etm.c revision b8677b7267ab10505b6cad6e53eef7ca24ba2eaa
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
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* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* etm.c FMA Event Transport Module implementation, a plugin of FMD
* for sun4v/Ontario
* plugin for sending/receiving FMA events to/from service processor
#pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
* --------------------------------- includes --------------------------------
#include <sys/fm/protocol.h>
#include <sys/fm/util.h>
#include <sys/fm/ldom.h>
#include <sys/strlog.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <fm/fmd_api.h>
#include "etm_xport_api.h"
#include "etm_etm_proto.h"
#include "etm_impl.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stropts.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <values.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
* ----------------------------- forward decls -------------------------------
static void
etm_recv(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, fmd_event_t *ep, nvlist_t *nvl, const char *class);
* ------------------------- data structs for FMD ----------------------------
static const fmd_hdl_ops_t fmd_ops = {
etm_recv, /* fmdo_recv */
NULL, /* fmdo_timeout */
NULL, /* fmdo_close */
NULL, /* fmdo_stats */
NULL, /* fmdo_gc */
NULL, /* fmdo_send */
static const fmd_prop_t fmd_props[] = {
{ NULL, 0, NULL }
static const fmd_hdl_info_t fmd_info = {
"FMA Event Transport Module", "1.1", &fmd_ops, fmd_props
* ----------------------- private consts and defns --------------------------
/* misc buffer for variable sized protocol header fields */
#define ETM_MISC_BUF_SZ (4 * 1024)
/* try limit for IO operations w/ capped exp backoff sleep on retry */
* Design_Note: ETM will potentially retry forever IO operations that the
* transport fails with EAGAIN (aka EWOULDBLOCK) rather than
* giving up after some number of seconds. This avoids
* dropping FMA events while the service processor is down,
* but at the risk of pending fmdo_recv() forever and
* overflowing FMD's event queue for ETM.
* A future TBD enhancement would be to always recv
* and send each ETM msg in a single read/write() to reduce
* the risk of failure between ETM msg hdr and body,
* assuming the MTU_SZ is large enough.
#define ETM_TRY_MAX_CNT (MAXINT - 1)
#define ETM_TRY_BACKOFF_CAP (60)
/* amount to increment protocol transaction id on each new send */
#define ETM_XID_INC (2)
typedef struct etm_resp_q_ele {
etm_xport_conn_t rqe_conn; /* open connection to send on */
etm_proto_v1_pp_t *rqe_hdrp; /* ptr to ETM msg hdr */
size_t rqe_hdr_sz; /* sizeof ETM msg hdr */
int32_t rqe_resp_code; /* response code to send */
struct etm_resp_q_ele *rqe_nextp; /* PRIVATE - next ele ptr */
} etm_resp_q_ele_t; /* responder queue element */
* ---------------------------- global data ----------------------------------
static fmd_hdl_t
*init_hdl = NULL; /* used in mem allocator at init time */
static int
etm_debug_lvl = 0; /* debug level: 0 is off, 1 is on, 2 is more, etc */
static int
etm_debug_max_ev_cnt = -1; /* max allowed event count for debugging */
static fmd_xprt_t
*etm_fmd_xprt = NULL; /* FMD transport layer handle */
static pthread_t
etm_svr_tid = NULL; /* thread id of connection acceptance server */
static pthread_t
etm_resp_tid = NULL; /* thread id of msg responder */
static etm_resp_q_ele_t
*etm_resp_q_head = NULL; /* ptr to cur head of responder queue */
static etm_resp_q_ele_t
*etm_resp_q_tail = NULL; /* ptr to cur tail of responder queue */
static uint32_t
etm_resp_q_cur_len = 0; /* cur length (ele cnt) of responder queue */
static uint32_t
etm_resp_q_max_len = 0; /* max length (ele cnt) of responder queue */
static pthread_mutex_t
etm_resp_q_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* protects responder queue */
static pthread_cond_t
etm_resp_q_cv = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; /* nudges msg responder */
static volatile int
etm_is_dying = 0; /* bool for dying (killing self) */
static uint32_t
etm_xid_cur = 0; /* current transaction id for sends */
static uint32_t
etm_xid_ping = 0; /* xid of last CONTROL msg sent requesting ping */
static uint32_t
etm_xid_ver_negot = 0; /* xid of last CONTROL msg sent requesting ver negot */
static uint32_t
etm_xid_posted_ev = 0; /* xid of last FMA_EVENT msg/event posted OK to FMD */
static uint32_t
etm_xid_posted_sa = 0; /* xid of last ALERT msg/event posted OK to syslog */
static uint8_t
etm_resp_ver = ETM_PROTO_V1; /* proto ver [negotiated] for msg sends */
static pthread_mutex_t
etm_write_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* for write operations */
static log_ctl_t syslog_ctl; /* log(7D) meta-data for each msg */
static int syslog_facility; /* log(7D) facility (part of priority) */
static int syslog_logfd = -1; /* log(7D) file descriptor */
static int syslog_msgfd = -1; /* sysmsg(7D) file descriptor */
static int syslog_file = 0; /* log to syslog_logfd */
static int syslog_cons = 0; /* log to syslog_msgfd */
static const struct facility {
const char *fac_name;
int fac_value;
} syslog_facs[] = {
{ NULL, 0 }
static struct stats {
/* ETM msg counters */
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_hdr_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_hdr_control;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_hdr_alert;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_hdr_response;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_body_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_body_control;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_body_alert;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_body_response;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_hdr_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_hdr_control;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_hdr_response;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_body_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_body_control;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_body_response;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_max_ev_per_msg;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_max_ev_per_msg;
fmd_stat_t etm_resp_q_cur_len;
fmd_stat_t etm_resp_q_max_len;
/* ETM byte counters */
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_fmd_bytes;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_fmd_bytes;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_xport_bytes;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_xport_bytes;
fmd_stat_t etm_magic_drop_bytes;
/* ETM [dropped] FMA event counters */
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_fmd_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_fmd_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_drop_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_drop_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_dup_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_dup_fmaevent;
fmd_stat_t etm_rd_dup_alert;
fmd_stat_t etm_wr_dup_alert;
fmd_stat_t etm_enq_drop_resp_q;
fmd_stat_t etm_deq_drop_resp_q;
/* ETM protocol failures */
fmd_stat_t etm_magic_bad;
fmd_stat_t etm_ver_bad;
fmd_stat_t etm_msgtype_bad;
fmd_stat_t etm_subtype_bad;
fmd_stat_t etm_xid_bad;
fmd_stat_t etm_fmaeventlen_bad;
fmd_stat_t etm_respcode_bad;
fmd_stat_t etm_timeout_bad;
fmd_stat_t etm_evlens_bad;
/* IO operation failures */
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_wr_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_rd_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_pk_fail;
/* IO operation retries */
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_wr_retry;
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_rd_retry;
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_pk_retry;
/* system and library failures */
fmd_stat_t etm_os_nvlist_pack_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_os_nvlist_unpack_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_os_nvlist_size_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_os_pthread_create_fail;
/* xport API failures */
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_get_ev_addrv_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_open_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_close_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_accept_fail;
fmd_stat_t etm_xport_open_retry;
/* FMD entry point bad arguments */
fmd_stat_t etm_fmd_recv_badargs;
fmd_stat_t etm_fmd_init_badargs;
fmd_stat_t etm_fmd_fini_badargs;
/* Alert logging errors */
fmd_stat_t etm_log_err;
fmd_stat_t etm_msg_err;
} etm_stats = {
/* ETM msg counters */
{ "etm_rd_hdr_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM fmaevent msg headers rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_rd_hdr_control", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM control msg headers rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_rd_hdr_alert", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM alert msg headers rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_rd_hdr_response", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM response msg headers rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_rd_body_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM fmaevent msg bodies rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_rd_body_control", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM control msg bodies rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_rd_body_alert", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM alert msg bodies rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_rd_body_response", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM response msg bodies rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_wr_hdr_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM fmaevent msg headers sent to xport" },
{ "etm_wr_hdr_control", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM control msg headers sent to xport" },
{ "etm_wr_hdr_response", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM response msg headers sent to xport" },
{ "etm_wr_body_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM fmaevent msg bodies sent to xport" },
{ "etm_wr_body_control", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM control msg bodies sent to xport" },
{ "etm_wr_body_response", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM response msg bodies sent to xport" },
{ "etm_rd_max_ev_per_msg", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"max FMA events per ETM msg from xport" },
{ "etm_wr_max_ev_per_msg", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"max FMA events per ETM msg to xport" },
{ "etm_resp_q_cur_len", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"cur enqueued response msgs to xport" },
{ "etm_resp_q_max_len", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"max enqueable response msgs to xport" },
/* ETM byte counters */
{ "etm_wr_fmd_bytes", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"bytes of FMA events sent to FMD" },
{ "etm_rd_fmd_bytes", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"bytes of FMA events rcvd from FMD" },
{ "etm_wr_xport_bytes", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"bytes of FMA events sent to xport" },
{ "etm_rd_xport_bytes", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"bytes of FMA events rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_magic_drop_bytes", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"bytes dropped from xport pre magic num" },
/* ETM [dropped] FMA event counters */
{ "etm_rd_fmd_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"FMA events rcvd from FMD" },
{ "etm_wr_fmd_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"FMA events sent to FMD" },
{ "etm_rd_drop_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"dropped FMA events from xport" },
{ "etm_wr_drop_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"dropped FMA events to xport" },
{ "etm_rd_dup_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"duplicate FMA events rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_wr_dup_fmaevent", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"duplicate FMA events sent to xport" },
{ "etm_rd_dup_alert", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"duplicate ALERTs rcvd from xport" },
{ "etm_wr_dup_alert", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"duplicate ALERTs sent to xport" },
{ "etm_enq_drop_resp_q", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"dropped response msgs on enq" },
{ "etm_deq_drop_resp_q", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"dropped response msgs on deq" },
/* ETM protocol failures */
{ "etm_magic_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ invalid magic num" },
{ "etm_ver_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ invalid protocol version" },
{ "etm_msgtype_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ invalid message type" },
{ "etm_subtype_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ invalid sub type" },
{ "etm_xid_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ unmatched xid" },
{ "etm_fmaeventlen_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ invalid FMA event length" },
{ "etm_respcode_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ invalid response code" },
{ "etm_timeout_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ invalid timeout value" },
{ "etm_evlens_bad", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"ETM msgs w/ too many event lengths" },
/* IO operation failures */
{ "etm_xport_wr_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport write failures" },
{ "etm_xport_rd_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport read failures" },
{ "etm_xport_pk_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport peek failures" },
/* IO operation retries */
{ "etm_xport_wr_retry", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport write retries" },
{ "etm_xport_rd_retry", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport read retries" },
{ "etm_xport_pk_retry", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport peek retries" },
/* system and library failures */
{ "etm_os_nvlist_pack_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"nvlist_pack failures" },
{ "etm_os_nvlist_unpack_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"nvlist_unpack failures" },
{ "etm_os_nvlist_size_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"nvlist_size failures" },
{ "etm_os_pthread_create_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"pthread_create failures" },
/* transport API failures */
{ "etm_xport_get_ev_addrv_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport get event addrv API failures" },
{ "etm_xport_open_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport open API failures" },
{ "etm_xport_close_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport close API failures" },
{ "etm_xport_accept_fail", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport accept API failures" },
{ "etm_xport_open_retry", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"xport open API retries" },
/* FMD entry point bad arguments */
{ "etm_fmd_recv_badargs", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"bad arguments from fmd_recv entry point" },
{ "etm_fmd_init_badargs", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"bad arguments from fmd_init entry point" },
{ "etm_fmd_fini_badargs", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"bad arguments from fmd_fini entry point" },
/* Alert logging errors */
{ "etm_log_err", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"failed to log message to log(7D)" },
{ "etm_msg_err", FMD_TYPE_UINT64,
"failed to log message to sysmsg(7D)" }
* -------------------------- support functions ------------------------------
* Design_Note: Each failure worth reporting to FMD should be done using
* a single call to fmd_hdl_error() as it logs an FMA event
* for each call. Also be aware that all the fmd_hdl_*()
* format strings currently use platform specific *printf()
* routines; so "%p" under Solaris does not prepend "0x" to
* the outputted hex digits, while Linux and VxWorks do.
* etm_show_time - display the current time of day (for debugging) using
* the given FMD module handle and annotation string
static void
etm_show_time(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, char *note_str)
struct timeval tmv; /* timeval */
(void) gettimeofday(&tmv, NULL);
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: %s: cur Unix Epoch time %d.%06d\n",
note_str, tmv.tv_sec, tmv.tv_usec);
} /* etm_show_time() */
* etm_hexdump - hexdump the given buffer (for debugging) using
* the given FMD module handle
static void
etm_hexdump(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, void *buf, size_t byte_cnt)
uint8_t *bp; /* byte ptr */
int i, j; /* index */
char cb[80]; /* char buf */
unsigned int n; /* a byte of data for sprintf() */
bp = buf;
j = 0;
* Design_Note: fmd_hdl_debug() auto adds a newline if missing;
* hence cb exists to accumulate a longer string.
for (i = 1; i <= byte_cnt; i++) {
n = *bp++;
(void) sprintf(&cb[j], "%2.2x ", n);
j += 3;
/* add a newline every 16 bytes or at the buffer's end */
if (((i % 16) == 0) || (i >= byte_cnt)) {
cb[j-1] = '\0';
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "%s\n", cb);
j = 0;
} /* for each byte in the buffer */
} /* etm_hexdump() */
* etm_sleep - sleep the caller for the given number of seconds,
* return 0 or -errno value
* Design_Note: To avoid interfering with FMD's signal mask (SIGALRM)
* do not use [Solaris] sleep(3C) and instead use
* pthread_cond_wait() or nanosleep(), both of which
* are POSIX spec-ed to leave signal masks alone.
* This is needed for Solaris and Linux (domain and SP).
static int
etm_sleep(unsigned sleep_sec)
struct timespec tms; /* for nanosleep() */
tms.tv_sec = sleep_sec;
tms.tv_nsec = 0;
if (nanosleep(&tms, NULL) < 0) {
/* errno assumed set by above call */
return (-errno);
return (0);
} /* etm_sleep() */
* etm_conn_open - open a connection to the given transport address,
* return 0 and the opened connection handle
* or -errno value
* caveats: the err_substr is used in failure cases for calling
* fmd_hdl_error()
static int
etm_conn_open(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, char *err_substr,
etm_xport_addr_t addr, etm_xport_conn_t *connp)
etm_xport_conn_t conn; /* connection to return */
int nev; /* -errno value */
if ((conn = etm_xport_open(hdl, addr)) == NULL) {
nev = (-errno);
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: %s: errno %d\n",
err_substr, errno);
return (nev);
} else {
*connp = conn;
return (0);
} /* etm_conn_open() */
* etm_conn_close - close the given connection,
* return 0 or -errno value
* caveats: the err_substr is used in failure cases for calling
* fmd_hdl_error()
static int
etm_conn_close(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, char *err_substr, etm_xport_conn_t conn)
int nev; /* -errno value */
if (etm_xport_close(hdl, conn) == NULL) {
nev = (-errno);
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "warning: %s: errno %d\n",
err_substr, errno);
return (nev);
} else {
return (0);
} /* etm_conn_close() */
* etm_io_op - perform an IO operation on the given connection
* with the given buffer,
* accommodating MTU size and retrying op if needed,
* return how many bytes actually done by the op
* or -errno value
* caveats: the err_substr is used in failure cases for calling
* fmd_hdl_error()
static ssize_t
etm_io_op(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, char *err_substr, etm_xport_conn_t conn,
void *buf, size_t byte_cnt, int io_op)
ssize_t rv; /* ret val / byte count */
ssize_t n; /* gen use */
uint8_t *datap; /* ptr to data */
size_t mtu_sz; /* MTU size in bytes */
int (*io_func_ptr)(fmd_hdl_t *, etm_xport_conn_t,
void *, size_t);
size_t io_sz; /* byte count for io_func_ptr */
int try_cnt; /* number of tries done */
int sleep_sec; /* exp backoff sleep period in sec */
int sleep_rv; /* ret val from sleeping */
fmd_stat_t io_retry_stat; /* IO retry stat to update */
fmd_stat_t io_fail_stat; /* IO failure stat to update */
if ((conn == NULL) || (buf == NULL)) {
return (-EINVAL);
switch (io_op) {
case ETM_IO_OP_RD:
io_func_ptr = etm_xport_read;
io_retry_stat = etm_stats.etm_xport_rd_retry;
io_fail_stat = etm_stats.etm_xport_rd_fail;
case ETM_IO_OP_WR:
io_func_ptr = etm_xport_write;
io_retry_stat = etm_stats.etm_xport_wr_retry;
io_fail_stat = etm_stats.etm_xport_wr_fail;
return (-EINVAL);
if (byte_cnt == 0) {
return (byte_cnt); /* nop */
/* obtain [current] MTU size */
if ((n = etm_xport_get_opt(hdl, conn, ETM_XPORT_OPT_MTU_SZ)) < 0) {
} else {
mtu_sz = n;
/* loop until all IO done, try limit exceeded, or real failure */
rv = 0;
datap = buf;
while (rv < byte_cnt) {
io_sz = MIN((byte_cnt - rv), mtu_sz);
try_cnt = 0;
sleep_sec = 0;
/* when give up, return -errno value even if partly done */
while ((n = (*io_func_ptr)(hdl, conn, datap, io_sz)) ==
(-EAGAIN)) {
if (try_cnt > ETM_TRY_MAX_CNT) {
rv = n;
goto func_ret;
if (etm_is_dying) {
rv = (-EINTR);
goto func_ret;
if ((sleep_rv = etm_sleep(sleep_sec)) < 0) {
rv = sleep_rv;
goto func_ret;
sleep_sec = ((sleep_sec == 0) ? 1 :
(sleep_sec * ETM_TRY_BACKOFF_RATE));
sleep_sec = MIN(sleep_sec, ETM_TRY_BACKOFF_CAP);
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 1) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: retrying io op %d "
"due to EAGAIN\n", io_op);
} /* while trying the io operation */
if (etm_is_dying) {
rv = (-EINTR);
goto func_ret;
if (n < 0) {
rv = n;
goto func_ret;
/* avoid spinning CPU when given 0 bytes but no error */
if (n == 0) {
if ((sleep_rv = etm_sleep(ETM_SLEEP_QUIK)) < 0) {
rv = sleep_rv;
goto func_ret;
rv += n;
datap += n;
} /* while still have more data */
if (rv < 0) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "error: %s: errno %d\n",
err_substr, (int)(-rv));
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 3) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: io op %d ret %d of %d\n",
io_op, (int)rv, (int)byte_cnt);
return (rv);
} /* etm_io_op() */
* etm_magic_read - read the magic number of an ETM message header
* from the given connection into the given buffer,
* return 0 or -errno value
* Design_Note: This routine is intended to help protect ETM from protocol
* framing errors as might be caused by an SP reset / crash in
* the middle of an ETM message send; the connection will be
* read from for as many bytes as needed until the magic number
* is found using a sliding buffer for comparisons.
static int
etm_magic_read(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, etm_xport_conn_t conn, uint32_t *magic_ptr)
int rv; /* ret val */
uint32_t magic_num; /* magic number */
int byte_cnt; /* count of bytes read */
uint8_t buf5[4+1]; /* sliding input buffer */
int i, j; /* indices into buf5 */
ssize_t n; /* gen use */
uint8_t drop_buf[1024]; /* dropped bytes buffer */
rv = 0; /* assume success */
magic_num = 0;
byte_cnt = 0;
j = 0;
/* magic number bytes are sent in network (big endian) order */
while (magic_num != ETM_PROTO_MAGIC_NUM) {
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on magic",
conn, &buf5[j], 1, ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
rv = n;
goto func_ret;
j = MIN((j + 1), sizeof (magic_num));
if (byte_cnt < sizeof (magic_num)) {
if (byte_cnt > sizeof (magic_num)) {
i = MIN(byte_cnt - j - 1, sizeof (drop_buf) - 1);
drop_buf[i] = buf5[0];
for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
buf5[i] = buf5[i+1];
} /* for sliding the buffer contents */
(void) memcpy(&magic_num, &buf5[0], sizeof (magic_num));
magic_num = ntohl(magic_num);
} /* for reading bytes until find magic number */
if (byte_cnt != sizeof (magic_num)) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "warning: bad proto frame "
"implies corrupt/lost msg(s)\n");
if ((byte_cnt > sizeof (magic_num)) && (etm_debug_lvl >= 2)) {
i = MIN(byte_cnt - sizeof (magic_num), sizeof (drop_buf));
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: magic drop hexdump "
"first %d of %d bytes:\n", i,
byte_cnt - sizeof (magic_num));
etm_hexdump(hdl, drop_buf, i);
if (rv == 0) {
*magic_ptr = magic_num;
return (rv);
} /* etm_magic_read() */
* etm_hdr_read - allocate, read, and validate a [variable sized]
* ETM message header from the given connection,
* return the allocated ETM message header
* (which is guaranteed to be large enough to reuse as a
* RESPONSE msg hdr) and its size
* or NULL and set errno on failure
static void *
etm_hdr_read(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, etm_xport_conn_t conn, size_t *szp)
uint8_t *hdrp; /* ptr to header to return */
size_t hdr_sz; /* sizeof *hdrp */
etm_proto_v1_pp_t pp; /* protocol preamble */
etm_proto_v1_ev_hdr_t *ev_hdrp; /* for FMA_EVENT msg */
etm_proto_v1_ctl_hdr_t *ctl_hdrp; /* for CONTROL msg */
etm_proto_v1_resp_hdr_t *resp_hdrp; /* for RESPONSE msg */
etm_proto_v3_sa_hdr_t *sa_hdrp; /* for ALERT msg */
uint32_t *lenp; /* ptr to FMA event length */
ssize_t i, n; /* gen use */
uint8_t misc_buf[ETM_MISC_BUF_SZ]; /* for var sized hdrs */
int dummy_int; /* dummy var to appease lint */
hdrp = NULL; hdr_sz = 0;
/* read the magic number which starts the protocol preamble */
if ((n = etm_magic_read(hdl, conn, &pp.pp_magic_num)) < 0) {
errno = (-n);
return (NULL);
/* read the rest of the protocol preamble all at once */
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on preamble",
conn, &pp.pp_proto_ver, sizeof (pp) - sizeof (pp.pp_magic_num),
ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
errno = (-n);
return (NULL);
* Design_Note: The magic number was already network decoded; but
* some other preamble fields also need to be decoded,
* specifically pp_xid and pp_timeout. The rest of the
* preamble fields are byte sized and hence need no
* decoding.
pp.pp_xid = ntohl(pp.pp_xid);
pp.pp_timeout = ntohl(pp.pp_timeout);
/* sanity check the header as best we can */
if ((pp.pp_proto_ver < ETM_PROTO_V1) ||
(pp.pp_proto_ver > ETM_PROTO_V3)) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: bad proto ver %d\n",
errno = EPROTO;
return (NULL);
dummy_int = pp.pp_msg_type;
if ((dummy_int <= ETM_MSG_TYPE_TOO_LOW) ||
(dummy_int >= ETM_MSG_TYPE_TOO_BIG)) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: bad msg type %d", dummy_int);
errno = EBADMSG;
return (NULL);
/* handle [var sized] hdrs for FMA_EVENT, CONTROL, RESPONSE msgs */
if (pp.pp_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_FMA_EVENT) {
ev_hdrp = (void*)&misc_buf[0];
hdr_sz = sizeof (*ev_hdrp);
(void) memcpy(&ev_hdrp->ev_pp, &pp, sizeof (pp));
/* sanity check the header's timeout */
if ((ev_hdrp->ev_pp.pp_proto_ver == ETM_PROTO_V1) &&
(ev_hdrp->ev_pp.pp_timeout != ETM_PROTO_V1_TIMEOUT_NONE)) {
errno = ETIME;
return (NULL);
/* get all FMA event lengths from the header */
lenp = (uint32_t *)&ev_hdrp->ev_lens[0]; lenp--;
i = -1; /* cnt of length entries preceding 0 */
do {
i++; lenp++;
if ((sizeof (*ev_hdrp) + (i * sizeof (*lenp))) >=
errno = E2BIG; /* ridiculous size */
return (NULL);
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on event len",
conn, lenp, sizeof (*lenp), ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
errno = (-n);
return (NULL);
*lenp = ntohl(*lenp);
} while (*lenp != 0);
i += 0; /* first len already counted by sizeof(ev_hdr) */
hdr_sz += (i * sizeof (*lenp));
} else if (pp.pp_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_CONTROL) {
ctl_hdrp = (void*)&misc_buf[0];
hdr_sz = sizeof (*ctl_hdrp);
(void) memcpy(&ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp, &pp, sizeof (pp));
/* sanity check the header's sub type (control selector) */
if ((ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_sub_type <= ETM_CTL_SEL_TOO_LOW) ||
(ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_sub_type >= ETM_CTL_SEL_TOO_BIG)) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: bad ctl sub type %d\n",
errno = EBADMSG;
return (NULL);
/* get the control length */
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on ctl len",
conn, &ctl_hdrp->ctl_len, sizeof (ctl_hdrp->ctl_len),
ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
errno = (-n);
return (NULL);
ctl_hdrp->ctl_len = ntohl(ctl_hdrp->ctl_len);
} else if (pp.pp_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_RESPONSE) {
resp_hdrp = (void*)&misc_buf[0];
hdr_sz = sizeof (*resp_hdrp);
(void) memcpy(&resp_hdrp->resp_pp, &pp, sizeof (pp));
/* sanity check the header's timeout */
if (resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_timeout !=
errno = ETIME;
return (NULL);
/* get the response code and length */
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on resp code+len",
conn, &resp_hdrp->resp_code,
sizeof (resp_hdrp->resp_code)
+ sizeof (resp_hdrp->resp_len),
ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
errno = (-n);
return (NULL);
resp_hdrp->resp_code = ntohl(resp_hdrp->resp_code);
resp_hdrp->resp_len = ntohl(resp_hdrp->resp_len);
} else if (pp.pp_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_ALERT) {
sa_hdrp = (void*)&misc_buf[0];
hdr_sz = sizeof (*sa_hdrp);
(void) memcpy(&sa_hdrp->sa_pp, &pp, sizeof (pp));
/* sanity check the header's protocol version */
if (sa_hdrp->sa_pp.pp_proto_ver != ETM_PROTO_V3) {
errno = EPROTO;
return (NULL);
/* get the priority and length */
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on sa priority+len",
conn, &sa_hdrp->sa_priority,
sizeof (sa_hdrp->sa_priority)
+ sizeof (sa_hdrp->sa_len),
ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
errno = (-n);
return (NULL);
sa_hdrp->sa_priority = ntohl(sa_hdrp->sa_priority);
sa_hdrp->sa_len = ntohl(sa_hdrp->sa_len);
} /* whether we have FMA_EVENT, ALERT, CONTROL, or RESPONSE msg */
* choose a header size that allows hdr reuse for RESPONSE msgs,
* allocate and populate the message header, and
* return alloc size to caller for later free of hdrp
hdr_sz = MAX(hdr_sz, sizeof (*resp_hdrp));
hdrp = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, hdr_sz, FMD_SLEEP);
(void) memcpy(hdrp, misc_buf, hdr_sz);
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 3) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: msg hdr hexdump %d bytes:\n", hdr_sz);
etm_hexdump(hdl, hdrp, hdr_sz);
*szp = hdr_sz;
return (hdrp);
} /* etm_hdr_read() */
* etm_hdr_write - create and write a [variable sized] ETM message header
* to the given connection appropriate for the given FMA event
* and type of nvlist encoding,
* return the allocated ETM message header and its size
* or NULL and set errno on failure
static void*
etm_hdr_write(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, etm_xport_conn_t conn, nvlist_t *evp,
int encoding, size_t *szp)
etm_proto_v1_ev_hdr_t *hdrp; /* for FMA_EVENT msg */
size_t hdr_sz; /* sizeof *hdrp */
uint32_t *lenp; /* ptr to FMA event length */
size_t evsz; /* packed FMA event size */
ssize_t n; /* gen use */
/* allocate and populate the message header for 1 FMA event */
hdr_sz = sizeof (*hdrp) + (1 * sizeof (hdrp->ev_lens[0]));
hdrp = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, hdr_sz, FMD_SLEEP);
* Design_Note: Although the ETM protocol supports it, we do not (yet)
* want responses/ACKs on FMA events that we send. All
* such messages are sent with ETM_PROTO_V1_TIMEOUT_NONE.
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_magic_num = ETM_PROTO_MAGIC_NUM;
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_magic_num = htonl(hdrp->ev_pp.pp_magic_num);
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_proto_ver = ETM_PROTO_V1;
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_msg_type = ETM_MSG_TYPE_FMA_EVENT;
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_sub_type = 0;
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_rsvd_pad = 0;
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_xid = etm_xid_cur;
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_xid = htonl(hdrp->ev_pp.pp_xid);
etm_xid_cur += ETM_XID_INC;
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_timeout = ETM_PROTO_V1_TIMEOUT_NONE;
hdrp->ev_pp.pp_timeout = htonl(hdrp->ev_pp.pp_timeout);
lenp = &hdrp->ev_lens[0];
if ((n = nvlist_size(evp, &evsz, encoding)) != 0) {
errno = n;
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, hdrp, hdr_sz);
return (NULL);
/* indicate 1 FMA event, network encode its length, and 0-terminate */
etm_stats.etm_wr_max_ev_per_msg.fmds_value.ui64 = 1;
*lenp = evsz; *lenp = htonl(*lenp); lenp++;
*lenp = 0; *lenp = htonl(*lenp); lenp++;
* write the network encoded header to the transport, and
* return alloc size to caller for later free
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io write on event hdr",
conn, hdrp, hdr_sz, ETM_IO_OP_WR)) < 0) {
errno = (-n);
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, hdrp, hdr_sz);
return (NULL);
*szp = hdr_sz;
return (hdrp);
} /* etm_hdr_write() */
* etm_post_to_fmd - post the given FMA event to FMD
* via a FMD transport API call,
* return 0 or -errno value
* caveats: the FMA event (evp) is freed by FMD,
* thus callers of this function should
* immediately discard any ptr they have to the
* nvlist without freeing or dereferencing it
static int
etm_post_to_fmd(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *evp)
ssize_t ev_sz; /* sizeof *evp */
(void) nvlist_size(evp, (size_t *)&ev_sz, NV_ENCODE_XDR);
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
etm_show_time(hdl, "ante ev post");
fmd_xprt_post(hdl, etm_fmd_xprt, evp, 0);
etm_stats.etm_wr_fmd_bytes.fmds_value.ui64 += ev_sz;
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 1) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: event %p post ok to FMD\n", evp);
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
etm_show_time(hdl, "post ev post");
return (0);
} /* etm_post_to_fmd() */
* Ideally we would just use syslog(3C) for outputting our messages.
* Unfortunately, as this module is running within the FMA daemon context,
* that would create the situation where this module's openlog() would
* have the monopoly on syslog(3C) for the daemon and all its modules.
* To avoid that situation, this module uses the same logic as the
* syslog-msgs FM module to directly call into the log(7D) and sysmsg(7D)
* devices for syslog and console.
static int
etm_post_to_syslog(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, uint32_t priority, uint32_t body_sz,
uint8_t *body_buf)
char *sysmessage; /* Formatted message */
size_t formatlen; /* maximum length of sysmessage */
struct strbuf ctl, dat; /* structs pushed to the logfd */
uint32_t msgid; /* syslog message ID number */
if ((syslog_file == 0) && (syslog_cons == 0)) {
return (0);
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
etm_show_time(hdl, "ante syslog post");
formatlen = body_sz + 64; /* +64 for prefix strings added below */
sysmessage = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, formatlen, FMD_SLEEP);
if (syslog_file) {
STRLOG_MAKE_MSGID(body_buf, msgid);
(void) snprintf(sysmessage, formatlen,
"SC Alert: [ID %u FACILITY_AND_PRIORITY] %s", msgid,
syslog_ctl.pri = syslog_facility | priority;
ctl.buf = (void *)&syslog_ctl;
ctl.len = sizeof (syslog_ctl);
dat.buf = sysmessage;
dat.len = strlen(sysmessage) + 1;
if (putmsg(syslog_logfd, &ctl, &dat, 0) != 0) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "putmsg failed: %s\n",
if (syslog_cons) {
(void) snprintf(sysmessage, formatlen,
"SC Alert: %s\r\n", body_buf);
dat.buf = sysmessage;
dat.len = strlen(sysmessage) + 1;
if (write(syslog_msgfd, dat.buf, dat.len) != dat.len) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "write failed: %s\n",
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, sysmessage, formatlen);
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
etm_show_time(hdl, "post syslog post");
return (0);
* etm_req_ver_negot - send an ETM control message to the other end requesting
* that the ETM protocol version be negotiated/set
static void
etm_req_ver_negot(fmd_hdl_t *hdl)
etm_xport_addr_t *addrv; /* default dst addr(s) */
etm_xport_conn_t conn; /* connection to other end */
etm_proto_v1_ctl_hdr_t *ctl_hdrp; /* for CONTROL msg */
size_t hdr_sz; /* sizeof header */
uint8_t *body_buf; /* msg body buffer */
uint32_t body_sz; /* sizeof *body_buf */
ssize_t i; /* gen use */
/* populate an ETM control msg to send */
hdr_sz = sizeof (*ctl_hdrp);
body_sz = (3 + 1); /* version bytes plus null byte */
ctl_hdrp = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, hdr_sz + body_sz, FMD_SLEEP);
ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_magic_num = htonl(ETM_PROTO_MAGIC_NUM);
ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_proto_ver = ETM_PROTO_V1;
ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_msg_type = ETM_MSG_TYPE_CONTROL;
ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_sub_type = ETM_CTL_SEL_VER_NEGOT_REQ;
ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_rsvd_pad = 0;
etm_xid_ver_negot = etm_xid_cur;
etm_xid_cur += ETM_XID_INC;
ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_xid = htonl(etm_xid_ver_negot);
ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_timeout = htonl(ETM_PROTO_V1_TIMEOUT_FOREVER);
ctl_hdrp->ctl_len = htonl(body_sz);
body_buf = (void*)&ctl_hdrp->ctl_len;
body_buf += sizeof (ctl_hdrp->ctl_len);
*body_buf++ = ETM_PROTO_V3;
*body_buf++ = ETM_PROTO_V2;
*body_buf++ = ETM_PROTO_V1;
*body_buf++ = '\0';
* open and close a connection to send the ETM control msg
* to any/all of the default dst addrs
if ((addrv = etm_xport_get_ev_addrv(hdl, NULL)) == NULL) {
"error: bad ctl dst addrs errno %d\n", errno);
goto func_ret;
for (i = 0; addrv[i] != NULL; i++) {
if (etm_conn_open(hdl, "bad conn open during ver negot",
addrv[i], &conn) < 0) {
if (etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io write on ctl hdr+body",
conn, ctl_hdrp, hdr_sz + body_sz, ETM_IO_OP_WR) >= 0) {
(void) etm_conn_close(hdl, "bad conn close during ver negot",
} /* foreach dst addr */
if (addrv != NULL) {
etm_xport_free_addrv(hdl, addrv);
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, ctl_hdrp, hdr_sz + body_sz);
} /* etm_req_ver_negot() */
* Design_Note: For all etm_resp_q_*() functions and etm_resp_q_* globals,
* the mutex etm_resp_q_lock must be held by the caller.
* etm_resp_q_enq - add element to tail of ETM responder queue
* etm_resp_q_deq - del element from head of ETM responder queue
* return >0 for success, or -errno value
static int
etm_resp_q_enq(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, etm_resp_q_ele_t *rqep)
etm_resp_q_ele_t *newp; /* ptr to new resp q ele */
if (etm_resp_q_cur_len >= etm_resp_q_max_len) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "warning: enq to full responder queue\n");
return (-E2BIG);
newp = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, sizeof (*newp), FMD_SLEEP);
(void) memcpy(newp, rqep, sizeof (*newp));
newp->rqe_nextp = NULL;
if (etm_resp_q_cur_len == 0) {
etm_resp_q_head = newp;
} else {
etm_resp_q_tail->rqe_nextp = newp;
etm_resp_q_tail = newp;
etm_stats.etm_resp_q_cur_len.fmds_value.ui64 = etm_resp_q_cur_len;
return (1);
} /* etm_resp_q_enq() */
static int
etm_resp_q_deq(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, etm_resp_q_ele_t *rqep)
etm_resp_q_ele_t *oldp; /* ptr to old resp q ele */
if (etm_resp_q_cur_len == 0) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "warning: deq from empty responder queue\n");
return (-ENOENT);
(void) memcpy(rqep, etm_resp_q_head, sizeof (*rqep));
rqep->rqe_nextp = NULL;
oldp = etm_resp_q_head;
etm_resp_q_head = etm_resp_q_head->rqe_nextp;
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, oldp, sizeof (*oldp));
etm_stats.etm_resp_q_cur_len.fmds_value.ui64 = etm_resp_q_cur_len;
if (etm_resp_q_cur_len == 0) {
etm_resp_q_tail = NULL;
return (1);
} /* etm_resp_q_deq() */
* etm_maybe_enq_response - check the given message header to see
* whether a response has been requested,
* if so then enqueue the given connection
* and header for later transport by the
* responder thread as an ETM response msg,
* return 0 for nop, >0 success, or -errno value
static ssize_t
etm_maybe_enq_response(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, etm_xport_conn_t conn,
void *hdrp, uint32_t hdr_sz, int32_t resp_code)
ssize_t rv; /* ret val */
etm_proto_v1_pp_t *ppp; /* protocol preamble ptr */
uint8_t orig_msg_type; /* orig hdr's message type */
uint32_t orig_timeout; /* orig hdr's timeout */
etm_resp_q_ele_t rqe; /* responder queue ele */
ppp = hdrp;
orig_msg_type = ppp->pp_msg_type;
orig_timeout = ppp->pp_timeout;
/* bail out now if no response is to be sent */
if (orig_timeout == ETM_PROTO_V1_TIMEOUT_NONE) {
return (0);
} /* if a nop */
if ((orig_msg_type != ETM_MSG_TYPE_FMA_EVENT) &&
(orig_msg_type != ETM_MSG_TYPE_ALERT) &&
(orig_msg_type != ETM_MSG_TYPE_CONTROL)) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "warning: bad msg type 0x%x\n",
return (-EINVAL);
} /* if inappropriate hdr for a response msg */
* enqueue the msg hdr and nudge the responder thread
* if the responder queue was previously empty
rqe.rqe_conn = conn;
rqe.rqe_hdrp = hdrp;
rqe.rqe_hdr_sz = hdr_sz;
rqe.rqe_resp_code = resp_code;
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
rv = etm_resp_q_enq(hdl, &rqe);
if (etm_resp_q_cur_len == 1)
(void) pthread_cond_signal(&etm_resp_q_cv);
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
return (rv);
} /* etm_maybe_enq_response() */
* Design_Note: We rely on the fact that all message types have
* a common protocol preamble; if this fact should
* ever change it may break the code below. We also
* rely on the fact that FMA_EVENT and CONTROL headers
* returned by etm_hdr_read() will be sized large enough
* to reuse them as RESPONSE headers if the remote endpt
* asked for a response via the pp_timeout field.
* etm_send_response - use the given message header and response code
* to construct an appropriate response message,
* and send it back on the given connection,
* return >0 for success, or -errno value
static ssize_t
etm_send_response(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, etm_xport_conn_t conn,
void *hdrp, int32_t resp_code)
ssize_t rv; /* ret val */
etm_proto_v1_pp_t *ppp; /* protocol preamble ptr */
etm_proto_v1_resp_hdr_t *resp_hdrp; /* for RESPONSE msg */
uint8_t resp_body[4]; /* response body if needed */
uint8_t *resp_msg; /* response hdr+body */
size_t hdr_sz; /* sizeof response hdr */
uint8_t orig_msg_type; /* orig hdr's message type */
ppp = hdrp;
orig_msg_type = ppp->pp_msg_type;
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
etm_show_time(hdl, "ante resp send");
/* reuse the given header as a response header */
resp_hdrp = hdrp;
resp_hdrp->resp_code = resp_code;
resp_hdrp->resp_len = 0; /* default is empty body */
if ((orig_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_CONTROL) &&
(ppp->pp_sub_type == ETM_CTL_SEL_VER_NEGOT_REQ)) {
resp_body[0] = ETM_PROTO_V2;
resp_body[1] = ETM_PROTO_V3;
resp_body[2] = 0;
resp_hdrp->resp_len = 3;
} /* if should send our/negotiated proto ver in resp body */
/* respond with the proto ver that was negotiated */
resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_proto_ver = etm_resp_ver;
resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_msg_type = ETM_MSG_TYPE_RESPONSE;
resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_timeout = ETM_PROTO_V1_TIMEOUT_NONE;
* send the whole response msg in one write, header and body;
* avoid the alloc-and-copy if we can reuse the hdr as the msg,
* ie, if the body is empty. update the response stats.
hdr_sz = sizeof (etm_proto_v1_resp_hdr_t);
resp_msg = hdrp;
if (resp_hdrp->resp_len > 0) {
resp_msg = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, hdr_sz + resp_hdrp->resp_len,
(void) memcpy(resp_msg, resp_hdrp, hdr_sz);
(void) memcpy(resp_msg + hdr_sz, resp_body,
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&etm_write_lock);
rv = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io write on resp msg", conn,
resp_msg, hdr_sz + resp_hdrp->resp_len, ETM_IO_OP_WR);
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_write_lock);
if (rv < 0) {
goto func_ret;
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: sent V%u RESPONSE msg to xport "
"xid 0x%x code %d len %u\n",
(unsigned int)resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_proto_ver,
resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_xid, resp_hdrp->resp_code,
if (resp_hdrp->resp_len > 0) {
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, resp_msg, hdr_sz + resp_hdrp->resp_len);
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
etm_show_time(hdl, "post resp send");
return (rv);
} /* etm_send_response() */
* etm_handle_new_conn - receive an ETM message sent from the other end via
* the given open connection, pull out any FMA events
* and post them to the local FMD (or handle any ETM
* control or response msg); when done, close the
* connection
static void
etm_handle_new_conn(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, etm_xport_conn_t conn)
etm_proto_v1_ev_hdr_t *ev_hdrp; /* for FMA_EVENT msg */
etm_proto_v1_ctl_hdr_t *ctl_hdrp; /* for CONTROL msg */
etm_proto_v1_resp_hdr_t *resp_hdrp; /* for RESPONSE msg */
etm_proto_v3_sa_hdr_t *sa_hdrp; /* for ALERT msg */
int32_t resp_code; /* response code */
ssize_t enq_rv; /* resp_q enqueue status */
size_t hdr_sz; /* sizeof header */
uint8_t *body_buf; /* msg body buffer */
uint32_t body_sz; /* sizeof body_buf */
uint32_t ev_cnt; /* count of FMA events */
uint8_t *bp; /* byte ptr within body_buf */
nvlist_t *evp; /* ptr to unpacked FMA event */
char *class; /* FMA event class */
ssize_t i, n; /* gen use */
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
etm_show_time(hdl, "ante conn handle");
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: handling new conn %p\n", conn);
ev_hdrp = NULL;
ctl_hdrp = NULL;
resp_hdrp = NULL;
sa_hdrp = NULL;
body_buf = NULL;
class = NULL;
evp = NULL;
resp_code = 0; /* default is success */
enq_rv = 0; /* default is nop, ie, did not enqueue */
/* read a network decoded message header from the connection */
if ((ev_hdrp = etm_hdr_read(hdl, conn, &hdr_sz)) == NULL) {
/* errno assumed set by above call */
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "error: FMA event dropped: "
"bad hdr read errno %d\n", errno);
goto func_ret;
* handle the message based on its preamble pp_msg_type
* which is known to be valid from etm_hdr_read() checks
if (ev_hdrp->ev_pp.pp_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_FMA_EVENT) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: rcvd FMA_EVENT msg from xport\n");
/* allocate buf large enough for whole body / all FMA events */
body_sz = 0;
for (i = 0; ev_hdrp->ev_lens[i] != 0; i++) {
body_sz += ev_hdrp->ev_lens[i];
} /* for summing sizes of all FMA events */
if (i > etm_stats.etm_rd_max_ev_per_msg.fmds_value.ui64)
etm_stats.etm_rd_max_ev_per_msg.fmds_value.ui64 = i;
ev_cnt = i;
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 1) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: event lengths %u sum %u\n",
ev_cnt, body_sz);
body_buf = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, body_sz, FMD_SLEEP);
/* read all the FMA events at once */
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "FMA event dropped: "
"bad io read on event bodies", conn, body_buf, body_sz,
ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
goto func_ret;
etm_stats.etm_rd_xport_bytes.fmds_value.ui64 += body_sz;
etm_stats.etm_rd_body_fmaevent.fmds_value.ui64 += ev_cnt;
* now that we've read the entire ETM msg from the conn,
* which avoids later ETM protocol framing errors if we didn't,
* check for dup msg/xid against last good FMD posting,
* if a dup then resend response but skip repost to FMD
if (ev_hdrp->ev_pp.pp_xid == etm_xid_posted_ev) {
enq_rv = etm_maybe_enq_response(hdl, conn,
ev_hdrp, hdr_sz, 0);
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: skipping dup FMA event post "
"xid 0x%x\n", etm_xid_posted_ev);
goto func_ret;
/* unpack each FMA event and post it to FMD */
bp = body_buf;
for (i = 0; i < ev_cnt; i++) {
if ((n = nvlist_unpack((char *)bp,
ev_hdrp->ev_lens[i], &evp, 0)) != 0) {
resp_code = (-n);
enq_rv = etm_maybe_enq_response(hdl, conn,
ev_hdrp, hdr_sz, resp_code);
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: FMA event dropped: "
"bad event body unpack errno %d\n", n);
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: FMA event "
"hexdump %d bytes:\n",
etm_hexdump(hdl, bp,
bp += ev_hdrp->ev_lens[i];
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 1) {
(void) nvlist_lookup_string(evp, FM_CLASS,
if (class == NULL) {
class = "NULL";
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: FMA event %p "
"class %s\n", evp, class);
resp_code = etm_post_to_fmd(hdl, evp);
if (resp_code >= 0) {
etm_xid_posted_ev = ev_hdrp->ev_pp.pp_xid;
evp = NULL;
enq_rv = etm_maybe_enq_response(hdl, conn,
ev_hdrp, hdr_sz, resp_code);
bp += ev_hdrp->ev_lens[i];
} /* foreach FMA event in the body buffer */
} else if (ev_hdrp->ev_pp.pp_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_CONTROL) {
ctl_hdrp = (void*)ev_hdrp;
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: rcvd CONTROL msg from xport\n");
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 1) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: ctl sel %d xid 0x%x\n",
* if we have a VER_NEGOT_REQ read the body and validate
* the protocol version set contained therein,
* otherwise we have a PING_REQ (which has no body)
* and we [also] fall thru to the code which sends a
* response msg if the pp_timeout field requested one
if (ctl_hdrp->ctl_pp.pp_sub_type == ETM_CTL_SEL_VER_NEGOT_REQ) {
body_sz = ctl_hdrp->ctl_len;
body_buf = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, body_sz, FMD_SLEEP);
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on ctl body",
conn, body_buf, body_sz, ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
goto func_ret;
/* complain if version set completely incompatible */
for (i = 0; i < body_sz; i++) {
if ((body_buf[i] == ETM_PROTO_V1) ||
(body_buf[i] == ETM_PROTO_V2) ||
(body_buf[i] == ETM_PROTO_V3)) {
if (i >= body_sz) {
resp_code = (-EPROTO);
} /* if got version set request */
enq_rv = etm_maybe_enq_response(hdl, conn,
ctl_hdrp, hdr_sz, resp_code);
} else if (ev_hdrp->ev_pp.pp_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_RESPONSE) {
resp_hdrp = (void*)ev_hdrp;
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: rcvd RESPONSE msg from xport\n");
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 1) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: resp xid 0x%x\n",
body_sz = resp_hdrp->resp_len;
body_buf = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, body_sz, FMD_SLEEP);
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on resp len",
conn, body_buf, body_sz, ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
goto func_ret;
* look up the xid to interpret the response body
* ping is a nop; for ver negot confirm that a supported
* protocol version was negotiated and remember which one
if ((resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_xid != etm_xid_ping) &&
(resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_xid != etm_xid_ver_negot)) {
goto func_ret;
if (resp_hdrp->resp_pp.pp_xid == etm_xid_ver_negot) {
if ((body_buf[0] < ETM_PROTO_V1) ||
(body_buf[0] > ETM_PROTO_V3)) {
goto func_ret;
etm_resp_ver = body_buf[0];
} /* if have resp to last req to negotiate proto ver */
} else if (ev_hdrp->ev_pp.pp_msg_type == ETM_MSG_TYPE_ALERT) {
sa_hdrp = (void*)ev_hdrp;
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: rcvd ALERT msg from xport\n");
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 1) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: sa sel %d xid 0x%x\n",
body_sz = sa_hdrp->sa_len;
body_buf = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, body_sz, FMD_SLEEP);
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "bad io read on sa body",
conn, body_buf, body_sz, ETM_IO_OP_RD)) < 0) {
goto func_ret;
* now that we've read the entire ETM msg from the conn,
* which avoids later ETM protocol framing errors if we didn't,
* check for dup msg/xid against last good syslog posting,
* if a dup then resend response but skip repost to syslog
if (sa_hdrp->sa_pp.pp_xid == etm_xid_posted_sa) {
enq_rv = etm_maybe_enq_response(hdl, conn,
sa_hdrp, hdr_sz, 0);
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: skipping dup ALERT post "
"xid 0x%x\n", etm_xid_posted_sa);
goto func_ret;
resp_code = etm_post_to_syslog(hdl, sa_hdrp->sa_priority,
body_sz, body_buf);
if (resp_code >= 0) {
etm_xid_posted_sa = sa_hdrp->sa_pp.pp_xid;
enq_rv = etm_maybe_enq_response(hdl, conn,
sa_hdrp, hdr_sz, resp_code);
} /* whether we have a FMA_EVENT, CONTROL, RESPONSE or ALERT msg */
if (etm_debug_lvl >= 2) {
etm_show_time(hdl, "post conn handle");
* if no responder ele was enqueued, close the conn now
* and free the ETM msg hdr; the ETM msg body is not needed
* by the responder thread and should always be freed here
if (enq_rv <= 0) {
(void) etm_conn_close(hdl, "bad conn close after msg recv",
if (ev_hdrp != NULL) {
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, ev_hdrp, hdr_sz);
if (body_buf != NULL) {
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, body_buf, body_sz);
} /* etm_handle_new_conn() */
* etm_server - loop forever accepting new connections
* using the given FMD handle,
* handling any ETM msgs sent from the other side
* via each such connection
static void
etm_server(void *arg)
etm_xport_conn_t conn; /* connection handle */
ssize_t n; /* gen use */
fmd_hdl_t *hdl; /* FMD handle */
hdl = arg;
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: connection server starting\n");
while (!etm_is_dying) {
if ((conn = etm_xport_accept(hdl, NULL)) == NULL) {
/* errno assumed set by above call */
n = errno;
if (etm_is_dying) {
"error: bad conn accept errno %d\n", n);
/* avoid spinning CPU */
(void) etm_sleep(ETM_SLEEP_SLOW);
/* handle the new message/connection, closing it when done */
etm_handle_new_conn(hdl, conn);
} /* while accepting new connections until ETM dies */
/* ETM is dying (probably due to "fmadm unload etm") */
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: connection server is dying\n");
} /* etm_server() */
* etm_responder - loop forever waiting for new responder queue elements
* to be enqueued, for each one constructing and sending
* an ETM response msg to the other side, and closing its
* associated connection when appropriate
* this thread exists to ensure that the etm_server() thread
* never pends indefinitely waiting on the xport write lock, and is
* hence always available to accept new connections and handle
* incoming messages
* this design relies on the fact that each connection accepted and
* returned by the ETM xport layer is unique, and each can be closed
* independently of the others while multiple connections are
* outstanding
static void
etm_responder(void *arg)
ssize_t n; /* gen use */
fmd_hdl_t *hdl; /* FMD handle */
etm_resp_q_ele_t rqe; /* responder queue ele */
hdl = arg;
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: responder server starting\n");
while (!etm_is_dying) {
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
while (etm_resp_q_cur_len == 0) {
(void) pthread_cond_wait(&etm_resp_q_cv,
if (etm_is_dying) {
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
goto func_ret;
} /* while the responder queue is empty, wait to be nudged */
* for every responder ele that has been enqueued,
* dequeue and send it as an ETM response msg,
* closing its associated conn and freeing its hdr
* enter the queue draining loop holding the responder
* queue lock, but do not hold the lock indefinitely
* (the actual send may pend us indefinitely),
* so that other threads will never pend for long
* trying to enqueue a new element
while (etm_resp_q_cur_len > 0) {
(void) etm_resp_q_deq(hdl, &rqe);
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
if ((n = etm_send_response(hdl, rqe.rqe_conn,
rqe.rqe_hdrp, rqe.rqe_resp_code)) < 0) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: bad resp send "
"errno %d\n", (-n));
(void) etm_conn_close(hdl, "bad conn close after resp",
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, rqe.rqe_hdrp, rqe.rqe_hdr_sz);
if (etm_is_dying) {
goto func_ret;
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
} /* while draining the responder queue */
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
} /* while awaiting and sending resp msgs until ETM dies */
/* ETM is dying (probably due to "fmadm unload etm") */
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: responder server is dying\n");
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
if (etm_resp_q_cur_len > 0) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "warning: %d response msgs dropped\n",
while (etm_resp_q_cur_len > 0) {
(void) etm_resp_q_deq(hdl, &rqe);
(void) etm_conn_close(hdl, "bad conn close after deq",
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, rqe.rqe_hdrp, rqe.rqe_hdr_sz);
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_resp_q_lock);
} /* etm_responder() */
static void *
etm_init_alloc(size_t size)
return (fmd_hdl_alloc(init_hdl, size, FMD_SLEEP));
static void
etm_init_free(void *addr, size_t size)
fmd_hdl_free(init_hdl, addr, size);
* -------------------------- FMD entry points -------------------------------
* _fmd_init - initialize the transport for use by ETM and start the
* server daemon to accept new connections to us
* FMD will read our *.conf and subscribe us to FMA events
_fmd_init(fmd_hdl_t *hdl)
struct timeval tmv; /* timeval */
ssize_t n; /* gen use */
ldom_hdl_t *lhp; /* ldom pointer */
const struct facility *fp; /* syslog facility matching */
char *facname; /* syslog facility property */
if (fmd_hdl_register(hdl, FMD_API_VERSION, &fmd_info) != 0) {
return; /* invalid data in configuration file */
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: module initializing\n");
init_hdl = hdl;
lhp = ldom_init(etm_init_alloc, etm_init_free);
* Do not load this module if it is runing on a guest ldom.
if (ldom_major_version(lhp) == 1 && ldom_on_service(lhp) == 0) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: module unregistering\n");
} else {
/* setup statistics and properties from FMD */
(void) fmd_stat_create(hdl, FMD_STAT_NOALLOC,
sizeof (etm_stats) / sizeof (fmd_stat_t), (fmd_stat_t *)&etm_stats);
etm_debug_lvl = fmd_prop_get_int32(hdl, ETM_PROP_NM_DEBUG_LVL);
etm_debug_max_ev_cnt = fmd_prop_get_int32(hdl,
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: etm_debug_lvl %d "
"etm_debug_max_ev_cnt %d\n", etm_debug_lvl, etm_debug_max_ev_cnt);
etm_resp_q_max_len = fmd_prop_get_int32(hdl,
etm_stats.etm_resp_q_max_len.fmds_value.ui64 = etm_resp_q_max_len;
/* obtain an FMD transport handle so we can post FMA events later */
etm_fmd_xprt = fmd_xprt_open(hdl, FMD_XPRT_RDONLY, NULL, NULL);
/* encourage protocol transaction id to be unique per module load */
(void) gettimeofday(&tmv, NULL);
etm_xid_cur = (uint32_t)((tmv.tv_sec << 10) |
((unsigned long)tmv.tv_usec >> 10));
/* init the ETM transport */
if ((n = etm_xport_init(hdl)) != 0) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: bad xport init errno %d\n", (-n));
* Cache any properties we use every time we receive an alert.
syslog_file = fmd_prop_get_int32(hdl, ETM_PROP_NM_SYSLOGD);
syslog_cons = fmd_prop_get_int32(hdl, ETM_PROP_NM_CONSOLE);
if (syslog_file && (syslog_logfd = open("/dev/conslog",
O_WRONLY | O_NOCTTY)) == -1) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: failed to open /dev/conslog");
syslog_file = 0;
if (syslog_cons && (syslog_msgfd = open("/dev/sysmsg",
O_WRONLY | O_NOCTTY)) == -1) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: failed to open /dev/sysmsg");
syslog_cons = 0;
if (syslog_file) {
* Look up the value of the "facility" property and use it to
* determine * what syslog LOG_* facility value we use to
* fill in our log_ctl_t.
facname = fmd_prop_get_string(hdl, ETM_PROP_NM_FACILITY);
for (fp = syslog_facs; fp->fac_name != NULL; fp++) {
if (strcmp(fp->fac_name, facname) == 0)
if (fp->fac_name == NULL) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: invalid 'facility'"
" setting: %s\n", facname);
syslog_file = 0;
} else {
syslog_facility = fp->fac_value;
syslog_ctl.flags = SL_CONSOLE | SL_LOGONLY;
fmd_prop_free_string(hdl, facname);
* start the message responder and the connection acceptance server;
* request protocol version be negotiated after waiting a second
* for the receiver to be ready to start handshaking
etm_resp_tid = fmd_thr_create(hdl, etm_responder, hdl);
etm_svr_tid = fmd_thr_create(hdl, etm_server, hdl);
(void) etm_sleep(ETM_SLEEP_QUIK);
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: module initialized ok\n");
} /* _fmd_init() */
* etm_recv - receive an FMA event from FMD and transport it
* to the remote endpoint
etm_recv(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, fmd_event_t *ep, nvlist_t *evp, const char *class)
etm_xport_addr_t *addrv; /* vector of transport addresses */
etm_xport_conn_t conn; /* connection handle */
etm_proto_v1_ev_hdr_t *hdrp; /* for FMA_EVENT msg */
ssize_t i, n; /* gen use */
size_t sz; /* header size */
size_t buflen; /* size of packed FMA event */
uint8_t *buf; /* tmp buffer for packed FMA event */
buflen = 0;
if ((n = nvlist_size(evp, &buflen, NV_ENCODE_XDR)) != 0) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: FMA event dropped: "
"event size errno %d class %s\n", n, class);
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: rcvd event %p from FMD\n", evp);
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: cnt %llu class %s\n",
etm_stats.etm_rd_fmd_fmaevent.fmds_value.ui64, class);
etm_stats.etm_rd_fmd_bytes.fmds_value.ui64 += buflen;
* if the debug limit has been set, avoid excessive traffic,
* for example, an infinite cycle using loopback nodes
if ((etm_debug_max_ev_cnt >= 0) &&
(etm_stats.etm_rd_fmd_fmaevent.fmds_value.ui64 >
etm_debug_max_ev_cnt)) {
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "warning: FMA event dropped: "
"event %p cnt %llu > debug max %d\n", evp,
/* allocate a buffer for the FMA event and nvlist pack it */
buf = fmd_hdl_zalloc(hdl, buflen, FMD_SLEEP);
if ((n = nvlist_pack(evp, (char **)&buf, &buflen,
NV_ENCODE_XDR, 0)) != 0) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: FMA event dropped: "
"event pack errno %d class %s\n", n, class);
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, buf, buflen);
/* get vector of dst addrs and send the FMA event to each one */
if ((addrv = etm_xport_get_ev_addrv(hdl, evp)) == NULL) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: FMA event dropped: "
"bad event dst addrs errno %d\n", errno);
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, buf, buflen);
for (i = 0; addrv[i] != NULL; i++) {
/* open a new connection to this dst addr */
if ((n = etm_conn_open(hdl, "FMA event dropped: "
"bad conn open on new ev", addrv[i], &conn)) < 0) {
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&etm_write_lock);
/* write the ETM message header */
if ((hdrp = etm_hdr_write(hdl, conn, evp, NV_ENCODE_XDR,
&sz)) == NULL) {
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_write_lock);
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "error: FMA event dropped: "
"bad hdr write errno %d\n", errno);
(void) etm_conn_close(hdl,
"bad conn close per bad hdr wr", conn);
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, hdrp, sz); /* header not needed */
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: hdr xport write ok for event %p\n",
/* write the ETM message body, ie, the packed nvlist */
if ((n = etm_io_op(hdl, "FMA event dropped: "
"bad io write on event", conn,
buf, buflen, ETM_IO_OP_WR)) < 0) {
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_write_lock);
(void) etm_conn_close(hdl,
"bad conn close per bad body wr", conn);
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&etm_write_lock);
etm_stats.etm_wr_xport_bytes.fmds_value.ui64 += buflen;
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: body xport write ok for event %p\n",
/* close the connection */
(void) etm_conn_close(hdl, "bad conn close after event send",
} /* foreach dst addr in the vector */
etm_xport_free_addrv(hdl, addrv);
fmd_hdl_free(hdl, buf, buflen);
} /* etm_recv() */
* _fmd_fini - stop the server daemon and teardown the transport
_fmd_fini(fmd_hdl_t *hdl)
ssize_t n; /* gen use */
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: module finalizing\n");
/* kill the connection server and responder ; wait for them to die */
etm_is_dying = 1;
if (etm_svr_tid != NULL) {
fmd_thr_signal(hdl, etm_svr_tid);
fmd_thr_destroy(hdl, etm_svr_tid);
etm_svr_tid = NULL;
} /* if server thread was successfully created */
if (etm_resp_tid != NULL) {
fmd_thr_signal(hdl, etm_resp_tid);
fmd_thr_destroy(hdl, etm_resp_tid);
etm_resp_tid = NULL;
} /* if responder thread was successfully created */
/* teardown the transport and cleanup syslogging */
if ((n = etm_xport_fini(hdl)) != 0) {
fmd_hdl_error(hdl, "warning: xport fini errno %d\n", (-n));
if (etm_fmd_xprt != NULL) {
fmd_xprt_close(hdl, etm_fmd_xprt);
if (syslog_logfd != -1) {
(void) close(syslog_logfd);
if (syslog_msgfd != -1) {
(void) close(syslog_msgfd);
fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "info: module finalized ok\n");
} /* _fmd_fini() */