T.h41.obj revision ed9df62ee8252b9df6f24409276deabf199dcd40
The Filecabinet, file folders, and files are objects that store data
in your AT&T FACE Office. These objects are accessible through the
Office item on the AT&T FACE menu.
When you select Filecabinet from Office menu, a frame opens that lists
the contents of your $HOME directory. The frame will be labeled with
the name of your home directory. The contents are file folders or
File folder objects are the containers for your files. FACE uses file
folders and files just as a regular office would. Titles for file
folders are the names of the UNIX System directories they represent.
File folders can be created, deleted, redescribed, or renamed, by
using keyboard keys or commands. Deleting a folder will also delete
any files or file folders contained within it.
File objects are the containers for your work. Files contain
information much like pieces of paper do. Excluding the exceptions
noted above, a file object can be created, copied, deleted, moved,
opened, redescribed, renamed, and have its security (i.e., permissions)
There are many varieties of files and the way you use them differs
according to the type of information you store in them. The different
types of files will be discussed later.
When you move the cursor to a file or file folder in the Filecabinet,
or any other file folder, a new frame will open filled with the contents
of the object. A frame for a file folder will contain a list of file
and file folders. The action on a file depends on the type of file:
Standard File: Contains an ascii text document. When you
open a Standard File your default editor will be invoked.
Foreign File: This type file can be copied, renamed, moved,
etc. but cannot be viewed or edited. It is usually a file
from another computer system that is incompatible with the UNIX
operating system. Typically, a user would want to store this
type of object only temporarily before transferring it to the
appropriate computer system.
Data File: This type of file's contents are in binary format,
which can not be viewed, printed or edited. It can be copied,
moved, deleted, etc.
Executable: This type of file will contain a computer program.
Opening this type of object will execute or "run" the program.
The screen clears and the output of the program is displayed
and you must press ENTER to continue FACE.
You can change the way objects in a folder are displayed (order of
presentation and amount of information) by using the organize
command for an individual file folder, or by using preferences/folder
options for your entire Filecabinet and Wastebasket.
When assigning an object name to a Filecabinet or file folder object
you are creating or renaming, it must be one word with a maximum of
12 characters. The following special characters are not allowed when
naming objects: ! @ # $ ^ & * [ ] ( ) { } < > ? / | " ' ` ;. The
following characters may be used in object names, but not as the
first character: . + -.
By using the security SLK command (permissions) you may control
who has access to your files and file folders. This allows you to
determine who has Read, Write, and Run/Search permissions for
yourself, your group and anyone with access to the system.