Makefile revision 1cfc4fb76704c672a9934898be440d8e012cebd4
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# XPG4
# XPG6MODE: Depending on the version of the compiler, the value of
# __STDC_VERSION__ may differ even in the presence of the same compilation
# options. The default compilation mode for Sun compilers that support the
# C99 standard is -xc99=all,no_lib. C99MODE= is equivalent to -xc99=all,no_lib.
# This translates to C99 semantics without the C99 library specific behaviors
# and dependencies.
# For pre-5.7 compilers (unless patched with 117551-04 or 117552-05), in the
# default compilation mode, __STDC_VERSION__ was defined to be 199901L. For
# 5.7 and on compilers, __STDC_VERSION__ defaults to 199409L in order to
# maintain source compatibility. Neither of these cases results in the
# importing of /usr/lib/values-xpg6.o, so we need to either manually import
# it via linking with a local version of the object, or set -xc99=%all which
# by default imports /usr/lib/values-xpg6.o. C99MODE=C99_ENABLE is equivalent
# to -xc99=all. If C99_ENABLE is defined and we also attempt to link with a
# local version of values-xpg6.o, an error will occur due to multiple
# definitions for __xpg4 and __xpg6. Because /usr/lib/values-xpg6.o was
# delivered in Solaris 10 and is a stable interface, there is no need to
# build and link with a local version of the object.
# The gcc compiler behaves differently and requires -std=gnu99.
# For XPG4, we need to link with a local version of values-xpg4.o because
# the compiler only imports this by default (from /usr/lib/values-xpg4.o)
# if we use the c89 utility as opposed to cc.
$(XPG4EXOBJS): $(X4)
$(X4)/%.o: %.c
$(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
-@mkdir -p $@
$(XPG6EXOBJS): $(X6)
$(X6)/%.o: %.c
$(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
-@mkdir -p $@