mod_userdir.c revision 6f984345bbfa9342dde1f2b7b8c35b7987d078af
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin/* ====================================================================
902bfaac7e88afebb6684fe1f2414ae2efbc7edfChristian Maeder * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
902bfaac7e88afebb6684fe1f2414ae2efbc7edfChristian Maeder * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin * distribution.
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin * if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin * "This product includes software developed by the
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Apache Software Foundation ("
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
902bfaac7e88afebb6684fe1f2414ae2efbc7edfChristian Maeder * software without prior written permission. For written
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * permission, please contact
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
902bfaac7e88afebb6684fe1f2414ae2efbc7edfChristian Maeder * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES
902bfaac7e88afebb6684fe1f2414ae2efbc7edfChristian Maeder * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR
902bfaac7e88afebb6684fe1f2414ae2efbc7edfChristian Maeder * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
81c09542d31779a407196fbd710aa8e69a815522Georgel Calin * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * SUCH DAMAGE.
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * ====================================================================
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Portions of this software are based upon public domain software
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * originally written at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * mod_userdir... implement the UserDir command. Broken away from the
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Alias stuff for a couple of good and not-so-good reasons:
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * 1) It shows a real minimal working example of how to do something like
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * 2) I know people who are actually interested in changing this *particular*
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * aspect of server functionality without changing the rest of it. That's
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * what this whole modular arrangement is supposed to be good at...
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Modified by Alexei Kosut to support the following constructs
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * (server running at, request for /~bar/one/two.html)
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * UserDir public_html -> ~bar/public_html/one/two.html
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * UserDir /usr/web -> /usr/web/bar/one/two.html
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * UserDir /home/ * /www -> /home/bar/www/one/two.html
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * NOTE: theses ^ ^ space only added allow it to work in a comment, ignore
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * UserDir http://x/users -> (302) http://x/users/bar/one/two.html
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * UserDir http://x/ * /y -> (302) http://x/bar/y/one/two.html
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * NOTE: here also ^ ^
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * In addition, you can use multiple entries, to specify alternate
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * user directories (a la Directory Index). For example:
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * UserDir public_html /usr/web
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Modified by Ken Coar to provide for the following:
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * UserDir disable[d] username ...
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * UserDir enable[d] username ...
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * If "disabled" has no other arguments, *all* ~<username> references are
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * disabled, except those explicitly turned on with the "enabled" keyword.
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(BEOS)
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin#include "unixd.h" /* Contains the suexec_identity hook used on Unix */
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin/* The default directory in user's home dir */
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calintypedef struct userdir_config {
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Server config for this module: global disablement flag, a list of usernames
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * ineligible for UserDir access, a list of those immune to global (but not
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * explicit) disablement, and the replacement string for all others.
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calinstatic void *create_userdir_config(apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *s)
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * newcfg = (userdir_config *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(userdir_config));
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin newcfg->disabled_users = apr_make_table(p, 4);
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin return (void *) newcfg;
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calinstatic const char *set_user_dir(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, const char *arg)
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * s_cfg = (userdir_config *) ap_get_module_config
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin char *kw = ap_getword_conf(cmd->pool, &usernames);
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * Let's do the comparisons once.
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin if ((!strcasecmp(kw, "disable")) || (!strcasecmp(kw, "disabled"))) {
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * If there are no usernames specified, this is a global disable - we
3d13c5135e7bab987599acf23afe9c59df49b06fGeorgel Calin * need do no more at this point than record the fact.
return NULL;
return NULL;
while (*usernames) {
return NULL;
const char *w, *dname;
char *redirect;
char *x = NULL;
return DECLINED;
return DECLINED;
return DECLINED;
return DECLINED;
while (*userdirs) {
char *homedir;
return DECLINED;
return OK;
return DECLINED;
return NULL;
return NULL;
return ugid;