parse.c revision 6d0847464d3fec218788a8cefc60dc6947328332
* Copyright 1987, 1988 by MIT Student Information Processing Board
* For copyright info, see copyright.h.
* Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#include "ss_internal.h"
#include "copyright.h"
#include <errno.h>
* Solaris Kerberos:
* ss_parse has been modified slightly from the original in two ways.
* 1) A new parameter "quiet" has been added which is used to silence
* error or warning messages.
* 2) ss_parse now returns an error status instead of argv - this is to
* allow an error to be distinguished from no tokens when parsing an empty
* string.
* Both of these changes allow ss_parse to be used during tab-completion.
* parse(line_ptr, argc_ptr)
* Function:
* Parses line, dividing at whitespace, into tokens, returns
* the "argc" and "argv" values.
* Arguments:
* line_ptr (char *)
* Pointer to text string to be parsed.
* argc_ptr (int *)
* Where to put the "argc" (number of tokens) value.
* argv_ptr (char ***)
* Where to put the series of pointers to parsed tokens.
* Returns:
* error (0 - success, non-zero on failure)
#define NEW_ARGV(old,n) (char **)realloc((char *)old,\
int ss_parse (sci_idx, line_ptr, argc_ptr, argv_ptr, quiet)
int sci_idx;
register char *line_ptr;
int *argc_ptr;
char ***argv_ptr;
int quiet;
register char **argv, *cp;
register int argc;
register enum parse_mode parse_mode;
argv = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *));
if (argv == (char **)NULL) {
if (!quiet)
ss_error(sci_idx, errno, "Can't allocate storage");
*argc_ptr = 0;
*argv_ptr = argv;
*argv = (char *)NULL;
argc = 0;
parse_mode = WHITESPACE; /* flushing whitespace */
cp = line_ptr; /* cp is for output */
while (1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("character `%c', mode %d\n", *line_ptr, parse_mode);
while (parse_mode == WHITESPACE) {
if (*line_ptr == '\0')
goto end_of_line;
if (*line_ptr == ' ' || *line_ptr == '\t') {
if (*line_ptr == '"') {
/* go to quoted-string mode */
parse_mode = QUOTED_STRING;
cp = line_ptr++;
argv = NEW_ARGV (argv, argc);
argv[argc++] = cp;
argv[argc] = NULL;
else {
/* random-token mode */
parse_mode = TOKEN;
cp = line_ptr;
argv = NEW_ARGV (argv, argc);
argv[argc++] = line_ptr;
argv[argc] = NULL;
while (parse_mode == TOKEN) {
if (*line_ptr == '\0') {
*cp++ = '\0';
goto end_of_line;
else if (*line_ptr == ' ' || *line_ptr == '\t') {
*cp++ = '\0';
parse_mode = WHITESPACE;
else if (*line_ptr == '"') {
parse_mode = QUOTED_STRING;
else {
*cp++ = *line_ptr++;
while (parse_mode == QUOTED_STRING) {
if (*line_ptr == '\0') {
if (!quiet)
ss_error (sci_idx, 0,
"Unbalanced quotes in command line");
free (argv);
*argc_ptr = 0;
*argv_ptr = NULL;
return (-1);
else if (*line_ptr == '"') {
if (*++line_ptr == '"') {
*cp++ = '"';
else {
parse_mode = TOKEN;
else {
*cp++ = *line_ptr++;
*argc_ptr = argc;
#ifdef DEBUG
int i;
printf ("argc = %d\n", argc);
for (i = 0; i <= argc; i++)
printf ("\targv[%2d] = `%s'\n", i,
argv[i] ? argv[i] : "<NULL>");
*argv_ptr = argv;