request.c revision 85bb5b92490e4f095aae394118fc588a8f4c486f
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele/* ====================================================================
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele *
5f5d1b4cc970b7f06ff8ef6526128e9a27303d88nd * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * reserved.
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd *
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fielding * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fielding * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fielding * are met:
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fielding *
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fielding * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
db479b48bd4d75423ed4a45e15b75089d1a8ad72fielding * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd *
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd * distribution.
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd *
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd * if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd * "This product includes software developed by the
1aa933455fcd538b1ee573f4566e1a78a89fce77nd * Apache Software Foundation ("
7db9f691a00ead175b03335457ca296a33ddf31bnd * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
3577f1d38e53397f6b431c02011f875316b2f070nd * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele *
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * software without prior written permission. For written
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * permission, please contact
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele *
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive *
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * SUCH DAMAGE.
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * ====================================================================
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive *
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * <>.
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive *
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive * Portions of this software are based upon public domain software
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive * originally written at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive * University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive */
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive * http_request.c: functions to get and process requests
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive *
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive * Rob McCool 3/21/93
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive *
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive * Thoroughly revamped by rst for Apache. NB this file reads
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive * best from the bottom up.
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive *
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive */
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "apr_strings.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "apr_file_io.h"
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive#include "apr_fnmatch.h"
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive#define APR_WANT_STRFUNC
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive#include "apr_want.h"
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive#define CORE_PRIVATE
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive#include "ap_config.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "httpd.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "http_config.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "http_request.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "http_core.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "http_protocol.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "http_log.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "http_main.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "util_filter.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "util_charset.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#include "mod_core.h"
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem#if APR_HAVE_STDARG_H
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive#include <stdarg.h>
06d77ae37da42a6f8bbea25b7d7f8b6629245629slive APR_HOOK_LINK(translate_name)
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive APR_HOOK_LINK(map_to_storage)
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive APR_HOOK_LINK(check_user_id)
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive APR_HOOK_LINK(fixups)
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive APR_HOOK_LINK(type_checker)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive APR_HOOK_LINK(access_checker)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive APR_HOOK_LINK(auth_checker)
c6f41bc69d643835804e7e831776d3d46c6f5962slive APR_HOOK_LINK(insert_filter)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive APR_HOOK_LINK(create_request)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive (request_rec *r),(r),DECLINED)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive (request_rec *r),(r),DECLINED)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive (request_rec *r),(r),DECLINED)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive (request_rec *r),(r),OK,DECLINED)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive (request_rec *r),(r),DECLINED)
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem (request_rec *r),(r),OK,DECLINED)
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluem (request_rec *r),(r),DECLINED)
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluemAP_IMPLEMENT_HOOK_VOID(insert_filter, (request_rec *r), (r))
d7604f90897d9b08b227c127ff5392393178911crpluemAP_IMPLEMENT_HOOK_RUN_ALL(int,create_request,(request_rec *r),(r),OK,DECLINED)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slivestatic int decl_die(int status, char *phase, request_rec *r)
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive if (status == DECLINED) {
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_CRIT, 0, r,
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive "configuration error: couldn't %s: %s", phase, r->uri);
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive }
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive else
aa8cf57195dfb7fa3d0baedf81f8be377946cea8slive return status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele/* This is the master logic for processing requests. Do NOT duplicate
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * this logic elsewhere, or the security model will be broken by future
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * API changes. Each phase must be individually optimized to pick up
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * redundant/duplicate calls by subrequests, and redirects.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabeleAP_DECLARE(int) ap_process_request_internal(request_rec *r)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele int access_status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Ignore embedded %2F's in path for proxy requests */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (!r->proxyreq && r->parsed_uri.path) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele access_status = ap_unescape_url(r->parsed_uri.path);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (access_status) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return access_status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ap_getparents(r->uri); /* OK --- shrinking transformations... */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* File-specific requests with no 'true' URI are a huge pain... they
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * cannot bubble through the next several steps. Only subrequests may
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * have an empty uri, otherwise let translate_name kill the request.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (!r->main || (r->uri && r->uri[0]))
a1ef40892ffa2b44fc249423c5b6c42a74a84c68nd {
a1ef40892ffa2b44fc249423c5b6c42a74a84c68nd if ((access_status = ap_location_walk(r))) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return access_status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((access_status = ap_run_translate_name(r))) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return decl_die(access_status, "translate", r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return access_status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Reset to the server default config prior to running map_to_storage
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele r->per_dir_config = r->server->lookup_defaults;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((access_status = ap_run_map_to_storage(r)))
a1ef40892ffa2b44fc249423c5b6c42a74a84c68nd {
a1ef40892ffa2b44fc249423c5b6c42a74a84c68nd /* This request wasn't in storage (e.g. TRACE) */
a1ef40892ffa2b44fc249423c5b6c42a74a84c68nd return access_status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Excluding file-specific requests with no 'true' URI...
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (!r->main || (r->uri && r->uri[0]))
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Rerun the location walk, which overrides any map_to_storage config.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((access_status = ap_location_walk(r))) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return access_status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Only on the main request! */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (r->main == NULL) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((access_status = ap_run_header_parser(r))) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return access_status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Skip authn/authz if the parent or prior request passed the authn/authz,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * and that configuration didn't change (this requires optimized _walk()
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * functions in map_to_storage that use the same merge results given
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * identical input.) If the config changes, we must re-auth.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (r->main && (r->main->per_dir_config == r->per_dir_config)) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele r->user = r->main->user;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele r->ap_auth_type = r->main->ap_auth_type;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele else if (r->prev && (r->prev->per_dir_config == r->per_dir_config)) {
10a304fc5348d394375b98ae10ca9b137fd10cafkess r->user = r->prev->user;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele r->ap_auth_type = r->prev->ap_auth_type;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele else
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele switch (ap_satisfies(r)) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele case SATISFY_ALL:
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele case SATISFY_NOSPEC:
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((access_status = ap_run_access_checker(r)) != 0) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return decl_die(access_status, "check access", r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (ap_some_auth_required(r)) {
00e3a194016a8be92daa1d4a360ed41dec1786d0rbowen if (((access_status = ap_run_check_user_id(r)) != 0) || !ap_auth_type(r)) {
10a304fc5348d394375b98ae10ca9b137fd10cafkess return decl_die(access_status, ap_auth_type(r)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ? "check user. No user file?"
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele : "perform authentication. AuthType not set!", r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (((access_status = ap_run_auth_checker(r)) != 0) || !ap_auth_type(r)) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return decl_die(access_status, ap_auth_type(r)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ? "check access. No groups file?"
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele : "perform authentication. AuthType not set!", r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele break;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele case SATISFY_ANY:
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (((access_status = ap_run_access_checker(r)) != 0) || !ap_auth_type(r)) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (!ap_some_auth_required(r)) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return decl_die(access_status, ap_auth_type(r)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ? "check access"
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele : "perform authentication. AuthType not set!", r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (((access_status = ap_run_check_user_id(r)) != 0) || !ap_auth_type(r)) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return decl_die(access_status, ap_auth_type(r)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ? "check user. No user file?"
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele : "perform authentication. AuthType not set!", r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (((access_status = ap_run_auth_checker(r)) != 0) || !ap_auth_type(r)) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return decl_die(access_status, ap_auth_type(r)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ? "check access. No groups file?"
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen : "perform authentication. AuthType not set!", r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele break;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
5d7e5de2da57434c8e68c8fa49cbf6d70ee0f817slive /* XXX Must make certain the ap_run_type_checker short circuits mime
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * in mod-proxy for r->proxyreq && r->parsed_uri.scheme
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * && !strcmp(r->parsed_uri.scheme, "http")
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((access_status = ap_run_type_checker(r)) != 0) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return decl_die(access_status, "find types", r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((access_status = ap_run_fixups(r)) != 0) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return access_status;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* The new insert_filter stage makes sense here IMHO. We are sure that
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * we are going to run the request now, so we may as well insert filters
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * if any are available. Since the goal of this phase is to allow all
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * modules to insert a filter if they want to, this filter returns
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * void. I just can't see any way that this filter can reasonably
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * fail, either your modules inserts something or it doesn't. rbb
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ap_run_insert_filter(r);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return OK;
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen/* Useful caching structures to repeat _walk/merge sequences as required
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen * when a subrequest or redirect reuses substantially the same config.
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen *
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen * Directive order in the httpd.conf file and its Includes significantly
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen * impact this optimization. Grouping common blocks at the front of the
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen * config that are less likely to change between a request and
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen * its subrequests, or between a request and its redirects reduced
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen * the work of these functions significantly.
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen */
d94fadc8231669a4e710869f290ed57a8232a61drbowentypedef struct walk_walked_t {
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen ap_conf_vector_t *matched; /* A dir_conf sections we matched */
d94fadc8231669a4e710869f290ed57a8232a61drbowen ap_conf_vector_t *merged; /* The dir_conf merged result */
a3388213b2b4d46b356be205e38204e67b4304d8rbowen} walk_walked_t;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabeletypedef struct walk_cache_t {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele const char *cached; /* The identifier we matched */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ap_conf_vector_t **dir_conf_tested;/* The sections we matched against */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ap_conf_vector_t *dir_conf_merged;/* Base per_dir_config */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ap_conf_vector_t *per_dir_result; /* per_dir_config += walked result */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele apr_array_header_t *walked; /* The list of walk_walked_t results */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele} walk_cache_t;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabelestatic walk_cache_t *prep_walk_cache(const char *cache_name, request_rec *r)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele walk_cache_t *cache;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Find the most relevant, recent entry to work from. That would be
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * this request (on the second call), or the parent request of a
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * subrequest, or the prior request of an internal redirect. Provide
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * this _walk()er with a copy it is allowed to munge. If there is no
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * parent or prior cached request, then create a new walk cache.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((apr_pool_userdata_get((void **)&cache,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele cache_name, r->pool)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele != APR_SUCCESS) || !cache)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((r->main && (apr_pool_userdata_get((void **)&cache,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele cache_name,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele r->main->pool)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele == APR_SUCCESS) && cache)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele || (r->prev && (apr_pool_userdata_get((void **)&cache,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele cache_name,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele r->prev->pool)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele == APR_SUCCESS) && cache)) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele cache = apr_pmemdup(r->pool, cache, sizeof(*cache));
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele cache->walked = apr_array_copy(r->pool, cache->walked);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele else {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele cache = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(*cache));
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele cache->walked = apr_array_make(r->pool, 4, sizeof(walk_walked_t));
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele apr_pool_userdata_set(cache, cache_name,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele apr_pool_cleanup_null, r->pool);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return cache;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele *
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * Getting and checking directory configuration. Also checks the
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * FollowSymlinks and FollowSymOwner stuff, since this is really the
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * only place that can happen (barring a new mid_dir_walk callout).
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele *
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * We can't do it as an access_checker module function which gets
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * called with the final per_dir_config, since we could have a directory
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * with FollowSymLinks disabled, which contains a symlink to another
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * with a .htaccess file which turns FollowSymLinks back on --- and
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * access in such a case must be denied. So, whatever it is that
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * checks FollowSymLinks needs to know the state of the options as
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * they change, all the way down.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * We don't want people able to serve up pipes, or unix sockets, or other
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * scary things. Note that symlink tests are performed later.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabelestatic int check_safe_file(request_rec *r)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (r->finfo.filetype == 0 /* doesn't exist */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele || r->finfo.filetype == APR_DIR
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele || r->finfo.filetype == APR_REG
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele || r->finfo.filetype == APR_LNK) {
10a304fc5348d394375b98ae10ca9b137fd10cafkess return OK;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele "object is not a file, directory or symlink: %s",
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele r->filename);
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * resolve_symlink must _always_ be called on an APR_LNK file type!
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * It will resolve the actual target file type, modification date, etc,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * and provide any processing required for symlink evaluation.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * Path must already be cleaned, no trailing slash, no multi-slashes,
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * and don't call this on the root!
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele *
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * Simply, the number of times we deref a symlink are minimal compared
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * to the number of times we had an extra lstat() since we 'weren't sure'.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele *
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * To optimize, we stat() anything when given (opts & OPT_SYM_LINKS), otherwise
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * we start off with an lstat(). Every lstat() must be dereferenced in case
cb8fcd00b37e588874a63102677d42687aab7b19trawick * it points at a 'nasty' - we must always rerun check_safe_file (or similar.)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
2c44e52ec852d7d8392068fd13a1d8d8a4e830c1kessstatic int resolve_symlink(char *d, apr_finfo_t *lfi, int opts, apr_pool_t *p)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele apr_finfo_t fi;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele int res;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (!(opts & (OPT_SYM_OWNER | OPT_SYM_LINKS)))
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (opts & OPT_SYM_LINKS) {
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((res = apr_stat(&fi, d, lfi->valid, p)) != APR_SUCCESS)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Give back the target */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele memcpy(lfi, &fi, sizeof(fi));
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return OK;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele }
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* OPT_SYM_OWNER only works if we can get the owner of
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * both the file and symlink. First fill in a missing
cb8fcd00b37e588874a63102677d42687aab7b19trawick * owner of the symlink, then get the info of the target.
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (!(lfi->valid & APR_FINFO_OWNER))
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((res = apr_lstat(&fi, d, lfi->valid | APR_FINFO_OWNER, p))
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele != APR_SUCCESS)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if ((res = apr_stat(&fi, d, lfi->valid, p)) != APR_SUCCESS)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele if (apr_compare_users(fi.user, lfi->user) != APR_SUCCESS)
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele /* Give back the target */
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele memcpy(lfi, &fi, sizeof(fi));
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele return OK;
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele *
4ab980a06412fd86f52a6d054fb7e26de155c530erikabele * Getting and checking directory configuration. Also checks the
* FollowSymlinks and FollowSymOwner stuff, since this is really the
* only place that can happen (barring a new mid_dir_walk callout).
* We can't do it as an access_checker module function which gets
* called with the final per_dir_config, since we could have a directory
* with FollowSymLinks disabled, which contains a symlink to another
* with a .htaccess file which turns FollowSymLinks back on --- and
* access in such a case must be denied. So, whatever it is that
* checks FollowSymLinks needs to know the state of the options as
* they change, all the way down.
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_directory_walk(request_rec *r)
ap_conf_vector_t *now_merged = NULL;
core_server_config *sconf = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,
ap_conf_vector_t **sec_ent = (ap_conf_vector_t **) sconf->sec_dir->elts;
int num_sec = sconf->sec_dir->nelts;
walk_cache_t *cache;
char *entry_dir;
apr_status_t rv;
/* XXX: Better (faster) tests needed!!!
* "OK" as a response to a real problem is not _OK_, but to allow broken
* modules to proceed, we will permit the not-a-path filename to pass here.
* We must catch it later if it's heading for the core handler. Leave an
* INFO note here for module debugging.
if (r->filename == NULL || !ap_os_is_path_absolute(r->pool, r->filename)) {
"Module bug? Request filename path %s is missing or "
"or not absolute for uri %s",
r->filename ? r->filename : "<NULL>", r->uri);
return OK;
* r->path_info tracks the remaining source path.
* r->filename tracks the path as we build it.
* we begin our adventure at the root...
if ((rv = apr_filepath_merge(&entry_dir, NULL, r->filename,
"Module bug? Request filename path %s is invalid or "
"or not absolute for uri %s",
r->filename, r->uri);
return OK;
r->filename = entry_dir;
* Go down the directory hierarchy. Where we have to check for symlinks,
* do so. Where a .htaccess file has permission to override anything,
* try to find one.
cache = prep_walk_cache("ap_directory_walk::cache", r);
if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_REG)
entry_dir = ap_make_dirstr_parent(r->pool, entry_dir);
else if (r->filename[strlen(r->filename) - 1] != '/')
entry_dir = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, r->filename, "/", NULL);
/* If we have a file already matches the path of r->filename,
* and the vhost's list of directory sections hasn't changed,
* we can skip rewalking the directory_walk entries.
if (cache->cached && ((r->finfo.filetype == APR_REG)
|| (r->finfo.filetype == APR_DIR))
&& (cache->dir_conf_tested == sec_ent)
&& (strcmp(entry_dir, cache->cached) == 0)) {
/* Well this looks really familiar! If our end-result (per_dir_result)
* didn't change, we have absolutely nothing to do :)
* Otherwise (as is the case with most dir_merged/file_merged requests)
* we must merge our dir_conf_merged onto this new r->per_dir_config.
if (r->per_dir_config == cache->per_dir_result) {
return OK;
if (r->per_dir_config == cache->dir_conf_merged) {
r->per_dir_config = cache->per_dir_result;
return OK;
if (cache->walked->nelts)
now_merged = ((walk_walked_t*)cache->walked->elts)
[cache->walked->nelts - 1].merged;
else {
/* We start now_merged from NULL since we want to build
* a locations list that can be merged to any vhost.
int sec_idx;
int matches = cache->walked->nelts;
walk_walked_t *last_walk = (walk_walked_t*)cache->walked->elts;
core_dir_config *this_dir;
allow_options_t opts;
allow_options_t opts_add;
allow_options_t opts_remove;
overrides_t override;
apr_size_t buflen;
char *buf;
unsigned int seg, startseg;
* We must play our own mimi-merge game here, for the few
* running dir_config values we care about within dir_walk.
* We didn't start the merge from r->per_dir_config, so we
* accumulate opts and override as we merge, from the globals.
this_dir = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &core_module);
opts = this_dir->opts;
opts_add = this_dir->opts_add;
opts_remove = this_dir->opts_remove;
override = this_dir->override;
/* XXX: Remerge path_info, or we are broken. Needs more thought.
if (r->path_info)
r->path_info = ap_make_full_path(r->pool, r->filename,
r->path_info = r->filename;
rv = apr_filepath_root((const char **)&r->filename,
(const char **)&r->path_info,
buflen = strlen(r->filename) + strlen(r->path_info) + 1;
buf = apr_palloc(r->pool, buflen);
strcpy (buf, r->filename);
r->filename = buf;
r->finfo.valid = APR_FINFO_TYPE;
r->finfo.filetype = APR_DIR; /* It's the root, of course it's a dir */
* seg keeps track of which segment we've copied.
* sec_idx keeps track of which section we're on, since sections are
* ordered by number of segments. See core_reorder_directories
startseg = seg = ap_count_dirs(r->filename);
sec_idx = 0;
do {
int res;
char *seg_name;
char *delim;
/* We have no trailing slash, but we sure would appreciate one...
if (sec_idx && r->filename[strlen(r->filename)-1] != '/')
strcat(r->filename, "/");
/* Begin *this* level by looking for matching <Directory> sections
* from the server config.
for (; sec_idx < num_sec; ++sec_idx) {
ap_conf_vector_t *entry_config = sec_ent[sec_idx];
core_dir_config *entry_core;
entry_core = ap_get_module_config(entry_config, &core_module);
/* No more possible matches for this many segments?
* We are done when we find relative/regex/longer components.
if (entry_core->r || entry_core->d_components > seg)
/* We will never skip '0' element components, e.g. plain old
* <Directory >, and <Directory "/"> are classified as zero
* so that Win32/Netware/OS2 etc all pick them up.
* Otherwise, skip over the mismatches.
if (entry_core->d_components
&& (entry_core->d_is_fnmatch
? (apr_fnmatch(entry_core->d, r->filename, FNM_PATHNAME) != APR_SUCCESS)
: (strcmp(r->filename, entry_core->d) != 0))) {
/* If we merged this same section last time, reuse it
if (matches) {
if (last_walk->matched == sec_ent[sec_idx]) {
now_merged = last_walk->merged;
goto minimerge;
/* We fell out of sync. This is our own copy of walked,
* so truncate the remaining matches and reset remaining.
cache->walked->nelts -= matches;
matches = 0;
if (now_merged)
now_merged = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
now_merged = sec_ent[sec_idx];
last_walk = (walk_walked_t*)apr_array_push(cache->walked);
last_walk->matched = sec_ent[sec_idx];
last_walk->merged = now_merged;
/* Do a mini-merge to our globally-based running calculations of
* core_dir->override and core_dir->opts, since now_merged
* never considered the global config. Of course, if there is no
* core config at this level, continue without a thought.
* See core.c::merge_core_dir_configs() for explanation.
this_dir = ap_get_module_config(sec_ent[sec_idx], &core_module);
if (!this_dir)
if (this_dir->opts & OPT_UNSET) {
opts_add = (opts_add & ~this_dir->opts_remove) | this_dir->opts_add;
opts_remove = (opts_remove & ~this_dir->opts_add)
| this_dir->opts_remove;
opts = (opts & ~opts_remove) | opts_add;
else {
opts = this_dir->opts;
opts_add = this_dir->opts_add;
opts_remove = this_dir->opts_remove;
if (!(this_dir->override & OR_UNSET)) {
override = this_dir->override;
/* If .htaccess files are enabled, check for one, provided we
* have reached a real path.
if (seg >= startseg && override) {
ap_conf_vector_t *htaccess_conf = NULL;
res = ap_parse_htaccess(&htaccess_conf, r, override,
apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename),
if (res)
return res;
if (htaccess_conf) {
/* If we merged this same htaccess last time, reuse it...
* this wouldn't work except that we cache the htaccess
* sections for the lifetime of the request, so we match
* the same conf. Good planning (no, pure luck ;)
if (matches) {
if (last_walk->matched == htaccess_conf) {
now_merged = last_walk->merged;
goto minimerge2;
/* We fell out of sync. This is our own copy of walked,
* so truncate the remaining matches and reset remaining.
cache->walked->nelts -= matches;
matches = 0;
if (now_merged)
now_merged = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
now_merged = htaccess_conf;
last_walk = (walk_walked_t*)apr_array_push(cache->walked);
last_walk->matched = htaccess_conf;
last_walk->merged = now_merged;
/* Do a mini-merge to our globally-based running calculations of
* core_dir->override and core_dir->opts, since now_merged
* never considered the global config. Of course, if there is no
* core config at this level, continue without a thought.
* See core.c::merge_core_dir_configs() for explanation.
this_dir = ap_get_module_config(htaccess_conf, &core_module);
if (this_dir)
if (this_dir->opts & OPT_UNSET) {
opts_add = (opts_add & ~this_dir->opts_remove) | this_dir->opts_add;
opts_remove = (opts_remove & ~this_dir->opts_add)
| this_dir->opts_remove;
opts = (opts & ~opts_remove) | opts_add;
else {
opts = this_dir->opts;
opts_add = this_dir->opts_add;
opts_remove = this_dir->opts_remove;
if (!(this_dir->override & OR_UNSET)) {
override = this_dir->override;
/* That temporary trailing slash was useful, now drop it.
if (seg > startseg)
r->filename[strlen(r->filename) - 1] = '\0';
/* Time for all good things to come to an end?
if (!r->path_info || !*r->path_info)
/* Now it's time for the next segment...
* We will assume the next element is an end node, and fix it up
* below as necessary...
seg_name = strchr(r->filename, '\0');
delim = strchr(r->path_info + (*r->path_info == '/' ? 1 : 0), '/');
if (delim) {
*delim = '\0';
strcpy(seg_name, r->path_info);
r->path_info = delim;
*delim = '/';
else {
strcpy(seg_name, r->path_info);
r->path_info = strchr(r->path_info, '\0');
if (*seg_name == '/')
/* If nothing remained but a '/' string, we are finished
if (!*seg_name)
/* XXX: Optimization required:
* If...we have allowed symlinks, and
* if...we find the segment exists in the directory list
* skip the lstat and dummy up an APR_DIR value for r->finfo
* this means case sensitive platforms go quite quickly.
* Case insensitive platforms might be given the wrong path,
* but if it's not found in the cache, then we know we have
* something to test (the misspelling is never cached.)
/* We choose apr_lstat here, rather that apr_stat, so that we
* capture this path object rather than its target. We will
* replace the info with our target's info below. We especially
* want the name of this 'link' object, not the name of its
* target, if we are fixing case.
rv = apr_lstat(&r->finfo, r->filename, APR_FINFO_MIN | APR_FINFO_NAME, r->pool);
/* Nothing? That could be nice. But our directory walk is done.
r->finfo.filetype = APR_NOFILE;
else if (APR_STATUS_IS_EACCES(rv)) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
"access to %s denied", r->uri);
return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
else if ((rv != APR_SUCCESS && rv != APR_INCOMPLETE)
|| !(r->finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_TYPE)) {
/* If we hit ENOTDIR, we must have over-optimized, deny
* rather than assume not found.
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
"access to %s failed", r->uri);
return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
else if ((res = check_safe_file(r))) {
r->status = res;
return res;
/* Fix up the path now if we have a name, and they don't agree
if ((r->finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_NAME)
&& strcmp(seg_name, r-> {
/* TODO: provide users an option that an internal/external
* redirect is required here? We need to walk the URI and
* filename in tandem to properly correlate these.
strcpy(seg_name, r->;
if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_LNK)
/* Is this an possibly acceptable symlink?
if ((res = resolve_symlink(r->filename, &r->finfo,
opts, r->pool)) != OK) {
"Symbolic link not allowed: %s", r->filename);
return r->status = res;
/* Ok, we are done with the link's info, test the real target
if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_REG) {
/* That was fun, nothing left for us here
else if (r->finfo.filetype != APR_DIR) {
"symlink doesn't point to a file or directory: %s",
return r->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
} while (r->finfo.filetype == APR_DIR);
* Now we'll deal with the regexes, note we pick up sec_idx
* where we left off (we gave up after we hit entry_core->r)
for (; sec_idx < num_sec; ++sec_idx) {
core_dir_config *entry_core;
entry_core = ap_get_module_config(sec_ent[sec_idx], &core_module);
if (!entry_core->r)
if (ap_regexec(entry_core->r, r->filename, 0, NULL, REG_NOTEOL))
/* If we merged this same section last time, reuse it
if (matches) {
if (last_walk->matched == sec_ent[sec_idx]) {
now_merged = last_walk->merged;
goto minimerge;
/* We fell out of sync. This is our own copy of walked,
* so truncate the remaining matches and reset remaining.
cache->walked->nelts -= matches;
matches = 0;
if (now_merged)
now_merged = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
now_merged = sec_ent[sec_idx];
last_walk = (walk_walked_t*)apr_array_push(cache->walked);
last_walk->matched = sec_ent[sec_idx];
last_walk->merged = now_merged;
/* Whoops - everything matched in sequence, but the original walk
* found some additional matches. Truncate them.
if (matches)
cache->walked->nelts -= matches;
/* It seems this shouldn't be needed anymore. We translated the symlink above
x into a real resource, and should have died up there. Even if we keep this,
x it needs more thought (maybe an r->file_is_symlink) perhaps it should actually
x happen in file_walk, so we catch more obscure cases in autoindex sub requests, etc.
x * Symlink permissions are determined by the parent. If the request is
x * for a directory then applying the symlink test here would use the
x * permissions of the directory as opposed to its parent. Consider a
x * symlink pointing to a dir with a .htaccess disallowing symlinks. If
x * you access /symlink (or /symlink/) you would get a 403 without this
x * APR_DIR test. But if you accessed /symlink/index.html, for example,
x * you would *not* get the 403.
x if (r->finfo.filetype != APR_DIR
x && (res = resolve_symlink(r->filename, r->info, ap_allow_options(r), r->pool))) {
x ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
x "Symbolic link not allowed: %s", r->filename);
x return res;
x }
if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_DIR)
cache->cached = r->filename;
cache->cached = ap_make_dirstr_parent(r->pool, r->filename);
cache->dir_conf_tested = sec_ent;
cache->dir_conf_merged = r->per_dir_config;
/* Merge our cache->dir_conf_merged construct with the r->per_dir_configs,
* and note the end result to (potentially) skip this step next time.
if (now_merged)
r->per_dir_config = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
cache->per_dir_result = r->per_dir_config;
return OK;
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_location_walk(request_rec *r)
ap_conf_vector_t *now_merged = NULL;
core_server_config *sconf = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,
ap_conf_vector_t **sec_ent = (ap_conf_vector_t **) sconf->sec_url->elts;
int num_sec = sconf->sec_url->nelts;
walk_cache_t *cache;
const char *entry_uri;
cache = prep_walk_cache("ap_location_walk::cache", r);
/* No tricks here, there are no <Locations > to parse in this vhost.
* We won't destroy the cache, just in case _this_ redirect is later
* redirected again to a vhost with <Location > blocks to optimize.
if (!num_sec) {
return OK;
/* Location and LocationMatch differ on their behaviour w.r.t. multiple
* slashes. Location matches multiple slashes with a single slash,
* LocationMatch doesn't. An exception, for backwards brokenness is
* absoluteURIs... in which case neither match multiple slashes.
if (r->uri[0] != '/') {
entry_uri = r->uri;
else {
char *uri = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->uri);
entry_uri = uri;
/* If we have an cache->cached location that matches r->uri,
* and the vhost's list of locations hasn't changed, we can skip
* rewalking the location_walk entries.
if (cache->cached && (cache->dir_conf_tested == sec_ent)
&& (strcmp(entry_uri, cache->cached) == 0)) {
/* Well this looks really familiar! If our end-result (per_dir_result)
* didn't change, we have absolutely nothing to do :)
* Otherwise (as is the case with most dir_merged/file_merged requests)
* we must merge our dir_conf_merged onto this new r->per_dir_config.
if (r->per_dir_config == cache->per_dir_result) {
return OK;
if (r->per_dir_config == cache->dir_conf_merged) {
r->per_dir_config = cache->per_dir_result;
return OK;
if (cache->walked->nelts)
now_merged = ((walk_walked_t*)cache->walked->elts)
[cache->walked->nelts - 1].merged;
else {
/* We start now_merged from NULL since we want to build
* a locations list that can be merged to any vhost.
int len, sec_idx;
int matches = cache->walked->nelts;
walk_walked_t *last_walk = (walk_walked_t*)cache->walked->elts;
cache->cached = entry_uri;
/* Go through the location entries, and check for matches.
* We apply the directive sections in given order, we should
* really try them with the most general first.
for (sec_idx = 0; sec_idx < num_sec; ++sec_idx) {
core_dir_config *entry_core;
entry_core = ap_get_module_config(sec_ent[sec_idx], &core_module);
/* ### const strlen can be optimized in location config parsing */
len = strlen(entry_core->d);
/* Test the regex, fnmatch or string as appropriate.
* If it's a strcmp, and the <Location > pattern was
* not slash terminated, then this uri must be slash
* terminated (or at the end of the string) to match.
if (entry_core->r
? ap_regexec(entry_core->r, r->uri, 0, NULL, 0)
: (entry_core->d_is_fnmatch
? apr_fnmatch(entry_core->d, cache->cached, FNM_PATHNAME)
: (strncmp(entry_core->d, cache->cached, len)
|| (entry_core->d[len - 1] != '/'
&& cache->cached[len] != '/'
&& cache->cached[len] != '\0')))) {
/* If we merged this same section last time, reuse it
if (matches) {
if (last_walk->matched == sec_ent[sec_idx]) {
now_merged = last_walk->merged;
/* We fell out of sync. This is our own copy of walked,
* so truncate the remaining matches and reset remaining.
cache->walked->nelts -= matches;
matches = 0;
if (now_merged)
now_merged = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
now_merged = sec_ent[sec_idx];
last_walk = (walk_walked_t*)apr_array_push(cache->walked);
last_walk->matched = sec_ent[sec_idx];
last_walk->merged = now_merged;
/* Whoops - everything matched in sequence, but the original walk
* found some additional matches. Truncate them.
if (matches)
cache->walked->nelts -= matches;
cache->dir_conf_tested = sec_ent;
cache->dir_conf_merged = r->per_dir_config;
/* Merge our cache->dir_conf_merged construct with the r->per_dir_configs,
* and note the end result to (potentially) skip this step next time.
if (now_merged)
r->per_dir_config = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
cache->per_dir_result = r->per_dir_config;
return OK;
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_file_walk(request_rec *r)
ap_conf_vector_t *now_merged = NULL;
core_dir_config *dconf = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,
ap_conf_vector_t **sec_ent = (ap_conf_vector_t **) dconf->sec_file->elts;
int num_sec = dconf->sec_file->nelts;
walk_cache_t *cache;
const char *test_file;
/* To allow broken modules to proceed, we allow missing filenames to pass.
* We will catch it later if it's heading for the core handler.
* directory_walk already posted an INFO note for module debugging.
if (r->filename == NULL) {
return OK;
cache = prep_walk_cache("ap_file_walk::cache", r);
/* No tricks here, there are just no <Files > to parse in this context.
* We won't destroy the cache, just in case _this_ redirect is later
* redirected again to a context containing the same or similar <Files >.
if (!num_sec) {
return OK;
/* Get the basename .. and copy for the cache just
* in case r->filename is munged by another module
test_file = strrchr(r->filename, '/');
if (test_file == NULL) {
test_file = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename);
else {
test_file = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, ++test_file);
/* If we have an cache->cached file name that matches test_file,
* and the directory's list of file sections hasn't changed, we
* can skip rewalking the file_walk entries.
if (cache->cached && (cache->dir_conf_tested == sec_ent)
&& (strcmp(test_file, cache->cached) == 0)) {
/* Well this looks really familiar! If our end-result (per_dir_result)
* didn't change, we have absolutely nothing to do :)
* Otherwise (as is the case with most dir_merged requests)
* we must merge our dir_conf_merged onto this new r->per_dir_config.
if (r->per_dir_config == cache->per_dir_result) {
return OK;
if (r->per_dir_config == cache->dir_conf_merged) {
r->per_dir_config = cache->per_dir_result;
return OK;
if (cache->walked->nelts)
now_merged = ((walk_walked_t*)cache->walked->elts)
[cache->walked->nelts - 1].merged;
else {
/* We start now_merged from NULL since we want to build
* a file section list that can be merged to any dir_walk.
int sec_idx;
int matches = cache->walked->nelts;
walk_walked_t *last_walk = (walk_walked_t*)cache->walked->elts;
cache->cached = test_file;
/* Go through the location entries, and check for matches.
* We apply the directive sections in given order, we should
* really try them with the most general first.
for (sec_idx = 0; sec_idx < num_sec; ++sec_idx) {
core_dir_config *entry_core;
entry_core = ap_get_module_config(sec_ent[sec_idx], &core_module);
if (entry_core->r
? ap_regexec(entry_core->r, cache->cached , 0, NULL, 0)
: (entry_core->d_is_fnmatch
? apr_fnmatch(entry_core->d, cache->cached, FNM_PATHNAME)
: strcmp(entry_core->d, cache->cached))) {
/* If we merged this same section last time, reuse it
if (matches) {
if (last_walk->matched == sec_ent[sec_idx]) {
now_merged = last_walk->merged;
/* We fell out of sync. This is our own copy of walked,
* so truncate the remaining matches and reset remaining.
cache->walked->nelts -= matches;
matches = 0;
if (now_merged)
now_merged = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
now_merged = sec_ent[sec_idx];
last_walk = (walk_walked_t*)apr_array_push(cache->walked);
last_walk->matched = sec_ent[sec_idx];
last_walk->merged = now_merged;
/* Whoops - everything matched in sequence, but the original walk
* found some additional matches. Truncate them.
if (matches)
cache->walked->nelts -= matches;
cache->dir_conf_tested = sec_ent;
cache->dir_conf_merged = r->per_dir_config;
/* Merge our cache->dir_conf_merged construct with the r->per_dir_configs,
* and note the end result to (potentially) skip this step next time.
if (now_merged)
r->per_dir_config = ap_merge_per_dir_configs(r->pool,
cache->per_dir_result = r->per_dir_config;
return OK;
* The sub_request mechanism.
* Fns to look up a relative URI from, e.g., a map file or SSI document.
* These do all access checks, etc., but don't actually run the transaction
* ... use run_sub_req below for that. Also, be sure to use destroy_sub_req
* as appropriate if you're likely to be creating more than a few of these.
* (An early Apache version didn't destroy the sub_reqs used in directory
* indexing. The result, when indexing a directory with 800-odd files in
* it, was massively excessive storage allocation).
* Note more manipulation of protocol-specific vars in the request
* structure...
static request_rec *make_sub_request(const request_rec *r)
apr_pool_t *rrp;
request_rec *rr;
apr_pool_create(&rrp, r->pool);
rr = apr_pcalloc(rrp, sizeof(request_rec));
rr->pool = rrp;
return rr;
static void fill_in_sub_req_vars(request_rec *rnew, const request_rec *r,
ap_filter_t *next_filter)
rnew->hostname = r->hostname;
rnew->request_time = r->request_time;
rnew->connection = r->connection;
rnew->server = r->server;
rnew->request_config = ap_create_request_config(rnew->pool);
/* Start a clean config from this subrequest's vhost. Optimization in
* Location/File/Dir walks from the parent request assure that if the
* config blocks of the subrequest match the parent request, no merges
* will actually occur (and generally a minimal number of merges are
* required, even if the parent and subrequest aren't quite identical.)
rnew->per_dir_config = r->server->lookup_defaults;
rnew->htaccess = r->htaccess;
rnew->allowed_methods = ap_make_method_list(rnew->pool, 2);
/* make a copy of the allowed-methods list */
ap_copy_method_list(rnew->allowed_methods, r->allowed_methods);
/* start with the same set of output filters */
if (next_filter) {
rnew->output_filters = next_filter;
else {
rnew->output_filters = r->output_filters;
ap_add_output_filter("SUBREQ_CORE", NULL, rnew, rnew->connection);
/* no input filters for a subrequest */
ap_set_sub_req_protocol(rnew, r);
AP_CORE_DECLARE_NONSTD(apr_status_t) ap_sub_req_output_filter(ap_filter_t *f,
apr_bucket_brigade *bb)
apr_bucket *e = APR_BRIGADE_LAST(bb);
return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
else {
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_some_auth_required(request_rec *r)
/* Is there a require line configured for the type of *this* req? */
const apr_array_header_t *reqs_arr = ap_requires(r);
require_line *reqs;
int i;
if (!reqs_arr)
return 0;
reqs = (require_line *) reqs_arr->elts;
for (i = 0; i < reqs_arr->nelts; ++i)
if (reqs[i].method_mask & (AP_METHOD_BIT << r->method_number))
return 1;
return 0;
AP_DECLARE(request_rec *) ap_sub_req_method_uri(const char *method,
const char *new_file,
const request_rec *r,
ap_filter_t *next_filter)
request_rec *rnew;
int res;
char *udir;
rnew = make_sub_request(r);
fill_in_sub_req_vars(rnew, r, next_filter);
/* We have to run this after fill_in_sub_req_vars, or the r->main
* pointer won't be setup
/* would be nicer to pass "method" to ap_set_sub_req_protocol */
rnew->method = method;
rnew->method_number = ap_method_number_of(method);
if (new_file[0] == '/')
ap_parse_uri(rnew, new_file);
else {
udir = ap_make_dirstr_parent(rnew->pool, r->uri);
udir = ap_escape_uri(rnew->pool, udir); /* re-escape it */
ap_parse_uri(rnew, ap_make_full_path(rnew->pool, udir, new_file));
if ((res = ap_process_request_internal(rnew))) {
rnew->status = res;
return rnew;
AP_DECLARE(request_rec *) ap_sub_req_lookup_uri(const char *new_file,
const request_rec *r,
ap_filter_t *next_filter)
return ap_sub_req_method_uri("GET", new_file, r, next_filter);
AP_DECLARE(request_rec *) ap_sub_req_lookup_dirent(const apr_finfo_t *dirent,
const request_rec *r,
ap_filter_t *next_filter)
request_rec *rnew;
int res;
char *fdir;
char *udir;
rnew = make_sub_request(r);
fill_in_sub_req_vars(rnew, r, next_filter);
/* We have to run this after fill_in_sub_req_vars, or the r->main
* pointer won't be setup
/* Special case: we are looking at a relative lookup in the same directory.
* This is 100% safe, since dirent->name just came from the filesystem.
udir = ap_make_dirstr_parent(rnew->pool, r->uri);
rnew->uri = ap_make_full_path(rnew->pool, udir, dirent->name);
fdir = ap_make_dirstr_parent(rnew->pool, r->filename);
rnew->filename = ap_make_full_path(rnew->pool, fdir, dirent->name);
if (r->canonical_filename == r->filename)
rnew->canonical_filename = rnew->filename;
/* XXX This is now less relevant; we will do a full location walk
* these days for this case. Preserve the apr_stat results, and
* perhaps we also tag that symlinks were tested and/or found for
* r->filename.
rnew->per_dir_config = r->server->lookup_defaults;
if ((dirent->valid & APR_FINFO_MIN) != APR_FINFO_MIN) {
* apr_dir_read isn't very complete on this platform, so
* we need another apr_lstat (or simply apr_stat if we allow
* all symlinks here.) If this is an APR_LNK that resolves
* to an APR_DIR, then we will rerun everything anyways...
* this should be safe.
apr_status_t rv;
if (ap_allow_options(rnew) & OPT_SYM_LINKS) {
if (((rv = apr_stat(&rnew->finfo, rnew->filename,
APR_FINFO_MIN, rnew->pool)) != APR_SUCCESS)
&& (rv != APR_INCOMPLETE))
rnew->finfo.filetype = 0;
if (((rv = apr_lstat(&rnew->finfo, rnew->filename,
APR_FINFO_MIN, rnew->pool)) != APR_SUCCESS)
&& (rv != APR_INCOMPLETE))
rnew->finfo.filetype = 0;
else {
memcpy (&rnew->finfo, dirent, sizeof(apr_finfo_t));
if (rnew->finfo.filetype == APR_LNK) {
* Resolve this symlink. We should tie this back to dir_walk's cache
if ((res = resolve_symlink(rnew->filename, &rnew->finfo,
ap_allow_options(rnew), rnew->pool)) != OK) {
rnew->status = res;
return rnew;
if (rnew->finfo.filetype == APR_DIR) {
/* ### Would be real nice if apr_make_full_path overallocated
* the buffer by one character instead of a complete copy.
rnew->filename = apr_pstrcat(rnew->pool, rnew->filename, "/", NULL);
rnew->uri = apr_pstrcat(rnew->pool, rnew->uri, "/", NULL);
if (r->canonical_filename == r->filename)
rnew->canonical_filename = rnew->filename;
ap_parse_uri(rnew, rnew->uri); /* fill in parsed_uri values */
if ((res = ap_process_request_internal(rnew))) {
rnew->status = res;
return rnew;
AP_DECLARE(request_rec *) ap_sub_req_lookup_file(const char *new_file,
const request_rec *r,
ap_filter_t *next_filter)
request_rec *rnew;
int res;
char *fdir;
apr_size_t fdirlen;
rnew = make_sub_request(r);
fill_in_sub_req_vars(rnew, r, next_filter);
/* We have to run this after fill_in_sub_req_vars, or the r->main
* pointer won't be setup
fdir = ap_make_dirstr_parent(rnew->pool, r->filename);
fdirlen = strlen(fdir);
/* Translate r->filename, if it was canonical, it stays canonical
if (r->canonical_filename == r->filename)
rnew->canonical_filename = (char*)(1);
if (apr_filepath_merge(&rnew->filename, fdir, new_file,
rnew->status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
return rnew;
if (rnew->canonical_filename)
rnew->canonical_filename = rnew->filename;
* Check for a special case... if there are no '/' characters in new_file
* at all, and the path was the same, then we are looking at a relative
* lookup in the same directory. Fixup the URI to match.
if (strncmp(rnew->filename, fdir, fdirlen) == 0
&& rnew->filename[fdirlen]
&& ap_strchr_c(rnew->filename + fdirlen, '/') == NULL)
apr_status_t rv;
if (ap_allow_options(rnew) & OPT_SYM_LINKS) {
if (((rv = apr_stat(&rnew->finfo, rnew->filename,
APR_FINFO_MIN, rnew->pool)) != APR_SUCCESS)
&& (rv != APR_INCOMPLETE))
rnew->finfo.filetype = 0;
else {
if (((rv = apr_lstat(&rnew->finfo, rnew->filename,
APR_FINFO_MIN, rnew->pool)) != APR_SUCCESS)
&& (rv != APR_INCOMPLETE))
rnew->finfo.filetype = 0;
if (r->uri && *r->uri) {
char *udir = ap_make_dirstr_parent(rnew->pool, r->uri);
rnew->uri = ap_make_full_path(rnew->pool, udir, rnew->filename + fdirlen);
ap_parse_uri(rnew, rnew->uri); /* fill in parsed_uri values */
else {
ap_parse_uri(rnew, new_file); /* fill in parsed_uri values */
rnew->uri = apr_pstrdup(rnew->pool, "");
else {
/* XXX: @@@: What should be done with the parsed_uri values?
* We would be better off stripping down to the 'common' elements
* of the path, then reassembling the URI as best as we can.
ap_parse_uri(rnew, new_file); /* fill in parsed_uri values */
* XXX: this should be set properly like it is in the same-dir case
* but it's actually sometimes to impossible to do it... because the
* file may not have a uri associated with it -djg
rnew->uri = apr_pstrdup(rnew->pool, "");
if ((res = ap_process_request_internal(rnew))) {
rnew->status = res;
return rnew;
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_run_sub_req(request_rec *r)
int retval;
retval = ap_invoke_handler(r);
return retval;
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_destroy_sub_req(request_rec *r)
/* Reclaim the space */
* Function to set the r->mtime field to the specified value if it's later
* than what's already there.
AP_DECLARE(void) ap_update_mtime(request_rec *r, apr_time_t dependency_mtime)
if (r->mtime < dependency_mtime) {
r->mtime = dependency_mtime;
* Is it the initial main request, which we only get *once* per HTTP request?
AP_DECLARE(int) ap_is_initial_req(request_rec *r)
(r->main == NULL) /* otherwise, this is a sub-request */
(r->prev == NULL); /* otherwise, this is an internal redirect */