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"""Boot Environment classes used by beadm."""
import datetime
class BootEnvironment:
"""Boot Environment object that is used by beadm to manage command line
options, arguments and the log."""
def __init__(self):
self.trgt_rpool = None
self.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot = None
self.src_be_name_or_snapshot = None = {}
self.log_id = None
self.log = None
self.msg_buf = {}
self.description = None
class listBootEnvironment:
"""Base class for beadm list
Determine the BE's to display. Prints command output according to option:
-d - dataset
-s - snapshot
-a - all (both dataset and snapshot)
<none> - only BE information
The -H option produces condensed, parseable output
The ';' delimits each field in the output. BEs with multiple
datasets will have multiple lines in the output.
def list(self, be_list, ddh, be_name):
""" print all output for beadm list command
be_list - list of all BEs
ddh - if True, Do not Display Headers - just parseable data
be_name - user-specified BE, if any
returns 0 for success
side effect: beadm list output printed to stdout
#If we're listing Headers, initialize the array holding the
#column widths with the header widths themselves. Later on,
#the data in this array will get adjusted as we process actual
#row data and find that a piece of data is wider than its
#column header.
bemaxout = [0 for i in range(len(self.hdr[0]))]
if not ddh:
#iterate all header rows since their fields may not
#be of equal length.
for header in self.hdr:
icol = 0
for hc in header:
if len(hc) + 1 > bemaxout[icol]:
bemaxout[icol] = len(hc) + 1
icol += 1
#collect BEs
beout = {} #matrix of output text [row][attribute]
beoutname = {} #list of BE names [row]
be_space = {} #space used totals for BE [BE name]['space_used','ibei']
ibe = 0 #BE index
spacecol = -1 #to contain column where space used is displayed
for be in be_list:
if 'orig_be_name' in be:
cur_be = be['orig_be_name']
cur_be_obj = be
#if BE name specified, collect matching BEs
if be_name is not None and not self.beMatch(be, be_name):
attrs = ()
#identify BE|dataset|snapshot attributes
att = ''
for att in ('orig_be_name', 'dataset', 'snap_name'):
if att in be and att in self.lattrs:
attrs = self.lattrs[att]
if att == 'orig_be_name':
be_space[cur_be] = {}
be_space[cur_be]['space_used'] = 0
be_space[cur_be]['ibe'] = ibe
if not ddh and len(cur_be) + 1 > bemaxout[0]:
bemaxout[0] = len(cur_be) + 1
beout[ibe] = {}
beoutname[ibe] = cur_be
icol = 0 #first column
for at in attrs:
#for option -s, withhold subordinate datasets
if self.__class__.__name__ == 'SnapshotList' and \
att == 'snap_name' and 'snap_name' in be and \
'/' in be[att]:
#convert output to readable format and save
save = self.getAttr(at, be, ddh, cur_be_obj)
beout[ibe][at] = save
#maintain maximum column widths
if not ddh and len(save) + 1 > bemaxout[icol]:
bemaxout[icol] = len(save) + 1
#sum all snapshots for BE
if at == 'space_used' and 'space_used' in be:
spacecol = icol
icol += 1 #next column
ibe += 1
if 'space_used' in be:
#sum all snapshots and datasets for BE in 'beadm list'
if isinstance(self, BEList):
be_space[cur_be]['space_used'] += be.get('space_used')
elif cur_be in be_space and \
('space_used' not in be_space[cur_be] or
be_space[cur_be]['space_used'] == 0):
#list space used separately for other options
be_space[cur_be]['space_used'] = be.get('space_used')
#output format total lengths for each BE with any snapshots
for cur_be in be_space:
save = self.getSpaceValue(be_space[cur_be]['space_used'], ddh)
ibe = be_space[cur_be]['ibe']
beout[ibe]['space_used'] = save
#expand column if widest column entry
if (spacecol != -1) and \
(not ddh and len(save) + 1 > bemaxout[spacecol]):
bemaxout[spacecol] = len(save) + 1
#print headers in columns
if not ddh:
for header in self.hdr:
outstr = ''
for icol in range(len(header)):
outstr += header[icol].ljust(bemaxout[icol])
if outstr != '':
print outstr
#print collected output in columns
outstr = ''
prev_be = None
cur_be = None
for ibe in beout: #index output matrix
if beoutname[ibe] != None:
cur_be = beoutname[ibe]
#find attributes for BE type
curtype = None
for att in ('orig_be_name', 'dataset', 'snap_name'):
if att in beout[ibe]:
attrs = self.lattrs[att]
curtype = att
if curtype == None: #default to BE
curtype = 'orig_be_name'
if 'orig_be_name' in self.lattrs:
attrs = self.lattrs['orig_be_name']
else: attrs = ()
if not ddh:
if prev_be != cur_be and cur_be != None:
#for -d,-s,-a, print BE alone on line
if self.__class__.__name__ != 'BEList':
print cur_be
prev_be = cur_be
#print for one BE/snapshot/dataset
icol = 0 #first column
#if this is a 'dataset' or 'snap_name', start line with BE
#name token
if ddh and curtype != 'orig_be_name':
outstr = cur_be
for at in attrs: #for each attribute specified in table
if ddh: #add separators for parsing
if outstr != '':
outstr += ';' #attribute separator
if at in beout[ibe] and beout[ibe][at] != '-' and \
beout[ibe][at] != '':
outstr += beout[ibe][at]
else: #append text justified in column
if at in beout[ibe]:
outstr += beout[ibe][at].ljust(bemaxout[icol])
icol += 1 #next column
if outstr != '':
print outstr
outstr = ''
return 0
def beMatch(self, be, be_name):
"""find match on user-specified BE."""
if 'orig_be_name' in be:
return be.get('orig_be_name') == be_name
if 'dataset' in be:
if be.get('dataset') == be_name:
return True
out = be.get('dataset').split("/")
return out[0] == be_name
if 'snap_name' in be:
if be.get('snap_name') == be_name:
return True
out = be.get('snap_name').split('@')
if out[0] == be_name:
return True
out = be.get('snap_name').split('/')
return out[0] == be_name
return False
def getAttr(self, at, be, ddh, beobj):
Extract information by attribute and format for printing
returns '?' if normally present attribute not found - error.
if at == 'blank':
return ' '
if at == 'dash':
return '-'
if at == 'orig_be_name':
if at not in be:
return '-'
ret = be[at]
if ddh or self.__class__.__name__ == 'BEList':
return ret
return ' ' + ret #indent
if at == 'snap_name':
if at not in be:
return '-'
if self.__class__.__name__ == 'CompleteList':
ret = self.prependRootDS(be[at], beobj)
ret = be[at]
if ddh:
return ret
return ' ' + ret #indent
if at == 'dataset':
if at not in be:
return '-'
if self.__class__.__name__ == 'DatasetList' or \
self.__class__.__name__ == 'CompleteList':
ret = self.prependRootDS(be[at], beobj)
ret = be[at]
if ddh:
return ret
return ' ' + ret #indent
if at == 'active':
if at not in be:
return '-'
ret = ''
if 'active' in be and be['active']:
ret += 'N'
if 'active_boot' in be and be['active_boot']:
ret += 'R'
if ret == '':
return '-'
return ret
if at == 'mountpoint':
if at not in be:
return '-'
if 'mounted' not in be or not be['mounted']:
return '-'
return be[at]
if at == 'space_used':
if at not in be:
return '0'
return self.getSpaceValue(be[at], ddh)
if at == 'mounted':
if at not in be:
return '-'
return be[at]
if at == 'date':
if at not in be:
return '?'
if ddh:
return str(be[at]) #timestamp in seconds
sec = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(be[at]))
return sec[0:len(sec)-3] #trim seconds
if at == 'policy':
if at not in be:
return '?'
return be[at]
if at == 'root_ds':
if at not in be:
return '?'
if ddh or self.__class__.__name__ == 'BEList':
return be[at]
return ' ' + be[at]
if at == 'uuid_str':
if at not in be:
return '-'
return be[at]
#default case - no match on attribute
return be[at]
def getSpaceValue(self, num, ddh):
"""Readable formatting for disk space size."""
if ddh:
return str(num) #return size in bytes as string
kilo = 1024.0
mega = 1048576.0
giga = 1073741824.0
tera = 1099511627776.0
if num == None:
return '0'
if num < kilo:
return str(num) + 'B'
if num < mega:
return str('%.1f' % (num / kilo)) + 'K'
if num < giga:
return str('%.2f' % (num / mega)) + 'M'
if num < tera:
return str('%.2f' % (num / giga)) + 'G'
return str('%.2f' % (num / tera)) + 'T'
def prependRootDS(self, val, beobj):
"""Prepend root dataset name with BE name stripped."""
root_ds = beobj.get('root_ds')
return root_ds[0:root_ds.rfind('/')+1] + val
"""Top level "beadm list" derived classes defined here.
Only table definition is done here - all methods are in the base class.
Tables driving list:
hdr - list of text to output for each column
lattrs - dictionary of attributes
Each entry specifies either BE, dataset, snapshot with
an attribute key:
orig_be_name - for BEs
dataset - for datasets
snap_name - for snapshots
Each list item in entry indicates specific datum for
Number of hdr columns must equal number of lattrs entries
unless ddh (dontDisplayHeaders) is true.
class BEList(listBootEnvironment):
"""specify header and attribute information for BE-only output"""
def __init__(self, ddh):
"""Init function for the class."""
self.hdr = \
('BE','Active','Mountpoint','Space','Policy','Created'), \
if ddh:
self.lattrs = {'orig_be_name':('orig_be_name', 'uuid_str',
'active', 'mountpoint', 'space_used', 'policy',
self.lattrs = {'orig_be_name':('orig_be_name', 'active',
'mountpoint', 'space_used', 'policy', 'date')}
class DatasetList(listBootEnvironment):
specify header and attribute information for dataset output,
-d option
def __init__(self, ddh):
"""Init function for the class."""
self.hdr = \
('BE/Dataset','Active','Mountpoint','Space','Policy','Created'), \
if ddh:
self.lattrs = { \
'orig_be_name':('orig_be_name', 'root_ds', 'active',
'mountpoint', 'space_used', 'policy', 'date'), \
'dataset':('dataset', 'dash', 'mountpoint', 'space_used',
'policy', 'date')}
self.lattrs = { \
'orig_be_name':('root_ds', 'active', 'mountpoint',
'space_used', 'policy', 'date'), \
'dataset':('dataset', 'dash', 'mountpoint', 'space_used',
'policy', 'date')}
class SnapshotList(listBootEnvironment):
specify header and attribute information for snapshot output,
-s option
def __init__(self, ddh):
"""Init function for the class."""
self.hdr = \
('BE/Snapshot','Space','Policy','Created'), \
self.lattrs = {'snap_name':('snap_name', 'space_used', 'policy',
class CompleteList(listBootEnvironment):
specify header and attribute information for BE and/or dataset and/or
snapshot output,
-a or -ds options
def __init__(self, ddh):
"""Init function for the class."""
self.hdr = \
('BE/Dataset/Snapshot','Active','Mountpoint','Space','Policy','Created'), \
if ddh:
self.lattrs = { \
'orig_be_name':('orig_be_name', 'root_ds', 'active',
'mountpoint', 'space_used', 'policy', 'date'),
'dataset':('dataset', 'dash', 'mountpoint', 'space_used',
'policy', 'date'),
'snap_name':('snap_name', 'dash', 'dash', 'space_used',
'policy', 'date')}
self.lattrs = { \
'orig_be_name':('root_ds', 'active', 'mountpoint',
'space_used', 'policy', 'date'), \
'dataset':('dataset', 'dash', 'mountpoint', 'space_used',
'policy', 'date'),
'snap_name':('snap_name', 'dash', 'dash', 'space_used',
'policy', 'date')}