revision 8c95159466b445c16660b550063d080ca9868cb5
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Localizable resource strings
import java.util.*;
* In accordance with the ResourceBundle pattern,
* each line in this file defines a tuple containing
* two strings:
* string 1 is the key used by the app -- DO NOT LOCALIZE
* string 2 is the string to be localized
* For example, in the tuple
* {"info_name", "Oracle Solaris Print Manager"}
* "info_name" is the resource key that must
* not be modified in any way
* "Oracle Solaris Print Manager" is the corresponding
* text to be localized
public class pmResources extends ListResourceBundle {
static final Object[][] pmBundlecontents = {
* Descriptive strings used in the 'About' dialog
{"info_name", "Oracle Solaris Print Manager"},
{"info_version", "Version 1.0"},
{"info_authors", "Authors: Wendy Phillips"},
// Note: the copyright notice is displayed on two lines.
{"info_copyright1", "Copyright \251 "},
{"info_copyright2", " (c) Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."},
* Main window title, the application name
{"Solaris.Print.Manager", "Oracle Solaris Print Manager"},
* Main window column labels for printer list
{"Printer.Name", "Printer Name"},
{"Printer.Server", "Printer Server"},
{"Description", "Description"},
* Main window menu titles and mnemonics
{"Print.Manager", "Print Manager"},
{"Print.Manager.mnemonic", "M"},
{"Printer", "Printer" },
{"Printer.mnemonic", "P"},
{"Tools", "Tools" },
{"Tools.mnemonic", "T"},
{"Help", "Help"},
{"Help.mnemonic", "H"},
* Main window data labels
{"Default.Printer:", "Default Printer:"},
{"Domain:", "Domain:"},
{"Host:", "Host:"},
* 'Printer Manager' menu item labels and mnemonics
{"Select.Naming.Service", "Select Naming Service..."},
{"Select.Naming.Service.mnemonic", "N"},
{"Show.Command-Line.Console", "Show Command-Line Console"},
{"Show.Command-Line.Console.mnemonic", "L"},
{"Confirm.All.Actions", "Confirm All Actions"},
{"Confirm.All.Actions.mnemonic", "C"},
{"Use.PPD.files", "Use PPD files"},
{"Use.PPD.files.mnemonic", "F"},
{"Use.localhost", "Use localhost for Printer Server"},
{"Use.localhost.mnemonic", "U"},
{"Exit", "Exit"},
{"Exit.mnemonic", "X"},
* 'Printer' menu item labels and mnemonics
{"", "Add Access to Printer..."},
{"", "A"},
{"New.Attached.Printer...", "New Attached Printer..."},
{"New.Attached.Printer.mnemonic", "T"},
{"New.Network.Printer...", "New Network Printer..."},
{"New.Network.Printer.mnemonic", "N"},
{"Modify.Printer.Properties...", "Modify Printer Properties..."},
{"Modify.Printer.Properties.mnemonic", "M"},
{"Delete.Printer...", "Delete Printer..."},
{"Delete.Printer.mnemonic", "D"},
* 'Tools' menu item labels
{"Find.Printer", "Find Printer..."},
{"Find.Printer.mnemonic", "F"},
* 'Help' menu item labels
{"Overview", "Overview"},
{"Overview.mnemonic", "O"},
{"On.Help", "On Help"},
{"On.Help.mnemonic", "H"},
{"About.Print.Manager", "About Print Manager..."},
{"About.Print.Manager.mnemonic", "A"},
{"Print.Manager.Settings", "Print Manager Settings"},
{"Print.Manager.Settings.mnemonic", "P"},
* 'Select Naming Service' dialog title
"Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Select Naming Service"},
* 'Command-Line Console' dialog title
"Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Command-Line Console"},
* 'Delete Printer' confirmation dialog title
{"SPM:Delete.Printer", "Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Delete Printer"},
* 'Add Access to Printer' dialog title
"Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Add Access to Printer"},
* 'Add Attached Printer' dialog title
"Oracle Solaris Print Manager: New Attached Printer"},
* 'Add Network Printer' dialog title
"Oracle Solaris Print Manager: New Network Printer"},
* 'Modify Printer Properties' dialog title
"Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Modify Printer Properties"},
* 'Find Printer' dialog title
{"SPM:Find.Printer", "Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Find Printer"},
* 'Help' dialog title
{"SPM:Help", "Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Help"},
* 'About Print Manager' dialog title
{"About.Solaris.Print.Manager", "About Oracle Solaris Print Manager"},
* 'User Input of Printer Port' dialog title
"Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Specify Printer Port"},
* 'User Input of Printer Type' dialog title
"Oracle Solaris Print Manager: Specify Printer Type"},
* 'NIS Authentication' dialog title
{"NIS.Authentication", "NIS Authentication"},
* 'LDAP Authentication' dialog title
{"LDAP.Authentication", "LDAP Authentication"},
* 'Action Confirmation' dialog title
{"Action.Confirmation", "Action Confirmation"},
* Button labels and mnemonics
{"Apply", "Apply"},
{"Apply.mnemonic", "P"},
{"Cancel", "Cancel"},
{"Cancel.mnemonic", "C"},
{"Clear", "Clear"},
{"Clear.mnemonic", "L"},
{"Dismiss", "Dismiss"},
{"Dismiss.mnemonic", "D"},
// {"Button Help", "Help"},
// {"Button.Help.mnemonic", "H"},
{"OK", "OK"},
{"OK.mnemonic", "O"},
{"Reset", "Reset"},
{"Reset.mnemonic", "R"},
{"Find", "Find"},
{"Find.mnemonic", "F"},
{"Show", "Show"},
{"Show.mnemonic", "S"},
{"Forward", "Forward"},
{"Forward.mnemonic", "W"},
{"Back", "Back"},
{"Back.mnemonic", "B"},
{"Add", "Add"},
{"Add.mnemonic", "A"},
{"Delete", "Delete"},
{"Delete.mnemonic", "D"},
* Actions performed by the application
* as displayed in the Command-Line Console
{"New.Attached.Printer", "New Attached Printer"},
{"New.Network.Printer", "New Network Printer"},
{"Modify.Printer.Properties", "Modify Printer Properties"},
{"Delete.Printer", "Delete Printer"},
{"Add.Access.To.Printer", "Add Access To Printer"},
* Prompts: messages to user describing required input.
"Enter the name of a printer to find:"},
"Please confirm deletion of printer "},
{"Enter.printer.type:", "Enter printer type:"},
{"Enter.printer.port.or.file", "Enter printer port or file:"},
* 'Help' dialog tabbed-pane tab selection labels
{"View", "View"},
{"Index", "Index"},
{"Search", "Search"},
* 'Help' dialog prompts, labels, and mnemonics
{"Help.on:", "Help on:"},
{"See.also:", "See also:"},
{"Matching.entries:", "Matching entries:"},
{"Matching.entries:.mnemonic", "M"},
{"", "Search help index for: "},
{"", "S"},
{"Search.Results:", "Search Results:"},
{"Search.Results:.mnemonic", "R"},
{"Keywords:", "Keywords: "},
{"Keywords:.mnemonic", "K"},
* 'Help' dialog descriptive messages to provide
* assistance in using the features.
* The following two labels create one message, displayed on
* two adjacent lines.
"To search the index of help articles alphabetically,"},
"type your query below then select the desired article."},
* The following two labels create one message, displayed on
* two adjacent lines.
"To find help articles about a particular topic,"},
"enter keywords below then press the Find button."},
* Prompts/labels on 'Install Printer' and 'Modify Printer' dialogs
{"Printer.Name:", "Printer Name:"},
{"Printer.Server:", "Printer Server:"},
{"Description:", "Description:"},
{"Printer.Port:", "Printer Port:"},
{"Not.Selected", "Not Selected"},
{"Printer.Type:", "Printer Type:"},
{"Printer.Driver:", "Printer Driver:"},
{"No.PPD.Files.Found", "No PPD files found"},
{"Printer.Make:", "Printer Make:"},
{"Printer.Model:", "Printer Model:"},
{"No.Models.Found", "No Models Found"},
{"File.Contents:", "File Contents:"},
{"Fault.Notification:", "Fault Notification:"},
{"Destination:", "Destination:"},
{"Protocol:", "Protocol:"},
{"Options:", "Options:"},
{"Banner:", "Banner:"},
{"Options.mnemonic", "O"},
{"Option:", "Option:"},
{"User.Access.List:", "User Access List:"},
* Combo item allowing custom 'Printer Port' selection
* See "Printer.Port:" above.
{"Other...", "Other..."},
* Combo items specifying printer 'File Contents'
* See "File.Contents" above.
{"PostScript", "PostScript"},
{"None", "None"},
{"Any", "Any"},
{"Both.PostScript.and.ASCII", "Both PostScript and ASCII"},
* Combo items specifying 'Fault Notification' options.
* See "Fault.Notification" above.
{"", "Write to Superuser"},
{"", "Mail to Superuser"},
* Labels for checkboxes used in 'Install Printer' and
* 'Modify Printer' dialogs
{"Default.Printer", "Default Printer"},
{"Always.Print.Banner", "Always Print Banner"},
{"User.Selectable.Default.On", "User Selectable - Default=on"},
{"Never.Print.Banner", "Never Print Banner"},
* Prompt for 'Select Naming Service' combo
{"Naming.Service:", "Naming Service:"},
* Descriptive label for 'NIS Authentication' dialog
{"", "Enter NIS authentication data."},
* Descriptive label for 'LDAP Authentication' dialog
{"", "Enter LDAP authentication data."},
* Prompts and mnemonics for 'NIS Authentication' dialog
{"Hostname:", "Hostname:"},
{"Hostname.mnemonic", "H"},
{"Username:", "Username:"},
{"Username.mnemonic", "U"},
{"Password:", "Password:"},
{"Password.mnemonic", "P"},
* Prompts for 'LDAP Authentication' dialog
{"LDAP.Server:", "LDAP Server:"},
{"Distinguished.Name:", "Distinguished Name:"},
{"Password:", "Password:"},
* Error dialog titles
{"Application.Error", "Application Error"},
{"Unknown.Application.Error", "Unknown Application Error"},
{"Command.Failed.Error", "Command Failed Error"},
{"Error", "Error"},
{"Warning", "Warning"},
* Error messages displayed to user
{"Item.not.found:", "Item not found: "},
{"No.information.available.", "No information available."},
{"", "Unable to find printer "},
"Printer delete operation failed."},
{"Invalid.printer.type.", "Invalid printer type."},
"Device missing or not writeable."},
{"", "Printer name required."},
{"Printer.Port.Selection.required", "Printer Port Selection required."},
{"Printer.Make.Selection.required", "Printer Make Selection required."},
{"", "Printer name invalid."},
{"", "Server name required."},
{"", "Server name invalid."},
{"User.Cancelled.Login", "User Cancelled Login"},
{"Destination.required.", "Destination required."},
{"User.Cancelled.Login", "User Cancelled Login"},
{"Destination.invalid.", "Destination invalid."},
{"Operation.Cancelled", "Operation Cancelled"},
{"Login.Failure", "Login Failure"},
{"Required.login.failed.", "Required login failed."},
{"Login.Authorization.Failed", "Login Authorization Failed"},
"Cannot modify this queue; ppdcache file missing."},
"Cannot modify this queue; PPD file not in ppdcache."},
{"", "Request cannot be completed."},
{"Could.not.get.local.hostname", "Could not get local hostname"},
"The specified printer already exists."},
"The server must be a remote server."},
{"Required.login.failed.", "Required login failed."},
{"Invalid.printer.type.", "Invalid printer type."},
{"Invalid.username", "Invalid username"},
"Device missing or not writeable."},
{"User.cancelled.login.", "User cancelled login."},
{"Nothing.matched.", "Nothing matched."},
"The specified printer already exists."},
"The selected printer does not exist."},
"User not authorized to modify this namespace."},
"Cannot get list of printers. Exiting."},
"LDAP Server Name required."},
"LDAP Distinguished Name required."},
"LDAP Password required."},
* Prompts for 'Confirm Action' dialogs
"Continue action for this printer?"},
"Continue creating access for this printer?"},
* The help subsystem builds a database of searchable
* keywords based in part on the title of each help
* article. In order to avoid excessive false hits, the
* following words are ignored when adding title words
* to the searchable keyword list.
* If this list is left empty, all the words in the title of
* each help article will be added to the keywords database.
{"help.ignore.words", "to an a of if the and or"},
* Title for the authorization dialog which is invoked by
* the printmgr executable.
{"Authentication.required", "Authentication Required"},
* Prompt for the printmgr authorization dialog.
* This is displayed with line breaks.
{"", "Root access is required for full functionality.\nYou may authenticate as root or continue\nwith limited functionality."},
* Buttons for the authorization dialog.
{"Authenticate", "Authenticate"},
{"Authenticate.mnemonic", "A"},
{"Continue", "Continue"},
{"Continue.mnemonic", "N"},
* Title for the root password request dialog invoked by printmgr.
{"Root.authentication", "Root Authentication"},
* Prompt for the root password request dialog.
{"Enter.root.password", "Enter root password"},
* Prompt for the root password request dialog.
{"Invalid.password", "Invalid password entered. Retry?"},
* Just a placeholder, never used.
{"dummy", ""}
public Object[][] getContents() {
return pmBundlecontents;