mod_auth.c revision 0f081398cf0eef8cc7c66a535d450110a92dc8ae
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann/* ====================================================================
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 The Apache Group. All rights reserved.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * are met:
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * distribution.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * software must display the following acknowledgment:
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * "This product includes software developed by the Apache Group
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * for use in the Apache HTTP server project ("
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * 4. The names "Apache Server" and "Apache Group" must not be used to
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * endorse or promote products derived from this software without
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * permission of the Apache Group.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * acknowledgment:
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * "This product includes software developed by the Apache Group
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * for use in the Apache HTTP server project ("
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE APACHE GROUP ``AS IS'' AND ANY
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE GROUP OR
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT,
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * ====================================================================
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * individuals on behalf of the Apache Group and was originally based
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * on public domain software written at the National Center for
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * For more information on the Apache Group and the Apache HTTP server
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * project, please see <>.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann */
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann/*
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * http_auth: authentication
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * Rob McCool
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * Adapted to Apache by rst.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann *
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * dirkx - Added Authoritative control to allow passing on to lower
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * modules if and only if the user-id is not known to this
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * module. A known user with a faulty or absent password still
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * causes an AuthRequired. The default is 'Authoritative', i.e.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann * no control is passed along.
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann */
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann#include "httpd.h"
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann#include "http_config.h"
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann#include "http_core.h"
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann#include "http_log.h"
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann#include "http_protocol.h"
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmanntypedef struct auth_config_struct {
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann char *auth_pwfile;
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann char *auth_grpfile;
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann int auth_authoritative;
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann} auth_config_rec;
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmannstatic void *create_auth_dir_config(pool *p, char *d)
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann{
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann auth_config_rec *sec =
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann (auth_config_rec *) ap_pcalloc(p, sizeof(auth_config_rec));
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann sec->auth_pwfile = NULL; /* just to illustrate the default really */
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann sec->auth_grpfile = NULL; /* unless you have a broken HP cc */
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann sec->auth_authoritative = 1; /* keep the fortress secure by default */
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann return sec;
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann}
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmannstatic const char *set_auth_slot(cmd_parms *cmd, void *offset, char *f, char *t)
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann{
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann if (t && strcmp(t, "standard"))
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann return ap_pstrcat(cmd->pool, "Invalid auth file type: ", t, NULL);
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann return ap_set_file_slot(cmd, offset, f);
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann}
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmannstatic const command_rec auth_cmds[] =
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann{
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann {"AuthUserFile", set_auth_slot,
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann (void *) XtOffsetOf(auth_config_rec, auth_pwfile), OR_AUTHCFG, TAKE12,
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann "text file containing user IDs and passwords"},
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann {"AuthGroupFile", set_auth_slot,
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann (void *) XtOffsetOf(auth_config_rec, auth_grpfile), OR_AUTHCFG, TAKE12,
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann "text file containing group names and member user IDs"},
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann {"AuthAuthoritative", ap_set_flag_slot,
06255d6f76f3f630a9634d745a48910b1ea3e4d3David Herrmann (void *) XtOffsetOf(auth_config_rec, auth_authoritative),
"Set to 'no' to allow access control to be passed along to lower modules if the UserID is not known to this module"},
module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT auth_module;
static char *get_pw(request_rec *r, char *user, char *auth_pwfile)
configfile_t *f;
const char *rpw, *w;
if (!(f = ap_pcfg_openfile(r->pool, auth_pwfile))) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, r,
"Could not open password file: %s", auth_pwfile);
return NULL;
while (!(ap_cfg_getline(l, MAX_STRING_LEN, f))) {
if ((l[0] == '#') || (!l[0]))
rpw = l;
w = ap_getword(r->pool, &rpw, ':');
if (!strcmp(user, w)) {
return ap_getword(r->pool, &rpw, ':');
return NULL;
static table *groups_for_user(pool *p, char *user, char *grpfile)
configfile_t *f;
table *grps = ap_make_table(p, 15);
pool *sp;
const char *group_name, *ll, *w;
if (!(f = ap_pcfg_openfile(p, grpfile))) {
/*add? aplog_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, NULL,
"Could not open group file: %s", grpfile);*/
return NULL;
sp = ap_make_sub_pool(p);
while (!(ap_cfg_getline(l, MAX_STRING_LEN, f))) {
if ((l[0] == '#') || (!l[0]))
ll = l;
group_name = ap_getword(sp, &ll, ':');
while (ll[0]) {
w = ap_getword_conf(sp, &ll);
if (!strcmp(w, user)) {
ap_table_setn(grps, ap_pstrdup(p, group_name), "in");
return grps;
/* These functions return 0 if client is OK, and proper error status
* if not... either AUTH_REQUIRED, if we made a check, and it failed, or
* SERVER_ERROR, if things are so totally confused that we couldn't
* figure out how to tell if the client is authorized or not.
* If they return DECLINED, and all other modules also decline, that's
* treated by the server core as a configuration error, logged and
* reported as such.
/* Determine user ID, and check if it really is that user, for HTTP
* basic authentication...
static int authenticate_basic_user(request_rec *r)
auth_config_rec *sec =
(auth_config_rec *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &auth_module);
conn_rec *c = r->connection;
const char *sent_pw;
char *real_pw;
char *invalid_pw;
int res;
if ((res = ap_get_basic_auth_pw(r, &sent_pw)))
return res;
if (!sec->auth_pwfile)
return DECLINED;
if (!(real_pw = get_pw(r, c->user, sec->auth_pwfile))) {
if (!(sec->auth_authoritative))
return DECLINED;
"user %s not found: %s", c->user, r->uri);
invalid_pw = ap_validate_password(sent_pw, real_pw);
if (invalid_pw != NULL) {
"user %s: authentication failure for \"%s\": %s",
c->user, r->uri, invalid_pw);
return OK;
/* Checking ID */
static int check_user_access(request_rec *r)
auth_config_rec *sec =
(auth_config_rec *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &auth_module);
char *user = r->connection->user;
int m = r->method_number;
int method_restricted = 0;
register int x;
const char *t, *w;
table *grpstatus;
const array_header *reqs_arr = ap_requires(r);
require_line *reqs;
/* BUG FIX: tadc, 11-Nov-1995. If there is no "requires" directive,
* then any user will do.
if (!reqs_arr)
return (OK);
reqs = (require_line *) reqs_arr->elts;
if (sec->auth_grpfile)
grpstatus = groups_for_user(r->pool, user, sec->auth_grpfile);
grpstatus = NULL;
for (x = 0; x < reqs_arr->nelts; x++) {
if (!(reqs[x].method_mask & (1 << m)))
method_restricted = 1;
t = reqs[x].requirement;
w = ap_getword_white(r->pool, &t);
if (!strcmp(w, "valid-user"))
return OK;
if (!strcmp(w, "user")) {
while (t[0]) {
w = ap_getword_conf(r->pool, &t);
if (!strcmp(user, w))
return OK;
else if (!strcmp(w, "group")) {
if (!grpstatus)
return DECLINED; /* DBM group? Something else? */
while (t[0]) {
w = ap_getword_conf(r->pool, &t);
if (ap_table_get(grpstatus, w))
return OK;
} else if (sec->auth_authoritative) {
/* if we aren't authoritative, any require directive could be
* valid even if we don't grok it. However, if we are
* authoritative, we can warn the user they did something wrong.
* That something could be a missing "AuthAuthoritative off", but
* more likely is a typo in the require directive.
"access to %s failed, reason: unknown require directive:"
"\"%s\"", r->uri, reqs[x].requirement);
if (!method_restricted)
return OK;
if (!(sec->auth_authoritative))
return DECLINED;
"access to %s failed, reason: user %s not allowed access",
r->uri, user);
module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT auth_module =
NULL, /* initializer */
create_auth_dir_config, /* dir config creater */
NULL, /* dir merger --- default is to override */
NULL, /* server config */
NULL, /* merge server config */
auth_cmds, /* command table */
NULL, /* handlers */
NULL, /* filename translation */
authenticate_basic_user, /* check_user_id */
check_user_access, /* check auth */
NULL, /* check access */
NULL, /* type_checker */
NULL, /* fixups */
NULL, /* logger */
NULL, /* header parser */
NULL, /* child_init */
NULL, /* child_exit */
NULL /* post read-request */