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#ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
This directory contains the tools used to do a full build of the
OS/Net workspace. They usually live in the /opt/onbld directory on build
machines. From here, 'make install' will build and install the tools
in $ROOT/opt/onbld. If you like, 'make pkg' will build the SUNWonbld
package in $(PKGARCHIVE). Installing that package will populate the
/opt/onbld directory, and create a root account for building called 'gk',
which uses csh and has a home directory of /opt/onbld/gk. You can
use this account to do full builds with 'nightly'. You don't have to,
you just need to be root do a full build, but the 'gk' account has
the path setup properly, contains a .make.machines file for pmake,
and the .login attempts to set up for dmake (if it ever works).
Layout of /opt/onbld
contains Solaris ABI database (ABI_*.db) and exceptions
for ABI Auditing tool (intf_check).
gk account's home directory.
basic bin directory - contains scripts.
architecture-specific bin directory for binaries.
build environment files.
rudimentary man pages for some of the tools.
Tool Summary
bonwick/faulkner upgrade. Loads a set of cpio archives created
by 'mkbfu' onto a machine, either live or on alternate root
and /usr filesystems. Attempts to preserve important files,
but may require manual intervention before reboot to resolve
changes to preserved files.
Used by bfu to survive getting a new runtime linker when extracting
new cpio archives onto a live system. Patches binaries to use
a saved runtime linker in /tmp during the bfu process.
Not run by anything but bfu.
companion to 'nightly.' Takes the same environment file you
used with 'nightly,' and starts a shell with the environment
set up the same way as 'nightly' set it up. This is useful
if you're trying to quickly rebuild portions of a workspace
built by 'nightly'. 'ws' should not be used for this since it
sets the environment up differently and may cause everything
to rebuild (because of different -I or -L paths).
builds cscope databases in the uts, the platform subdirectories
of uts, and in usr/src. Uses cscope-fast.
checks ELF attributes used by ELF dynamic objects in the proto area.
Used by 'nightly's -r option, to check a number of ELF runtime
attributes for consistency with common build rules. nightly uses
the -o option to simplify the output for diffing with previous
build results. It also uses the -i option to obtain NEEDED and RUNPATH
entries, which help detect changes in software dependencies and makes
sure objects don't have any strange runpaths like /opt/SUNWspro/lib.
Runs protocmp and protolist on a workspace (or uses the environment
variable CODEMGR_WS to determine the workspace). Checks the proto area
against the packages.
Given two filenames, creates a postscript file with the file
differences highlighted.
The fast version of cscope that we use internally. Seems to work,
but may need more testing before it's placed in the gate. The source
just really needs to be here.
checks C source for compliance with OS/Net guidelines.
Convert symbolic debugging information in an object file to the Compact
ANSI-C Type Format (CTF).
Decode and display CTF data stored in a raw file or in an ELF file.
Merge the CTF data from one or more object files.
A tool to try an assess the dependencies of executables. This tool
is not a definitive dependency check, but it does use "strings" and
"ldd" to gather as much information as it can. The dependency check
tool can handle filenames and pkgnames. Before using the dependency
checker you must build a database which reflects the properties and
files in your system.
Compares two ELF modules (e.g. .o files, executables) section by
section. Useful for determining whether "trivial" changes -
cstyle, lint, etc - actually changed the code. The -S option
is used to test whether two binaries are the same except for
the elfsign signature.
Built from the same sources as the shipped elfsign(1), this
version is used in nightly -t builds to assure that the signing
process and format is the same as will be used on the target
This script can be used in lieu of elfsign during a build.
It uses elfsign to sign a copy of the object and elfcmp -S to
verify that the signing caused no damage before updating
the object to be signed.
Finds all files in a source tree that have access times older than a
certain time and are not in a specified list of exceptions. Since
'nightly' timestamps the start of the build, and findunref uses its
timestamp (by default), this can be used to find all files that were
unreferenced during a nightly build). Since some files are only used
during a SPARC or Intel build, 'findunref' needs to be run on
workspaces from both architectures and the results need to be merged.
For instance, if $INTELSRC and $SPARCSRC are set to the usr/src
directories of your Intel and SPARC nightly workspaces, then you
can merge the results like so:
$ findunref $INTELSRC $INTELSRC/tools/findunref/exception_list | \
sort > ~/unref-i386.out
$ findunref $SPARCSRC $SPARCSRC/tools/findunref/exception_list | \
sort > ~/unref-sparc.out
$ comm -12 ~/unref-i386.out ~/unref-sparc.out > ~/unref.out
checks headers for compliance with OS/Net standards (form, includes,
C++ guards).
binary version of /usr/sbin/install. Used to be vastly faster
(since /usr/sbin/install is a shell script), but may only be a bit
faster now. One speedup includes avoiding the name service for the
well-known, never-changing password entries like 'root' and 'sys.'
detects and reports ABI versioning and stability problems.
dumps the contents of one or more lint libraries; see lintdump(1)
checks files for proper SCCS keywords.
simple wrapper around 'mkbfu' for use outside nightly (when in a build
shell from 'ws' or 'bldenv').
makes cpio archives out of the proto area suitable for bfu'ing.
Used by 'nightly' and 'makebfu'.
nightly build script. Takes an environment (or 'env') file describing
such things as the workspace, the parent, and what to build. See
env/developer and env/gatekeeper for sample, hopefully well-commented
env files.
enforces proper file ownership and permissions in pkgmap and package
prototype* files. converts files if necessary
compares proto lists and the package definitions. Used by nightly
to determine if the proto area matches the packages, and to detect
differences between a childs proto area and a parents.
transforms the output of protocmp into something a bit more friendly
create a list of what's in the proto area, to feed to protocmp.
copy a file under SCCS control to another location in a workspace.
also updates teamware's nametable.
Display the history, comments and diffs, of a file under SCCS
rename a file under SCCS control to another location in a workspace.
also updates teamware's nametable.
delete a file under SCCS control workspace. also updates teamware's
nametable. Actually renames it to .del-<file>-`date` so that others
will see it move when it is brought over (in case they were working
on it).
creates a shell with the environment set up to build in the given
workspace. Used mostly for non-full-build workspaces, so it sets up
to pull headers and libraries from the proto area of the parent if
they aren't in the childs proto area.
A great workspace tool by bonwick. See wx.README for information
and warnings.
Used to build the sun4u boot block.
Generates a set of HTML pages that show side-by-side diffs of
changes in your workspace, for easy communication of code
review materials. Can automagically find edited files or use a
manually-generated list; knows how to use wx's active file for
lists of checked-out files and proposed SCCS comments.
How to do a full build
1. Find an environment file that might do what you want to do. If you're just
a developer wanting to do a full build in a child of the gate, copy the
'developer' environment file to a new name (private to you and/or the
work being done in this workspace, to avoid collisions with others). Then
edit the file and tailor it to your workspace. Remember that this file
is a shell script, so it can do more than set environment variables.
2. Login as 'gk' (or root, but your PATH and .make.machines for pmake will
not be right). Run 'nightly' and give it your environment file as an
option. 'nightly' will first look for your environment file in
/opt/onbld/env, and if it's not there then it will look for it as an
absolute or relative path. Some people put their environment files in
their workspace to keep them close.
3. When 'nightly' is complete, it will send a summary of what happened to
$MAILTO. Usually, the less info in the mail the better. If you have failures,
you can go look at the full log of what happened, generally in
$CODEMGR_WS/log/log.<date>/nightly.log (the mail_msg it sent and the proto
list are there too). You can also find the individual build logs, like
'make clobber' and 'make install' output in $SRC, under names like
clobber-${MACH}.out and install-${MACH}.out (for a DEBUG build). These
will be smaller than nightly.log, and maybe more searchable.
Files you have to update to add a tool
1. Add the tool in its appropriate place.
2. Update the Makefile as required.
3. Update usr/src/tools/SUNWonbld/prototype_*.
4. Update usr/src/tools/ (this file).
5. Repeat 1-4 for any man pages.