LDAPAuthentication.rawhlp revision 8c95159466b445c16660b550063d080ca9868cb5
<TITLE> LDAP Authentication</TITLE>
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<!-- Tag=LDAPAuthentication -->
If you are using the LDAP naming service, you will need the distinguished
name and password for a user who has update privileges to make any changes.
Before making changes to the LDAP directory the user should be fully aware of
the items in the <b>notes</b> below.
The LDAP Authentication dialog is displayed when you select LDAP as the
naming service.
1. Check the LDAP server name for correctness. You may select a
different server name if appropriate.
2. Check the Distinguished Name (DN) for correctness. You may enter a
different distinguished name of another user if appropriate. This may be the DN
of any directory user who has permissions (directory update privileges) to
update printer entries in the LDAP directory for the current ldapclient (1M)
naming service (NS) domain.
3. Enter the password for the user's Distinguished Name.
4. Click OK.
The entries you have made will be validated against the LDAP directory and then
saved, the LDAP Authentication dialog will be dismissed.
Click Cancel if you don't know the password for the Distinguished Name.
<b>Note:</b> Keep the following in mind if you are using Oracle Solaris Print
Manager to update printer information in the LDAP naming service:
If the LDAP server is the Netscape Directory Server (NSDS) then
the default distinguished name is "cn=Directory Manager".
If the LDAP server is Sun Directory Server then an example
of the distinguished name is "cn=admin, dc=XYZ, dc=COM".
The Oracle Solaris Print Manager uses ldapclient(1M) to determine
the default LDAP server name. If there is more than one
server specified then the first one will be used.
The Print Manager always displays printer entries from the current
ldapclient (1M) server. If this is not the domain Master LDAP server then
the list of printers displayed may <b>not</b> be the current list of printers,
this is because the ldapclient replica server may not have been updated by the
master server and so be out of sync with the master. Replica servers can have
various update replication agreements, for example; updated immediately there
is a change on the master, or updated once a day from the master.
If the selected LDAP server is a replica LDAP server, any <b>updates</b> will be
referred to the master server and done there. This again means the printer list
could be out of sync with the master. For example, a deleted printer may still
appear in the displayed printer list until the replica is updated from
the master.
Users can use the ldap command line utilities (ldapadd (1) & ldapmodify (1))
to update printer entries in the directory, but this is not recommended. If
these utilities are used then the user <b>must ensure</b> that the printer-name
attribute value is unique within the ou=printers container. If it is not unique
the result of modifies done by the print manager (or lpset (1M)) may not be
LDAP ldap "LDAP server" authentication login password naming "naming
service" files "replica server" replica replication referral ldapclient
"distinguished name" DN