BaseAddr.ref revision 9ec65cbae2f760e485a1c54df5b19853688d5c91
; os/win32/BaseAddr.ref contains the central repository
; of all module base addresses
; to avoid relocation
; WARNING: Update this file by reviewing the image size
; of the debug-generated dll files; release images
; should fit in the larger debug-sized space.
; module name base-address max-size
libhttpd 0x6FF00000 0x000A0000
mod_auth_anon 0x6FEF0000 0x00010000
mod_auth_digest 0x6FED0000 0x00020000
mod_cern_meta 0x6FEC0000 0x00010000
mod_expires 0x6FEB0000 0x00010000
mod_headers 0x6FEA0000 0x00010000
mod_info 0x6FE90000 0x00010000
mod_rewrite 0x6FE70000 0x00020000
mod_speling 0x6FE60000 0x00010000
mod_status 0x6FE50000 0x00010000
mod_usertrack 0x6FE40000 0x00010000
mod_proxy 0x6FE20000 0x00020000
mod_file_cache 0x6FE00000 0x00020000
mod_auth_dbm 0x6FDF0000 0x00010000
mod_dav_fs 0x6FDE0000 0x00010000
mod_dav 0x6FDC0000 0x00020000