clicking in normal mode, can now be picked by a mouse
0N/A click in the Outline mode using its visible outline.
222N/A * The bug whereby stroked shapes didn't change stroke width when
222N/A switching to Outline mode or back is fixed.
222N/A * All outline colors are changeable by editing the "wireframecolors"
222N/A group inside "options" in the preferences file
222N/A (~/.inkscape/preferences.xml). The "onlight" and "ondark"
222N/A attributes set the colors of the regular object outlines on light
222N/A and dark backgrounds (default black and white correspondingly);
222N/A the "images", "clips", and "masks" attributes set the colors of
222N/A images, clipping paths, and masks (defaults are red, green, and
0N/A blue correspondingly). Each attribute is a decimal integer
0N/A corresponding to the hex RRGGBBAA of the color.
222N/A * To cater for specialized uses, such as preparing input for
0N/A personal media cutters, Inkscape now has an option to start in the
0N/A Outline mode upon launch. To enable this, add the following line
0N/A to your preferences.xml file:
0N/A <group id="startmode" outline="1"/>
0N/A placing it after the <group id="options"> opening tag.
222N/APDF export
222N/A * A new Cairo-based PDF exporter has been added to Inkscape.
0N/A Inkscape 0.45 can export shapes, strokes, transparency, gradients,
222N/A patterns, text, and images correctly to Cairo. While clipping
0N/A paths and masks are known to be faulty or missing. Cairo will
0N/A write a PDF with vector graphics when possible and fall back to
0N/A raster graphics when needed. What can be exported as vectors and
222N/A how much of the image will be rasterized when the fallback kicks
0N/A in depends on your version of Cairo. Cairo version 1.2 with the
222N/A pdf backend compiled in is the minimum requirement for any
0N/A Cairo-based PDF exports.
0N/A * [removed? - mental] The native PDF exporter introduced in Inkscape
0N/A 0.44 is improved along with the new Cairo-based PDF exporter.
0N/A Changes since Inkscape 0.44 include: New features: bitmap images
0N/A can be embedded, pdf files can be exported from commandline.
222N/A Changed behaviour: the pointless text to path question is gone.
0N/A Fixed bugs: save failure is now detected, miter limits are now >=
222N/A 1, pdfs with transparent gradient are now embeddable, eccentric
0N/A elliptic gradients fixed, dash style inheritance fixed,
0N/A transparency inheritance fixed.
0N/APS/EPS export
0N/A * There's a new option to embed the fonts used in the document in
0N/A the PS or EPS exported file. As of now, this works for Type 1
0N/A fonts only, not TrueType. The option is available when performing
0N/A the export from the GUI as well as from the command line via the
0N/A --export-embed-fonts option.
0N/AEMF export
0N/A * Inkscape has a limited support for exporting EMF (Enhanced Meta
0N/A File) format. This works only on Windows, and only exports strokes
0N/A and fills with constant colours. No text, no images, no gradients,
0N/A no transparency.
0N/ACommand line
0N/A * The new --export-pdf command line parameter allows exporting an
0N/A SVG image to PDF from command line.
0N/AKeyboard profiles
0N/A The previous release allowed sets of keybinding to be created for
0N/A Inkscape in the style of other applications. Two more sets of
0N/A keybindings have been added.
0N/A * Adobe Illustrator
222N/A * Macromedia Freehand
222N/A Of course not every feature in these other programs has a direct match
0N/A to features in Inkscape so if you can please do help us out by
0N/A reporting any problems you may have or improvements you would like to
0N/A request.
0N/A Additionally, a keybinding that focuses on tablet-based illustration
222N/A and drawing work has been added:
0N/A * right-handed-illustration.xml
222N/A This keybinding places all commonly-used commands under the left hand,
0N/A so that the user's hands rarely leave the keyboard or the
0N/A tablet/stylus.
222N/A (To enable a profile, copy it into default.xml in the same directory,
0N/A overwriting the old file. To restore the default Inkscape set, copy
0N/A inkscape.xml into default.xml.)
0N/A More of Inkscape's keys are implemented as actions and are therefore
0N/A available for remapping via keyboard profiles. New actions include
0N/A EditSelectNext and EditSelectPrev for selecting next/previous object
222N/A or node (by default, they are bound to Tab/Shift+Tab; as a result of
0N/A becoming global actions, these keys now work in all tools and not only
0N/A in Selector and Node tool as before).
0N/AExtension effects
0N/A * 3 new parameter types have been added to the extension effect UI:
222N/A tabs, enumerations and optiongroups (radiobuttons). Examples are
0N/A available of how to use these parameters in the definition of
0N/A extensions: the new function plotter uses tabs; enumerations are
0N/A used by the 'Pattern along path' extension; and a small developer
0N/A example is given to illustrate the use of optiongroups (identical
0N/A to enumerations).
0N/A * A new extension, Render > Lorem ipsum creates the traditional
222N/A Latin-like random text for design mock-ups. The number of
0N/A paragraphs, the number of sentences per paragraph and the possible
222N/A fluctuation of the number of sentences (for uneven paragraphs) can
0N/A be adjusted. If no flowed text element is selected, a new one in a
0N/A new layer is created, matching the size of the canvas.
0N/A * Pattern along path: A new powerful extension (in "Generate from
222N/A path" submenu) allows you to bend, repeat and/or stretch a pattern
0N/A object (which can be a path or a group) along a "skeleton" path.
222N/A This makes it easy to create a variety of patterned and shaped
0N/A strokes. This obsoletes the old "Kochify" extension which is
0N/A removed.
0N/A * Color effects: A new group of extensions in the Color submenu of
0N/A the Effects menu allows you to adjust all colors of a selection at
0N/A once. These commands affect both fill and stroke colors, including
0N/A gradients (but not bitmaps). The commands include a full set of
0N/A HSL adjustments (increasing/decreasing hue, saturation, or
0N/A lightness by 5%), Brighter and Darker (adjust brightness by up or
0N/A down by 10%), Desaturate, Grayscale, Negative, commands for
0N/A removing or swapping the Red, Green, Blue channels, as well as a
222N/A Custom command where you can set your own formulas for modifying
222N/A the color channels. These extensions are a temporary solution; in
222N/A a future version, similar functionality will be added to Inkscape
222N/A core.
222N/A Note: undoing color changes on gradients exposes a bug where an
2739N/A object seems to "disappear"; this is however only a display
222N/A issue (caused by the order in which gradients and their users
222N/A are restored on undo) not causing any loss of information.
222N/A Also, on large documents and large selections with gradients,
222N/A Python's XPath code may get quite slow. Despite these
222N/A shortcomings, we decided to add this extension, because it's
222N/A genuinely useful functionality which was so far missing in
222N/A Inkscape.
222N/A * The Function Plotter has been extended, providing greater
222N/A flexibility in x- and y-range definition.
222N/A * g2png: The new group-to-PNG Python extension (g2png) is an easy
222N/A way to export any group or layer to individual PNG files. It was
222N/A first created for use in the [58]Inkscape User Manual (also
222N/A available in SVN's user_manual module) but is also interesting for
222N/A many other uses. If e.g. you have to draw a set of icons, you can
222N/A draw them in the same document, thus making copying, duplicating,
222N/A cloning etc. easier. Then just create a group for each icon, and
222N/A with the extension, each group ends up in its own PNG file.
222N/A * [color markers to match stroke - acspike]
222N/A * The "Blur Edge" extension is renamed into Inset/Outset Halo to
222N/A avoid confusion with the real Gaussian blur that we now support,
222N/A as well as to better describe what this extension actually does:
222N/A From the selected path, it creates a group of inset and outset
222N/A paths that form a stepped "halo" around the object.
222N/A * The Extract One Image extension automatically appends filename
222N/A extension to the created bitmap file.
222N/A * In an extension's INX file, you can specify <effects-menu
222N/A hidden="yes"/> to hide that extension from the Effects menu.
222N/A However, such a "hidden" extension can still be assigned a
222N/A keyboard shortcut (by using its id as an "action" in your
222N/A ~/.inkscape/keys/default.xml).
222N/ASVG output
222N/A For specialized uses, several aspects of Inkscape's SVG output can now
222N/A be customized via editing the preferences.xml file (there's no UI for
222N/A these options). A <group id="svgoutput"> inside <group id="options">
222N/A can have the following attributes:
222N/A * usenamedcolors (default is 0). If nonzero, Inkscape uses symbolic
222N/A color names (such as "white" or "lime") and three-digit color
222N/A designations (such as $dfe) where appropriate; otherwise, it
222N/A always uses six-digit colors (such as $d0f0e0). Note that in 0.44,
222N/A the default was to use named colors, which created problems for
222N/A some extension effects.
222N/A * numericprecision (default is 8). This is the number of significant
222N/A digits written for each number into SVG. You can lower this number
222N/A to get slightly more compact SVG at the expense of precision.
222N/A * minimumexponent (default is -8). In transform= attributes, any
222N/A number whose absolute value is less than 10 to the power of
222N/A minimumexponent (i.e. less than 10^-8 by default) is written as 0.
222N/A * indent (default is 2) controls the number of spaces that each
222N/A level of nesting in SVG is shifted. Set this to 0 to disable
222N/A indentation.
222N/A * inlineattrs (default is 0). If nonzero, attributes are placed on
222N/A the same line as their tags; otherwise they are separated by
222N/A newlines.
222N/ABitmap tracing
222N/A * A new color quantization algorithm for multiscan traces works
222N/A faster (especially for large numbers of colors) and gives more
222N/A adequate results with less colors used. This improves tracing
222N/A results both for full-color photographs and for limited-color
222N/A drawings.
222N/A * The Trace Bitmap dialog now provides access to three more tracing
222N/A parameters:
222N/A + Suppress speckles: If set, spots or speckles larger than the
222N/A given size are suppressed in the trace.
222N/A + Smooth corners: This parameter controls how much smoothing is
222N/A applied to corners in the traced path.
222N/A + Optimize paths: If set, trace paths are optimized by joining
250N/A adjacent Bezier segments with the given tolerance.
222N/A * All controls in the Trace Bitmap dialog are reorganized to be
222N/A easier to find. The dialog is redesigned to use two main tabs:
222N/A Mode (where you select the tracing mode, such as brightness cutoff
222N/A or color multiscan) and Options (where you set various tracing
250N/A options, such as corner smoothing). The preview is placed
222N/A horizontally to the right of the tabs. Most labels and tooltips
222N/A are rewritten for clarity. The trace preview image is made twice
222N/A larger.
222N/AEven more improvements
222N/A * A 'Save a copy'-function has been added to the file menu, similar
222N/A to the 'Save a copy' functionality of e.g. Adobe Illustrator. With
222N/A this function, you can save your document under a new filename,
222N/A but Inkscape will 'forget' it has done this: later saves will be
222N/A to the old filename. The default shortcut assigned to this
222N/A function is: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+S.
222N/A * Text and flowed text objects behave more consistently. Now you can
222N/A put a flowed text on path or (re)flow it into a shape just as you
222N/A would do with a regular (unflowed) text. Previously, the need to
222N/A convert a flowed text to text before these operations was a
222N/A stumble for many users.
222N/A * [new Help commands]
222N/A * Exported PNG images have the correct resolution set in the
222N/A headers.
222N/A * [sculpt profiles - bbyak]
222N/A * [new toolbar: squeezable, expansion menu, right-click menus -
222N/A joncruz]
222N/A * [union of a single object - acspike]
222N/A * We removed the "hacked" filename entry field that we had added to
222N/A the Open and Save dialogs because starting from version 2.10, GTK+
222N/A has finally restored this field in their standard file dialog. The
222N/A standard field at the top of the dialog supports type-ahead find
222N/A and performs the default dialog action (open or save) by pressing
222N/A Enter, which means you can now do a quick Ctrl+O, Ctrl+V, Enter
222N/A sequence to open the file whose path is in your clipboard (this
222N/A closes a long-standing usability bug). Those who use older
222N/A versions of GTK are advised either to upgrade to 2.10 or use
222N/A Ctrl+L to open a pop-up filename box. (Our Windows builds are
222N/A shipped with GTK+ 2.10.)
222N/A * The Create Bitmap function (Alt+B in the default keymap) is made
222N/A more useful. Unless you have specific resolution or minimum size
222N/A set for this command in preferences.xml (<group
222N/A id="createbitmap"/>), it will take the resolution hint from the
222N/A object whose bitmap copy you are creating (in other words, it will
222N/A use the resolution that you specified for that object when
222N/A exporting it via the Export Bitmap dialog), or the default 90 dpi
222N/A if that object was not yet exported. Also, a 90 dpi bitmap (with
222N/A its pixels exactly 1 px in size) will be snapped to the pixel
222N/A grid. This makes it easy to use Create Bitmap for quick
222N/A rasterization preview of an object or document. (Note: if you have
222N/A used a previous version of Inkscape, your preferences.xml may
222N/A contain minsize="250"; delete this for objects' resolution hints
222N/A to work.)
222N/A * Using extended input (i.e. tablet pressure and tilt) can now be
222N/A disabled via Preferences (Misc tab). This is intended to be a
222N/A last-resort option for those platform/hardware combinations that
222N/A are not properly supported by GTK. With extended input disabled,
222N/A you can still use your tablet as a mouse.
222N/A * Simplify Path now had two modes when working with a group of
222N/A paths: the default mode, which treats all of the paths as one
222N/A large object to simplify, or the new mode, which acts the same as
222N/A using Simplify on each path in a group separately. In
222N/A preferences.xml, set options.simplifyindividualpaths to 1 to get
222N/A the new mode.
222N/A * For long Simplify operations (more than 20 paths at a time),
222N/A Inkscape provides user feedback via the status bar as to how many
222N/A paths have been simplified. This change also prevents Inkscape
222N/A from appearing to have locked up during the operation.
222N/A * New templates added for video formats (PAL, NTSC and HDTV 1080) as
513N/A well as DVD cover templates that were not installed in the
222N/A previous version. This will help video and DVD authoring with
222N/A Inkscape. The business card 85�54 template is now installed as
222N/A well.
222N/A * The opacity of objects is now displayed as percentage, from 0 to
222N/A 100, both in the Fill & Stroke dialog (with one fractional digit)
222N/A and in the statusbar style indicator (with no fractional digits),
222N/A instead of from 0 to 1.0 as before. This makes opacity values
222N/A easier to read, type, and say.
222N/A * "Other" license type was added to the metadata/license dialog so
222N/A that people know that they are entering a URI to an "other"
222N/A license.
222N/A * Doxygen DoxyFile is updated.
222N/A * Thanks to patches submitted by users of our community, Inkscape
222N/A can now be built on SGI IRIX 6.5.28, gcc 3.4.0 systems and on
222N/A Tru64 systems.
222N/A * With all the recent additions - clipping, masking, and especially
222N/A blur - Inkscape is now able to produce extremely photorealistic
222N/A art. In the share/examples folder in Inkscape distribution, you
222N/A will find two brand new, stunningly realistic images of shiny
222N/A cars: car.svgz by Konstantin Rotkevich and gallardo.svgz by
222N/A Michael Grosberg.
222N/A * Inkscape 0.45 does not yet have gradient meshes. But with the
222N/A addition of Gaussian Blur, this feature suddenly got within reach.
222N/A A new example file, gradient-mesh-experimental.svgz, explains the
222N/A approach Inkscape will likely take to implement this feature in a
222N/A fully SVG-compatible way.
2250N/A * Although Inkscape does not support animation yet, you can add any
2250N/A animation scripts and attributes to your SVG file manually in a
222N/A text editor - and the file will still be editable in Inkscape.
2250N/A Tavmjong Bah used this technique to create animated-clock.svg
2250N/A which, when loaded in an SVG viewer supporting animation (such as
2250N/A Firefox, Opera, or Batik), demonstrates the intricate moving
2250N/A clockwork of a watch - and shows real time to boot! If loaded in
222N/A Inkscape, the image is static, but instead you can freely edit any
222N/A of the objects.
2250N/A * Remarkable improvements are in the Danish, Finnish, Nepalese and
2250N/A the Vietnamese translations of the user interface. They all jumped
2250N/A from 0 to over 90 percent in a very short timespan.
2250N/A * All people which are familiar with pig latin are now able to use
2739N/A Inkscape's user interface in that language. Isthay isway oughtbray
2250N/A otay usway ybay away ewnay anslatortray.
2739N/A * default lituanian template was not installed before, which is now
2250N/A fixed.
2250N/A * Updated British English, Catalan, Bulgarian and Thai translations.
222N/ATutorials and Templates
222N/A * New tutorial "Easter Eggs" by Steve Karg.
222N/A * Added Catalan default template and elements tutorial.
222N/A * Russian header and footer templates are added.
222N/A * When deleting a node, neighboring smooth nodes are converted to
222N/A cusp.
222N/A * Releasing the mouse button while dragging nodes using a tablet
222N/A will now always release the nodes. Before this, a race condition
2739N/A could occur where dragging could continue after the mouse button
0N/A was released.
0N/A * An object's mask and clipping path are now preserved after
0N/A Simplify, Object/Stroke to path, or boolean operations.
0N/A * Ungrouping a group containing clipped/masked objects might
2250N/A sometime break the clip/mask (move it away); fixed.
2250N/A * User-supplied templates in ~/.inkscape/templates can now be SVGZ
2250N/A files in addition to SVG.
2250N/A * Previously, Inkscape didn't check if there's enough free memory
2250N/A for its pixel buffers and could crash without warning due to
2250N/A insufficient memory e.g. upon zooming in. This problem became much
2250N/A worse after implementing Gaussian blur, because rendering blurred
2250N/A objects at high zooms may require a pixel buffer much bigger than
2250N/A the visible canvas. Now this situation is handled more gracefully:
0N/A if a display operation requires more memory than available, or
0N/A more than 100Mb (which corresponds to a 5000x5000 pixel buffer),
0N/A it is skipped. This may result in blurred objects "disappearing"
2739N/A at high zooms. This is purely a display issue, however, it never
0N/A corrupts data; just zoom out (or reduce blur radius) and the
0N/A disappeared object will show up OK.
0N/A * When resizing objects, scaling numbers in the statusbar are no
0N/A longer overwritten by other text when pressing special keys (alt,
0N/A shift, ctrl).
0N/A * To work around problems some users have had with pressure
0N/A sensitive tablets ([66]bug), the pressure sensitivity can be
0N/A disabled from the misc tab of Inkscape preferences dialogue. The
0N/A tablet can then be used, though with reduced functionality.
0N/A * The layer widget in the statusbar used to lose its current layer
0N/A after an effect run; this is fixed.
0N/A * When using different display resolutions or a dual screen setup,
0N/A dialogs could be displayed off-screen; this is fixed: now Inkscape
0N/A checks whether the saved position of the dialog is offscreen, if
0N/A so it will move the dialog to the center of the screen. Note that
0N/A this not solve all problems. If the dialog is still not visible,
0N/A go to the [67]bugreport where a procedure is given to make the
0N/A dialog visible (editting preferences.xml).
0N/A * Performing a boolean union without selecting an object no longer
0N/A crashes Inkscape.
0N/A * Grid and guidelines no longer vanish when changing their color.
0N/A * Group transformation is now correctly applied when ungrouping and
222N/A undo'ing the ungroup.
0N/A * Text dialog no longer discards the style of the selected text.
222N/AKnown problems
0N/AProblem with Dialogs on Top on Microsoft Windows (win32)
2739N/A [Describe minimizing of document window problem, and solution:
222N/A right-click taskbar button and press "Restore"]
222N/AOSX 10.3.9: cannot open files
222N/A This bug is due to a missing symbol (_statvfs) in the system library
2739N/A /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib on 10.3.9. The dependency is introduced by
222N/A one of the gnome-vf2 modules. It is not something we can easily fix
222N/A other than by not linking with gnome-vfs2, which we will do for or
222N/A upcoming 0.45 release if no other solution becomes apparent.
222N/A [mjwybrow]
222N/AProblems with some Debian libgc-6.7 packages
222N/A * Inkscape will hang or crash when linked with the first Debian
0N/A packaged version of the Boehm garbage collection library. This
222N/A problem was fixed in version 1:6.7-2 of the package. If you have
2250N/A libgc 6.7 on your Debian-based system, make sure that you are
222N/A using that version of the package or later.
0N/ABeware of defective themes on Linux
0N/A * Inkscape and other Gtk programs can crash on any Linux, when the
2250N/A gtk2-engines-smooth / libsmooth package is installed. We have
2250N/A filed a bug against libsmooth which is now in gtk-engine and part
2250N/A of gnome. Removing the package resolves the problem. Update: this
2250N/A bug appears to be fixed in newer versions of gtk-engines. If you
2250N/A are affected by this problem please update to a newer version of
2250N/A gtk-engines. If problems persist then please inform the
2250N/A gtk-engines maintainers of the problem.
222N/A * A similar crash happens if the KDE Baghira theme or the package
222N/A gtk_qt_engine are installed. If you experience Inkscape crashes on
222N/A KDE, please try to install a different theme from Baghira, or
0N/A uninstall the gtk_qt_engine package from your system. Both
222N/A problems also affect older versions of Inkscape.