THIRDPARTYLICENSE revision 5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2a
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas SoomeThe majority of the source code in the mDNSResponder project is licensed
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas Soomeunder the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, available from:
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas SoomeTo accommodate license compatibility with the widest possible range
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas Soomeof client code licenses, the shared library code, which is linked
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas Soomeat runtime into the same address space as the client using it, is
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas Soomelicensed under the terms of the "Three-Clause BSD License".
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas SoomeThe Linux Name Service Switch code, contributed by National ICT
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas SoomeAustralia Ltd (NICTA) is licensed under the terms of the NICTA Public
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas SoomeSoftware Licence (which is substantially similar to the "Three-Clause
5ffb0c9b03b5149ff4f5821a62be4a52408ada2aToomas SoomeBSD License", with some additional language pertaining to Australian law).