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import java.util.Date;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
* Class representing a Kerberos V5 principal
* Class data items correspond to fields in struct _kadm5_principal_ent_t_v2
class Principal {
private static DateFormat df;
private static NumberFormat nf;
private static String neverString;
private static Integer INFINITE_LIFE = new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
Flags flags;
// For I18N
private static ResourceBundle rb;
String PrName; // krb5_principal principal;
Date PrExpireTime; // krb5_timestamp princ_expire_time;
String Policy; // char *policy;
Date LastPwChange; // krb5_timestamp last_pwd_change;
Date PwExpireTime; // krb5_timestamp pw_expiration;
Integer MaxLife; // krb5_deltat max_life;
Integer MaxRenew; // krb5_deltat max_renewable_life;
Date ModTime; // krb5_timestamp mod_date;
String ModName; // krb5_principal mod_name;
Date LastSuccess; // krb5_timestamp last_success;
Date LastFailure; // krb5_timestamp last_failed;
Integer NumFailures; // krb5_kvno fail_auth_count;
String Comments; // ==> entry in tl_data array
Integer Kvno; // krb5_kvno kvno;
Integer Mkvno; // krb5_kvno mkvno;
String PrPasswd; // standalone field in Kadmin API
Kadmin Kadmin;
boolean isNew; // newly created principal?
boolean dummy; // use dummy data?
boolean newComments; // are comments new or changed?
String EncTypes; // enc type list to be used for key gen
* Initialize new principal to defaults - this one is for new creations
public Principal() {
isNew = true;
dummy = true;
newComments = false;
PrName = new String("");
PrPasswd = new String("");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime(new Date()); /* start with now ... */
cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); /* ... add a year ... XXX */
PrExpireTime = cal.getTime(); /* ... to get expiry */
Policy = new String("");
LastPwChange = new Date(0); /* never */
PwExpireTime = null; // may be server side default
MaxLife = null; // may be server side default
MaxRenew = null; // may be server side default
ModTime = new Date(); /* now */
ModName = System.getProperty("");
LastSuccess = new Date(0); /* never */
LastFailure = new Date(0); /* never */
NumFailures = new Integer(0);
Comments = new String("");
Kvno = new Integer(0);
Mkvno = new Integer(0);
flags = new Flags();
EncTypes = new String("");
* This is used for loading an existing principal
public Principal(String Pname) {
/* Get some specific data from somewhere */
isNew = false;
PrName = Pname;
PwExpireTime = new Date(0);
* This is used for duplicating a new principal from an old one
public Principal(Principal old) {
/* Copy old principal to new one */
copyPrincipal(old, this);
* For real data, use Kadmin as a first argument
public Principal(Kadmin session, Defaults defaults) {
dummy = false;
Kadmin = session;
public Principal(Kadmin session, String Pname) {
isNew = false;
dummy = false;
Kadmin = session;
PrName = Pname;
PwExpireTime = new Date(0);
public Principal(Kadmin session, Principal old) {
dummy = false;
Kadmin = session;
public void setDefaults(Defaults defaults) {
flags = new Flags(defaults.getFlags().getBits());
if (!defaults.getServerSide()) {
MaxLife = defaults.getMaxTicketLife();
MaxRenew = defaults.getMaxTicketRenewableLife();
PrExpireTime = defaults.getAccountExpiryDate();
* Copy relevant fields from old principal, overriding as necessary
public static void copyPrincipal(Principal old, Principal curr) {
curr.PrName = new String(""); /* override */
curr.PrPasswd = new String(""); /* override */
curr.PrExpireTime = new Date(old.PrExpireTime.getTime());
curr.Policy = new String(old.Policy);
curr.EncTypes = new String(old.EncTypes);
curr.LastPwChange = new Date(0); /* override: never */
if (old.PwExpireTime == null)
curr.PwExpireTime = null;
curr.PwExpireTime = new Date(old.PwExpireTime.getTime());
curr.MaxLife = new Integer(old.MaxLife.intValue());
curr.MaxRenew = new Integer(old.MaxRenew.intValue());
curr.ModTime = new Date(); /* override: now */
curr.ModName = System.getProperty(""); /* override */
curr.LastSuccess = new Date(0); /* override: never */
curr.LastFailure = new Date(0); /* override: never */
curr.NumFailures = new Integer(0); /* override: none */
curr.Comments = new String(old.Comments);
curr.Kvno = new Integer(old.Kvno.intValue());
curr.Mkvno = new Integer(old.Mkvno.intValue());
curr.flags = new Flags(old.flags.getBits());
public boolean loadPrincipal(String name) {
if (dummy)
return true;
boolean b = Kadmin.loadPrincipal(name, this);
// System.out.println(this.toString());
return b;
public boolean savePrincipal() {
// System.out.println(this.toString());
if (dummy)
return true;
if (MaxLife == null)
if (MaxRenew == null)
if (this.isNew)
return Kadmin.createPrincipal(this);
return Kadmin.savePrincipal(this);
public boolean setName(String name) {
// xxx: see where this gets called from to determine if a new Principal
// just added can have a duplicate name or whether that would have been
// screened out earlier.
PrName = name;
return true;
public boolean setComments(String comments) {
// xxx: check to see if all characters are in the allowable list of
// characters. The list needs to be I18N. No length restrictions on
// Java side but what about the c side?
Comments = comments;
newComments = true;
return true;
public boolean setPolicy(String pol) {
// xxx: is this a valid policy name? Should we assume that error is
// already trapped before this point?
Policy = pol;
return true;
public boolean setPassword(String pw) {
// xxx: check to see if the passwd follows the rules laid down by
// the policy
PrPasswd = pw;
return true;
public boolean setEncType(String enctype) {
EncTypes = enctype;
// Don't have to check enc type list provided given that list was
// populated from the checkbox list
return true;
* @param exp Contains a date formatted by the default locale,
* representing the expiry time for the principal's expiration.
public boolean setExpiry(String exp) {
exp = exp.trim();
if (exp.equalsIgnoreCase(neverString))
PrExpireTime = new Date(0);
else {
try {
PrExpireTime = df.parse(exp);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// gets thrown when parse string begins with text
// probable JDK bug
return false;
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// gets thrown when parse string contains only one number
// probable JDK bug
return false;
return true;
* @param exp Contains a date formatted by the default locale,
* representing the expiry time for the password expiration.
public boolean setPwExpiry(String exp) {
exp = exp.trim();
if (exp.equals(""))
PwExpireTime = null;
else if (exp.equalsIgnoreCase(neverString))
PwExpireTime = new Date(0);
else {
try {
PwExpireTime = df.parse(exp);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// gets thrown when parse string begins with text
// probable JDK bug
return false;
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// gets thrown when parse string contains only one number
// probable JDK bug
return false;
return true;
public String getModTime() {
if (ModTime.getTime() == 0)
return neverString;
return df.format(ModTime);
public String getEncType() {
return EncTypes;
public String getExpiry() {
if (PrExpireTime.getTime() == 0)
return neverString;
return df.format(PrExpireTime);
public String getLastSuccess() {
if (LastSuccess.getTime() == 0)
return neverString;
return df.format(LastSuccess);
public String getLastFailure() {
if (LastFailure.getTime() == 0)
return neverString;
return df.format(LastFailure);
public String getLastPwChange() {
if (LastPwChange.getTime() == 0)
return neverString;
return df.format(LastPwChange);
public String getPwExpireTime() {
if (PwExpireTime == null)
return new String("");
else if (PwExpireTime.getTime() == 0)
return neverString;
return df.format(PwExpireTime);
public String getMaxLife() {
if (MaxLife != null)
return nf.format(MaxLife.longValue());
return "";
public String getMaxRenew() {
if (MaxRenew != null)
return nf.format(MaxRenew.longValue());
return "";
* @param vers Contains a number representing the key version.
public boolean setKvno(String vers) {
try {
Kvno = new Integer(nf.parse(vers.trim()).intValue());
}catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
return true;
* @param val Contains a number representing the maximum lifetime, in
* seconds, of a ticket for this principal.
public boolean setMaxlife(String val) {
try {
String noSpace = val.trim();
if (noSpace.length() == 0)
return true;
MaxLife = new Integer(nf.parse(noSpace).intValue());
}catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
return true;
* @param val Contains a number representing the maximum renewable lifetime,
* in seconds, of a ticket for this principal.
public boolean setMaxrenew(String val) {
try {
String noSpace = val.trim();
if (noSpace.length() == 0)
return true;
MaxRenew = new Integer(nf.parse(noSpace).intValue());
}catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
return true;
* Toggles a particular flag.
* @param mask one of the statically defined masks indicating which flag to
* toggle.
public boolean setFlag(int mask) {
return true;
* Obtain a string representation of this principal.
* @return a String containing the following information about this
* principal:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>principal name
*<li>policy being applied
*<li>expiry date
*<li>key version number
*<li>password expire time
*<li>maximum lifetime
*<li>maximum renewable lifetime
* <li> flags
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(getString("Principal Name:") + " " + PrName).append('\n');
sb.append(getString("Account Expires:") + " "
+ getExpiry()).append('\n');
sb.append(getString("Policy:") + " " + Policy).append('\n');
sb.append(getString("Enc Types:") + " " + EncTypes).append('\n');
sb.append(getString("Comments:") + " " + Comments).append('\n');
sb.append(getString("Key Version:") + " " + Kvno).append('\t');
sb.append(getString("Password Expires:") + " "
+ getPwExpireTime()).append('\n');
sb.append(getString("Maximum Lifetime (seconds):")
+ " " + getMaxLife()).append('\t');
sb.append(getString("Maximum Renewal (seconds):")
+ " " + getMaxRenew()).append('\n');
return sb.toString();
* Call rb.getString(), but catch exception and return English
* key so that small spelling errors don't cripple the GUI
private static final String getString(String key) {
try {
String res = rb.getString(key);
return res;
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
System.out.println("Missing resource "+key+", using English.");
return key;
static {
rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("GuiResource" /* NOI18N */);
df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM,
nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
neverString = getString("Never");