vuid3ps2.itu revision c8343062f6e25afd9c2a31b65df357030e69fa55
# Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
# Each entry in the description file is a line that establishes the
# value of a keyword in the following form:
# keyword = value
# A line with a '#' character in the first column is considered to be a
# comment. Spaces and tabs are allowed around the '=' operator. Left
# and right braces can be used for grouping (see examples) but may not be
# nested. There is no required order in which the keywords must be
# specified within the file. The known list of keywords is included
# below. The keyword is listed, followed by one or more usage examples,
# followed by a description. Keywords are case-sensitive, so 'name' is
# a valid keyword, but 'NAME' is not a valid keyword.
# In general, only one value assignment should be made to a keyword, but
# some keywords can be assigned values on more than one line of the
# .itu. Keyword assignments in the description file are case sensitive.
# ------------------------------------------
# name=
# The name of the Solaris module being delivered. This keyword must be
# assigned a value in every description file.
# Example: name=geewhiz
# itu_type=
# Defines the scope of the module delivery. The only valid itu_type
# values are 'complete' and 'partial'. The 'complete' itu_type implies
# a full set of module, module.conf, module.bef and device database
# entries is being delivered and that the driver being delivered did not
# exist on the installation medium for the release being supplemented.
# In all other cases the itu_type should be 'partial'. This keyword
# must be assigned a value in every description file.
# Example: itu_type=complete
# interface_version=
# Major.Minor number that versions the .itu keywords and file syntax.
# If in the future changes are needed to the syntax of the .itu file
# that would obsolete older .itu files, an appropriate version number
# change should occur. Currently this keyword should always be assigned
# the value of 1.0. This keyword must be assigned a value in every
# description file.
# Example: interface_version=1.0
# patchid=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The patch id that should be assigned to the patch that make_ITU
# creates. This keyword must be assigned a value in every
# description file.
# Example: patchid=102345-01
# driverpkg=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The name of the package that the module resides in on the install
# medium. If the module is new, the name of the package that should be
# extended to include this module, or the name of a new package that
# should be constructed. This is the abbreviated name that is assigned
# to the PKG parameter in the package's pkginfo file. This keyword must
# be assigned a value in any description file when the delivery includes
# a solaris module.
# Example: driverpkg=SUNWos86r
# driverpkgvers=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The value to assign to the VERSION parameter in the driver package's
# pkginfo. This should be identical to the VERSION value on the install
# medium in the case where the package existed on the install
# medium. This keyword must be assigned a value if the driverpkg keyword
# has been assigned a value. The value assigned to this keyword is expected
# to be a quoted string.
# Example: driverpkgvers="1.1.0,REV=0.0.0"
# driverpkgdesc=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The value to assign to the NAME parameter in the driver package's
# pkginfo. This is the descriptive name of the package. This keyword
# must be assigned a value if the driverpkg keyword has been assigned a
# value. The value assigned to this keyword is expected to be a quoted
# string.
# Example: driverpkgdesc="Platform Support, OS Functionality (Root)"
# class=
# Describes an entry for this module that should be added to the
# /etc/driver_classes file.
# Example: class=scsi
# system_entry=
# Describes an entry to be appended to the /etc/system file (which is
# read during kernel initialization). A system entry to forceload the
# new module is generated automatically by the booting system, so this
# keyword should be used for entries other than those forceloads. The
# value assigned to this keyword is expected to be a quoted string.
# Example: system_entry="exclude: bad_buggy_driver"
# devlink_entry=
# Describes an entry to be appended to the /etc/ file (which
# is used by the devlinks command to create the contents of the /dev
# directory). The value assigned to this keyword is expected to be a quoted
# string.
# Example: devlink_entry="type=ddi_serial:dialout,mb;minor=e;cu cua4"
# driver_path=
# Specifies the absolute directory path to the module's location when
# installed. If this keyword is not assigned a value, a default path of
# /platform/`uname -i`/kernel/drv will be assumed.
# Example: driver_path=/kernel/drv
# realmode_path=
# This keyword allows specification of the exact path for realmode
# driver delivery. By default, new self-identifying drivers are
# installed in the boot area of the root at
# /platform/i86pc/boot/solaris/drivers/notisa.010, and
# non-self-identifying drivers are installed in
# /platform/i86pc/boot/solaris/drivers/isa.160. This keyword is
# intended for use when delivering an updated version of a driver that's
# already on the install medium. This variable must be defined if the
# itu_type is 'partial' and a realmode driver has been delivered. This
# keyword is only used with Solaris Intel edition ITUs.
# Example: realmode_path=/platform/i86pc/boot/solaris/drivers/notisa.010
# load_always=
# The Intel edition configuration assistant attempts to prune the set of
# delivered modules to only include those that are actually needed.
# Some modules being delivered may by nature not be seen by the
# configuration assistant but still must be delivered. Setting this
# keyword to a TRUE value ensures the delivered module will not be
# pruned during the boot process. This keyword is only used with Solaris
# Intel edition ITUs.
# Example: load_always=FALSE
# legacy_device=
# This keyword should be set to TRUE if and only if the realmode driver
# for the device supports the legacyprobe() function call. Realmode
# drivers only support this call when they are not self-identifying devices,
# so few, if any, new drivers will provide the legacyprobe() function.
# See the Writing Device Drivers guide, Realmode drivers section, for more
# details. By default this keyword has the value of FALSE. Declaring
# legacy_device as true effectively makes load_always TRUE as well. This
# keyword is only used with Solaris Intel edition ITUs.
# Example: legacy_device=TRUE
# bef_name=
# The name of the realmode driver accompanying the Solaris module being
# delivered. The full name including extension should be defined. This
# variable need not be defined if the realmode driver
# has the same basename as the Solaris module. This keyword is only
# used with Solaris Intel edition ITUs.
# Example: bef_name=whiz.bef
# dev_id=
# node_name=
# bus_type=
# describe_dev=
# dev_type=
# These keywords are grouped because if any one of them is defined they
# must all be defined. Drivers support devices, obviously, and the
# booting system maintains a database that ties information about
# specific devices to their drivers. When a new driver is added, the
# devices it supports must be enumerated. This cluster of keyword values
# forms a device database entry.
# Multiple clusters will have to be defined if the driver supports
# multiple devices. Judicious use of braces can cut down on the actual
# number of assignments that must be put into the .itu.
# The keyword, 'dev_type' has an invariant value over all clusters, and
# thus should only be defined once. The most common types would be
# 'msd' (short for mass storage device) and 'net' (network interface).
# Example: dev_type=msd
# dev_type=net
# The 'describe_dev' keyword should be assigned a quoted string as a
# value. That string should give a short (maximum of 80 characters)
# description of the supported device. If there are multiple
# assignments to this keyword then the 'dev_id', 'node_name', and
# 'bus_type' assignments for which the description is valid should be
# grouped (using braces) with the 'describe_dev' assignment. This
# string is presented to the user on the menu of bootable devices.
# Example: describe_dev="Whiz BR-549 SCSI Controller"
# The 'dev_id' keyword describes one or more unique names assigned to
# the physical device a module drives. In the case of self-identifying
# devices this id is obtainable by a driver at run time, and the database
# entry being created can be used to map the found id to a realmode driver.
# For example, the PCI configuration space of a machine can be probed to
# discover a pci1000,1 device id is present in the system. A database entry
# with a dev_id of pci1000,1 is what tells the booting system that the realmode
# driver for that device is ncrs.bef. The database also has a 'describe_dev'
# entry of "Symbios Logic 53c810 SCSI" that can be displayed to an end-user.
# Example: dev_id=PNP81C3
# dev_id=pci1234,1
# dev_id=CPQ6200
# For an older, non self-identifying device, the scenario is somewhat
# reversed. To find these devices, realmode drivers are run in a
# probing mode. If the probe indicates that the device is present, the
# first database entry that matches the name of the realmode driver and
# indicates a 'bus_type' of isa (or the catch-all all) is taken to be
# the unique 'dev_id' for that device. The 'describe_dev' description
# presented to the user is taken from this database entry as well.
# Writing drivers for non self-identifying devices is strongly
# discouraged.
# The 'node_name' keyword is the name of the device as it is known in
# the kernel device tree (/devices/BUS/device_name...) when initialized.
# This is either the name of the module itself, (e.g., smc), or a name
# that maps to the module in the /etc/driver_aliases file (e.g,
# pci9004,7278; a node name that happens to map to the adp module). In
# the special case where the 'bus_type' is pciclass, the 'node_name'
# should be assigned the value "none". Multiple node_names may be
# defined.
# Example: node_name=geewhiz
# node_name=pci1234,1
# node_name=none
# The 'bus_type' generally describes the bus that the device works in.
# Of course if the module supports multiple versions of a device and the
# various versions of the card support different bus types, multiple
# 'bus_type' assignments should occur, grouped with appropriate
# assignments of the other keywords in the cluster.
# Example: bus_type=pci
# These five keywords are only used with Solaris Intel edition ITUs.
# patch_obsoletes=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group if need be.)
# The patchid(s) associated with any patches that the patch delivering
# the module renders obsolete. This keyword may be assigned multiple
# times if there is more than one patch obsoleted.
# Example: patch_obsoletes=102452-30
# patch_obsoletes="102452-29 102452-30"
# patch_required=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group if need be.)
# The patchid(s) associated with any patches that the patch delivering
# the module is dependent upon having already been installed. This keyword
# may be assigned multiple times if there is more than one patch dependency.
# Example: patch_required=102451-29
# befpkg=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group if need be.)
# The name of the package that the realmode driver resides in on the
# install medium. The value should only be assigned if the realmode
# driver resides in a package different than the driver package on the
# install medium. New drivers should not assign a value to this
# keyword. If no value is assigned to this keyword, the realmode driver
# will be delivered in the same package as the Solaris module. This
# keyword is only used with Solaris Intel edition ITUs.
# Example: befpkg=SUNWos86r
# befpkgvers=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The value to assign to the VERSION parameter in the realmode package's
# pkginfo. This should be identical to the VERSION value on the install
# medium in the case where the package existed on the install medium.
# If befpkg has been assigned a value, this keyword must be assigned.
# This keyword is only used with Solaris Intel edition ITUs. The value
# assigned to this keyword is expected to be a quoted string.
# Example: befpkgvers="1.1.0,REV=0.0.0"
# befpkgdesc=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The value to assign to the NAME parameter in the realmode package's
# pkginfo. This is the descriptive name of the package. If befpkg has
# been assigned a value, this keyword must be assigned. This keyword is
# only used with Solaris Intel edition ITUs. The value assigned to this
# keyword is expected to be a quoted string.
# Example: befpkgdesc="Platform Support, OS Functionality (Root)"
# manpkg=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The name of the package where manual deliveries should reside. Either
# the name of the package that should be extended to include this man
# page or the name of a new package that should be constructed. This is
# the abbreviated name that is assigned to the PKG parameter in the
# package's pkginfo file.
# Example: manpkg=SUNWman
# manpkgvers=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The value to assign to the VERSION parameter in the manual package's
# pkginfo. This should be identical to the VERSION value on the install
# medium in the case where the package existed on the install medium. If
# manpkg has been assigned a value, this keyword must be assigned. The
# value assigned to this keyword is expected to be a quoted string.
# Example: manpkgvers="39.0,REV=15"
# manpkgdesc=
# (NOTE: This keyword is to be ignored by development. It will be
# assigned a value by the RE group.)
# The value to assign to the NAME parameter in the manual package's
# pkginfo. This is the descriptive name of the package. If manpkg has
# been assigned a value, this keyword must be assigned. The value assigned
# to this keyword is expected to be a quoted string.
# Example: manpkgdesc="On-line Manual Pages"