savecore.c revision 7950274e5799b56695a76f974ac361411ec2e515
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
#pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <deflt.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <stropts.h>
#include <sys/mem.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/dumphdr.h>
#include <sys/dumpadm.h>
#include <sys/compress.h>
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
static char progname[9] = "savecore";
static char *savedir; /* savecore directory */
static char *dumpfile; /* source of raw crash dump */
static long pagesize; /* dump pagesize */
static int dumpfd = -1; /* dumpfile descriptor */
static dumphdr_t corehdr, dumphdr; /* initial and terminal dumphdrs */
static offset_t endoff; /* offset of end-of-dump header */
static int verbose; /* chatty mode */
static int disregard_valid_flag; /* disregard valid flag */
static int livedump; /* dump the current running system */
static void
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"usage: %s [-Lvd] [-f dumpfile] [dirname]\n", progname);
static void
logprint(int logpri, int showmsg, int exitcode, char *message, ...)
va_list args;
char buf[1024];
if (showmsg) {
va_start(args, message);
(void) vsnprintf(buf, 1024, message, args);
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, buf);
if (logpri >= 0)
syslog(logpri, buf);
if (exitcode >= 0)
* System call / libc wrappers that exit on error.
static int
Open(const char *name, int oflags, mode_t mode)
int fd;
if ((fd = open64(name, oflags, mode)) == -1)
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1, "open(\"%s\"): %s",
name, strerror(errno));
return (fd);
static void
Pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t size, offset_t off)
if (pread64(fd, buf, size, off) != size)
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1, "pread: %s", strerror(errno));
static void
Pwrite(int fd, void *buf, size_t size, offset_t off)
if (pwrite64(fd, buf, size, off) != size)
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1, "pwrite: %s", strerror(errno));
static void *
Zalloc(size_t size)
void *buf;
if ((buf = calloc(size, 1)) == NULL)
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1, "calloc: %s", strerror(errno));
return (buf);
static long
read_number_from_file(const char *filename, long default_value)
long file_value = -1;
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL) {
(void) fscanf(fp, "%ld", &file_value);
(void) fclose(fp);
return (file_value < 0 ? default_value : file_value);
static void
dumpfd = Open(dumpfile, O_RDWR | O_DSYNC, 0644);
endoff = llseek(dumpfd, -DUMP_OFFSET, SEEK_END) & -DUMP_OFFSET;
Pread(dumpfd, &dumphdr, sizeof (dumphdr), endoff);
pagesize = dumphdr.dump_pagesize;
if ((dumphdr.dump_flags & DF_VALID) == 0 && !disregard_valid_flag)
logprint(-1, verbose, 0, "dump already processed");
if (dumphdr.dump_magic != DUMP_MAGIC)
logprint(-1, verbose, 0, "bad magic number %x",
if (dumphdr.dump_version != DUMP_VERSION)
logprint(-1, verbose, 0,
"dump version (%d) != %s version (%d)",
dumphdr.dump_version, progname, DUMP_VERSION);
if (dumphdr.dump_wordsize != DUMP_WORDSIZE)
logprint(LOG_WARNING, 1, 0,
"dump is from %u-bit kernel - cannot save on %u-bit kernel",
dumphdr.dump_wordsize, DUMP_WORDSIZE);
* Read the initial header, clear the valid bits, and compare headers.
* The main header may have been overwritten by swapping if we're
* using a swap partition as the dump device, in which case we bail.
Pread(dumpfd, &corehdr, sizeof (dumphdr_t), dumphdr.dump_start);
corehdr.dump_flags &= ~DF_VALID;
dumphdr.dump_flags &= ~DF_VALID;
if (memcmp(&corehdr, &dumphdr, sizeof (dumphdr_t)) != 0) {
* Clear valid bit so we don't complain on every invocation.
Pwrite(dumpfd, &dumphdr, sizeof (dumphdr), endoff);
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1, "initial dump header corrupt");
static void
struct statvfs fsb;
int64_t spacefree, dumpsize, minfree;
if (statvfs(".", &fsb) < 0)
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1, "statvfs: %s", strerror(errno));
dumpsize = (dumphdr.dump_data - dumphdr.dump_start) +
(int64_t)dumphdr.dump_npages * pagesize;
spacefree = (int64_t)fsb.f_bavail * fsb.f_frsize;
minfree = 1024LL * read_number_from_file("minfree", 1024);
if (spacefree < minfree + dumpsize)
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1,
"not enough space in %s (%lld MB avail, %lld MB needed)",
savedir, spacefree >> 20, (minfree + dumpsize) >> 20);
static void
build_dump_map(int corefd, const pfn_t *pfn_table)
long i;
static long misses = 0;
size_t dump_mapsize = (corehdr.dump_hashmask + 1) * sizeof (dump_map_t);
mem_vtop_t vtop;
dump_map_t *dmp = Zalloc(dump_mapsize);
corehdr.dump_data = corehdr.dump_map + roundup(dump_mapsize, pagesize);
for (i = 0; i < corehdr.dump_nvtop; i++) {
long first = 0;
long last = corehdr.dump_npages - 1;
long middle;
pfn_t pfn;
uintptr_t h;
Pread(dumpfd, &vtop, sizeof (mem_vtop_t),
dumphdr.dump_map + i * sizeof (mem_vtop_t));
while (last >= first) {
middle = (first + last) / 2;
pfn = pfn_table[middle];
if (pfn == vtop.m_pfn)
if (pfn < vtop.m_pfn)
first = middle + 1;
last = middle - 1;
if (pfn != vtop.m_pfn) {
if (++misses <= 10)
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"pfn %ld not found for as=%p, va=%p\n",
vtop.m_pfn, (void *)vtop.m_as, vtop.m_va);
dmp[i].dm_as = vtop.m_as;
dmp[i].dm_va = (uintptr_t)vtop.m_va;
dmp[i].dm_data = corehdr.dump_data +
((uint64_t)middle << corehdr.dump_pageshift);
h = DUMP_HASH(&corehdr, dmp[i].dm_as, dmp[i].dm_va);
dmp[i].dm_next = dmp[h].dm_first;
dmp[h].dm_first = corehdr.dump_map + i * sizeof (dump_map_t);
Pwrite(corefd, dmp, dump_mapsize, corehdr.dump_map);
static void
build_corefile(const char *namelist, const char *corefile)
char *inbuf = Zalloc(pagesize);
char *outbuf = Zalloc(pagesize);
size_t pfn_table_size = dumphdr.dump_npages * sizeof (pfn_t);
size_t ksyms_size = dumphdr.dump_ksyms_size;
size_t ksyms_csize = dumphdr.dump_ksyms_csize;
pfn_t *pfn_table = Zalloc(pfn_table_size);
char *ksyms_base = Zalloc(ksyms_size);
char *ksyms_cbase = Zalloc(ksyms_csize);
int corefd = Open(corefile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
int namefd = Open(namelist, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
offset_t dumpoff;
int percent_done = 0;
pgcnt_t saved = 0;
uint32_t csize;
size_t dsize;
(void) printf("Constructing namelist %s/%s\n", savedir, namelist);
* Read in the compressed symbol table, copy it to corefile,
* decompress it, and write the result to namelist.
corehdr.dump_ksyms = pagesize;
Pread(dumpfd, ksyms_cbase, ksyms_csize, dumphdr.dump_ksyms);
Pwrite(corefd, ksyms_cbase, ksyms_csize, corehdr.dump_ksyms);
if ((dsize = decompress(ksyms_cbase, ksyms_base, ksyms_csize,
ksyms_size)) != ksyms_size)
logprint(LOG_WARNING, 1, -1, "bad data in symbol table, %lu of %lu"
" bytes saved", dsize, ksyms_size);
Pwrite(namefd, ksyms_base, ksyms_size, 0);
(void) close(namefd);
(void) printf("Constructing corefile %s/%s\n", savedir, corefile);
* Read in and write out the pfn table.
corehdr.dump_pfn = corehdr.dump_ksyms + roundup(ksyms_size, pagesize);
Pread(dumpfd, pfn_table, pfn_table_size, dumphdr.dump_pfn);
Pwrite(corefd, pfn_table, pfn_table_size, corehdr.dump_pfn);
* Convert the raw translation data into a hashed dump map.
corehdr.dump_map = corehdr.dump_pfn + roundup(pfn_table_size, pagesize);
build_dump_map(corefd, pfn_table);
* Decompress and save the pages.
dumpoff = dumphdr.dump_data;
while (saved < dumphdr.dump_npages) {
Pread(dumpfd, &csize, sizeof (uint32_t), dumpoff);
dumpoff += sizeof (uint32_t);
if (csize > pagesize)
Pread(dumpfd, inbuf, csize, dumpoff);
dumpoff += csize;
if (decompress(inbuf, outbuf, csize, pagesize) != pagesize)
Pwrite(corefd, outbuf, pagesize,
corehdr.dump_data + saved * pagesize);
if (++saved * 100LL / dumphdr.dump_npages > percent_done) {
(void) printf("\r%3d%% done", ++percent_done);
(void) fflush(stdout);
(void) printf(": %ld of %ld pages saved\n", saved, dumphdr.dump_npages);
if (saved != dumphdr.dump_npages)
logprint(LOG_WARNING, 1, -1, "bad data after page %ld", saved);
* Write out the modified dump headers.
Pwrite(corefd, &corehdr, sizeof (corehdr), 0);
Pwrite(dumpfd, &dumphdr, sizeof (dumphdr), endoff);
(void) close(corefd);
(void) close(dumpfd);
* When the system panics, the kernel saves all undelivered messages (messages
* that never made it out to syslogd(1M)) in the dump. At a mimimum, the
* panic message itself will always fall into this category. Upon reboot,
* the syslog startup script runs savecore -m to recover these messages.
* To do this, we read the unsent messages from the dump and send them to
* /dev/conslog on priority band 1. This has the effect of prepending them
* to any already-accumulated messages in the console backlog, thus preserving
* temporal ordering across the reboot.
* Note: since savecore -m is used *only* for this purpose, it does *not*
* attempt to save the crash dump. The dump will be saved later, after
* syslogd(1M) starts, by the savecore startup script.
static int
offset_t dumpoff = -(DUMP_OFFSET + DUMP_LOGSIZE);
offset_t ldoff;
log_dump_t ld;
log_ctl_t lc;
struct strbuf ctl, dat;
int logfd;
logfd = Open("/dev/conslog", O_WRONLY, 0644);
dumpfd = Open(dumpfile, O_RDWR | O_DSYNC, 0644);
dumpoff = llseek(dumpfd, dumpoff, SEEK_END) & -DUMP_OFFSET;
ctl.buf = (void *)&lc;
ctl.len = sizeof (log_ctl_t);
dat.buf = Zalloc(DUMP_LOGSIZE);
for (;;) {
ldoff = dumpoff;
Pread(dumpfd, &ld, sizeof (log_dump_t), dumpoff);
dumpoff += sizeof (log_dump_t);
dat.len = ld.ld_msgsize;
if (ld.ld_magic == 0)
if (ld.ld_magic != LOG_MAGIC)
logprint(-1, verbose, 0, "bad magic %x", ld.ld_magic);
if (dat.len >= DUMP_LOGSIZE)
logprint(-1, verbose, 0, "bad size %d", ld.ld_msgsize);
Pread(dumpfd, ctl.buf, ctl.len, dumpoff);
dumpoff += ctl.len;
if (ld.ld_csum != checksum32(ctl.buf, ctl.len))
logprint(-1, verbose, 0, "bad log_ctl checksum");
lc.flags |= SL_LOGONLY;
Pread(dumpfd, dat.buf, dat.len, dumpoff);
dumpoff += dat.len;
if (ld.ld_msum != checksum32(dat.buf, dat.len))
logprint(-1, verbose, 0, "bad message checksum");
if (putpmsg(logfd, &ctl, &dat, 1, MSG_BAND) == -1)
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1, "putpmsg: %s", strerror(errno));
ld.ld_magic = 0; /* clear magic so we never save twice */
Pwrite(dumpfd, &ld, sizeof (log_dump_t), ldoff);
return (0);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int c, bfd;
int mflag = 0;
long bounds;
char namelist[30], corefile[30], boundstr[30];
openlog(progname, LOG_ODELAY, LOG_AUTH);
(void) defopen("/etc/dumpadm.conf");
savedir = defread("DUMPADM_SAVDIR=");
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Lvdmf:")) != EOF) {
switch (c) {
case 'L':
case 'v':
case 'd':
case 'm':
case 'f':
dumpfile = optarg;
case '?':
if (dumpfile == NULL || livedump)
dumpfd = Open("/dev/dump", O_RDONLY, 0444);
if (dumpfile == NULL) {
dumpfile = Zalloc(MAXPATHLEN);
if (ioctl(dumpfd, DIOCGETDEV, dumpfile) == -1) {
* If this isn't an interactive session, we are running
* as part of the boot process. If this is the case,
* don't complain about the lack of dump device.
if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO))
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1,
"no dump device configured");
return (1);
if (mflag)
return (message_save());
if (optind == argc - 1)
savedir = argv[optind];
if (savedir == NULL || optind < argc - 1)
if (livedump && ioctl(dumpfd, DIOCDUMP, NULL) == -1)
logprint(-1, 1, 1, "dedicated dump device required");
(void) close(dumpfd);
* We want this message to go to the log file, but not the console.
* There's no good way to do that with the existing syslog facility.
* We could extend it to handle this, but there doesn't seem to be
* a general need for it, so we isolate the complexity here instead.
if (dumphdr.dump_panicstring[0] != '\0') {
int logfd = Open("/dev/conslog", O_WRONLY, 0644);
log_ctl_t lc;
struct strbuf ctl, dat;
char msg[DUMP_PANICSIZE + 100];
char fmt[] = "reboot after panic: %s";
uint32_t msgid;
STRLOG_MAKE_MSGID(fmt, msgid);
(void) sprintf(msg, "%s: [ID %u FACILITY_AND_PRIORITY] ",
progname, msgid);
(void) sprintf(msg + strlen(msg), fmt,
lc.pri = LOG_AUTH | LOG_ERR;
lc.level = 0;
ctl.buf = (void *)&lc;
ctl.len = sizeof (log_ctl_t);
dat.buf = (void *)msg;
dat.len = strlen(msg) + 1;
(void) putmsg(logfd, &ctl, &dat, 0);
(void) close(logfd);
if (chdir(savedir) == -1)
logprint(LOG_ERR, 1, 1, "chdir(\"%s\"): %s",
savedir, strerror(errno));
if ((dumphdr.dump_flags & DF_COMPLETE) == 0)
logprint(LOG_WARNING, 1, -1, "incomplete dump on dump device");
(void) printf("System dump time: %s", ctime(&dumphdr.dump_crashtime));
bounds = read_number_from_file("bounds", 0);
(void) sprintf(namelist, "unix.%ld", bounds);
(void) sprintf(corefile, "vmcore.%ld", bounds);
syslog(LOG_ERR, "saving system crash dump in %s/*.%ld",
savedir, bounds);
build_corefile(namelist, corefile);
(void) sprintf(boundstr, "%ld\n", bounds + 1);
bfd = Open("bounds", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
Pwrite(bfd, boundstr, strlen(boundstr), 0);
(void) close(bfd);
return (0);