util_win32.c revision 9d4ed8d865e29fdfe0e159e95eaa072a7242defb
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding/* ====================================================================
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * reserved.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * distribution.
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * "This product includes software developed by the
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
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f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * software without prior written permission. For written
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * permission, please contact apache@apache.org.
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written
64185f9824e42f21ca7b9ae6c004484215c031a7rbb * permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES
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2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
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f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * SUCH DAMAGE.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * ====================================================================
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * Portions of this software are based upon public domain software
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * originally written at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
f062ed7bd262a37a909dd77ce5fc23b446818823fielding * University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding/* Returns TRUE if the input string is a string
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * of one or more '.' characters.
bd53cb2bf4d77574fd502e1c02d8c3c0d5431967stoddard for (c = pString;*c;c++)
b4c8a80f7dbfc9b56dbe03bdc28f0b5eb5f23697rbb if (*c != '.')
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb/* Accepts as input a pathname, and tries to match it to an
14bea4ba98aabaf554e37165a07123bb05d6736bstoddard * existing path and return the pathname in the case that
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * is present on the existing path. This routine also
9731f9232bddd7dbac757c780b2b1a2a6931dce7stoddard * converts alias names to long names.
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbbAP_DECLARE(char *) ap_os_systemcase_filename(apr_pool_t *pPool,
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding const char *szFile)
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding char *p, *q, *t;
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding if (!szFile || strlen(szFile) == 0 || strlen(szFile) >= sizeof(buf))
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* First convert all slashes to \ so Win32 calls work OK */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding for (p = pInputName; *p; p++) {
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding if (*p == '/')
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb /* If there is drive information, copy it over. */
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb /* This is correct - if systemcase is used for
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * comparison, d: designations will match
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb *(t++) = tolower(*p++);
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding *(t++) = *p++;
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* If all we have is a drive letter, then we are done */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding if (*p == '\\') {
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Get past the machine name. FindFirstFile
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * will not find a machine name only
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding *(t++) = '\\';
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Get past the share name. FindFirstFile */
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb /* will not find a \\machine\share name only */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* This was faulty - as of 1.3.13 \\machine\share
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * name is now always lowercased
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding t += p - q;
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* If the path exists so far, call FindFirstFile
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * again. However, if this portion of the path contains
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * only '.' charaters, skip the call to FindFirstFile
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * since it will convert '.' and '..' to actual names.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * Note: in the call to OnlyDots, we may have to skip
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * a leading slash.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding if (bFileExists && !OnlyDots((*q == '.' ? q : q+1))) {
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding if (*q == '\\')
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding *(t++) = '\\';
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding if (!bFileExists || OnlyDots((*q == '.' ? q : q+1))) {
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* XXX: Comparison could be faulty ...\unknown
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * names may not be tested (if they reside outside
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * of the file system)!
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding *p++ = '\\';
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Finally, convert all slashes to / so server code handles it ok */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding for (p = buf; *p; p++) {
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding if (*p == '\\')
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding/* Perform canonicalization with the exception that the
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * input case is preserved.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffieldingAP_DECLARE(char *) ap_os_case_canonical_filename(apr_pool_t *pPool,
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding const char *szFile)
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Change all '\' characters to '/' characters.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * While doing this, remove any trailing '.'.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * Also, blow away any directories with 3 or
2efb935ae8fe12d5192a3bf2c52c28461b6c68afdgaudet if (q-p > 2)
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Blow away any final trailing '.' since on Win32
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * foo.bat == foo.bat. == foo.bat... etc.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * Also blow away any trailing spaces since
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * "filename" == "filename "
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb if ((p > pNewStr) ||
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb /* One more security issue to deal with. Win32 allows
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * you to create long filenames. However, alias filenames
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * are always created so that the filename will
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * conform to 8.3 rules. According to the Microsoft
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * Developer's network CD (1/98)
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * "Automatically generated aliases are composed of the
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * first six characters of the filename plus ~n
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * (where n is a number) and the first three characters
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * after the last period."
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * Here, we attempt to detect and decode these names.
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * XXX: Netware network clients may have alternate short names,
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * simply truncated, with no embedded '~'. Further, this behavior
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * can be modified on WinNT volumes. This was not a safe test,
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * therefore exclude the '~' pretest.
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb /* We potentially have a short name. Call
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * ap_os_systemcase_filename to examine the filesystem
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * and possibly extract the long name.
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb pConvertedName = ap_os_systemcase_filename(pPool, pNewStr);
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb /* Since we want to preserve the incoming case as much
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * as we can, compare for differences in the string and
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * only substitute in the path names that changed.
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb if (p != NULL) {
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb *q = '\0';
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb *p = '\0';
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb if (p != NULL) {
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb *q++ = '/';
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb *p++ = '/';
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb } while (p != NULL);
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb/* Perform complete canonicalization.
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbbAP_DECLARE(char *) ap_os_canonical_filename(apr_pool_t *pPool, const char *szFile)
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb pNewName = ap_os_case_canonical_filename(pPool, szFile);
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * ap_os_is_filename_valid is given a filename, and returns 0 if the filename
b0f20a4a26bcfa85724b1c2e5ec6a077f12ef44crbb * is not valid for use on this system. On Windows, this means it fails any
2e123e8beedc9f921448c113e2d6823a92fd5261fielding * of the tests below. Otherwise returns 1.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * Test for filename validity on Win32. This is of tests come in part from
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * the MSDN article at "Technical Articles, Windows Platform, Base Services,
9ecf4c650535acf4d966f102e665af79ec97c01arbb * Guidelines, Making Room for Long Filenames" although the information
9ecf4c650535acf4d966f102e665af79ec97c01arbb * in MSDN about filename testing is incomplete or conflicting. There is a
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * similar set of tests in "Technical Articles, Windows Platform, Base Services,
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * Guidelines, Moving Unix Applications to Windows NT".
2e47849164eb31bd63f629b952f7ccc9a5ed19afrbb * The tests are:
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * 1) total path length greater than MAX_PATH
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * 2) anything using the octets 0-31 or characters " < > | :
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * (these are reserved for Windows use in filenames. In addition
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * each file system has its own additional characters that are
58ce9fee5e23441391d64ad064268bd9d1f2d056ask * invalid. See KB article Q100108 for more details).
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * 3) anything ending in "." (no matter how many)
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * (filename doc, doc. and doc... all refer to the same file)
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * 4) any segment in which the basename (before first period) matches
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * one of the DOS device names
7463de0c603f07c9e1820e812d2f1a73661843e6rbb * (the list comes from KB article Q100108 although some people
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * reports that additional names such as "COM5" are also special
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * devices).
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * If the path fails ANY of these tests, the result must be to deny access.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffieldingAP_DECLARE(int) ap_os_is_filename_valid(const char *file)
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding const char *segstart;
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding unsigned int seglength;
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding const char *pos;
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding static const char * const invalid_characters = "?\"<>*|:";
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding static const char * const invalid_filenames[] = {
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Test 1 */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Path too long for Windows. Note that this test is not valid
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * if the path starts with //?/ or \\?\. */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Skip any leading non-path components. This can be either a
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * drive letter such as C:, or a UNC path such as \\SERVER\SHARE\.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * We continue and check the rest of the path based on the rules above.
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * This means we could eliminate valid filenames from servers which
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * are not running NT (such as Samba).
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Skip leading drive letter */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Is a UNC, so skip the server name and share name */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* No share name */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* No path information */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding unsigned int idx;
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding unsigned int baselength;
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * Now we have a segment of the path, starting at position "segstart"
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * and length "seglength"
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Test 2 */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Test 3 */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* Test 4 */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding for (baselength = 0; baselength < seglength; baselength++) {
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding /* baselength is the number of characters in the base path of
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * the segment (which could be the same as the whole segment length,
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding * if it does not include any dot characters). */
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding if (strlen(invalid_filenames[idx]) == baselength &&
2d2eda71267231c2526be701fe655db125852c1ffielding !strnicmp(invalid_filenames[idx], segstart, baselength)) {