561N/Adnl modules enabled in this directory by default
943N/Adnl APACHE_MODULE(name, helptext[, objects[, structname[, default[, config]]]])
919N/AAPACHE_MODULE(autoindex, directory listing, , , yes)
919N/AAPACHE_MODULE(asis, as-is filetypes, , , yes)
919N/AAPACHE_MODULE(info, server information, , , most)
919N/AAPACHE_MODULE(suexec, set uid and gid for spawned processes, , , no, [
919N/A other_targets=suexec ] )
919N/Aif ap_mpm_is_threaded; then
919N/A# if we are using a threaded MPM, we will get better performance with
919N/A# mod_cgid, so make it the default.
919N/A APACHE_MODULE(cgid, CGI scripts, , , yes, [
919N/A dnl Eventually, 120664 will be released for Solaris 10.
561N/A dnl At that point, we can do a showrev -p search for that patch.
561N/A dnl Solaris 11 (next release) as of snv_19 doesn't have this problem.
561N/A AC_MSG_ERROR([mod_cgid is non-functional on Solaris 10.
561N/AThis means that threaded MPMs (such as worker MPM) with CGIs will not work.
561N/AThis problem is due to an OS bug with AF_UNIX sockets.
970N/APatches are forthcoming from Sun.
970N/APlease run configure with --disable-cgid or switch to the prefork MPM.
1043N/A APACHE_MODULE(cgi, CGI scripts, , , no)
911N/A# if we are using a non-threaded MPM, it makes little sense to use
837N/A# mod_cgid, and it just opens up holes we don't need. Make mod_cgi the
561N/A APACHE_MODULE(cgi, CGI scripts, , , yes)
561N/A APACHE_MODULE(cgid, CGI scripts, , , no)