revision 7c2fbfb345896881c631598ee3852ce9ce33fb07
# #
# This software is part of the ast package #
# Copyright (c) 1982-2008 AT&T Intellectual Property #
# and is licensed under the #
# Common Public License, Version 1.0 #
# by AT&T Intellectual Property #
# #
# A copy of the License is available at #
# #
# (with md5 checksum 059e8cd6165cb4c31e351f2b69388fd9) #
# #
# Information and Software Systems Research #
# AT&T Research #
# Florham Park NJ #
# #
# David Korn <> #
# #
function err_exit2
print -u2 -n "\t"
print -u2 -r ${Command}[$1]: "${@:2}"
(( Errors+=1 ))
function testfunc
integer line_number=$1
typeset cmd="$2"
typeset expected_output="$3"
typeset output
output="$($SHELL -c "${cmd}" 2>&1 )"
[[ "${output}" != "${expected_output}" ]] && err_exit2 ${line_number} "${output} != ${expected_output}"
alias testfunc='testfunc $LINENO'
alias err_exit='err_exit2 $LINENO'
integer Errors=0
# string
testfunc '(function l { typeset -S x ; x+="#" ; $1 && print "$x" ; } ; l false ; l false ; l true)' "###"
testfunc 'function l { typeset -S x=">" ; x+="#" ; $1 && print "$x" ; } ; l false ; l false ; l true' ">###"
testfunc 'function l { typeset -S x=">" ; x+="#" ; $1 && print "$x" ; } ; l false ; (l false) ; l true' ">##"
testfunc 'function l { typeset -S x=">" ; x+="#" ; $1 && print "$x" ; } ; l false; ( ulimit -c 0 ; l false) ; l true' ">##"
# integer
testfunc '(function l { typeset -S -i x ; x+=1 ; $1 && print "$x" ; } ; l false ; l false ; l true )' "3"
testfunc '(function l { typeset -S -i x ; x+=1 ; $1 && print "$x" ; } ; l false ; (l false) ; l true )' "2"
# float
testfunc '(function l { float -S x=0.5 ; (( x+=.5 )) ; $1 && print "$x" ; } ; l false ; l false ; l true )' "2"
testfunc '(function l { float -S x=0.5 ; (( x+=.5 )) ; $1 && print "$x" ; } ; l false ; (l false) ; l true )' "1.5"
# compound variable
[[ "${
function l
typeset -S s=( a=0 b=0 )
(( s.a++, s.b++ ))
$1 && printf 'a=%d, b=%d\n' s.a s.b
l false ; l false ; l true
}" != "a=3, b=3" ]] && err_exit "static compound var failed"
# array variable
expected="helloan elementan elementan element"
function ar
typeset -a -S s=( "hello" )
s+=( "an element" )
$1 && { printf '%s' "${s[@]}" ; printf '\n' ; }
ar false ; ar false ; ar true
[[ $got != $expected ]] && err_exit "static array var failed -- expected '$expected', got '$got'"
# Test visibilty of "global" vs. "static" variables. if we have a "static" variable in a
# function and "unset" it we should see a global variable with the same
# name, right ?
integer hx=5
function test_hx_scope
integer -S hx=9
$2 && unset hx
$1 && printf "hx=%d\n" hx
test_hx_scope false false
test_hx_scope false false
# first test the "unset" call in a $(...) subshell...
[[ "$( test_hx_scope true true )" != "hx=5" ]] && err_exit "can't see global variable hx after unsetting static variable hx"
# ... end then test whether the value has changed.
[[ "${ test_hx_scope true false }" != "hx=9" ]] && err_exit "hx variable somehow changed"
exit $((Errors))