zfs_receive_012_pos.ksh revision 5f7a8e6d750cb070a3347f045201c6206caee6aa
#!/bin/ksh -p
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# Copyright 2016, OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
. $STF_SUITE/include/libtest.shlib
# refquota, like regular quota, is loosely enforced. A dataset
# can exceed its refquota by one transaction. This loose enforcement
# used to cause problems upon receiving a datastream where its
# refquota is slightly exceeded. This test confirms that we can
# successfully receive a slightly over refquota stream.
# 1. Create a filesystem.
# 2. Set a refquota.
# 3. Snapshot the filesystem.
# 4. Send a replication stream to a new filesystem.
# 5. On the original filesystem, fill it up to its quota.
# 6. Snapshot the original filesystem again.
# 7. Send an incremental stream to the same new filesystem.
verify_runnable "both"
typeset streamfile=/var/tmp/streamfile.$$
function cleanup
log_must $RM $streamfile
log_must $ZFS destroy -rf $TESTPOOL/$TESTFS1
log_must $ZFS destroy -rf $TESTPOOL/$TESTFS2
log_assert "The allowable slight refquota overage is properly sent-and-" \
log_onexit cleanup
# 1. Create a filesystem.
log_must $ZFS create $orig
origdir=$(get_prop mountpoint $orig)
# 2. Set a refquota.
log_must $ZFS set refquota=50M $orig
# 3. Snapshot the filesystem.
log_must $ZFS snapshot $orig@1
# 4. Send a replication stream to a new filesystem.
log_must eval "$ZFS send -R $orig@1 > $streamfile"
log_must eval "$ZFS recv $dest < $streamfile"
# 5. On the original filesystem, fill it up to its quota.
cat < /dev/urandom > $origdir/fill-it-up
# 6. Snapshot the original filesystem again.
log_must $ZFS snapshot $orig@2
# 7. Send an incremental stream to the same new filesystem.
log_must eval "$ZFS send -I 1 -R $orig@2 > $streamfile"
log_must eval "$ZFS recv $dest < $streamfile"
log_pass "Verified receiving a slightly-over-refquota stream succeeds."