0N/Aillumos gate README - Sep 16, 2012.
0N/AThis is the illumos gate. This is the illumos source tree. It contains
2362N/Athe following subdirectories:
0N/A exception_lists - These are lists of exceptional cases
2362N/A used to limit noise during builds.
0N/A Ideally this directory would consist of
0N/A All changes must have been reviewed, and approved by an advocate
0N/A (below). A code review may be performed by someone other than the
0N/A advocate, but the final integration should still be approved by the
0N/A The advocate will want to see your webrev and hg outgoing -v. The
0N/A advocate will also ask about your testing, and may ask to see your
2365N/A All changes must adhere to typical ON style and quality rules.
2365N/A For example, pass full cstyle, applicable lint rules, etc.
0N/A All new code must be licensed under CDDL, and modifications to existing
0N/A code may not alter the original license terms. Integrations of code
0N/A from upstream sources that use another liberal open source license are
0N/A permissible, subject to approval of the advocates or developer council.
0N/A Exceptions to this policy shall require the approval of the developer
0N/A Commits should have comments of the following form:
0N/A 1234 This is a sample bug report synopsis
0N/A 4567 If you have a second bug synopsis…
0N/A Reviewed by: Frodo Baggins <frodo.baggins@underhill.net>
Reviewed by: Legolas <elf-coder@mirkwood.org>
Approved by: Gandalf The Grey <rti-advocate@white-council.com>
Each commit must have at least one bug id that is listed in the
RTI Advocates: advocates@lists.illumos.org
Developer Council: developer-council@lists.illumos.org
Mailing list: developer@lists.illumos.org