config.m4 revision e684537a0db1085ac01f3743e1630ebe9bfdaf10
dnl modules enabled in this directory by default
dnl Authentication (authn), Access, and Authorization (authz)
dnl APACHE_MODULE(name, helptext[, objects[, structname[, default[, config]]]])
dnl Authentication modules; modules checking a username and password against a
dnl file, database, or other similar magic.
APACHE_MODULE(authn_file, file-based authentication control, , , yes)
APACHE_MODULE(authn_dbm, DBM-based authentication control, , , most)
APACHE_MODULE(authn_anon, anonymous user authentication control, , , most)
APACHE_MODULE(authn_dbd, SQL-based authentication control, , , most)
dnl - and just in case all of the above punt; a default handler to
dnl keep the bad guys out.
APACHE_MODULE(authn_default, authentication backstopper, , , yes)
dnl General Authentication modules; module which implements the
dnl non-authn module specific directives.
APACHE_MODULE(authn_core, core authentication module, , , yes)
dnl Authorization modules: modules which verify a certain property such as
dnl membership of a group, value of the IP address against a list of pre
dnl configured directives (e.g. require, allow) or against an external file
dnl or database.
APACHE_MODULE(authz_host, host-based authorization control, , , yes)
APACHE_MODULE(authz_groupfile, 'require group' authorization control, , , yes)
APACHE_MODULE(authz_user, 'require user' authorization control, , , yes)
APACHE_MODULE(authz_dbm, DBM-based authorization control, , , most)
APACHE_MODULE(authz_owner, 'require file-owner' authorization control, , , most)
APACHE_MODULE(authz_dbd, SQL based authorization and Login/Session support, , , most)
dnl General Authorization modules; provider module which implements the
dnl non-authz module specific directives.
APACHE_MODULE(authz_core, core authorization provider vector module, , , yes)
dnl LDAP authentication module. This module has both the authn and authz
dnl modules in one, so as to share the LDAP server config directives.
APACHE_MODULE(authnz_ldap, LDAP based authentication, , , no)
dnl - and just in case all of the above punt; a default handler to
dnl keep the bad guys out.
APACHE_MODULE(authz_default, authorization control backstopper, , , yes)
dnl - host access control compatibility modules. Implements Order, Allow,
dnl Deny, Satisfy for backward compatibility. These directives have been
dnl deprecated in 2.4.
APACHE_MODULE(access_compat, mod_access compatibility, , , most)
dnl these are the front-end authentication modules
APACHE_MODULE(auth_basic, basic authentication, , , yes)
APACHE_MODULE(auth_digest, RFC2617 Digest authentication, , , most, [
if test $ac_cv_define_APR_HAS_RANDOM = "no"; then
echo "You need APR random support to use mod_auth_digest."
echo "Look at APR configure options --with-egd and --with-devrandom."