revision f5287f7576f438039f8c115de391cfc788ea8e12
# for PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expression) library.
# To build mingw32 DLL uncomment the next two lines. This addition for #
# mingw32 was contributed by <>. I (Philip #
# Hazel) don't know anything about it! There are some additional targets at #
# the bottom of this Makefile. #
# include
# The next few lines are modified by "configure" to insert data that it is #
# given in its arguments, or which it finds out for itself. #
# BINDIR is the directory in which the pgrep command is installed.
# INCDIR is the directory in which the public header file pcre.h is installed.
# LIBDIR is the directory in which the libraries are installed.
# MANDIR is the directory in which the man pages are installed.
# The pcretest program, as it is a test program, does not get installed
# anywhere.
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
BINDIR = @bindir@
LIBDIR = @libdir@
INCDIR = @includedir@
MANDIR = @mandir@
CC = @CC@
# LIBTOOL defaults to "", which cuts out the building of shared libraries.
# If "configure" is called with --enable-shared-libraries, then LIBTOOL is
# set to "libtool", which causes shared libraries to be built, and LIBSUFFIX
# is set to "la" instead of "a", which causes the shared libraries to be
# installed.
# These are the version numbers for the shared libraries
# A copy of install-sh is in this distribution and is used by default. #
INSTALL = ./install-sh -c
# For almost all systems, the command to create a library is "ar cq", but #
# there is at least one where it is different, to make this configurable. #
# However, I haven't got round to learning how to make "configure" find #
# this out for itself. It is necessary to use a command such as #
# "make AR='ar -rc'" if you need to vary this. #
AR = ar cq
OBJ = maketables.o get.o study.o pcre.o
LOBJ = maketables.lo get.lo study.lo pcre.lo
all: libtool libpcre.$(LIBSUFFIX) libpcreposix.$(LIBSUFFIX) pcretest pgrep
libtool: config.guess config.sub ltconfig
@if test "$(LIBTOOL)" = "libtool"; then \
echo '--- Building libtool ---'; \
./ltconfig ./; \
echo '--- Built libtool ---'; fi
pgrep: libpcre.$(LIBSUFFIX) pgrep.o
@echo ' '
@echo '--- Building pgrep utility'
@echo ' '
$(LIBTOOL) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pgrep pgrep.o libpcre.$(LIBSUFFIX)
pcretest: libpcre.$(LIBSUFFIX) libpcreposix.$(LIBSUFFIX) pcretest.o
@echo ' '
@echo '--- Building pcretest testing program'
@echo ' '
$(LIBTOOL) $(PURIFY) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcretest pcretest.o \
libpcre.$(LIBSUFFIX) libpcreposix.$(LIBSUFFIX)
libpcre.a: $(OBJ)
@echo ' '
@echo '--- Building static library: libpcre'
@echo ' '
-rm -f libpcre.a
$(AR) libpcre.a $(OBJ)
$(RANLIB) libpcre.a $(OBJ)
@echo ' '
@echo '--- Building shared library: libpcre'
@echo ' '
-rm -f
libtool $(CC) -version-info '$(PCRELIBVERSION)' -o -rpath $(LIBDIR) $(LOBJ)
libpcreposix.a: pcreposix.o
@echo ' '
@echo '--- Building static library: libpcreposix'
@echo ' '
-rm -f libpcreposix.a
$(AR) libpcreposix.a pcreposix.o
$(RANLIB) libpcreposix.a pcreposix.o
@echo ' '
@echo '--- Building shared library: libpcreposix'
@echo ' '
-rm -f
libtool $(CC) -version-info '$(PCREPOSIXLIBVERSION)' -o -rpath $(LIBDIR) pcreposix.lo
pcre.o: chartables.c pcre.c pcre.h internal.h config.h Makefile
$(LIBTOOL) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) pcre.c
pcreposix.o: pcreposix.c pcreposix.h internal.h pcre.h config.h Makefile
$(LIBTOOL) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) pcreposix.c
maketables.o: maketables.c pcre.h internal.h config.h Makefile
$(LIBTOOL) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) maketables.c
get.o: get.c pcre.h internal.h config.h Makefile
$(LIBTOOL) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) get.c
study.o: study.c pcre.h internal.h config.h Makefile
$(LIBTOOL) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) study.c
pcretest.o: pcretest.c pcre.h config.h Makefile
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) pcretest.c
pgrep.o: pgrep.c pcre.h Makefile config.h
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) pgrep.c
# An auxiliary program makes the default character table source
chartables.c: dftables
./dftables >chartables.c
dftables: dftables.c maketables.c pcre.h internal.h config.h Makefile
$(CC) -o dftables $(CFLAGS) dftables.c
install: all
$(LIBTOOL) $(INSTALL_DATA) libpcreposix.$(LIBSUFFIX) $(LIBDIR)/libpcreposix.$(LIBSUFFIX)
$(INSTALL_DATA) pcre.h $(INCDIR)/pcre.h
$(INSTALL_DATA) pcreposix.h $(INCDIR)/pcreposix.h
$(INSTALL_DATA) doc/pcre.3 $(MANDIR)/man3/pcre.3
$(INSTALL_DATA) doc/pcreposix.3 $(MANDIR)/man3/pcreposix.3
$(INSTALL_DATA) doc/pgrep.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/pgrep.1
@if test "$(LIBTOOL)" = "libtool"; then \
echo ' '; \
echo '--- Rebuilding pgrep to use installed shared library ---'; \
echo $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pgrep pgrep.o -L$(LIBDIR) -lpcre; \
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pgrep pgrep.o -L$(LIBDIR) -lpcre; \
echo '--- Rebuilding pcretest to use installed shared library ---'; \
echo $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcretest pcretest.o -L$(LIBDIR) -lpcre -lpcreposix; \
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcretest pcretest.o -L$(LIBDIR) -lpcre -lpcreposix; \
$(INSTALL) pgrep $(BINDIR)/pgrep
$(INSTALL) pcre-config $(BINDIR)/pcre-config
# We deliberately omit dftables and chartables.c from 'make clean'; once made
# chartables.c shouldn't change, and if people have edited the tables by hand,
# you don't want to throw them away.
clean:; -rm -rf *.o *.lo *.a *.la .libs pcretest pgrep testtry *.exe
# But "make distclean" should get back to a virgin distribution
distclean: clean
-rm -f chartables.c libtool pcre-config pcre.h \
Makefile config.h config.status config.log config.cache
check: runtest
runtest: all
######## MINGW32 ############### MINGW32 ############### MINGW32 #############
# This addition for mingw32 was contributed by Paul Sokolovsky
# <>. I (PH) don't know anything about it!
dll: _dll libpcre.dll.a pgrep_d pcretest_d
pcre.dll: $(OBJ) pcreposix.o pcre.def
libpcre.dll.a: pcre.def
pgrep_d: libpcre.dll.a pgrep.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -L. -o pgrep pgrep.o -lpcre.dll
pcretest_d: libpcre.dll.a pcretest.o
$(PURIFY) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -L. -o pcretest pcretest.o -lpcre.dll
# End