asm.s revision 1a48003f96d5bf304ca739198913e42e5adb9bcf
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* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
/* Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. */
/* Use is subject to license terms. */
#if defined(lint)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/bootconf.h>
extern void printf(const char *, ...);
uint_t bpd_loc;
struct bootops *bop;
void start(void) {}
void start_paging(void) { return; }
void halt(char *msg) { printf("%s", msg); }
void exitto(int (*entrypoint)()) {}
void reset(void) {}
/* lint for inline functions in */
uint8_t inb(int port) { return (*(uint8_t *)port); }
uint16_t inw(int port) { return (*(uint16_t *)port); }
uint32_t inl(int port) { return (*(uint32_t *)port); }
void outb(int port, uint8_t v) { *(uint8_t *)port = v; }
void outw(int port, uint16_t v) { *(uint16_t *)port = v; }
void outl(int port, uint32_t v) { *(uint32_t *)port = v; }
.ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
#include <sys/asm_linkage.h>
#include <sys/controlregs.h>
#include <sys/segment.h>
#include <assym.h>
#include "../common/multiboot.h"
.file "asm.s"
.globl _start
jmp multiboot_entry
* The following header must be present within the first 8K of
* the binary, according to the Multiboot Specification
.align 4
.long MB_HEADER_MAGIC / multiboot magic
.long MB_HEADER_FLAGS / flags
.long MB_HEADER_CHECKSUM / checksum
.long multiboot_header / header address
.long _start / load start addr
.long _edata / load end addr
.long _end / bss end
.long multiboot_entry / entry addr
* Start from where GRUB left off. The processor state is
* as defined in the Multiboot Specification. We start with:
* - initialize the stack, "stack" is declared at the end of file
* - push register contents to stack to pass multiboot info
* - initialize GDT and (a dummy) IDT
* - call main() to load the kernel
movl $[stack + STACK_SIZE], %esp
pushl $0 / reset flags
push $0 / terminate debugger
push $0
movl %esp, %ebp
movl $[multiboot_header], %ecx
pushl %ecx / multiboot header
pushl %ebx / multiboot info
pushl %eax / multiboot magic
lgdt gdtdesc / load gdt
mov $0x08, %eax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %fs
movw %ax, %gs
movw %ax, %ss
ljmp $0x10, $newgdt
movl $slbidt, %eax / load idt
movl $0x7ff, %ecx
call munge_table
lidt IDTptr
call main / invoke the kernel
hlt / shouldn't get here
/ help function
.globl halt
pushl $halt_message / halt
call printf / defined in kernel
jmp loop1
.string "Halted."
/ turn on paging
movl bpd_loc, %eax
movl %eax, %cr3
movl %cr0, %eax
orl $[CR0_PG|CR0_PE], %eax
movl %eax, %cr0
jmp page_flush / flush the prefetch queue
/ exitto 32-bit kernel
push %ebp / save stack
mov %esp, %ebp
pushal / protect secondary boot
movl %esp, %eax
movl %eax, save_esp2
movl $elfbootvec, %eax
pushl (%eax)
movl $bop, %eax
movl (%eax), %ebx
pushl %ebx
pushl $0 / no debug vector
movl $sysp, %eax
movl (%eax), %ecx
pushl %ecx
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
call *%eax / jump to the kernel
movl save_esp2, %eax
movl %eax, %esp
pop %ebp / restore frame pointer
/********************************************************************** */
/* munge_table: */
/* This procedure will 'munge' a descriptor table to */
/* change it from initialized format to runtime format. */
/* Assumes: */
/* %eax -- contains the base address of table. */
/* %ecx -- contains size of table. */
/* ********************************************************************* */
addl %eax, %ecx /* compute end of IDT array */
movl %eax, %esi /* beginning of IDT */
cmpl %esi, %ecx
jl donetable /* Have we done every descriptor?? */
movl %esi, %ebx /*long-vector/*short-selector/*char-rsrvd/*char-
type */
movb 7(%ebx), %al /* Find the byte containing the type field */
testb $0x10, %al /* See if this descriptor is a segment */
jne notagate
testb $0x04, %al /* See if this destriptor is a gate */
je notagate
/* Rearrange a gate descriptor. */
movl 4(%ebx), %edx /* Selector, type lifted out. */
movw 2(%ebx), %ax /* Grab Offset 16..31 */
movl %edx, 2(%ebx) /* Put back Selector, type */
movw %ax, 6(%ebx) /* Offset 16..31 now in right place */
jmp descdone
notagate: /* Rearrange a non gate descriptor. */
movw 4(%ebx), %dx /* Limit 0..15 lifted out */
movw 6(%ebx), %ax /* acc1, acc2 lifted out */
movb %ah, 5(%ebx) /* acc2 put back */
movw 2(%ebx), %ax /* 16-23, 24-31 picked up */
movb %al, 7(%ebx) /* 24-31 put back */
movb %ah, 4(%ebx) /* 16-23 put back */
movw (%ebx), %ax /* base 0-15 picked up */
movw %ax, 2(%ebx) /* base 0-15 put back */
movw %dx, (%ebx) /* lim 0-15 put back */
addl $8, %esi /* Go for the next descriptor */
jmp moretable
/ reset machine
/ Resetting by Triple-Fault only makes emulators like VMWare warn
/ the user each time a reset is performed. Here, we try a number
/ of techniques and only fall back on triple faulting the CPU
/ under extreme circumstances.
/ Try the classic keyboard controller-triggered reset.
movw $0x64, %dx
movb $0xfe, %al
outb (%dx)
/ Try port 0x92 fast reset
movw $0x92, %dx
inb (%dx)
cmpb $0xff, %al / If port's not there, we should get back 0xFF
je 1f
testb $1, %al / If bit 0
jz 2f / is clear, jump to perform the reset
andb $0xfe, %al / otherwise,
outb (%dx) / clear bit 0 first, then
orb $1, %al / Set bit 0
outb (%dx) / and reset the system
/ Try the PCI (soft) reset vector (should work on all modern systems,
/ but has been shown to cause problems on 450NX systems, and some newer
/ systems (e.g. ATI IXP400-equipped systems))
/ When resetting via this method, 2 writes are required. The first
/ targets bit 1 (0=hard reset without power cycle, 1=hard reset with
/ power cycle).
/ The reset occurs on the second write, during bit 2's transition from
/ 0->1.
movw $0xcf9, %dx
movb $0x2, %al / Reset mode = hard, no power cycle
outb (%dx)
movb $0x6, %al
outb (%dx)
/ port 0xcf9 failed also. Last-ditch effort is to
/ triple-fault the CPU.
movw $0, IDTlimit / generate faulty table
lidt IDTptr / load faulty table
int $10 / trigger an interrupt
/ Stack looks like the following on entry:
/ EFLAGS %esp + SIZEOF_i386_machregs + 16
/ CS %esp + SIZEOF_i386_machregs + 12
/ EIP %esp + SIZEOF_i386_machregs + 8
/ ERRCODE %esp + SIZEOF_i386_machregs + 4
/ TRAPNO %esp + SIZEOF_i386_machregs
subl $SIZEOF_i386_machregs, %esp
movl %eax, i386_REG_EAX(%esp)
movl %ebx, i386_REG_EBX(%esp)
movl %ecx, i386_REG_ECX(%esp)
movl %edx, i386_REG_EDX(%esp)
movl %edi, i386_REG_EDI(%esp)
movl %esi, i386_REG_ESI(%esp)
movl %ebp, i386_REG_EBP(%esp)
/ Copy in the saved EFLAGS
leal SIZEOF_i386_machregs(%esp), %eax
addl $16, %eax
movl (%eax), %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_EFL(%esp)
/ Copy in the saved CS
leal SIZEOF_i386_machregs(%esp), %eax
addl $12, %eax
movl (%eax), %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_CS(%esp)
/ Copy in the saved EIP
leal SIZEOF_i386_machregs(%esp), %eax
addl $8, %eax
movl (%eax), %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_EIP(%esp)
/ Copy in the saved ERRCODE
leal SIZEOF_i386_machregs(%esp), %eax
addl $4, %eax
movl (%eax), %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_ERR(%esp)
/ Copy in the saved TRAPNO
leal SIZEOF_i386_machregs(%esp), %eax
movl (%eax), %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_TRAPNO(%esp)
movl %esp, i386_REG_ESP(%esp)
movl %esp, i386_REG_UESP(%esp)
/ The original %esp is +SIZEOF_i386_machregs
addl $SIZEOF_i386_machregs, i386_REG_ESP(%esp)
addl $SIZEOF_i386_machregs, i386_REG_UESP(%esp)
/ Save the segment registers
xorl %eax, %eax
movw %ss, %ax
movw $0, _CONST(i386_REG_SS + 2)(%esp)
movl %eax, i386_REG_SS(%esp)
movw %ds, %ax
movw $0, _CONST(i386_REG_DS + 2)(%esp)
movl %eax, i386_REG_DS(%esp)
movw %es, %ax
movw $0, _CONST(i386_REG_ES + 2)(%esp)
movl %eax, i386_REG_ES(%esp)
movw %fs, %ax
movw $0, _CONST(i386_REG_FS + 2)(%esp)
movl %eax, i386_REG_FS(%esp)
movw %gs, %ax
movw $0, _CONST(i386_REG_GS + 2)(%esp)
movl %eax, i386_REG_GS(%esp)
/ Save the control registers
movl %cr0, %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_CR0(%esp)
movl %cr2, %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_CR2(%esp)
movl %cr3, %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_CR3(%esp)
movl %cr4, %eax
movl %eax, i386_REG_CR4(%esp)
/ Save the task, interrupt, gdt, ldt registers
movw $0, _CONST(i386_REG_TR + 2)(%esp)
str i386_REG_TR(%esp)
sidt i386_REG_IDT(%esp)
sgdt i386_REG_GDT(%esp)
movw $0, _CONST(i386_REG_LDT + 2)(%esp)
sldt i386_REG_LDT(%esp)
pushl %esp
call trap
addl $4, %esp
addl $SIZEOF_i386_machregs, %esp
/ Data definitions
.align 4
.globl bpd_loc
.long 0
.globl save_esp2
.long 0
.globl save_esp
.long 0
.globl bop
.long 0
.value 0x7ff
.long slbidt
.align 4
.long 0
.long 0
flatdesc: / offset = 0x08 (GDT_BOOTFLAT << 3)
.value 0xFFFF / segment limit 0..15
.value 0x0000 / segment base 0..15
.byte 0x0 / segment base 16..23; set for 0K
.byte 0x92 / flags; A=0, Type=001, DPL=00, P=1
/ Present expand down
.byte 0xCF / flags; Limit (16..19)=1111, AVL=0, G=1, B=1
.byte 0x0 / segment base 24..32
codedesc: / offset = 0x10 (GDT_CODESEL << 3)
.value 0xFFFF / segment limit 0..15
.value 0x0000 / segment base 0..15
.byte 0x0 / segment base 16..23; set for 0k
.byte 0x9E / flags; A=0, Type=111, DPL=00, P=1
.byte 0xCF / flags; Limit (16..19)=1111, AVL=0, G=1, D=1
.byte 0x0 / segment base 24..32
code16desc: / offset = 0x18
.value 0xFFFF / segment limit 0..15
.value 0x0000 / segment base 0..15
.byte 0x0 / segment base 16..23; set for 0k
.byte 0x9E / flags; A=0, Type=111, DPL=00, P=1
.byte 0x0F / flags; Limit (16..19)=1111, AVL=0, G=0, D=0
.byte 0x0 / segment base 24..32
datadesc: / offset = 0x20
.value 0xFFFF / segment limit 0..15
.value 0x0000 / segment base 0..15
.byte 0x0 / segment base 16..23; set for 0K
.byte 0x92 / flags; A=0, Type=001, DPL=00, P=1
/ Present expand down
.byte 0x4F / flags; Limit (16..19)=1111, AVL=0, G=1, B=1
.byte 0x0 / segment base 24..32
.long 0 / 0x28
.long 0
.long 0 / 0x30
.long 0
gsdesc: / 0x38 - for kmdb
.value 0
.value 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x92 / flags; A=0, Type=001, DPL=00, P=1
.byte 0xC0 / flags; Limit (16..19)=0000, AVL=0, G=1, B=1
.byte 0
.value gdt_end - gdt_start
.long gdt_start
.comm stack, STACK_SIZE / stack area