gprof.h revision 672986541be54a7a471bb088e60780c37e371d7e
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#ifndef _SGS_GPROF_H
#define _SGS_GPROF_H
#pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include "sparc.h"
#include "gelf.h"
#include "monv.h"
#include "sgs.h"
* who am i, for error messages.
extern char *whoami;
* booleans
typedef Boolean bool;
* Alignment related constants
#define PGSZ 4096
#define STRUCT_ALIGN 8
* Macros related to structure alignment
#define FLOOR(x, align) (((Address) x) & ~((align) - 1l))
#define CEIL(x, align) FLOOR(((Address) x) + (align) - 1l, align)
#define PROFHDR_SZ (CEIL(sizeof (ProfHeader), STRUCT_ALIGN))
#define PROFMODLIST_SZ (CEIL(sizeof (ProfModuleList), STRUCT_ALIGN))
#define PROFMOD_SZ (CEIL(sizeof (ProfModule), STRUCT_ALIGN))
#define PROFBUF_SZ (CEIL(sizeof (ProfBuffer), STRUCT_ALIGN))
#define PROFCGRAPH_SZ (CEIL(sizeof (ProfCallGraph), STRUCT_ALIGN))
#define PROFFUNC_SZ (CEIL(sizeof (ProfFunction), STRUCT_ALIGN))
#define HDR_FILLER (PROFHDR_SZ - sizeof (ProfHeader))
#define MODLIST_FILLER (PROFMODLIST_SZ - sizeof (ProfModuleList))
#define MOD_FILLER (PROFMOD_SZ - sizeof (ProfModule))
#define BUF_FILLER (PROFBUF_SZ - sizeof (ProfBuffer))
#define CGRAPH_FILLER (PROFCGRAPH_SZ - sizeof (ProfCallGraph))
#define FUNC_FILLER (PROFFUNC_SZ - sizeof (ProfFunction))
* ticks per second
long hz;
typedef short UNIT; /* unit of profiling */
typedef unsigned short unsigned_UNIT; /* to remove warnings from gprof.c */
char *a_outname;
char *prog_name; /* keep the program name for error messages */
#define A_OUTNAME "a.out"
typedef unsigned long long pctype;
typedef uint32_t pctype32;
typedef size_t sztype;
* Type definition for the arc count.
typedef long long actype;
typedef int32_t actype32;
char *gmonname;
#define GMONNAME "gmon.out"
#define GMONSUM "gmon.sum"
* Special symbols used for profiling of shared libraries through
* the run-time linker.
#define PRF_ETEXT "_etext"
#define PRF_EXTSYM "<external>"
#define PRF_SYMCNT 3
* Special symbol needed to determine the program exec's end addr.
* Note that since this symbol doesn't get added to the nameslist,
* it doesn't have to be counted in PRF_SYMCNT
#define PRF_END "_end"
* blurbs on the flat and graph profiles.
#define FLAT_BLURB "/usr/share/lib/ccs/gprof.flat.blurb"
#define CALLG_BLURB "/usr/share/lib/ccs/gprof.callg.blurb"
* a raw arc,
* with pointers to the calling site and the called site
* and a count.
struct rawarc {
pctype raw_frompc;
pctype raw_selfpc;
actype raw_count;
struct rawarc32 {
pctype32 raw_frompc;
pctype32 raw_selfpc;
actype32 raw_count;
* a constructed arc,
* with pointers to the namelist entry of the parent and the child,
* a count of how many times this arc was traversed,
* and pointers to the next parent of this child and
* the next child of this parent.
struct arcstruct {
struct nl *arc_parentp; /* pointer to parent's nl entry */
struct nl *arc_childp; /* pointer to child's nl entry */
actype arc_count; /* how calls from parent to child */
double arc_time; /* time inherited along arc */
double arc_childtime; /* childtime inherited along arc */
struct arcstruct *arc_parentlist; /* parents-of-this-child list */
struct arcstruct *arc_childlist; /* children-of-this-parent list */
typedef struct arcstruct arctype;
* Additions for new-style gmon.out
bool old_style; /* gmon.out versioned/non-versioned ? */
* Executable file info.
* All info that is required to identify a file or see if it has changed
* relative to another file.
struct fl_info {
dev_t dev; /* device associated with this file */
ino_t ino; /* i-number of this file */
time_t mtime; /* last modified time of this file */
off_t size; /* size of file */
typedef struct fl_info fl_info_t;
* Saved file info.
fl_info_t aout_info; /* saved file info for program exec */
fl_info_t gmonout_info; /* current gmonout's info */
* Module info.
struct mod_info {
struct mod_info *next; /* ptr to next in the modules list */
char *name; /* name of this module */
int id; /* id, used while printing */
bool active; /* is this module active or not ? */
struct nl *nl; /* ptr to nameslist for this module */
struct nl *npe; /* virtual end of module's namelist */
sztype nname; /* number of funcs in this module */
GElf_Addr txt_origin; /* module's start as given in file */
GElf_Addr data_end; /* module's end addr as in file */
Address load_base; /* actual pcaddr where modl's loaded */
Address load_end; /* actual pcaddr where modl ends */
typedef struct mod_info mod_info_t;
sztype total_names; /* from all modules */
* List of shared object modules. Note that this always includes the
* program executable as the first element.
mod_info_t modules;
sztype n_modules;
* The symbol table;
* for each external in the specified file we gather
* its address, the number of calls and compute its share of cpu time.
struct nl {
char *name; /* the name */
mod_info_t *module; /* module to which this belongs */
pctype value; /* the pc entry point */
pctype svalue; /* entry point aligned to histograms */
unsigned long sz; /* function size */
unsigned char syminfo; /* sym info */
size_t nticks; /* ticks in this routine */
double time; /* ticks in this routine as double */
double childtime; /* cumulative ticks in children */
actype ncall; /* how many times called */
actype selfcalls; /* how many calls to self */
double propfraction; /* what % of time propagates */
double propself; /* how much self time propagates */
double propchild; /* how much child time propagates */
bool printflag; /* should this be printed? */
int index; /* index in the graph list */
int toporder; /* graph call chain top-sort order */
int cycleno; /* internal number of cycle on */
struct nl *cyclehead; /* pointer to head of cycle */
struct nl *cnext; /* pointer to next member of cycle */
arctype *parents; /* list of caller arcs */
arctype *children; /* list of callee arcs */
unsigned long ncallers; /* no. of callers - dumpsum use only */
typedef struct nl nltype;
* flag which marks a nl entry as topologically ``busy''
* flag which marks a nl entry as topologically ``not_numbered''
#define DFN_BUSY -1
#define DFN_NAN 0
* namelist entries for cycle headers.
* the number of discovered cycles.
nltype *cyclenl; /* cycle header namelist */
int ncycle; /* number of cycles discovered */
* The header on the gmon.out file.
* old-style gmon.out consists of one of these headers,
* and then an array of ncnt samples
* representing the discretized program counter values.
* this should be a struct phdr, but since everything is done
* as UNITs, this is in UNITs too.
struct hdr {
pctype lowpc;
pctype highpc;
pctype ncnt;
struct hdr32 {
pctype32 lowpc;
pctype32 highpc;
pctype32 ncnt;
struct hdr h; /* header of profiled data */
int debug;
int number_funcs_toprint;
* Each discretized pc sample has
* a count of the number of samples in its range
unsigned short *samples;
pctype s_lowpc; /* lowpc from profile file in o-s gmon.out */
pctype s_highpc; /* highpc from profile file in o-s gmon.out */
sztype sampbytes; /* number of bytes of samples in o-s gmon.out */
sztype nsamples; /* number of samples for old-style gmon.out */
double actime; /* accumulated time thus far for putprofline */
double totime; /* total time for all routines */
double printtime; /* total of time being printed */
double scale; /* scale factor converting samples to pc */
/* values: each sample covers scale bytes */
/* -- all this is for old-style gmon.out only */
unsigned char *textspace; /* text space of a.out in core */
bool first_file; /* for difference option */
* Total number of pcsamples read so far (across gmon.out's)
Size n_pcsamples;
* option flags, from a to z.
bool aflag; /* suppress static functions */
bool bflag; /* blurbs, too */
bool Bflag; /* big pc's (i.e. 64 bits) */
bool cflag; /* discovered call graph, too */
bool Cflag; /* gprofing c++ -- need demangling */
bool dflag; /* debugging options */
bool Dflag; /* difference option */
bool eflag; /* specific functions excluded */
bool Eflag; /* functions excluded with time */
bool fflag; /* specific functions requested */
bool Fflag; /* functions requested with time */
bool lflag; /* exclude LOCAL syms in output */
bool sflag; /* sum multiple gmon.out files */
bool zflag; /* zero time/called functions, too */
bool nflag; /* print only n functions in report */
bool rflag; /* profiling input generated by */
/* run-time linker */
* structure for various string lists
struct stringlist {
struct stringlist *next;
char *string;
extern struct stringlist *elist;
extern struct stringlist *Elist;
extern struct stringlist *flist;
extern struct stringlist *Flist;
* function declarations
void addlist(struct stringlist *, char *);
void addarc(nltype *, nltype *, actype);
int arccmp(arctype *, arctype *);
arctype *arclookup(nltype *, nltype *);
void printblurb(char *);
void dfn(nltype *);
bool dfn_busy(nltype *);
void dfn_findcycle(nltype *);
bool dfn_numbered(nltype *);
void dfn_post_visit(nltype *);
void dfn_pre_visit(nltype *);
void dfn_self_cycle(nltype *);
nltype **doarcs(void);
void done(void);
void findcalls(nltype *, pctype, pctype);
void flatprofheader(void);
void flatprofline(nltype *);
bool is_shared_obj(char *);
void getnfile(char *);
void process_namelist(mod_info_t *);
void gprofheader(void);
void gprofline(nltype *);
int pc_cmp(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
int membercmp(nltype *, nltype *);
nltype *nllookup(mod_info_t *, pctype, pctype *);
bool onlist(struct stringlist *, char *);
void printchildren(nltype *);
void printcycle(nltype *);
void printgprof(nltype **);
void printindex(void);
void printmembers(nltype *);
void printmodules(void);
void printname(nltype *);
void printparents(nltype *);
void printprof(void);
void sortchildren(nltype *);
void sortmembers(nltype *);
void sortparents(nltype *);
int timecmp(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
int totalcmp(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
#define LESSTHAN -1
#define EQUALTO 0
* Macros related to debug messages.
#define DFNDEBUG 0x0001
#define CYCLEDEBUG 0x0002
#define ARCDEBUG 0x0004
#define TALLYDEBUG 0x0008
#define TIMEDEBUG 0x0010
#define SAMPLEDEBUG 0x0020
#define ELFDEBUG 0x0040
#define CALLSDEBUG 0x0080
#define LOOKUPDEBUG 0x0100
#define PROPDEBUG 0x0200
#define ANYDEBUG 0x0400
#define MONOUTDEBUG 0x0800
#define MODULEDEBUG 0x1000
#define CGRAPHDEBUG 0x2000
#define PCSMPLDEBUG 0x4000
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _SGS_GPROF_H */