revision fb3fb4f3d76d55b64440afd0af72775dfad3bd1d
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
package org.opensolaris.os.dtrace;
import java.util.*;
import java.beans.*;
* Data generated when a DTrace probe fires, contains one record for
* every record-generating action in the probe. (Some D actions, such
* as {@code clear()}, do not generate a {@code ProbeData} record.) A
* {@link Consumer} gets data from DTrace by registering a {@link
* ConsumerListener listener} to get probe data whenever a probe fires:
* <pre><code>
* Consumer consumer = new LocalConsumer();
* consumer.addConsumerListener(new ConsumerAdapter() {
* public void dataReceived(DataEvent e) {
* ProbeData probeData = e.getProbeData();
* System.out.println(probeData);
* }
* });
* </code></pre>
* Getting DTrace to generate that probe data involves compiling,
* enabling, and running a D program:
* <pre><code>
* try {
* consumer.compile(program);
* consumer.enable(); // instruments code at matching probe points
* consumer.go(); // non-blocking; generates probe data in background
* } catch (DTraceException e) {
* e.printStackTrace();
* }
* </code></pre>
* Currently the {@code ProbeData} instance does not record a timestamp.
* If you need a timestamp, trace the built-in {@code timestamp}
* variable in your D program. (See the
* <a href=>
* <b>Built-in Variables</b></a> section of the <b>Variables</b> chapter of
* the <i>Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide</i>).
* <p>
* Immutable. Supports persistence using {@link java.beans.XMLEncoder}.
* @see Consumer#addConsumerListener(ConsumerListener l)
* @see ConsumerListener#dataReceived(DataEvent e)
* @author Tom Erickson
public final class ProbeData implements Serializable, Comparable <ProbeData> {
static final long serialVersionUID = -7021504416192099215L;
static {
try {
BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(ProbeData.class);
PersistenceDelegate persistenceDelegate =
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(
new String[] {"enabledProbeID", "CPU",
"enabledProbeDescription", "flow", "records"});
BeanDescriptor d = info.getBeanDescriptor();
d.setValue("persistenceDelegate", persistenceDelegate);
} catch (IntrospectionException e) {
private static Comparator <ProbeData> DEFAULT_CMP;
static {
try {
DEFAULT_CMP = ProbeData.getComparator(KeyField.RECORDS,
} catch (Throwable e) {
/** @serial */
private int epid;
/** @serial */
private int cpu;
/** @serial */
private ProbeDescription enabledProbeDescription;
/** @serial */
private Flow flow;
// Scratch data, one element per native probedata->dtpda_edesc->dtepd_nrecs
// element, cleared after records list is fully populated.
private transient List <Object> nativeElements;
/** @serial */
private List <Record> records;
* Enumerates the fields by which {@link ProbeData} may be sorted
* using the {@link #getComparator(KeyField[] f) getComparator()}
* convenience method.
public enum KeyField {
/** Specifies {@link ProbeData#getCPU()} */
/** Specifies {@link ProbeData#getEnabledProbeDescription()} */
/** Specifies {@link ProbeData#getEnabledProbeID()} */
/** Specifies {@link ProbeData#getRecords()} */
* Called by native code.
ProbeData(int enabledProbeID, int cpuID, ProbeDescription p,
Flow f, int nativeElementCount)
epid = enabledProbeID;
cpu = cpuID;
enabledProbeDescription = p;
flow = f;
nativeElements = new ArrayList <Object> (nativeElementCount);
records = new ArrayList <Record> ();
* Creates a probe data instance with the given properties and list
* of records. Supports XML persistence.
* @param enabledProbeID identifies the enabled probe that fired;
* the ID is generated by the native DTrace library to distinguish
* all probes enabled by the source consumer (as opposed to
* all probes on the system)
* @param cpuID non-negative ID, identifies the CPU on which the
* probe fired
* @param p identifies the enabled probe that fired
* @param f current state of control flow (entry or return and depth
* in call stack) at time of probe firing, included if {@link
* Option#flowindent flowindent} option used, {@code null} otherwise
* @param recordList list of records generated by D actions in the
* probe that fired, one record per action, may be empty
* @throws NullPointerException if the given probe description or
* list of records is {@code null}
ProbeData(int enabledProbeID, int cpuID, ProbeDescription p,
Flow f, List <Record> recordList)
epid = enabledProbeID;
cpu = cpuID;
enabledProbeDescription = p;
flow = f;
records = new ArrayList <Record> (recordList.size());
private void
if (enabledProbeDescription == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"enabled probe description is null");
if (records == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("record list is null");
private void
addDataElement(Object o)
* Called by native code.
private void
addRecord(Record record)
* Called by native code.
private void
addTraceRecord(int i)
// trace() value is preceded by one null for every D program
// statement preceding trace() that is not a D action, such as
// assignment to a variable (results in a native probedata
// record with no data).
int len = nativeElements.size();
Object o = null;
for (; ((o = nativeElements.get(i)) == null) && (i < len); ++i);
records.add(new ScalarRecord(o));
* Called by native code.
private void
addStackRecord(int i, String framesString)
int len = nativeElements.size();
Object o = null;
for (; ((o = nativeElements.get(i)) == null) && (i < len); ++i);
StackValueRecord stack = (StackValueRecord)o;
StackFrame[] frames = KernelStackRecord.parse(framesString);
if (stack instanceof KernelStackRecord) {
} else if (stack instanceof UserStackRecord) {
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("no stack record at index " + i);
* Called by native code.
private void
records.add(new PrintfRecord());
* Called by native code.
private void
addPrintaRecord(long snaptimeNanos, boolean isFormatString)
records.add(new PrintaRecord(snaptimeNanos, isFormatString));
private PrintaRecord
ListIterator <Record> itr = records.listIterator(records.size());
PrintaRecord printa = null;
Record record;
while (itr.hasPrevious() && (printa == null)) {
record = itr.previous();
if (record instanceof PrintaRecord) {
printa = (PrintaRecord)record;
return printa;
* Called by native code.
private void
addAggregationRecord(String aggregationName, long aggid,
AggregationRecord rec)
PrintaRecord printa = getLastPrinta();
if (printa == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"No PrintaRecord in this ProbeData");
printa.addRecord(aggregationName, aggid, rec);
* Called by native code.
private void
PrintaRecord printa = getLastPrinta();
if (printa == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"No PrintaRecord in this ProbeData");
* Called by native code.
private void
addPrintaFormattedString(Tuple tuple, String s)
PrintaRecord printa = getLastPrinta();
if (printa == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"No PrintaRecord in this ProbeData");
printa.addFormattedString(tuple, s);
* Called by native code.
private void
addExitRecord(int i)
int len = nativeElements.size();
Object o = null;
for (; ((o = nativeElements.get(i)) == null) && (i < len); ++i);
Integer exitStatus = (Integer)o;
records.add(new ExitRecord(exitStatus));
* Called by native code. Attaches native probedata elements cached
* between the given first index and last index inclusive to the most
* recently added record if applicable.
private void
attachRecordElements(int first, int last)
Record record = records.get(records.size() - 1);
if (record instanceof PrintfRecord) {
PrintfRecord printf = (PrintfRecord)record;
Object e;
for (int i = first; i <= last; ++i) {
e = nativeElements.get(i);
if (e == null) {
// printf() unformatted elements are preceded by one
// null for every D program statement preceding the
// printf() that is not a D action, such as
// assignment to a variable (generates a probedata
// record with no data).
* Called by native code.
nativeElements = null;
* Called by native code.
private void
setFormattedString(String s)
Record record = records.get(records.size() - 1);
if (record instanceof PrintfRecord) {
PrintfRecord printf = (PrintfRecord)record;
* Convenience method, gets a comparator that sorts multiple {@link
* ProbeDescription} instances by the specified field or fields. If
* more than one sort field is specified, the probe data are sorted
* by the first field, and in case of a tie, by the second field,
* and so on, in the order that the fields are specified.
* @param f field specifiers given in descending order of sort
* priority; lower priority fields are only compared (as a tie
* breaker) when all higher priority fields are equal
* @return non-null probe data comparator that sorts by the
* specified sort fields in the given order
public static Comparator <ProbeData>
getComparator(KeyField ... f)
return new Cmp(f);
private static class Cmp implements Comparator <ProbeData> {
private KeyField[] sortFields;
Cmp(KeyField ... f)
sortFields = f;
public int
compare(ProbeData d1, ProbeData d2)
return, d2, sortFields);
* @throws ClassCastException if records or their data are are not
* mutually comparable
private static int
compareRecords(Record r1, Record r2)
int cmp;
if (r1 instanceof ScalarRecord) {
ScalarRecord t1 = ScalarRecord.class.cast(r1);
ScalarRecord t2 = ScalarRecord.class.cast(r2);
Comparable v1 = Comparable.class.cast(t1.getValue());
Comparable v2 = Comparable.class.cast(t2.getValue());
cmp = v1.compareTo(v2);
} else if (r1 instanceof PrintfRecord) {
PrintfRecord t1 = PrintfRecord.class.cast(r1);
PrintfRecord t2 = PrintfRecord.class.cast(r2);
String s1 = t1.toString();
String s2 = t2.toString();
cmp = s1.compareTo(s2);
} else if (r1 instanceof ExitRecord) {
ExitRecord e1 = ExitRecord.class.cast(r1);
ExitRecord e2 = ExitRecord.class.cast(r2);
int status1 = e1.getStatus();
int status2 = e2.getStatus();
cmp = (status1 < status2 ? -1 : (status1 > status2 ? 1 : 0));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected record type: " +
return cmp;
* @throws ClassCastException if lists are not mutually comparable
* because corresponding list elements are not comparable or the
* list themselves are different lengths
private static int
compareRecordLists(ProbeData d1, ProbeData d2)
List <Record> list1 = d1.getRecords();
List <Record> list2 = d2.getRecords();
int len1 = list1.size();
int len2 = list2.size();
if (len1 != len2) {
throw new ClassCastException("Record lists of different " +
"length are not comparable (lengths are " +
len1 + " and " + len2 + ").");
int cmp;
Record r1;
Record r2;
for (int i = 0; (i < len1) && (i < len2); ++i) {
r1 = list1.get(i);
r2 = list2.get(i);
cmp = compareRecords(r1, r2);
if (cmp != 0) {
return cmp;
return 0;
private static int
compare(ProbeData d1, ProbeData d2, KeyField[] comparedFields)
int cmp;
for (KeyField f : comparedFields) {
switch (f) {
case CPU:
int cpu1 = d1.getCPU();
int cpu2 = d2.getCPU();
cmp = (cpu1 < cpu2 ? -1 : (cpu1 > cpu2 ? 1 : 0));
case PROBE:
ProbeDescription p1 = d1.getEnabledProbeDescription();
ProbeDescription p2 = d2.getEnabledProbeDescription();
cmp = p1.compareTo(p2);
case EPID:
int epid1 = d1.getEnabledProbeID();
int epid2 = d2.getEnabledProbeID();
cmp = (epid1 < epid2 ? -1 : (epid1 > epid2 ? 1 : 0));
cmp = compareRecordLists(d1, d2);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unexpected sort field " + f);
if (cmp != 0) {
return cmp;
return 0;
* Gets the enabled probe ID. Identifies the enabled probe that
* fired and generated this {@code ProbeData}. The "epid" is
* different from {@link ProbeDescription#getID()} in that it
* identifies a probe among all probes enabled by the source {@link
* Consumer}, rather than among all the probes on the system.
* @return the enabled probe ID generated by the native DTrace
* library
public int
return epid;
* Gets the ID of the CPU on which the probe fired.
* @return ID of the CPU on which the probe fired
public int
return cpu;
* Gets the enabled probe description. Identifies the enabled probe
* that fired and generated this {@code ProbeData}.
* @return non-null probe description
public ProbeDescription
return enabledProbeDescription;
* Gets the current state of control flow (function entry or return,
* and depth in call stack) at the time of the probe firing that
* generated this {@code ProbeData} instance, or {@code null} if
* such information was not requested with the {@code flowindent}
* option.
* @return a description of control flow across function boundaries,
* or {@code null} if {@code Consumer.getOption(Option.flowindent)}
* returns {@link Option#UNSET}
* @see Consumer#setOption(String option)
* @see Option#flowindent
public Flow
return flow;
* Gets the records generated by the actions of the probe that
* fired, in the same order as the actions that generated the
* records. The returned list includes one record for every
* record-generating D action (some D actions, such as {@code
* clear()}, do not generate records).
* @return non-null, unmodifiable list view of the records belonging
* to this {@code ProbeData} in the order of the actions in the
* DTrace probe that generated them (record-producing actions are
* generally those that produce output, such as {@code printf()},
* but also the {@code exit()} action)
public List <Record>
return Collections.unmodifiableList(records);
* Natural ordering of probe data. Sorts probe data by records
* first, then if record data is equal, by enabled probe ID.
* @param d probe data to be compared with this probe data
* @return a negative number, zero, or a positive number as this
* probe data is less than, equal to, or greater than the given
* probe data
* @see ProbeData#getComparator(KeyField[] f)
* @throws NullPointerException if the given probe data is
* {@code null}
* @throws ClassCastException if record lists of both {@code
* ProbeData} instances are not mutually comparable because
* corresponding list elements are not comparable or the lists
* themselves are different lengths
public int
compareTo(ProbeData d)
return, d);
private void
readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
// Defensively copy record list _before_ validating.
int len = records.size();
ArrayList <Record> copy = new ArrayList <Record> (len);
records = copy;
// Check class invariants
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidObjectException(e.getMessage());
* Gets a string representation of this {@code ProbeData} instance
* useful for logging and not intended for display. The exact
* details of the representation are unspecified and subject to
* change, but the following format may be regarded as typical:
* <pre><code>
* class-name[property1 = value1, property2 = value2]
* </code></pre>
public String
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append("[epid = ");
buf.append(", cpu = ");
buf.append(", enabledProbeDescription = ");
buf.append(", flow = ");
buf.append(", records = ");
Record record;
Object value;
for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
record = records.get(i);
if (record instanceof ValueRecord) {
value = ((ValueRecord)record).getValue();
if (value instanceof String) {
} else {
} else {
return buf.toString();