revision 5253169e90b276216b53d82f9ba4c56334db5740
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# interface_cmp audits two interface definition files (as created by
# interface_check) against one another, and confirms that:
# o All versioned libraries that were present in the previous interface
# are present in the new interface
# o for each non-private interface in a library confirm that no symbols
# have been removed and that no symbols have been added to it between
# the two revisions
# Return codes:
# 0 All interfaces in the new release are identical in old release.
# 1 Something is different refer to the error messages.
use strict;
use POSIX qw(getenv);
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
#### Define all global variables (required for strict)
use vars qw($Prog);
use vars qw(%opt);
use vars qw(%old_hash %old_alias %new_hash %new_alias);
# Exception Arrays:
# The ADDSYM and DELSYM exceptions are maintained on the @AddSymList
# and @DelSymList arrays, respectively. Each array element is a reference
# to a subarray of triples:
# (sym_re, ver_re, obj_re)
# where each item in the tripple is a regular expression, used to
# match a particular symbol/version/object combination.
# The EMPTY_TOPVERSION exceptions are maintained on the @EmptyTopVerList
# array. Each array element is a reference to a subarray of pairs:
# (ver_re, obj_re)
# where each item in the pair is a regular expression, used to
# match a particular version/object combination.
use vars qw(@AddSymList @DelSymList @EmptyTopVerList);
## LoadExceptions
# Locate the exceptions file and process its contents. We can't use
# onbld_elfmod::LoadExceptionsToEXRE() for this, because our exceptions
# need to support more than a single regular expression.
# exit:
# @AddSymList, @DelSymList, and @EmptyTopVerList have been updated
# note:
# We expand strings of the form MACH(dir) to match the given
# directory as well as any 64-bit architecture subdirectory that
# might be present (i.e. amd64, sparcv9).
sub LoadExceptions {
my $file;
my $Line;
my $LineNum = 0;
my $err = 0;
# Locate the exception file
# If -e is specified, that file must be used
if ($opt{e}) {
$file = $opt{e};
last FILE;
# If this is an activated workspace, use the exception
# file found in the exceptions_list directory.
if (defined($ENV{CODEMGR_WS})) {
$file = "$ENV{CODEMGR_WS}/exception_lists/interface_cmp";
last FILE if (-f $file);
# As a final backstop, the SUNWonbld package provides a
# copy of the exception file. This can be useful if we
# are being used with an older workspace.
# This script is installed in the SUNWonbld bin directory,
# while the exception file is in etc/exception_lists. Find
# it relative to the script location given by $0.
$file = dirname($0) . "/../etc/exception_lists/interface_cmp";
last FILE if (-f $file);
# No exception file was found.
open (EFILE, $file) ||
die "$Prog: unable to open exceptions file: $file";
while ($Line = onbld_elfmod::GetLine(\*EFILE, \$LineNum)) {
# Expand MACH()
$Line =~ s/MACH\(([^)]+)\)/$1(\/amd64|\/sparcv9)?/g;
if ($Line =~ /^DELSYM\s+/) {
my ($item, $sym_re, $ver_re, $obj_re) =
split(/\s+/, $Line, 4);
push @DelSymList, [ $sym_re, $ver_re, $obj_re ];
if ($Line =~ /^ADDSYM\s+/) {
my ($item, $sym_re, $ver_re, $obj_re) =
split(/\s+/, $Line, 4);
push @AddSymList, [ $sym_re, $ver_re, $obj_re ];
if ($Line =~ /^EMPTY_TOPVERSION\s+/) {
my ($item, $ver_re, $obj_re) = split(/\s+/, $Line, 3);
push @EmptyTopVerList, [ $ver_re, $obj_re ];
printf(STDERR "$file: Unrecognized option: ".
"line $LineNum: $Line\n");
close EFILE;
exit 1 if ($err != 0);
## ExSym(SymList, sym, ver, obj)
# Compare a given symbol/version/object combination against the
# exceptions found in the given list.
# entry:
# SymList - Reference to @AddSymList, or @DelSymList.
# sym, ver, obj - Combination to be compared against exception list
# exit:
# Returns True (1) if there is a match, and False (0) otherwise.
sub ExSym {
my ($SymList, $sym, $ver, $obj) = @_;
foreach my $ex (@$SymList) {
return 1 if ($obj =~ /$$ex[2]/) && ($ver =~ /$$ex[1]/) &&
($sym =~ /$$ex[0]/);
return 0;
## ExTopVer(ver, obj)
# Compare a given version/object combination against the pairs found
# in @EmptyTopVerList.
# entry:
# ver, obj - Combination to be compared against empty top version list
# exit:
# Returns True (1) if there is a match, and False (0) otherwise.
sub ExTopVer {
my ($ver, $obj) = @_;
foreach my $ex (@EmptyTopVerList) {
return 1 if ($obj =~ /$$ex[1]/) && ($ver =~ /$$ex[0]/);
return 0;
## ExpandInheritance(objhashref)
# For each version contained in the specified object hash reference,
# add the inherited symbols.
sub ExpandInheritance {
my $obj = $_[0];
# Versions to process. Typically, inheriting versions come before
# the versions they inherit. Processing the list in reverse order
# maximizes the odds that a needed sub-version will have already
# have been processed.
my @vers = reverse(@{$obj->{'VERSION_NAMES'}});
# Versions to process in the next pass
my @next_vers = ();
# Hash, indexed by version name, that reflects whether the version
# has been expanded yet or not.
my %done = ();
while (scalar(@vers) > 0) {
foreach my $name (@vers) {
my $i;
my $defer = 0;
my $cur_version = $obj->{'VERSION_INFO'}{$name};
my ($top, $direct, $total, $symhash, $inheritarr) =
# In order to expand this version, all the inherited
# versions must already have been done. If not, put
# this version on @next_vers for the next pass.
my $num = scalar(@$inheritarr);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
if (!$done{$inheritarr->[$i]}) {
$defer = 1;
push @next_vers, $name;
next if ($defer);
# Add all the symbols from the inherited versions
# to this one.
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
my $i_version =
my $i_symhash = $i_version->[3];
foreach my $sym (keys %$i_symhash) {
if (!defined($cur_version->[3]{$sym})) {
$cur_version->[3]{$sym} = 'INHERIT';
$done{$name} = 1;
@vers = @next_vers;
@next_vers = ();
## ReadInterface(file, alias)
# Read the interface description file, as produced by interface_check, and
# return a hash describing it.
# entry:
# file - Interface file to read.
# alias - Refence to hash to be filled in with any aliases
# that are seen in the file. The alias name is the key,
# and the object is the value.
# exit:
# The hash referenced by alias has been updated.
# The return value is a hash that encapsulates the interface
# information. This hash returned uses the object names as the
# key. Each key references a sub-hash that contains information
# for that object:
# TYPE -> ELF type
# VERSION_NAMES -> Reference to array [1..n] of version names, in the
# order they come from the input file.
# VERSION_INFO -> Reference to hash indexed by version name, yielding
# a reference to an array containing information about
# that version.
# The arrays referenced via VERSION_INFO are of the form:
# (top, new, total, symhashref, inheritarrref)
# where:
# top - 1 if version is a TOP_VERSION, 0 for a regular VERSION
# new - Number of symbols defined explicitly by version
# total - Number of symbols included in version, both new,
# and via inheritance.
# symhashref - Reference to hash indexed by symbol names, and
# yielding true (1).
# inheritarrref - Reference to array of names of versions
# inherited by this one.
sub ReadInterface {
my ($file, $alias) = @_;
my %main_hash = ();
my $Line;
my $LineNum = 0;
my $obj_name;
my $obj_hash;
my $sym_ok = 0;
my $cur_version;
open(FILE, $file) || die "$Prog: Unable to open: $file";
# Until we see an OBJECT line, nothing else is valid. To
# simplify the error handling, use a simple initial loop to
# read the file up to that point
while ($Line = onbld_elfmod::GetLine(\*FILE, \$LineNum)) {
if ($Line =~ s/^OBJECT\s+//i) {
$obj_name = $Line;
$main_hash{$obj_name} = {};
$obj_hash = $main_hash{$obj_name};
die "$file: OBJECT expected on line $LineNum: $Line\n";
# Read the remainder of the file
while ($Line = onbld_elfmod::GetLine(\*FILE, \$LineNum)) {
# Items are parsed in order of decreasing frequency
if ($Line =~
/^SYMBOL\s+([^\s]+)$/i) {
my $sym = $1;
die "$file: SYMBOL not expected on line $LineNum: $Line\n"
if !$sym_ok;
$cur_version->[3]{$sym} = 'NEW';
if ($Line =~ /^((TOP_)?VERSION)\s+([^\s]+)(\s+\{(.*)\})?\s*$/i) {
my ($top, $name, $inherit) = ($2, $3, $5);
$top = defined($top) ? 1 : 0;
my @inheritarr = defined($inherit) ?
split /[,{\s]+/, $inherit : ();
$cur_version = [ $top, 0, 0, {}, \@inheritarr ];
$obj_hash->{'VERSION_INFO'}{$name} = $cur_version;
push @{$obj_hash->{'VERSION_NAMES'}}, $name;
$sym_ok = 1;
if ($Line =~ /^OBJECT\s+([^\s]+)$/i) {
my $prev_obj_hash = $obj_hash;
$obj_name = $1;
$main_hash{$obj_name} = {};
$obj_hash = $main_hash{$obj_name};
# Expand the versions for the object just processed
if ($Line =~ /^CLASS\s+([^\s]+)$/i) {
$obj_hash->{'CLASS'} = $1;
if ($Line =~ /^TYPE\s+([^\s]+)$/i) {
$obj_hash->{'TYPE'} = $1;
if ($Line =~ /^ALIAS\s+([^\s]+)$/i) {
$$alias{$1} = $obj_name;
die "$file: unrecognized item on line $LineNum: $Line\n";
close FILE;
# Expand the versions for the final object from the file
return %main_hash;
## PrintInterface(main_hash, alias)
# Dump the contents of main_hash and alias to stdout in the same format
# used by interface_check to produce the input interface file. This output
# should diff cleanly against the original (ignoring the header comments).
sub PrintInterface {
my ($main_hash, $alias_hash) = @_;
foreach my $obj (sort keys %$main_hash) {
print "OBJECT\t$obj\n";
print "CLASS\t$main_hash->{$obj}{'CLASS'}\n";
print "TYPE\t$main_hash->{$obj}{'TYPE'}\n";
# This is inefficient, but good enough for debugging
# Look at all the aliases and print those that belong
# to this object.
foreach my $alias (sort keys %$alias_hash) {
print "ALIAS\t$alias\n"
if ($obj eq $alias_hash->{$alias});
next if !defined($main_hash->{$obj}{'VERSION_NAMES'});
my $num = scalar(@{$main_hash->{$obj}{'VERSION_NAMES'}});
my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
my $name = $main_hash->{$obj}{'VERSION_NAMES'}[$i];
my ($top, $direct, $total, $symhash, $inheritarr) =
$top = $top ? "TOP_" : '';
my $inherit = (scalar(@$inheritarr) > 0) ?
"\t{" . join(', ', @{$inheritarr}) . "}" : '';
print "${top}VERSION\t$name$inherit\n";
foreach my $sym (sort keys %$symhash) {
print "\t$symhash->{$sym}\t$sym\n";
## compare()
# Compare the old interface definition contained in (%old_hash, %old_alias)
# with the new interface contained in (%new_hash, %new_alias).
sub compare {
foreach my $old_obj (sort keys %old_hash) {
my $new_obj = $old_obj;
my $Ttl = 0;
# If the object does not exist in the new interface,
# then see if there's an alias for it. Failing that,
# we simply ignore the object.
if (!defined($new_hash{$new_obj})) {
next if !defined($new_alias{$new_obj});
$new_obj = $new_alias{$new_obj};
my $old = $old_hash{$old_obj};
my $new = $new_hash{$new_obj};
# Every version in the old object must exist in the new object,
# and there must be exactly the same symbols in each.
my $num = scalar(@{$old->{'VERSION_NAMES'}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
my $name = $old->{'VERSION_NAMES'}[$i];
# New object must have this version
if (!defined($new->{'VERSION_INFO'}{$name})) {
onbld_elfmod::OutMsg2(\*STDOUT, \$Ttl, $old_obj,
$new_obj, "$name: deleted version");
my ($old_top, $old_direct, $old_total, $old_symhash) =
my ($new_top, $new_direct, $new_total, $new_symhash) =
# If this is an empty top version, and the old object
# has the EMPTY_TOPVERSION exception set, then we
# skip it as if it were not present.
next if $old_top && ($old_direct == 0) &&
ExTopVer($name, $old_obj);
# We check that every symbol in the old object is
# in the new one to detect deleted symbols. We then
# check that every symbol in the new object is also
# in the old object, to find added symbols. If the
# "deleted" check is clean, and the two objects have
# the same number of symbols in their versions, then we
# can skip the "added" test, because we know that
# there is no room for an addition to have happened.
# Since most objects satisfy these constraints, we
# end up doing roughly half the number of comparisons
# that would otherwise be needed.
my $check_added_syms =
($old_total == $new_total) ? 0: 1;
# Every symbol in the old version must be in the new one
foreach my $sym (sort keys %$old_symhash) {
if (!defined($new_symhash->{$sym})) {
\$Ttl, $old_obj, $new_obj,
"$name: deleted interface: $sym")
if !ExSym(\@DelSymList,
$sym, $name, $new_obj);
$check_added_syms = 1;
# Do the "added" check, unless we can optimize it away.
# Every symbol in the new version must be in the old one.
if ($check_added_syms) {
foreach my $sym (sort keys %$new_symhash) {
if (!defined($old_symhash->{$sym})) {
next if ExSym(\@AddSymList,
$sym, $name, $new_obj);
\$Ttl, $old_obj, $new_obj,
"$name: added interface: $sym");
# We want to ensure that version numbers in an
# inheritance chain don't go up by more than 1 in
# any given release. If the version names are in the
# numbered <PREFIX>x.y[.z] format, we can compare the
# two top versions and see if this has happened.
# For a given <PREFIX>x.y[.z], valid sucessors would
# be <PREFIX>x.(y+1) or <PREFIX>x.y.(z+1), where z is
# assumed to be 0 if not present.
# This check only makes sense when the new interface
# is a direct decendent of the old one, as specified
# via the -d option. If the two interfaces are more
# than one release apart, we should not do this test.
next if !($opt{d} && $old_top && !$new_top);
# Known numbered version?
# Key to @Cat contents:
# [0] 'NUMBERED'
# [1] number of dot separated numeric fields. 2 or 3.
# [2] prefix
# [3] major #
# [4] minor #
# [5] micro # (only if [1] is 3)
my @Cat = onbld_elfmod_vertype::Category($name, '');
next if ($Cat[0] ne 'NUMBERED');
my $iname1 = "$Cat[2]$Cat[3]." . ($Cat[4] + 1);
my $iname2;
if ($Cat[1] == 3) {
$iname2 = "$Cat[2]$Cat[3].$Cat[4]." . ($Cat[5] + 1);
} else {
$iname2 = "$Cat[2]$Cat[3].$Cat[4].1";
if (defined($new->{'VERSION_INFO'}{$iname1}) ||
defined($new->{'VERSION_INFO'}{$iname2})) {
my $i_top =
$new->{'VERSION_INFO'}{$iname1}[0] ||
if (!$i_top) {
\$Ttl, $old_obj, $new_obj,
"$name: inconsistant " .
"version increment: " .
"expect $iname1 or $iname2 ".
"to replace top version");
} else {
\$Ttl, $old_obj, $new_obj,
"$name: expected superseding " .
"top version to $name not " .
"present: $iname1 or $iname2");
# Empty versions in the established interface description
# are usually the result of fixing a versioning mistake
# at some point in the past. These versions are part of
# the public record, and cannot be changed now. However, if
# comparing two interface descriptions from the same gate,
# flag any empty versions in the new interface description
# that are not present in the old one. These have yet to
# become part of the official interface, and should be removed
# before they do.
next if !$opt{d};
$num = scalar(@{$new->{'VERSION_NAMES'}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
my $name = $new->{'VERSION_NAMES'}[$i];
# If old object has this version, skip it
next if defined($old->{'VERSION_INFO'}{$name});
# If explicitly whitelisted, skip it
next if ExTopVer($name, $new_obj);
my ($new_top, $new_direct, $new_total, $new_symhash) =
if ($new_direct == 0) {
\$Ttl, $old_obj, $new_obj,
"$name: invalid empty new version");
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Establish a program name for any error diagnostics.
chomp($Prog = `basename $0`);
# Check that we have arguments. Normally, 2 plain arguments are required,
# but if -t is present, only one is allowed.
if ((getopts('c:de:ot', \%opt) == 0) || (scalar(@ARGV) != ($opt{t} ? 1 : 2))) {
print "usage: $Prog [-dot] [-c vtype_mod] [-e exfile] old new\n";
print "\t[-c vtype_mod]\tsupply alternative version category module\n";
print "\t[-d]\t\tnew is a direct decendent of old\n";
print "\t[-e exfile]\texceptions file\n";
print "\t[-o]\t\tproduce one-liner output (prefixed with pathname)\n";
print "\t[-t]\tParse old, and recreate to stdout\n";
exit 1;
# We depend on the onbld_elfmod and onbld_elfmod_vertype perl modules.
# Both modules are maintained in the same directory as this script,
# and are installed in ../lib/perl. Use the local one if present,
# and the installed one otherwise.
# The caller is allowed to supply an alternative implementation for
# onbld_elfmod_vertype via the -c option. In this case, the alternative
# implementation is expected to provide the same interface as the standard
# copy, and is loaded instead.
my $moddir = my $vermoddir = dirname($0);
$moddir = "$moddir/../lib/perl" if ! -f "$moddir/";
require "$moddir/";
if ($opt{c}) {
require "$opt{c}";
} else {
$vermoddir = "$vermoddir/../lib/perl"
if ! -f "$vermoddir/";
require "$vermoddir/";
# Locate and process the exceptions file
%old_alias = ();
%old_hash = ReadInterface($ARGV[0], \%old_alias);
# If -t is present, only one argument is allowed --- we parse it, and then
# print the same information back to stderr in the same format as the original.
# This is useful for debugging, to verify that the parsing is correct.
if ($opt{t}) {
PrintInterface(\%old_hash, \%old_alias);
exit 0;
%new_alias = ();
%new_hash = ReadInterface($ARGV[1], \%new_alias);
exit 0;