inuse_003_pos.ksh revision 447b1e1fca22e4de5e04623965fbb1460857930c
#!/usr/bin/ksh -p
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. $STF_SUITE/include/libtest.shlib
. $STF_SUITE/tests/functional/inuse/inuse.cfg
# ZFS will not interfere with devices that are in use by ufsdump or
# ufsrestore.
# 1. newfs a disk
# 2. mount the disk
# 3. create files and dirs on disk
# 4. umount the disk
# 5. ufsdump this disk to a backup disk
# 6. Try to create a ZFS pool with same disk (also as a spare device)
# 7. ufsrestore the disk from backup
# 8. try to create a zpool during the ufsrestore
verify_runnable "global"
function cleanup
poolexists $TESTPOOL1 && destroy_pool $TESTPOOL1
poolexists $TESTPOOL2 && destroy_pool $TESTPOOL2
log_note "Kill off ufsdump process if still running"
$KILL -0 $PIDUFSDUMP > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
log_must $KILL -9 $PIDUFSDUMP > /dev/null 2>&1
# Note: It would appear that ufsdump spawns a number of processes
# which are not killed when the $PIDUFSDUMP is whacked. So best bet
# is to find the rest of the them and deal with them individually.
for all in `$PGREP ufsdump`
$KILL -9 $all > /dev/null 2>&1
log_note "Kill off ufsrestore process if still running"
$KILL -0 $PIDUFSRESTORE > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
log_must $KILL -9 $PIDUFSRESTORE > /dev/null 2>&1
ismounted $UFSMP ufs && log_must $UMOUNT $UFSMP
$RM -rf $UFSMP
# Tidy up the disks we used.
log_must cleanup_devices $vdisks $sdisks
log_assert "Ensure ZFS does not interfere with devices that are in use by " \
"ufsdump or ufsrestore"
log_onexit cleanup
typeset bigdir="${UFSMP}/bigdirectory"
typeset restored_files="${UFSMP}/restored_files"
typeset -i dirnum=0
typeset -i filenum=0
typeset cwd=""
for num in 0 1 2; do
eval typeset slice=\${FS_SIDE$num}
log_must set_partition $slice "" $FS_SIZE $disk
log_note "Make a ufs filesystem on source $rawdisk1"
$ECHO "y" | $NEWFS -v $rawdisk1 > /dev/null 2>&1
(($? != 0)) && log_untested "Unable to create ufs filesystem on $rawdisk1"
log_must $MKDIR -p $UFSMP
log_note "mount source $disk1 on $UFSMP"
log_must $MOUNT $disk1 $UFSMP
log_note "Now create some directories and files to be ufsdump'ed"
while (($dirnum <= 2)); do
log_must $MKDIR $bigdir${dirnum}
while (( $filenum <= 2 )); do
$FILE_WRITE -o create -f $bigdir${dirnum}/file${filenum} \
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
if [[ $dirnum -lt 3 ]]; then
log_fail "$FILE_WRITE only wrote" \
"<(( $dirnum * 3 + $filenum ))>" \
"files, this is not enough"
((filenum = filenum + 1))
((dirnum = dirnum + 1))
log_must $UMOUNT $UFSMP
log_note "Start ufsdump in the background"
log_note "$UFSDUMP 0bf 512 $rawdisk0 $disk1"
$UFSDUMP 0bf 512 $rawdisk0 $disk1 &
log_note "Attempt to zpool the source device in use by ufsdump"
log_mustnot $ZPOOL create $TESTPOOL1 "$disk1"
log_mustnot poolexists $TESTPOOL1
log_note "Attempt to take the source device in use by ufsdump as spare device"
log_mustnot $ZPOOL create $TESTPOOL1 "$FS_SIDE2" spare "$disk1"
log_mustnot poolexists $TESTPOOL1
typeset -i retval=$?
(($retval != 0)) && log_fail "$UFSDUMP failed with error code $ret_val"
log_must $MOUNT $disk1 $UFSMP
log_must $RM -rf $UFSMP/*
log_must $MKDIR $restored_files
log_must cd $restored_files
log_note "Start ufsrestore in the background from the target device"
log_note "$UFSRESTORE rbf 512 $rawdisk0"
$UFSRESTORE rbf 512 $rawdisk0 &
log_must cd $cwd
log_note "Attempt to zpool the restored device in use by ufsrestore"
log_mustnot $ZPOOL create -f $TESTPOOL2 "$disk1"
log_mustnot poolexists $TESTPOOL2
log_note "Attempt to take the restored device in use by ufsrestore as spare" \
log_mustnot $ZPOOL create -f $TESTPOOL2 "$FS_SIDE2" spare "$disk1"
log_mustnot poolexists $TESTPOOL2
log_pass "Unable to zpool over a device in use by ufsdump or ufsrestore"