fe.h revision 5e45752a44935a6b2445ae1c763867d868fa3fbb
* Copyright 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
#ifndef _FE_H
#define _FE_H
* Get context const . Used to retreive info in context : fe_get_ctx
* Return values depend on requested info :
#define CTX_FENAME 1 /* To get the Front End name */
/* return value is (char *) */
#define CTX_NBTABLE 2 /* To get the number of sub-section */
/* return value is (int *) */
#define CTX_TABLENAME 3 /* To get name(s) of sub section */
/* return value is (char **) */
#define CTX_TABLEPTR 4 /* To get the ptr to a sub section definition */
/* return value is (FE_Table *) */
/* !! This is not a copy */
#define CTX_CUSTOMS 5 /* get customs attributes */
/* third parameter is the variable name (char *) */
* Get Tables const
#define TABLE_NAME 1 /* table or subsection name, return value is (char *) */
/* third parms is null */
#define TABLE_OBJ_LST 2 /* object class list, return value is (char **) */
/* third parms is null */
#define TABLE_COM_HLD 3 /* stored ldap, connection return value is (LDAP *) */
#define TABLE_CUSTOMS 4 /* get customs attributes */
/* third parameter is the variable name (char *) */
/* return value is an array of string (char **) */
#define TABLE_FEATTR 5 /* to get the attribute definition. If no attribute name */
/* is provided to get the list of attributes */
/* third parms is the attribute name */
/* return a FE_Attr * if attribute name provided */
/* return a char ** (null term) if no attribute name provided */
#define TABLE_SUNDSATTR 6 /* idem TABLE_FEATTR but for SunDS definition */
* Tokens/Attributes
#define FETABLE 0
#define SUNDSTABLE 1
#define FEATTRLIST 4
* Errors consts
#define NOERROR 0
#define SYNTAX_ERROR 4
* SPLIT way
#define LEFT2RIGHT 0
#define RIGHT2LEFT 1
* Data structures
* This struct is used to run regex with "reg_expression"
* and assigned values (braelist) with "token" links
* Functional schema :
* step(input,reg_expression)
* => token[0] = braslist[0]..braelist[0]
* => token[1] = braslist[1]..braelist[1]
* => ...
* => token[i] = braslist[i]..braelist[i]
typedef struct _reg_mapp {
char *reg_expression; /* Compiled regular expression */
int Nbra; /* nbra result */
int NbToken_Defined; /* Nb tokens defined in reg_expression */
int *Token_ID; /* Tokens place (index) in input value */
} Reg_Map;
* Tokens definition, including input attribute and number of expressions
* and link to each rule.
typedef struct _tokens_def {
int attr_ID; /* Attributes ID (in SD or FE Table) */
/* Used as input in regular expression */
int NbRules; /* Number of expressions seperated by | */
Reg_Map **TokenRules; /* Array of tokens rules */
} Token_Def;
* Attribute mapping definition. SD attributes are composed of FE attributes and
* SD tokens.
typedef struct _attr_mapping {
char *AttrName; /* Attribute Name */
char *Expr; /* Value expression */
int AttrStatus; /* Store several attr's info such as */
/* Key || Exist || Frozen */
/* Key is used to generate wizard filter */
/* Exist is used to generate wizard filter */
/* Frozen is used control access on attribute */
int NbItem; /* Nb Attributes & Tokens need to build val */
int *AttrID; /* Set of attributes including tokens */
} Attr_Mapping;
* Builder_map : defined builder expression
typedef struct _builder_map {
char *build_exp; /* the sentence to build */
int NbInput;
int *Input_ID; /* List of attr ID to used as input in semtence */
* Data used for split/string2instances/instances2string/exclude functions
typedef struct _builder_fct {
int Input_ID;
char *value; /* input data */
char *prefix; /* string2instances and reverse : prefix */
/* exclude : val 2 exclude */
int Parm_ID; /* only for exclude funct : ID of val 2 exclude */
char *suffix;
char *separator;
int readIndicator;
} Builder_fct;
* Builder tokens : used to build special value (named builder token) from other tokens
* or input value. They look like ouput attributes, but they allow to apply rules, if
* input value does exist. They also permit to split input sentence into attribute instances
typedef struct _builder {
char *builder_name;
int builder_ID;
int NbRules;
int BuilderType;
Builder_map *Mapp;
Builder_fct *Fct;
} Build_def;
* Full definition of table mapping.
typedef struct _table_mapping {
int NbTokens; /* Nb extract tokens defined */
int NbAttributes; /* Nb attributes in the entry */
int NbBuilder; /* Nb builder tokens defined */
Token_Def **Tokens_list; /* Array of tokens needed for translation */
Build_def *Build_list; /* Array of builder tokens */
Attr_Mapping **Attr_list; /* Array of Attributes defined in an entry */
} Table_Mapping;
typedef struct _custo_info {
char *InfoName;
int NbValues;
char **Values; /* Null terminated array of instance */
} Cust_Info;
typedef struct _sds_com {
LDAP *lhd; /* LDAP communication handle */
char **fe_object_list; /* Array of ObjectClasses (null term list) */
} SDS_Com;
typedef struct _dynrule {
char *ResName; /* Result (or Rule) name */
int opType; /* Extrac, Cond, split, str2ins, ins2str, */
/* getrdn, exclude */
int NbExpr; /* Nb rules found use only in extract & cond */
int *NbItems; /* Nb variable in expression, usefull for */
/* extract and cond. IT's a null terminated */
/* array which contains the Number of var in */
char **Expression; /* The sentence (make sense only in cond) */
char **ConstVal; /* use when funct parm are const not used for */
/* extract and cond cases */
char **VarName; /* Var can be 1)DynRule 2)InputData 3)Common */
} DynRule;
typedef struct _fe_table {
char *fe_section; /* Section table name */
int nb_fe_attr; /* Nb FE attributes defined */
int nb_sds_attr; /* Nb SDS attributes defined */
int nb_fe_tokens; /* Nb tokens defined in FE section */
int nb_sds_tokens; /* Nb tokens defined in SunDS section */
int nb_cust; /* Nb custom attributes in common section */
int nb_fe_build; /* Nb tokens build in FE section */
int nb_sds_build; /* Nb tokens build in SUNDS section */
int nb_dyn_rules; /* Nb dynamic rules in Dynamic section */
char **fe_token_list; /* Array of FE token */
char **sds_token_list; /* List of SunDS token */
char **fe_attr_list; /* Array of attributes (null term list) */
char **sds_attr_list; /* Array of attributes (null term list) */
char **fe_build_list; /* Array of FE build */
char **sds_build_list; /* List of SunDS build */
Table_Mapping *sds_schema; /* SDS attributes definition */
Table_Mapping *fe_schema; /* FE attributes definition */
SDS_Com *comm_items; /* Communication attributes */
Cust_Info **custo_info; /* Customs info */
DynRule *dyn_rules; /* Ordered dynamic rules */
} FE_Table;
typedef struct _fe_context {
char *fe_name; /* Is it really usefull ?? */
int NbSection; /* Nb section */
int NbGlobals; /* Nb global customs info */
Cust_Info **globals; /* Customs info */
FE_Table **fe_section_list; /* All sub-section in mapping file */
} FE_Context;
/* Entries values definition */
/* Instance values definition */
typedef struct _fe_values {
int Length;
void *Val;
} FE_Values;
/* Attribute value definition */
typedef struct _fe_attr {
char *AttrType;
int NbInstance;
FE_Values **ValInstances;
} FE_Attr;
/* Full entry definition */
typedef struct _fe_entry {
char *DN;
int Nb_items;
FE_Attr **AttributesArray;
} FE_Entry;
typedef struct _fe_couple {
char *Value2Subst;
char *SubstValue;
} FE_Couple;
* libfe.a exported functions
* Read config file and create "fe_name" context
* NB : This init read all tables mapping
* libldap context use : before all action
extern FE_Context *fe_ctx_init(char *config_path, char *fe_name);
* Free All fe context all tables ...
* libldap context usage : ldap_close
extern int fe_ctx_free(FE_Context **Ctx);
* Return the pointer to requested item in context
* libldap context usage : before all action
extern void *fe_ctx_get(FE_Context *Ctx, int FieldID, void *Value);
* Search for information from Subsection/Table ?
* You can check also Get/Table/Paragraph
* libldap context usage : ldap_*
extern void *fe_table_get(FE_Table *MapTable, int FieldID, void *Void);
* Set tables item is mainly used for communication items. other information
* sets will be forbid
* libldap context usage : after ldap_open or ldap_bind
extern int fe_table_set(FE_Table *MapTable, int FieldID, void *Void);
* You have the attribute name ?! fe_ent_get_attr returns pointer to the requested
* attributes with instances, status... from a specific entry
* libldap context usage : after ldap_search
extern FE_Attr *fe_ent_get_attr(FE_Table *MapTable, FE_Entry *fe_item, char *AttrName);
* Create the entry according to the "schema" defined in mapping file for a specific table
* libladp context usage : before ldap_add
extern FE_Entry *fe_ent_create(FE_Table *MapTable, int TableType);
* Add new attributes in a new entry
* libladp context usage : before ldap_add
extern FE_Attr *fe_ent_get_attr(FE_Table *MapTable,FE_Entry *Entry, char *AttrName);
* Add new instance value
* libladp context usage : before ldap_add
extern int fe_ent_add_val(FE_Table *MapTable, FE_Attr *attr, int ValLength, void *Val);
extern FE_Attr *fe_ent_add_attr_val(FE_Table *MapTable, FE_Entry *Entry, char *AttrName, int ValLength, void *Val);
* explode DN into an attributes array
* libladp context usage : after ldap_search
extern FE_Attr **fe_ent_show_dn(FE_Table *MapTable, FE_Entry *Entry);
* free entry (including attributes)
extern void fe_ent_free(FE_Entry **Entry);
* Substitute all vars defined in inputString (with syntax ${varName}) by values found in
* fe_couple array. For errors returned check the errors consts upper
extern int fe_subst(char *inputString, char **outputString, FE_Couple **fe_couple);
* Split a sentence, add prefix (for each token) and suffix (exept for the last)
extern char *fe_split(char *inputData, char *Separator, char *Prefix, char *Suffix, int way );
* Dynamic translation, use only definition in dynamic section
extern char **fe_dynamic(FE_Table *MapTable, char *Var2stop, char **DynVal);
* Return the translated attribute. TableType is the original table of AttrName.
* if translation rules is one to one translation, the function return a copy of translated
* attribute name.
* else the function return a copy of the rules
extern char **fe_trans_attrName(FE_Table *MapTable, char *AttrName, int TableType);
extern int *fe_trans_attrID(FE_Table *MapTable, char *AttrName, int TableType);
* Return the translated SD entry
* libladp context usage : after ldap_search
extern FE_Entry *fe_trans_all_sds2fe(FE_Table *MapTable, LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *sd_entry);
* Return the translated FE entry
* libladp context usage : after ldap_search
extern LDAPMod **fe_trans_all_fe2sds(FE_Table *MapTable, LDAP *ld, FE_Entry *fe_entry);
* Close to "fe_trans_all_sds2fe" but output is Entry pointer as defined in SunDS server
extern FE_Entry *fe_trans_all_sunds2fe(FE_Table *MapTable, Entry *sd_entry);
extern Entry *fe_trans_all_fe2sunds(FE_Table *MapTable, FE_Entry *fe_entry);
/* An example an example ....
* Translation from fe to sunds
* FE_Context *MyContext = NULL;
* FE_Table *HostTable = NULL;
* FE_Entry *fe_entry = NULL;
* FE_Attr *fe_attr = NULL;
* Entry *lentry = NULL;
* if((MyContext = fe_ctx_init("..../sunds_map.conf","NIS")) == NULL){
* ldaplog(LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG,"Can't load mapping file\n", 0, 0, 0);
* exit(1);
* }
* if((HostTable = fe_ctx_get(MyContext,CTX_TABLEPTR,"dummy")) == NULL)
* {
* ldaplog(LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG,"Can't retreive HOSTS table\n", 0, 0, 0);
* exit(1);
* }
* if((fe_entry = fe_ent_create(HostTable, FETABLE))==NULL)
* {
* ldaplog(LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG,"Can't create entry\n", 0, 0, 0);
* exit(1);
* }
* if ((fe_attr = fe_ent_add_attr_val(HostTable, fe_entry, "niskey", 16, "")) == NULL)
* {
* ldaplog(LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG,"Can't add attr=%s, val=%s\n", "niskey", "", 0);
* exit(1);
* }
* if((fe_attr = fe_ent_add_attr_val(HostTable,
* fe_entry,
* strlen("olivaw OLIVAW oLiVaW # regis Host") +1,
* "olivaw OLIVAW oLiVaW # regis Host")) == NULL)
* {
* ldaplog(...);
* exit(1);
* }
* if((lentry = fe_trans_all_fe2sunds(HostTable, fe_entry)) ==NULL)
* {
* ldaplog(LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG,".... \n", 0);
* }
#endif /* _FE_H */