revision dd51520e127b452179a2ce4ea3bd8dee949f9afe
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
set name=pkg.fmri value=pkg:/system/file-system/nfs@$(PKGVERS)
set name=pkg.description value="Network File System (NFS) client support"
set name=pkg.summary value="Network File System (NFS) client support"
set name=info.classification \
value="org.opensolaris.category.2008:System/File System"
set name=variant.arch value=$(ARCH)
dir path=etc group=sys
dir path=etc/default group=sys
dir path=etc/fs group=sys
dir path=etc/fs/nfs group=sys
dir path=kernel group=sys
dir path=kernel/fs group=sys
dir path=kernel/fs/$(ARCH64) group=sys
dir path=kernel/misc group=sys
dir path=kernel/misc/$(ARCH64) group=sys
dir path=kernel/sys group=sys
dir path=kernel/sys/$(ARCH64) group=sys
dir path=lib
dir path=lib/svc
dir path=lib/svc/manifest group=sys
dir path=lib/svc/manifest/network group=sys
dir path=lib/svc/manifest/network/nfs group=sys
dir path=lib/svc/method
dir path=usr group=sys
dir path=usr/bin
dir path=usr/lib
dir path=usr/lib/fs group=sys
dir path=usr/lib/fs/nfs group=sys
dir path=usr/lib/nfs group=sys
dir path=usr/sbin
dir path=var group=sys
dir path=var/nfs
dir path=var/nfs/v4_oldstate group=daemon owner=daemon
dir path=var/nfs/v4_state group=daemon owner=daemon
file path=etc/default/nfs group=sys original_name=SUNWnfsc:etc/default/nfs \
file path=etc/fs/nfs/mount mode=0555
file path=etc/nfssec.conf group=sys original_name=SUNWnfsc:etc/nfssec.conf \
file path=kernel/fs/$(ARCH64)/nfs group=sys mode=0755
$(i386_ONLY)file path=kernel/fs/nfs group=sys mode=0755
file path=kernel/misc/$(ARCH64)/klmmod group=sys mode=0755
file path=kernel/misc/$(ARCH64)/klmops group=sys mode=0755
file path=kernel/misc/$(ARCH64)/nfs_dlboot group=sys mode=0755
$(i386_ONLY)file path=kernel/misc/klmmod group=sys mode=0755
$(i386_ONLY)file path=kernel/misc/klmops group=sys mode=0755
$(i386_ONLY)file path=kernel/misc/nfs_dlboot group=sys mode=0755
file path=lib/svc/manifest/network/nfs/cbd.xml group=sys mode=0444
file path=lib/svc/manifest/network/nfs/client.xml group=sys mode=0444
file path=lib/svc/manifest/network/nfs/mapid.xml group=sys mode=0444
file path=lib/svc/manifest/network/nfs/nlockmgr.xml group=sys mode=0444
file path=lib/svc/manifest/network/nfs/status.xml group=sys mode=0444
file path=lib/svc/method/nfs-client mode=0555
file path=lib/svc/method/nlockmgr mode=0555
file path=usr/bin/nfsstat mode=0555
file path=usr/bin/on mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/fs/nfs/dfmounts mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/fs/nfs/dfshares mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind group=sys mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/fs/nfs/showmount mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/fs/nfs/umount mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/nfs/
file path=usr/lib/nfs/llib-lmapid
file path=usr/lib/nfs/llib-lmapid.ln
file path=usr/lib/nfs/lockd mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/nfs/nfs4cbd mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/nfs/nfsmapid mode=0555
file path=usr/lib/nfs/statd mode=0555
group groupname=unknown gid=96
hardlink path=kernel/sys/$(ARCH64)/nfs target=../../../kernel/fs/$(ARCH64)/nfs
$(i386_ONLY)hardlink path=kernel/sys/nfs target=../../kernel/fs/nfs
legacy pkg=SUNWnfsckr \
desc="Network File System (NFS) client kernel support (Root)" \
name="Network File System (NFS) client kernel support (Root)"
legacy pkg=SUNWnfscr desc="Network File System (NFS) client support (Root)" \
name="Network File System (NFS) client support (Root)"
legacy pkg=SUNWnfscu desc="Network File System (NFS) client support (Usr)" \
name="Network File System (NFS) client support (Usr)"
license cr_ATT license=cr_ATT
license cr_Sun license=cr_Sun
license lic_CDDL license=lic_CDDL
license lic_OSBL license=lic_OSBL
license lic_OSBL_preamble license=lic_OSBL_preamble
link path=usr/lib/fs/nfs/mount target=../../../../etc/fs/nfs/mount
link path=usr/lib/nfs/
link path=usr/sbin/showmount target=../lib/fs/nfs/showmount
user username=unknown ftpuser=false gcos-field="Unknown Remote UID" \
group=unknown uid=96
depend fmri=system/kernel/secure-rpc type=require