49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof KosińskiInkscape license
49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof Kosiński================
49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof KosińskiMost of Inkscape source code is available under the GNU General Public License,
49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof Kosińskiversion 2 or later, with the exception of a few files copied from GIMP, which
49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof Kosińskiare available under GNU GPL version 3 or later. As such, the complete binaries
49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof Kosińskiof Inkscape are currently covered by the terms of GNU GPL version 3 or later.
49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof KosińskiSeveral standalone libraries contained in Inkscape's source code repository are
49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof Kosińskiavailable under GNU Lesser General Public License or the Mozilla Public License.
49fcce9f676b9322cbe27346581d26e064770955Krzysztof KosińskiSee the files GPL2.txt and GPL3.txt for the full license text.