libhal.h revision 18c2aff776a775d34a4c9893a4c72e0434d68e36
* CVSID: $Id$
* libhal.h : HAL daemon C convenience library headers
* Copyright (C) 2003 David Zeuthen, <>
* Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef LIBHAL_H
#define LIBHAL_H
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if 0
} /* shut up emacs indenting */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define LIBHAL_DEPRECATED __attribute__ ((deprecated))
#define LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR(_dbus_error_) \
do { \
if (dbus_error_is_set(_dbus_error_)) \
dbus_error_free (_dbus_error_); \
else \
fprintf (stderr, \
"%s %d : INFO: called LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR " \
"but dbusError was not set.\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__); \
} while (0)
* @_ctx_: the context
* @_ret_: what to use for return value if context is invalid
* Handy macro for checking whether a context is valid.
#define LIBHAL_CHECK_LIBHALCONTEXT(_ctx_, _ret_) \
do { \
if (_ctx_ == NULL) { \
fprintf (stderr, \
"%s %d : LibHalContext *ctx is NULL\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__); \
return _ret_; \
} \
} while(0)
* LibHalPropertyType:
* Possible types for properties on hal device objects
typedef enum {
/** Used to report error condition */
/** Type for 32-bit signed integer property */
/** Type for 64-bit unsigned integer property */
/** Type for double precision floating point property */
/** Type for boolean property */
/** Type for UTF-8 string property */
/** Type for list of UTF-8 strings property */
} LibHalPropertyType;
typedef struct LibHalContext_s LibHalContext;
* LibHalIntegrateDBusIntoMainLoop:
* @ctx: context for connection to hald
* @dbus_connection: DBus connection to use in ctx
* Type for function in application code that integrates a
* DBusConnection object into its own mainloop.
typedef void (*LibHalIntegrateDBusIntoMainLoop) (LibHalContext *ctx,
DBusConnection *dbus_connection);
* LibHalDeviceAdded:
* @ctx: context for connection to hald
* @udi: the Unique Device Id
* Type for callback when a device is added.
typedef void (*LibHalDeviceAdded) (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi);
* LibHalDeviceRemoved:
* @ctx: context for connection to hald
* @udi: the Unique Device Id
* Type for callback when a device is removed.
typedef void (*LibHalDeviceRemoved) (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi);
* LibHalDeviceNewCapability:
* @ctx: context for connection to hald
* @udi: the Unique Device Id
* @capability: capability of the device
* Type for callback when a device gains a new capability.
typedef void (*LibHalDeviceNewCapability) (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *capability);
* LibHalDeviceLostCapability:
* @ctx: context for connection to hald
* @udi: the Unique Device Id
* @capability: capability of the device
* Type for callback when a device loses a capability.
typedef void (*LibHalDeviceLostCapability) (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *capability);
* LibHalDevicePropertyModified:
* @ctx: context for connection to hald
* @udi: the Unique Device Id
* @key: name of the property that has changed
* @is_removed: whether or not property was removed
* @is_added: whether or not property was added
* Type for callback when a property of a device changes.
typedef void (*LibHalDevicePropertyModified) (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
dbus_bool_t is_removed,
dbus_bool_t is_added);
* LibHalDeviceCondition:
* @ctx: context for connection to hald
* @udi: the Unique Device Id
* @condition_name: name of the condition, e.g. ProcessorOverheating. Consult the HAL spec for details
* @condition_detail: detail of condition
* Type for callback when a non-continuous condition occurs on a device.
typedef void (*LibHalDeviceCondition) (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *condition_name,
const char *condition_detail);
/* Create a new context for a connection with hald */
LibHalContext *libhal_ctx_new (void);
/* Enable or disable caching */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_cache (LibHalContext *ctx, dbus_bool_t use_cache);
/* Set DBus connection to use to talk to hald. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_dbus_connection (LibHalContext *ctx, DBusConnection *conn);
/* Get DBus connection to use to talk to hald. */
DBusConnection *libhal_ctx_get_dbus_connection (LibHalContext *ctx);
/* Set user data for the context */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_user_data (LibHalContext *ctx, void *user_data);
/* Get user data for the context */
void* libhal_ctx_get_user_data (LibHalContext *ctx);
/* Set the callback for when a device is added */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_device_added (LibHalContext *ctx, LibHalDeviceAdded callback);
/* Set the callback for when a device is removed */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_device_removed (LibHalContext *ctx, LibHalDeviceRemoved callback);
/* Set the callback for when a device gains a new capability */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_device_new_capability (LibHalContext *ctx, LibHalDeviceNewCapability callback);
/* Set the callback for when a device loses a capability */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_device_lost_capability (LibHalContext *ctx, LibHalDeviceLostCapability callback);
/* Set the callback for when a property is modified on a device */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_device_property_modified (LibHalContext *ctx, LibHalDevicePropertyModified callback);
/* Set the callback for when a device emits a condition */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_set_device_condition (LibHalContext *ctx, LibHalDeviceCondition callback);
/* Initialize the connection to hald */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_init (LibHalContext *ctx, DBusError *error);
/* Shut down a connection to hald */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_shutdown (LibHalContext *ctx, DBusError *error);
/* Free a LibHalContext resource */
dbus_bool_t libhal_ctx_free (LibHalContext *ctx);
/* Create an already initialized connection to hald */
LibHalContext *libhal_ctx_init_direct (DBusError *error);
/* Get all devices in the Global Device List (GDL). */
char **libhal_get_all_devices (LibHalContext *ctx, int *num_devices, DBusError *error);
/* Determine if a device exists. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_exists (LibHalContext *ctx, const char *udi, DBusError *error);
/* Print a device to stdout; useful for debugging. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_print (LibHalContext *ctx, const char *udi, DBusError *error);
/* Determine if a property on a device exists. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_property_exists (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
/* Get the value of a property of type string. */
char *libhal_device_get_property_string (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
/* Get the value of a property of type signed integer. */
dbus_int32_t libhal_device_get_property_int (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
/* Get the value of a property of type unsigned integer. */
dbus_uint64_t libhal_device_get_property_uint64 (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
/* Get the value of a property of type double. */
double libhal_device_get_property_double (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
/* Get the value of a property of type bool. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_get_property_bool (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
/* Get the value of a property of type string list. */
char **libhal_device_get_property_strlist (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
/* Set a property of type string. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_set_property_string (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
const char *value,
DBusError *error);
/* Set a property of type signed integer. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_set_property_int (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
dbus_int32_t value,
DBusError *error);
/* Set a property of type unsigned integer. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_set_property_uint64 (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
dbus_uint64_t value,
DBusError *error);
/* Set a property of type double. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_set_property_double (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
double value,
DBusError *error);
/* Set a property of type bool. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_set_property_bool (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
dbus_bool_t value,
DBusError *error);
/* Append to a property of type strlist. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_property_strlist_append (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
const char *value,
DBusError *error);
/* Prepend to a property of type strlist. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_property_strlist_prepend (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
const char *value,
DBusError *error);
/* Remove a specified string from a property of type strlist. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_property_strlist_remove_index (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
unsigned int idx,
DBusError *error);
/* Remove a specified string from a property of type strlist. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_property_strlist_remove (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
const char *value,
DBusError *error);
/* Remove a property. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_remove_property (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
/* Query a property type of a device. */
LibHalPropertyType libhal_device_get_property_type (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *key,
DBusError *error);
struct LibHalChangeSet_s;
typedef struct LibHalChangeSet_s LibHalChangeSet;
LibHalChangeSet *libhal_device_new_changeset (const char *udi);
dbus_bool_t libhal_changeset_set_property_string (LibHalChangeSet *changeset,
const char *key,
const char *value);
dbus_bool_t libhal_changeset_set_property_int (LibHalChangeSet *changeset,
const char *key,
dbus_int32_t value);
dbus_bool_t libhal_changeset_set_property_uint64 (LibHalChangeSet *changeset,
const char *key,
dbus_uint64_t value);
dbus_bool_t libhal_changeset_set_property_double (LibHalChangeSet *changeset,
const char *key,
double value);
dbus_bool_t libhal_changeset_set_property_bool (LibHalChangeSet *changeset,
const char *key,
dbus_bool_t value);
dbus_bool_t libhal_changeset_set_property_strlist (LibHalChangeSet *changeset,
const char *key,
const char **value);
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_commit_changeset (LibHalContext *ctx,
LibHalChangeSet *changeset,
DBusError *error);
void libhal_device_free_changeset (LibHalChangeSet *changeset);
struct LibHalProperty_s;
typedef struct LibHalProperty_s LibHalProperty;
struct LibHalPropertySet_s;
typedef struct LibHalPropertySet_s LibHalPropertySet;
/* Retrieve all the properties on a device. */
LibHalPropertySet *libhal_device_get_all_properties (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
DBusError *error);
/* Free a property set earlier obtained with libhal_device_get_all_properties(). */
void libhal_free_property_set (LibHalPropertySet *set);
/* Get the number of properties in a property set. */
unsigned int libhal_property_set_get_num_elems (LibHalPropertySet *set);
* LibHalPropertySetIterator:
* Iterator for inspecting all properties. Do not access any members;
* use the libhal_psi_* family of functions instead.
struct LibHalPropertySetIterator_s {
LibHalPropertySet *set; /**< Property set we are iterating over */
unsigned int idx; /**< Index into current element */
LibHalProperty *cur_prop; /**< Current property being visited */
void *reservered0; /**< Reserved for future use */
void *reservered1; /**< Reserved for future use */
typedef struct LibHalPropertySetIterator_s LibHalPropertySetIterator;
/* Initialize a property set iterator. */
void libhal_psi_init (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter, LibHalPropertySet *set);
/* Determine whether there are more properties to iterate over */
dbus_bool_t libhal_psi_has_more (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Advance iterator to next property. */
void libhal_psi_next (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get type of property. */
LibHalPropertyType libhal_psi_get_type (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get the key of a property. */
char *libhal_psi_get_key (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get the value of a property of type string. */
char *libhal_psi_get_string (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get the value of a property of type signed integer. */
dbus_int32_t libhal_psi_get_int (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get the value of a property of type unsigned integer. */
dbus_uint64_t libhal_psi_get_uint64 (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get the value of a property of type double. */
double libhal_psi_get_double (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get the value of a property of type bool. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_psi_get_bool (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get the value of a property of type string list. */
char **libhal_psi_get_strlist (LibHalPropertySetIterator *iter);
/* Get the length of an array of strings */
unsigned int libhal_string_array_length (char **str_array);
/* Frees a NULL-terminated array of strings. If passed NULL, does nothing. */
void libhal_free_string_array (char **str_array);
/* Frees a nul-terminated string */
void libhal_free_string (char *str);
/* Create a new device object which will be hidden from applications
* until the CommitToGdl(), ie. libhal_device_commit_to_gdl(), method is called.
char *libhal_new_device (LibHalContext *ctx, DBusError *error);
/* When a hidden device has been built using the NewDevice method, ie.
* libhal_new_device(), and the org.freedesktop.Hal.Device interface
* this function will commit it to the global device list.
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_commit_to_gdl (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *temp_udi,
const char *udi,
DBusError *error);
/* This method can be invoked when a device is removed. The HAL daemon
* will shut down the device. Note that the device may still be in the device
* list if the Persistent property is set to true.
dbus_bool_t libhal_remove_device (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
DBusError *error);
/* Merge properties from one device to another. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_merge_properties (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *target_udi,
const char *source_udi,
DBusError *error);
/* Check a set of properties for two devices matches. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_matches (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi1,
const char *udi2,
const char *property_namespace,
DBusError *error);
/* Find a device in the GDL where a single string property matches a
* given value.
char **libhal_manager_find_device_string_match (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *key,
const char *value,
int *num_devices,
DBusError *error);
/* Assign a capability to a device. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_add_capability (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *capability,
DBusError *error);
/* Check if a device has a capability. The result is undefined if the
* device doesn't exist.
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_query_capability (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *capability,
DBusError *error);
/* Find devices with a given capability. */
char **libhal_find_device_by_capability (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *capability,
int *num_devices,
DBusError *error);
/* Watch all devices, ie. the device_property_changed callback is
* invoked when the properties on any device changes.
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_property_watch_all (LibHalContext *ctx,
DBusError *error);
/* Add a watch on a device, so the device_property_changed callback is
* invoked when the properties on the given device changes.
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_add_property_watch (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
DBusError *error);
/* Remove a watch on a device */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_remove_property_watch (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
DBusError *error);
/* Take an advisory lock on the device. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_lock (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *reason_to_lock,
char **reason_why_locked,
DBusError *error);
/* Release an advisory lock on the device. */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_unlock (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
DBusError *error);
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_rescan (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
DBusError *error);
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_reprobe (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
DBusError *error);
/* Emit a condition from a device (for hald helpers only) */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_emit_condition (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *condition_name,
const char *condition_details,
DBusError *error);
/* Claim an interface for a device (for hald helpers only) */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_claim_interface (LibHalContext *ctx,
const char *udi,
const char *interface_name,
const char *introspection_xml,
DBusError *error);
/* hald waits for all addons to call this function before announcing the addon (for hald helpers only) */
dbus_bool_t libhal_device_addon_is_ready (LibHalContext *ctx, const char *udi, DBusError *error);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* LIBHAL_H */