spnegoparse.c revision 613a2f6ba31e891e3d947a356daf5e563d43c1ce
// Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// Date - 10/08/2002
// Author - Sanj Surati
// SPNEGO Token Handler Source File
// Contains implementation of SPNEGO Token parsing functions.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "spnego.h"
#include "derparse.h"
#include "spnegoparse.h"
// Defined in DERPARSE.C
extern MECH_OID g_stcMechOIDList [];
/** **/
/** **/
/** **/
/** **/
/** Local SPNEGO Helper definitions **/
/** **/
/** **/
/** **/
/** **/
// Function:
// CalculateMinSpnegoInitTokenSize
// Parameters:
// [in] nMechTokenLength - Length of the MechToken Element
// [in] nMechListMICLength - Length of the MechListMIC Element
// [in] mechOID - OID for MechList
// [in] nReqFlagsAvailable - Is ContextFlags element available
// [out] pnTokenSize - Filled out with total size of token
// [out] pnInternalTokenLength - Filled out with length minus length
// for initial token.
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Calculates the required length for a SPNEGO NegTokenInit token based
// on the supplied variable length values and which elements are present.
// Note that because the lengths can be represented by an arbitrary
// number of bytes in DER encodings, we actually calculate the lengths
// backwards, so we always know how many bytes we will potentially be
// writing out.
int CalculateMinSpnegoInitTokenSize( long nMechTokenLength,
long nMechListMICLength, SPNEGO_MECH_OID mechOid,
int nReqFlagsAvailable, long* pnTokenSize,
long* pnInternalTokenLength )
// Start at 0.
long nTotalLength = 0;
long nTempLength= 0L;
// We will calculate this by walking the token backwards
// Start with MIC Element
if ( nMechListMICLength > 0L )
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( nMechListMICLength, NULL );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nMechListMICLength )
goto xEndTokenInitLength;
nTotalLength += nTempLength;
// Next is the MechToken
if ( nMechTokenLength > 0L )
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcElementLength( nMechTokenLength, NULL );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenInitLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// Next is the ReqFlags
if ( nReqFlagsAvailable )
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenInitLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// Next is the MechList - This is REQUIRED
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcMechListLength( mechOid, NULL );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenInitLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// Following four fields are the basic header tokens
// Sequence Token
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalLength, 0L );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenInitLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// Neg Token Identifier Token
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalLength, 0L );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenInitLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
nTempLength += g_stcMechOIDList[spnego_mech_oid_Spnego].iLen;
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenInitLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// App Constructed Token
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalLength, 0L );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenInitLength;
// The internal length doesn't include the number of bytes
// for the initial token
*pnInternalTokenLength = nTotalLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// We're done
*pnTokenSize = nTotalLength;
return nReturn;
// Function:
// CreateSpnegoInitToken
// Parameters:
// [in] MechType - OID in MechList
// [in] ucContextFlags - ContextFlags value
// [in] pbMechToken - Mech Token Binary Data
// [in] ulMechTokenLen - Length of Mech Token
// [in] pbMechListMIC - MechListMIC Binary Data
// [in] ulMechListMICn - Length of MechListMIC
// [out] pbTokenData - Buffer to write token into.
// [in] nTokenLength - Length of pbTokenData buffer
// [in] nInternalTokenLength - Length of full token without leading
// token bytes.
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Uses DER to fill out pbTokenData with a SPNEGO NegTokenInit Token
// Note that because the lengths can be represented by an arbitrary
// number of bytes in DER encodings, we actually calculate the lengths
// backwards, so we always know how many bytes we will potentially be
// writing out.
int CreateSpnegoInitToken( SPNEGO_MECH_OID MechType,
unsigned char ucContextFlags, unsigned char* pbMechToken,
unsigned long ulMechTokenLen, unsigned char* pbMechListMIC,
unsigned long ulMechListMICLen, unsigned char* pbTokenData,
long nTokenLength, long nInternalTokenLength )
// Start at 0.
long nTempLength= 0L;
long nTotalBytesWritten = 0L;
long nInternalLength = 0L;
unsigned char* pbWriteTokenData = pbTokenData + nTokenLength;
// Temporary buffer to hold the REQ Flags as BIT String Data
unsigned char abTempReqFlags[SPNEGO_NEGINIT_MAXLEN_REQFLAGS];
// We will write the token out backwards to properly handle the cases
// where the length bytes become adjustable
// Start with MIC Element
if ( ulMechListMICLen > 0L )
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( ulMechListMICLen, &nInternalLength );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteElement( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGINIT_ELEMENT_MECHLISTMIC,
OCTETSTRING, pbMechListMIC, ulMechListMICLen );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenInit;
} // IF MechListMIC is present
// Next is the MechToken
if ( ulMechTokenLen > 0L )
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( ulMechTokenLen, &nInternalLength );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteElement( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGINIT_ELEMENT_MECHTOKEN,
OCTETSTRING, pbMechToken, ulMechTokenLen );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenInit;
} // IF MechToken Length is present
// Next is the ReqFlags
if ( ucContextFlags > 0L )
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( SPNEGO_NEGINIT_MAXLEN_REQFLAGS, &nInternalLength );
// We need a byte that indicates how many bits difference between the number
// of bits used in final octet (we only have one) and the max (8)
abTempReqFlags[1] = ucContextFlags;
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteElement( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGINIT_ELEMENT_REQFLAGS,
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenInit;
} // IF ContextFlags
// Next is the MechList - This is REQUIRED
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcMechListLength( MechType, &nInternalLength );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteMechList( pbWriteTokenData, MechType );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenInit;
// The next tokens we're writing out reflect the total number of bytes
// we have actually written out.
// Sequence Token
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalBytesWritten, 0L );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteToken( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE,
NULL, nTotalBytesWritten );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenInit;
// Neg Init Token Identifier Token
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalBytesWritten, 0L );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteToken( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGINIT_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER,
NULL, nTotalBytesWritten );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenInit;
nTempLength = g_stcMechOIDList[spnego_mech_oid_Spnego].iLen;
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteOID( pbWriteTokenData, spnego_mech_oid_Spnego );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenInit;
// App Constructed Token
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalBytesWritten, 0L );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteToken( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGINIT_APP_CONSTRUCT,
NULL, nTotalBytesWritten );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
// Don't adjust the internal token length here, it doesn't account
// the initial bytes written out (we really don't need to keep
// a running count here, but for debugging, it helps to be able
// to see the total number of bytes written out as well as the
// number of bytes left to write).
if ( nTotalBytesWritten == nTokenLength && nInternalTokenLength == 0 &&
pbWriteTokenData == pbTokenData )
return nReturn;
// Function:
// CalculateMinSpnegoTargTokenSize
// Parameters:
// [in] MechType - Supported MechType
// [in] spnegoNegResult - Neg Result
// [in] nMechTokenLength - Length of the MechToken Element
// [in] nMechListMICLength - Length of the MechListMIC Element
// [out] pnTokenSize - Filled out with total size of token
// [out] pnInternalTokenLength - Filled out with length minus length
// for initial token.
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Calculates the required length for a SPNEGO NegTokenTarg token based
// on the supplied variable length values and which elements are present.
// Note that because the lengths can be represented by an arbitrary
// number of bytes in DER encodings, we actually calculate the lengths
// backwards, so we always know how many bytes we will potentially be
// writing out.
int CalculateMinSpnegoTargTokenSize( SPNEGO_MECH_OID MechType,
SPNEGO_NEGRESULT spnegoNegResult, long nMechTokenLen,
long nMechListMICLen, long* pnTokenSize,
long* pnInternalTokenLength )
// Start at 0.
long nTotalLength = 0;
long nTempLength= 0L;
// We will calculate this by walking the token backwards
// Start with MIC Element
if ( nMechListMICLen > 0L )
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( nMechListMICLen, NULL );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nMechListMICLen )
goto xEndTokenTargLength;
nTotalLength += nTempLength;
// Next is the MechToken
if ( nMechTokenLen > 0L )
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcElementLength( nMechTokenLen, NULL );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenTargLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// Supported MechType
if ( spnego_mech_oid_NotUsed != MechType )
// Supported MechOID element - we use the token function since
// we already know the size of the OID token and value
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcElementLength( g_stcMechOIDList[MechType].iActualDataLen,
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenTargLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
} // IF MechType is available
// NegResult Element
if ( spnego_negresult_NotUsed != spnegoNegResult )
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenTargLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
} // IF negResult is available
// Following two fields are the basic header tokens
// Sequence Token
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalLength, 0L );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenTargLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// Neg Token Identifier Token
nTempLength += ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalLength, 0L );
// Check for rollover error
if ( nTempLength < nTotalLength )
goto xEndTokenTargLength;
// The internal length doesn't include the number of bytes
// for the initial token
*pnInternalTokenLength = nTotalLength;
nTotalLength = nTempLength;
// We're done
*pnTokenSize = nTotalLength;
return nReturn;
// Function:
// CreateSpnegoTargToken
// Parameters:
// [in] MechType - Supported MechType
// [in] eNegResult - NegResult value
// [in] pbMechToken - Mech Token Binary Data
// [in] ulMechTokenLen - Length of Mech Token
// [in] pbMechListMIC - MechListMIC Binary Data
// [in] ulMechListMICn - Length of MechListMIC
// [out] pbTokenData - Buffer to write token into.
// [in] nTokenLength - Length of pbTokenData buffer
// [in] nInternalTokenLength - Length of full token without leading
// token bytes.
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Uses DER to fill out pbTokenData with a SPNEGO NegTokenTarg Token
// Note that because the lengths can be represented by an arbitrary
// number of bytes in DER encodings, we actually calculate the lengths
// backwards, so we always know how many bytes we will potentially be
// writing out.
int CreateSpnegoTargToken( SPNEGO_MECH_OID MechType,
SPNEGO_NEGRESULT eNegResult, unsigned char* pbMechToken,
unsigned long ulMechTokenLen, unsigned char* pbMechListMIC,
unsigned long ulMechListMICLen, unsigned char* pbTokenData,
long nTokenLength, long nInternalTokenLength )
// Start at 0.
long nTempLength= 0L;
long nTotalBytesWritten = 0L;
long nInternalLength = 0L;
unsigned char ucTemp = 0;
// We will write the token out backwards to properly handle the cases
// where the length bytes become adjustable, so the write location
// is initialized to point *just* past the end of the buffer.
unsigned char* pbWriteTokenData = pbTokenData + nTokenLength;
// Start with MIC Element
if ( ulMechListMICLen > 0L )
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( ulMechListMICLen, &nInternalLength );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteElement( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGTARG_ELEMENT_MECHLISTMIC,
OCTETSTRING, pbMechListMIC, ulMechListMICLen );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenTarg;
} // IF MechListMIC is present
// Next is the MechToken
if ( ulMechTokenLen > 0L )
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( ulMechTokenLen, &nInternalLength );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteElement( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGTARG_ELEMENT_RESPONSETOKEN,
OCTETSTRING, pbMechToken, ulMechTokenLen );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenTarg;
} // IF MechToken Length is present
// Supported Mech Type
if ( spnego_mech_oid_NotUsed != MechType )
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( g_stcMechOIDList[MechType].iActualDataLen,
&nInternalLength );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
g_stcMechOIDList[MechType].iLen );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenTarg;
} // IF MechType is present
// Neg Result
// NegResult Element
if ( spnego_negresult_NotUsed != eNegResult )
ucTemp = (unsigned char) eNegResult;
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcElementLength( SPNEGO_NEGTARG_MAXLEN_NEGRESULT, &nInternalLength );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteElement( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGTARG_ELEMENT_NEGRESULT,
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenTarg;
} // If eNegResult is available
// The next tokens we're writing out reflect the total number of bytes
// we have actually written out.
// Sequence Token
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalBytesWritten, 0L );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteToken( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE,
NULL, nTotalBytesWritten );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
nInternalTokenLength -= nTempLength;
if ( nTotalBytesWritten > nTokenLength || nInternalTokenLength < 0 )
goto xEndWriteNegTokenTarg;
// Neg Targ Token Identifier Token
nTempLength = ASNDerCalcTokenLength( nTotalBytesWritten, 0L );
// Decrease the pbWriteTokenData, now we know the length and
// write it out.
pbWriteTokenData -= nTempLength;
nTempLength = ASNDerWriteToken( pbWriteTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGTARG_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER,
NULL, nTotalBytesWritten );
// Adjust Values and sanity check
nTotalBytesWritten += nTempLength;
// Don't adjust the internal token length here, it doesn't account
// the initial bytes written out (we really don't need to keep
// a running count here, but for debugging, it helps to be able
// to see the total number of bytes written out as well as the
// number of bytes left to write).
if ( nTotalBytesWritten == nTokenLength && nInternalTokenLength == 0 &&
pbWriteTokenData == pbTokenData )
return nReturn;
// Function:
// AllocEmptySpnegoToken
// Parameters:
// [in] ucCopyData - Flag to copy data or pointer.
// [in] ulFlags - Flags for SPNEGO_TOKEN data member.
// [in] pbTokenData - Binary token data.
// [in] ulTokenSize - Size of pbTokenData.
// Returns:
// SPNEGO_TOKEN* Success - Pointer to initialized SPNEGO_TOKEN struct
// Failure - NULL
// Comments :
// Allocates a SPNEGO_TOKEN data structure and initializes it. Based on
// the value of ucCopyData, if non-zero, we copy the data into a buffer
// we allocate in this function, otherwise, we copy the data pointer
// direcly.
SPNEGO_TOKEN* AllocEmptySpnegoToken( unsigned char ucCopyData, unsigned long ulFlags,
unsigned char * pbTokenData, unsigned long ulTokenSize )
SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken = (SPNEGO_TOKEN*) calloc( 1, sizeof(SPNEGO_TOKEN) );
if ( NULL != pSpnegoToken )
// Set the token size
pSpnegoToken->nStructSize = SPNEGO_TOKEN_SIZE;
// Initialize the element array
InitSpnegoTokenElementArray( pSpnegoToken );
// Assign the flags value
pSpnegoToken->ulFlags = ulFlags;
// IF ucCopyData is TRUE, we will allocate a buffer and copy data into it.
// Otherwise, we will just copy the pointer and the length. This is so we
// can cut out additional allocations for performance reasons
// Alloc the internal buffer. Cleanup on failure.
pSpnegoToken->pbBinaryData = (unsigned char*) calloc( ulTokenSize, sizeof(unsigned char) );
if ( NULL != pSpnegoToken->pbBinaryData )
// We must ALWAYS free this buffer
// Copy the data locally
memcpy( pSpnegoToken->pbBinaryData, pbTokenData, ulTokenSize );
pSpnegoToken->ulBinaryDataLen = ulTokenSize;
free( pSpnegoToken );
pSpnegoToken = NULL;
} // IF ucCopyData
// Copy the pointer and the length directly - ulFlags will control whether or not
// we are allowed to free the value
pSpnegoToken->pbBinaryData = pbTokenData;
pSpnegoToken->ulBinaryDataLen = ulTokenSize;
return pSpnegoToken;
// Function:
// FreeSpnegoToken
// Parameters:
// [in] pSpnegoToken - Points to SPNEGO_TOKEN to free.
// Returns:
// void
// Comments :
// If non-NULL, interprets pSpnegoToken, freeing any internal allocations
// and finally the actual structure.
void FreeSpnegoToken( SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken )
if ( NULL != pSpnegoToken )
// Cleanup internal allocation per the flags
NULL != pSpnegoToken->pbBinaryData )
free( pSpnegoToken->pbBinaryData );
pSpnegoToken->pbBinaryData = NULL;
free ( pSpnegoToken );
// Function:
// InitSpnegoTokenElementArray
// Parameters:
// [in] pSpnegoToken - Points to SPNEGO_TOKEN structure.
// Returns:
// void
// Comments :
// Initializes the element array data member of a SPNEGO_TOKEN data
// structure.
void InitSpnegoTokenElementArray( SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken )
int nCtr;
// Set the number of elemnts
pSpnegoToken->nNumElements = MAX_NUM_TOKEN_ELEMENTS;
// Initially, all elements are unavailable
for ( nCtr = 0; nCtr < MAX_NUM_TOKEN_ELEMENTS; nCtr++ )
// Set the element size as well
pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[ nCtr ].nStructSize = SPNEGO_ELEMENT_SIZE;
pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[ nCtr ].iElementPresent = SPNEGO_TOKEN_ELEMENT_UNAVAILABLE;
// Function:
// InitSpnegoTokenType
// Parameters:
// [in] pSpnegoToken - Points to SPNEGO_TOKEN structure.
// [out] pnTokenLength - Filled out with total token length
// [out] pnRemainingTokenLength - Filled out with remaining length
// after header is parsed
// [out] ppbFirstElement - Filled out with pointer to first
// element after header info.
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Walks the underlying binary data for a SPNEGO_TOKEN data structure
// and determines the type of the underlying token based on token header
// information.
int InitSpnegoTokenType( SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken, long* pnTokenLength,
long* pnRemainingTokenLength, unsigned char** ppbFirstElement )
long nActualTokenLength = 0L;
long nBoundaryLength = pSpnegoToken->ulBinaryDataLen;
unsigned char* pbTokenData = pSpnegoToken->pbBinaryData;
// First byte MUST be either an APP_CONSTRUCT or the NEGTARG_TOKEN_TARG
// Validate the above token - this will tell us the actual length of the token
// per the encoding (minus the actual token bytes)
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGINIT_APP_CONSTRUCT, 0L, nBoundaryLength,
pnTokenLength, &nActualTokenLength ) )
// Initialize the remaining token length value. This will be used
// to tell the caller how much token there is left once we've parsed
// the header (they could calculate it from the other values, but this
// is a bit friendlier)
*pnRemainingTokenLength = *pnTokenLength;
// Make adjustments to next token
pbTokenData += nActualTokenLength;
nBoundaryLength -= nActualTokenLength;
// The next token should be an OID
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckOID( pbTokenData, spnego_mech_oid_Spnego, nBoundaryLength,
&nActualTokenLength ) ) == SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS )
// Make adjustments to next token
pbTokenData += nActualTokenLength;
nBoundaryLength -= nActualTokenLength;
*pnRemainingTokenLength -= nActualTokenLength;
// The next token should specify the NegTokenInit
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGINIT_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER,
*pnRemainingTokenLength, nBoundaryLength, pnTokenLength,
&nActualTokenLength ) )
// Make adjustments to next token
pbTokenData += nActualTokenLength;
nBoundaryLength -= nActualTokenLength;
*pnRemainingTokenLength -= nActualTokenLength;
// The next token should specify the start of a sequence
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, SPNEGO_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE,
*pnRemainingTokenLength, nBoundaryLength, pnTokenLength,
&nActualTokenLength ) )
// NegTokenInit header is now checked out!
// Make adjustments to next token
*pnRemainingTokenLength -= nActualTokenLength;
// Store pointer to first element
*ppbFirstElement = pbTokenData + nActualTokenLength;
pSpnegoToken->ucTokenType = SPNEGO_TOKEN_INIT;
} // IF Check Sequence Token
} // IF Check NegTokenInit token
} // IF Check for SPNEGO OID
} // IF check app construct token
// The next token should specify the NegTokenInit
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, SPNEGO_NEGTARG_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER,
*pnRemainingTokenLength, nBoundaryLength, pnTokenLength,
&nActualTokenLength ) )
// Initialize the remaining token length value. This will be used
// to tell the caller how much token there is left once we've parsed
// the header (they could calculate it from the other values, but this
// is a bit friendlier)
*pnRemainingTokenLength = *pnTokenLength;
// Make adjustments to next token
pbTokenData += nActualTokenLength;
nBoundaryLength -= nActualTokenLength;
// The next token should specify the start of a sequence
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, SPNEGO_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE,
*pnRemainingTokenLength, nBoundaryLength, pnTokenLength,
&nActualTokenLength ) )
// NegTokenInit header is now checked out!
// Make adjustments to next token
*pnRemainingTokenLength -= nActualTokenLength;
// Store pointer to first element
*ppbFirstElement = pbTokenData + nActualTokenLength;
pSpnegoToken->ucTokenType = SPNEGO_TOKEN_TARG;
} // IF Check Sequence Token
} // IF Check NegTokenInit token
} // ELSE IF it's a NegTokenTarg
return nReturn;
// Function:
// GetSpnegoInitTokenMechList
// Parameters:
// [in] pbTokenData - Points to binary MechList element
// in NegTokenInit.
// [in] nMechListLength - Length of the MechList
// [out] pSpnegoElement - Filled out with MechList Element
// data.
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Checks that pbTokenData is pointing at something that at least
// *looks* like a MechList and then fills out the supplied
// SPNEGO_ELEMENT structure.
int GetSpnegoInitTokenMechList( unsigned char* pbTokenData, int nMechListLength,
SPNEGO_ELEMENT* pSpnegoElement )
long nLength = 0L;
long nActualTokenLength = 0L;
// Actual MechList is prepended by a Constructed Sequence Token
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, SPNEGO_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE,
nMechListLength, nMechListLength,
&nLength, &nActualTokenLength ) )
// Adjust for this token
nMechListLength -= nActualTokenLength;
pbTokenData += nActualTokenLength;
// Perform simple validation of the actual MechList (i.e. ensure that
// the OIDs in the MechList are reasonable).
if ( ( nReturn = ValidateMechList( pbTokenData, nLength ) ) == SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS )
// Initialize the element now
pSpnegoElement->eElementType = spnego_init_mechtypes;
pSpnegoElement->iElementPresent = SPNEGO_TOKEN_ELEMENT_AVAILABLE;
pSpnegoElement->type = SPNEGO_MECHLIST_TYPE;
pSpnegoElement->nDatalength = nLength;
pSpnegoElement->pbData = pbTokenData;
} // IF Check Token
return nReturn;
// Function:
// InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType
// Parameters:
// [in] pbTokenData - Points to binary element data in
// a SPNEGO token.
// [in] nElementLength - Length of the element
// [in] ucExpectedType - Expected DER type.
// [in] spnegoElementType - Which element is this?
// [out] pSpnegoElement - Filled out with element data.
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Checks that pbTokenData is pointing at the specified DER type. If so,
// then we verify that lengths are proper and then fill out the
// SPNEGO_ELEMENT data structure.
int InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType( unsigned char* pbTokenData, int nElementLength,
unsigned char ucExpectedType,
SPNEGO_ELEMENT_TYPE spnegoElementType,
SPNEGO_ELEMENT* pSpnegoElement )
long nLength = 0L;
long nActualTokenLength = 0L;
// The type BYTE must match our token data or something is badly wrong
if ( *pbTokenData == ucExpectedType )
// Check that we are pointing at the specified type
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, ucExpectedType,
nElementLength, nElementLength,
&nLength, &nActualTokenLength ) )
// Adjust for this token
nElementLength -= nActualTokenLength;
pbTokenData += nActualTokenLength;
// Initialize the element now
pSpnegoElement->eElementType = spnegoElementType;
pSpnegoElement->iElementPresent = SPNEGO_TOKEN_ELEMENT_AVAILABLE;
pSpnegoElement->type = ucExpectedType;
pSpnegoElement->nDatalength = nLength;
pSpnegoElement->pbData = pbTokenData;
} // IF type makes sense
return nReturn;
// Function:
// InitSpnegoTokenElementFromOID
// Parameters:
// [in] pbTokenData - Points to binary element data in
// a SPNEGO token.
// [in] nElementLength - Length of the element
// [in] spnegoElementType - Which element is this?
// [out] pSpnegoElement - Filled out with element data.
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Initializes a SpnegoElement from an OID - normally, this would have
// used the Basic Type function above, but since we do binary compares
// on the OIDs against the DER information as well as the OID, we need
// to account for that.
int InitSpnegoTokenElementFromOID( unsigned char* pbTokenData, int nElementLength,
SPNEGO_ELEMENT_TYPE spnegoElementType,
SPNEGO_ELEMENT* pSpnegoElement )
long nLength = 0L;
long nActualTokenLength = 0L;
// The type BYTE must match our token data or something is badly wrong
if ( *pbTokenData == OID )
// Check that we are pointing at an OID type
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, OID,
nElementLength, nElementLength,
&nLength, &nActualTokenLength ) )
// Don't adjust any values for this function
// Initialize the element now
pSpnegoElement->eElementType = spnegoElementType;
pSpnegoElement->iElementPresent = SPNEGO_TOKEN_ELEMENT_AVAILABLE;
pSpnegoElement->type = OID;
pSpnegoElement->nDatalength = nElementLength;
pSpnegoElement->pbData = pbTokenData;
} // IF type makes sense
return nReturn;
// Function:
// InitSpnegoTokenElements
// Parameters:
// [in] pSpnegoToken - Points to SPNEGO_TOKEN struct
// [in] pbTokenData - Points to initial binary element
// data in a SPNEGO token.
// [in] nRemainingTokenLength - Length remaining past header
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Interprets the data at pbTokenData based on the TokenType in
// pSpnegoToken. Since some elements are optional (technically all are
// but the token becomes quite useless if this is so), we check if
// an element exists before filling out the element in the array.
int InitSpnegoTokenElements( SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken, unsigned char* pbTokenData,
long nRemainingTokenLength )
// The following arrays contain the token identifiers for the elements
// comprising the actual token. All values are optional, and there are
// no defaults.
static unsigned char abNegTokenInitElements[] =
static unsigned char abNegTokenTargElements[] =
int nReturn = SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS;
int nCtr = 0L;
long nElementLength = 0L;
long nActualTokenLength = 0L;
unsigned char* pbElements = NULL;
unsigned char * ptok;
long tlen, elen, len;
// Point to the correct array
switch( pSpnegoToken->ucTokenType )
pbElements = abNegTokenInitElements;
pbElements = abNegTokenTargElements;
} // SWITCH tokentype
// Enumerate the element arrays and look for the tokens at our current location
for ( nCtr = 0L;
SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS == nReturn &&
nRemainingTokenLength > 0L;
nCtr++ )
// Check if the token exists
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbTokenData, pbElements[nCtr],
0L, nRemainingTokenLength,
&nElementLength, &nActualTokenLength ) )
// Token data should skip over the sequence token and then
// call the appropriate function to initialize the element
pbTokenData += nActualTokenLength;
// Lengths in the elements should NOT go beyond the element
// length
// Different tokens mean different elements
if ( SPNEGO_TOKEN_INIT == pSpnegoToken->ucTokenType )
// Handle each element as appropriate
switch( pbElements[nCtr] )
// This is a Mech List that specifies which OIDs the
// originator of the Init Token supports.
nReturn = GetSpnegoInitTokenMechList( pbTokenData, nElementLength,
&pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr] );
// This is a BITSTRING which specifies the flags that the receiver
// pass to the gss_accept_sec_context() function.
nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType( pbTokenData, nElementLength,
BITSTRING, spnego_init_reqFlags,
&pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr] );
// This is an OCTETSTRING which contains a GSSAPI token corresponding
// to the first OID in the MechList.
nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType( pbTokenData, nElementLength,
OCTETSTRING, spnego_init_mechToken,
&pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr] );
// This is an OCTETSTRING which contains a message integrity BLOB.
nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType( pbTokenData, nElementLength,
OCTETSTRING, spnego_init_mechListMIC,
&pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr] );
* don't believe everything you read in RFCs (and MS
* sample code)... win2k is sending not an octet string,
* but a "general string", wrapped in a sequence.
ptok = pbTokenData;
elen = nElementLength;
if ((nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken(ptok, SPNEGO_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE, elen, elen, &len, &tlen)) != SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS)
elen -= tlen;
ptok += tlen;
if ((nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken(ptok, SEQ_ELM(0), elen, elen, &len, &tlen)) != SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS)
elen -= tlen;
ptok += tlen;
nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType(ptok, elen, GENERALSTR, spnego_init_mechListMIC, &pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr]);
} // SWITCH Element
switch( pbElements[nCtr] )
// This is an ENUMERATION which specifies result of the last GSS
// token negotiation call.
nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType( pbTokenData, nElementLength,
ENUMERATED, spnego_targ_negResult,
&pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr] );
// This is an OID which specifies a supported mechanism.
nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElementFromOID( pbTokenData, nElementLength,
&pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr] );
// This is an OCTETSTRING which specifies results of the last GSS
// token negotiation call.
nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType( pbTokenData, nElementLength,
OCTETSTRING, spnego_targ_responseToken,
&pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr] );
// This is an OCTETSTRING which specifies a message integrity BLOB.
nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElementFromBasicType( pbTokenData, nElementLength,
OCTETSTRING, spnego_targ_mechListMIC,
&pSpnegoToken->aElementArray[nCtr] );
} // SWITCH Element
} // ELSE !NegTokenInit
// Account for the entire token and following data
nRemainingTokenLength -= ( nActualTokenLength + nElementLength );
// Token data should skip past the element length now
pbTokenData += nElementLength;
} // IF Token found
else if ( SPNEGO_E_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND == nReturn )
// For now, this is a benign error (remember, all elements are optional, so
// if we don't find one, it's okay).
} // FOR enum elements
// We should always run down to 0 remaining bytes in the token. If not, we've got
// a bad token.
if ( SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS == nReturn && nRemainingTokenLength != 0L )
return nReturn;
// Function:
// FindMechOIDInMechList
// Parameters:
// [in] pSpnegoElement - SPNEGO_ELEMENT for MechList
// [in] MechOID - OID we're looking for.
// [out] piMechTypeIndex - Index in the list where OID was
// found
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Walks the MechList for MechOID. When it is found, the index in the
// list is written to piMechTypeIndex.
int FindMechOIDInMechList( SPNEGO_ELEMENT* pSpnegoElement, SPNEGO_MECH_OID MechOID,
int * piMechTypeIndex )
int nReturn = SPNEGO_E_NOT_FOUND;
int nCtr = 0;
long nLength = 0L;
long nBoundaryLength = pSpnegoElement->nDatalength;
unsigned char* pbMechListData = pSpnegoElement->pbData;
while( SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS != nReturn && nBoundaryLength > 0L )
// Use the helper function to check the OID
if ( ( nReturn = ASNDerCheckOID( pbMechListData, MechOID, nBoundaryLength, &nLength ) )
*piMechTypeIndex = nCtr;
// Adjust for the current OID
pbMechListData += nLength;
nBoundaryLength -= nLength;
} // WHILE enuming OIDs
return nReturn;
// Function:
// ValidateMechList
// Parameters:
// [in] pbMechListData - Pointer to binary MechList data
// [in] nBoundaryLength - Length we must not exceed
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Checks the data at pbMechListData to see if it looks like a MechList.
// As part of this, we walk the list and ensure that none of the OIDs
// have a length that takes us outside of nBoundaryLength.
int ValidateMechList( unsigned char* pbMechListData, long nBoundaryLength )
int nReturn = SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS;
long nLength = 0L;
long nTokenLength = 0L;
while( SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS == nReturn && nBoundaryLength > 0L )
// Verify that we have something that at least *looks* like an OID - in other
// words it has an OID identifier and specifies a length that doesn't go beyond
// the size of the list.
nReturn = ASNDerCheckToken( pbMechListData, OID, 0L, nBoundaryLength,
&nLength, &nTokenLength );
// Adjust for the current OID
pbMechListData += ( nLength + nTokenLength );
nBoundaryLength -= ( nLength + nTokenLength );
} // WHILE enuming OIDs
return nReturn;
// Function:
// IsValidMechOid
// Parameters:
// [in] mechOid - mechOID id enumeration
// Returns:
// int Success - 1
// Failure - 0
// Comments :
// Checks for a valid mechOid value.
int IsValidMechOid( SPNEGO_MECH_OID mechOid )
return ( mechOid >= spnego_mech_oid_Kerberos_V5_Legacy &&
mechOid <= spnego_mech_oid_NTLMSSP );
// Function:
// IsValidContextFlags
// Parameters:
// [in] ucContextFlags - ContextFlags value
// Returns:
// int Success - 1
// Failure - 0
// Comments :
// Checks for a valid ContextFlags value.
int IsValidContextFlags( unsigned char ucContextFlags )
// Mask out our valid bits. If there is anything leftover, this
// is not a valid value for Context Flags
return ( ( ucContextFlags & ~SPNEGO_NEGINIT_CONTEXT_MASK ) == 0 );
// Function:
// IsValidNegResult
// Parameters:
// [in] negResult - NegResult value
// Returns:
// int Success - 1
// Failure - 0
// Comments :
// Checks for a valid NegResult value.
int IsValidNegResult( SPNEGO_NEGRESULT negResult )
return ( negResult >= spnego_negresult_success &&
negResult <= spnego_negresult_rejected );
// Function:
// IsValidSpnegoToken
// Parameters:
// [in] pSpnegoToken - Points to SPNEGO_TOKEN data structure
// Returns:
// int Success - 1
// Failure - 0
// Comments :
// Performs simple heuristic on location pointed to by pSpnegoToken.
int IsValidSpnegoToken( SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken )
int nReturn = 0;
// Parameter should be non-NULL
if ( NULL != pSpnegoToken )
// Length should be at least the size defined in the header
if ( pSpnegoToken->nStructSize >= SPNEGO_TOKEN_SIZE )
// Number of elements should be >= our maximum - if it's greater, that's
// okay, since we'll only be accessing the elements up to MAX_NUM_TOKEN_ELEMENTS
if ( pSpnegoToken->nNumElements >= MAX_NUM_TOKEN_ELEMENTS )
// Check for proper token type
if ( SPNEGO_TOKEN_INIT == pSpnegoToken->ucTokenType ||
SPNEGO_TOKEN_TARG == pSpnegoToken->ucTokenType )
nReturn = 1;
} // IF struct size makes sense
} // IF non-NULL spnego Token
return nReturn;
// Function:
// IsValidSpnegoElement
// Parameters:
// [in] pSpnegoToken - Points to SPNEGO_TOKEN data structure
// [in] spnegoElement - spnegoElement Type from enumeration
// Returns:
// int Success - 1
// Failure - 0
// Comments :
// Checks that spnegoElement has a valid value and is appropriate for
// the SPNEGO token encapsulated by pSpnegoToken.
int IsValidSpnegoElement( SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken,SPNEGO_ELEMENT_TYPE spnegoElement )
int nReturn = 0;
// Check boundaries
if ( spnegoElement > spnego_element_min &&
spnegoElement < spnego_element_max )
// Check for appropriateness to token type
if ( SPNEGO_TOKEN_INIT == pSpnegoToken->ucTokenType )
nReturn = ( spnegoElement >= spnego_init_mechtypes &&
spnegoElement <= spnego_init_mechListMIC );
nReturn = ( spnegoElement >= spnego_targ_negResult &&
spnegoElement <= spnego_targ_mechListMIC );
} // IF boundary conditions are met
return nReturn;
// Function:
// CalculateElementArrayIndex
// Parameters:
// [in] pSpnegoToken - Points to SPNEGO_TOKEN data structure
// [in] spnegoElement - spnegoElement Type from enumeration
// Returns:
// int index in the SPNEGO_TOKEN element array that the element can
// can be found
// Comments :
// Based on the Token Type, calculates the index in the element array
// at which the specified element can be found.
int CalculateElementArrayIndex( SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken,SPNEGO_ELEMENT_TYPE spnegoElement )
int nReturn = 0;
// Offset is difference between value and initial element identifier
// (these differ based on ucTokenType)
if ( SPNEGO_TOKEN_INIT == pSpnegoToken->ucTokenType )
nReturn = spnegoElement - spnego_init_mechtypes;
nReturn = spnegoElement - spnego_targ_negResult;
return nReturn;
// Function:
// InitTokenFromBinary
// Parameters:
// [in] ucCopyData - Flag indicating if data should be copied
// [in] ulFlags - Flags value for structure
// [in] pnTokenData - Binary Token Data
// [in] ulLength - Length of the data
// [out] ppSpnegoToken - Pointer to call allocated SPNEGO Token
// data structure
// Returns:
// int Success - SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS
// Failure - SPNEGO API Error code
// Comments :
// Allocates a SPNEGO_TOKEN data structure and fills it out as
// appropriate based in the flags passed into the function.
// Initializes SPNEGO_TOKEN structure from DER encoded binary data
int InitTokenFromBinary( unsigned char ucCopyData, unsigned long ulFlags,
unsigned char* pbTokenData, unsigned long ulLength,
SPNEGO_TOKEN** ppSpnegoToken )
SPNEGO_TOKEN* pSpnegoToken = NULL;
unsigned char* pbFirstElement = NULL;
long nTokenLength = 0L;
long nRemainingTokenLength = 0L;
// Basic Parameter Validation
if ( NULL != pbTokenData &&
NULL != ppSpnegoToken &&
0L != ulLength )
// Allocate the empty token, then initialize the data structure.
pSpnegoToken = AllocEmptySpnegoToken( ucCopyData, ulFlags, pbTokenData, ulLength );
if ( NULL != pSpnegoToken )
// Copy the binary data locally
// Initialize the token type
if ( ( nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenType( pSpnegoToken, &nTokenLength,
&nRemainingTokenLength, &pbFirstElement ) )
// Initialize the element array
if ( ( nReturn = InitSpnegoTokenElements( pSpnegoToken, pbFirstElement,
nRemainingTokenLength ) )
*ppSpnegoToken = pSpnegoToken;
} // IF Init Token Type
// Cleanup on error condition
if ( SPNEGO_E_SUCCESS != nReturn )
spnegoFreeData( pSpnegoToken );
} // IF Valid parameters
return nReturn;