http_protocol.h revision 91f0d8da77152d24e4bbb31ce199282b3fd6e3b2
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder/* ====================================================================
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski *
97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47Christian Maeder * Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * reserved.
b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1edTill Mossakowski *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bbChristian Maeder * are met:
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * distribution.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * "This product includes software developed by the
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * Apache Software Foundation ("
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
88ece6e49930670e8fd3ee79c89a2e918d2fbd0cChristian Maeder *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * software without prior written permission. For written
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * permission, please contact
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * SUCH DAMAGE.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * ====================================================================
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * <>.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski *
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * Portions of this software are based upon public domain software
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder * originally written at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski */
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski#ifndef APACHE_HTTP_PROTOCOL_H
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski#define APACHE_HTTP_PROTOCOL_H
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski#include "ap_hooks.h"
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski#include "apr_portable.h"
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski#include "apr_mmap.h"
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski#ifdef __cplusplus
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowskiextern "C" {
88ece6e49930670e8fd3ee79c89a2e918d2fbd0cChristian Maeder#endif
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/**
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @package HTTP protocol handling
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder/*
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * Prototypes for routines which either talk directly back to the user,
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * or control the ones that eventually do.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/**
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder * Read a request and fill in the fields.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @param c The current connection
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @return The new request_rec
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowskirequest_rec *ap_read_request(conn_rec *c);
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/**
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder * Send a single HTTP header field
b1f59a4ea7c96f4c03a4d7cfcb9c5e66871cfbbbChristian Maeder * @param r The current request
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @param fieldname The Header field to send
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @param fieldval The value of the header
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @deffunc int ap_send_header_field(request_rec *r, const char *fieldname, const char *fieldval)
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till MossakowskiAPI_EXPORT_NONSTD(int) ap_send_header_field(request_rec *r, const char *fieldname,
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski const char *fieldval);
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/**
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * Send the minimal part of an HTTP response header.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @param r The current request
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @warning Modules should be very careful about using this, and should
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * prefer ap_send_http_header(). Much of the HTTP/1.1 implementation
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder * correctness depends on code in ap_send_http_header().
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @deffunc void ap_basic_http_header(request_rec *r)
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till MossakowskiAPI_EXPORT(void) ap_basic_http_header(request_rec *r);
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/**
adea2e45fa61f1097aadc490a0aeaf4831b729ccChristian Maeder * Send the Status-Line and header fields for HTTP response
88ece6e49930670e8fd3ee79c89a2e918d2fbd0cChristian Maeder * @param l The current request
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @deffunc void ap_send_http_header(request_rec *l)
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till MossakowskiAPI_EXPORT(void) ap_send_http_header(request_rec *l);
88ece6e49930670e8fd3ee79c89a2e918d2fbd0cChristian Maeder
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/* Send the response to special method requests */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till MossakowskiAPI_EXPORT(int) ap_send_http_trace(request_rec *r);
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowskiint ap_send_http_options(request_rec *r);
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/* Finish up stuff after a request */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/**
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * Called at completion of sending the response. It sends the terminating
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * protocol information.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @param r The current request
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @deffunc void ap_finalize_request_protocol(request_rec *r)
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski */
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till MossakowskiAPI_EXPORT(void) ap_finalize_request_protocol(request_rec *r);
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski/**
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * Send error back to client.
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @param r The current request
df11e5eab86d8247f58e301d8f0a2c6ecf4c9541Till Mossakowski * @param recursive_error last arg indicates error status in case we get
* an error in the process of trying to deal with an ErrorDocument
* to handle some other error. In that case, we print the default
* report for the first thing that went wrong, and more briefly report
* on the problem with the ErrorDocument.
* @deffunc void ap_send_error_response(request_rec *r, int recursive_error)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_send_error_response(request_rec *r, int recursive_error);
/* Set last modified header line from the lastmod date of the associated file.
* Also, set content length.
* May return an error status, typically HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED (that when the
* permit_cache argument is set to one).
* Set the content length for this request
* @param r The current request
* @param length The new content length
* @return Always 0, can be safely ignored
* @deffunc int ap_set_content_length(request_rec *r, long length)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_set_content_length(request_rec *r, long length);
* Set the keepalive status for this request
* @param r The current request
* @return 1 if keepalive can be set, 0 otherwise
* @deffunc int ap_set_keepalive(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_set_keepalive(request_rec *r);
* Return the latest rational time from a request/mtime pair. Mtime is
* returned unless it's in the future, in which case we return the current time.
* @param r The current request
* @param mtime The last modified time
* @return the latest rational time.
* @deffunc apr_time_t ap_rationalize_mtime(request_rec *r, apr_time_t mtime)
API_EXPORT(apr_time_t) ap_rationalize_mtime(request_rec *r, apr_time_t mtime);
* Construct an entity tag from the resource information. If it's a real
* file, build in some of the file characteristics.
* @param r The current request
* @param force_weak Force the entity tag to be weak - it could be modified
* again in as short an interval.
* @return The entity tag
* @deffunc char *ap_make_etag(request_rec *r, int force_weak)
API_EXPORT(char *) ap_make_etag(request_rec *r, int force_weak);
* Set the E-tag outgoing header
* @param The current request
* @deffunc void ap_set_etag(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_set_etag(request_rec *r);
* Set the last modified time for the file being sent
* @param r The current request
* @deffunc void ap_set_last_modified(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_set_last_modified(request_rec *r);
* Implements condition GET rules for HTTP/1.1 specification. This function
* inspects the client headers and determines if the response fulfills
* the requirements specified.
* @param r The current request
* @return 1 if the response fulfills the condition GET rules, 0 otherwise
* @deffunc int ap_meets_conditions(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_meets_conditions(request_rec *r);
/* Other ways to send stuff at the client. All of these keep track
* of bytes_sent automatically. This indirection is intended to make
* it a little more painless to slide things like HTTP-NG packetization
* underneath the main body of the code later. In the meantime, it lets
* us centralize a bit of accounting (bytes_sent).
* These also return the number of bytes written by the call.
* They should only be called with a timeout registered, for obvious reaasons.
* (Ditto the send_header stuff).
* Send an entire file to the client, using sendfile if supported by the
* current platform
* @param fd The file to send.
* @param r The current request
* @param offset Offset into the file to start sending.
* @param length Amount of data to send
* @param nbytes Amount of data actually sent
* @deffunc apr_status_t ap_send_fd(apr_file_t *fd, request_rec *r, apr_off_t offset, apr_size_t length, apr_size_t *nbytes);
API_EXPORT(apr_status_t) ap_send_fd(apr_file_t *fd, request_rec *r, apr_off_t offset,
apr_size_t length, apr_size_t *nbytes);
* Send the body of a response to the client
* @param f The BUFF structure associated with a client
* @param r The current request
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc long ap_send_fb(BUFF *f, request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(long) ap_send_fb(BUFF *f, request_rec *r);
* Send a specified number of bytes from the body of the response to the client
* @param f the BUFF structure associated with a client
* @param r The current request
* @param length The number of bytes to send
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc long ap_send_fb_length(BUFF *f, request_rec *r, long length)
API_EXPORT(long) ap_send_fb_length(BUFF *f, request_rec *r, long length);
* Send an MMAP'ed file to the client
* @param mm The MMAP'ed file to send
* @param r The current request
* @param offset The offset into the MMAP to start sending
* @param length The amount of data to send
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc size_t ap_send_mmap(apr_mmap_t *mm, request_rec *r, size_t offset, size_t length)
API_EXPORT(size_t) ap_send_mmap(apr_mmap_t *mm, request_rec *r, size_t offset,
size_t length);
* Create a new method list with the specified number of preallocated
* slots for extension methods.
* @param p Pointer to a pool in which the structure should be
* allocated.
* @param nelts Number of preallocated extension slots
* @return Pointer to the newly created structure.
* @deffunc ap_method_list_t ap_make_method_list(apr_pool_t *p, int nelts)
API_EXPORT(ap_method_list_t *) ap_make_method_list(apr_pool_t *p, int nelts);
API_EXPORT(void) ap_copy_method_list(ap_method_list_t *dest,
ap_method_list_t *src);
API_EXPORT(void) ap_method_list_do(int (*comp) (void *urec, const char *mname,
int mnum),
void *rec,
const ap_method_list_t *ml, ...);
API_EXPORT(void) ap_method_list_vdo(int (*comp) (void *urec, const char *mname,
int mnum),
void *rec, const ap_method_list_t *ml,
va_list vp);
* Search for an HTTP method name in an ap_method_list_t structure, and
* return true if found.
* @param method String containing the name of the method to check.
* @param l Pointer to a method list, such as cmd->methods_limited.
* @return 1 if method is in the list, otherwise 0
* @deffunc int ap_method_in_list(const char *method, ap_method_list_t *l)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_method_in_list(ap_method_list_t *l, const char *method);
* Add an HTTP method name to an ap_method_list_t structure if it isn't
* already listed.
* @param method String containing the name of the method to check.
* @param l Pointer to a method list, such as cmd->methods_limited.
* @return None.
* @deffunc void ap_method_in_list(ap_method_list_t *l, const char *method)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_method_list_add(ap_method_list_t *l, const char *method);
* Remove an HTTP method name from an ap_method_list_t structure.
* @param l Pointer to a method list, such as cmd->methods_limited.
* @param method String containing the name of the method to remove.
* @return None.
* @deffunc void ap_method_list_remove(ap_method_list_t *l, const char *method)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_method_list_remove(ap_method_list_t *l,
const char *method);
* Reset a method list to be completely empty.
* @param l Pointer to a method list, such as cmd->methods_limited.
* @return None.
* @deffunc void ap_clear_method_list(ap_method_list_t *l)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_clear_method_list(ap_method_list_t *l);
/* Hmmm... could macrofy these for now, and maybe forever, though the
* definitions of the macros would get a whole lot hairier.
* Output one character for this request
* @param c the character to output
* @param r the current request
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc int ap_rputc(int c, request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_rputc(int c, request_rec *r);
* Output a string for the current request
* @param str The string to output
* @param r The current request
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc int ap_rputs(const char *str, request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_rputs(const char *str, request_rec *r);
* Write a buffer for the current request
* @param buf The buffer to write
* @param nbyte The number of bytes to send from the buffer
* @param r The current request
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc int ap_rwrite(const void *buf, int nbyte, request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_rwrite(const void *buf, int nbyte, request_rec *r);
* Write an unspecified number of strings to the request
* @param r The current request
* @param ... The strings to write
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc int ap_rvputs(request_rec *r, ...)
API_EXPORT_NONSTD(int) ap_rvputs(request_rec *r,...);
* Output data to the client in a printf format
* @param r The current request
* @param fmt The format string
* @param vlist The arguments to use to fill out the format string
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc int ap_vrprintf(request_rec *r, const char *fmt, va_list vlist)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_vrprintf(request_rec *r, const char *fmt, va_list vlist);
* Output data to the client in a printf format
* @param r The current request
* @param fmt The format string
* @param ... The arguments to use to fill out the format string
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc int ap_rprintf(request_rec *r, const char *fmt, ...)
API_EXPORT_NONSTD(int) ap_rprintf(request_rec *r, const char *fmt,...)
* Flush all of the data for the current request to the client
* @param r The current request
* @return The number of bytes sent
* @deffunc int ap_rflush(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_rflush(request_rec *r);
* Index used in custom_responses array for a specific error code
* (only use outside protocol.c is in getting them configured).
* @param status HTTP status code
* @return The index of the response
* @deffunc int ap_index_of_response(int status)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_index_of_response(int status);
* Return the Status-Line for a given status code (excluding the
* HTTP-Version field). If an invalid or unknown status code is
* passed, "500 Internal Server Error" will be returned.
* @param status The HTTP status code
* @return The Status-Line
* @deffunc const char *ap_get_status_line(int status)
API_EXPORT(const char *) ap_get_status_line(int status);
/* Reading a block of data from the client connection (e.g., POST arg) */
* Setup the client to allow Apache to read the request body.
* @param r The current request
* @param read_policy How the server should interpret a chunked
* transfer-encoding. One of: <PRE>
* REQUEST_NO_BODY Send 413 error if message has any body
* REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR Send 411 error if body without Content-Length
* REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK If chunked, remove the chunks for me.
* REQUEST_CHUNKED_PASS Pass the chunks to me without removal.
* </PRE>
* @return either OK or an error code
* @deffunc int ap_setup_cleint_block(request_rec *r, int read_policy)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_setup_client_block(request_rec *r, int read_policy);
* Determine if the client has sent any data. This also sends a
* 100 Continue resposne to HTTP/1.1 clients, so modules should not be called
* until the module is ready to read content.
* @warning Never call this function more than once.
* @param r The current request
* @return 0 if there is no message to read, 1 otherwise
* @deffunc int ap_should_client_block(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_should_client_block(request_rec *r);
* Call this in a loop. It will put data into a buffer and return the length
* of the input block
* @param r The current request
* @param buffer The buffer in which to store the data
* @param bufsiz The size of the buffer
* @return Number of bytes inserted into the buffer. When done reading, 0
* if EOF, or -1 if there was an error
* @deffunc long ap_get_client_block(request_rec *r, char *buffer, int bufsiz)
API_EXPORT(long) ap_get_client_block(request_rec *r, char *buffer, int bufsiz);
* In HTTP/1.1, any method can have a body. However, most GET handlers
* wouldn't know what to do with a request body if they received one.
* This helper routine tests for and reads any message body in the request,
* simply discarding whatever it receives. We need to do this because
* failing to read the request body would cause it to be interpreted
* as the next request on a persistent connection.
* @param r The current request
* @return error status if request is malformed, OK otherwise
* @deffunc int ap_discard_request_body(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_discard_request_body(request_rec *r);
/* Sending a byterange */
* Setup the request to send Byte Range requests
* @param r the current request
* @return 1 if request was setup for byte range requests, 0 otherwise
* @deffunc int ap_set_byterange(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_set_byterange(request_rec *r);
* Send one byte range chunk for a byte range request
* @param r The current request
* @param offset Set to the position it should be after the chunk is sent
* @param length Set to the length in should be after the chunk is sent
* @deffunc int ap_each_byterange(request_rec *r, apr_off_t *offset, apr_size_t *length)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_each_byterange(request_rec *r, apr_off_t *offset,
apr_size_t *length);
* Setup the output headers so that the client knows how to authenticate
* itself the next time, if an authentication request failed. This function
* works for both basic and digest authentication
* @param r The current request
* @deffunc void ap_note_auth_failure(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_note_auth_failure(request_rec *r);
* Setup the output headers so that the client knows how to authenticate
* itself the next time, if an authentication request failed. This function
* works only for basic authentication
* @param r The current request
* @deffunc void ap_note_basic_auth_failure(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_note_basic_auth_failure(request_rec *r);
* Setup the output headers so that the client knows how to authenticate
* itself the next time, if an authentication request failed. This function
* works only for digest authentication
* @param r The current request
* @deffunc void ap_note_digest_auth_failure(request_rec *r)
API_EXPORT(void) ap_note_digest_auth_failure(request_rec *r);
* Get the password from the request headers
* @param r The current request
* @param pw The password as set in the headers
* @return 0 (OK) if it set the 'pw' argument (and assured
* a correct value in r->connection->user); otherwise it returns
* an error code, either HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR if things are
* really confused, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED if no authentication at all
* seemed to be in use, or DECLINED if there was authentication but
* it wasn't Basic (in which case, the caller should presumably
* decline as well).
* @deffunc int ap_get_basic_auth_pw(request_rec *r, const char **pw)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_get_basic_auth_pw(request_rec *r, const char **pw);
* Setting up the protocol fields for subsidiary requests...
* Also, a wrapup function to keep the internal accounting straight.
void ap_set_sub_req_protocol(request_rec *rnew, const request_rec *r);
void ap_finalize_sub_req_protocol(request_rec *sub_r);
* parse_uri: break apart the uri
* @warning Side Effects: <PRE>
* - sets r->args to rest after '?' (or NULL if no '?')
* - sets r->uri to request uri (without r->args part)
* - sets r->hostname (if not set already) from request (scheme://host:port)
* </PRE>
* @param r The current request
* @param uri The uri to break apart
* @deffunc void ap_parse_uri(request_rec *r, const char *uri)
CORE_EXPORT(void) ap_parse_uri(request_rec *r, const char *uri);
* Get the method number associated with the given string, assumed to
* contain an HTTP method. Returns M_INVALID if not recognized.
* @param method A string containing a valid HTTP method
* @return The method number
* @deffunc int ap_method_number_of(const char *method)
API_EXPORT(int) ap_method_number_of(const char *method);
* Get the method name associated with the given internal method
* number. Returns NULL if not recognized.
* @param methnum An integer value corresponding to an internal method number
* @return The name corresponding to the method number
* @deffunc const char *ap_method_name_of(int methnum)
API_EXPORT(const char *) ap_method_name_of(int methnum);
/* Hooks */
* post_read_request --- run right after read_request or internal_redirect,
* and not run during any subrequests.
* This hook allows modules to affect the request immediately after the request
* has been read, and before any other phases have been processes. This allows
* modules to make decisions based upon the input header fields
* @param r The current request
* @return OK or DECLINED
* @deffunc ap_run_post_read_request(request_rec *r)
AP_DECLARE_HOOK(int,post_read_request,(request_rec *))
* This hook allows modules to perform any module-specific logging activities
* over and above the normal server things.
* @param r The current request
* @return OK, DECLINED, or HTTP_...
* @deffunc int ap_run_log_transaction(request_rec *r)
AP_DECLARE_HOOK(int,log_transaction,(request_rec *))
* This hook allows modules to retrieve the http method from a request. This
* allows Apache modules to easily extend the methods that Apache understands
* @param r The current request
* @return The http method from the request
* @deffunc const char *ap_run_http_method(const request_rec *r)
AP_DECLARE_HOOK(const char *,http_method,(const request_rec *))
* Return the default port from the current request
* @param r The current request
* @return The current port
* @deffunc unsigned short ap_run_default_port(const request_rec *r)
AP_DECLARE_HOOK(unsigned short,default_port,(const request_rec *))
#ifdef __cplusplus