** Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
** contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
** this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
** The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
** (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
** the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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** limitations under the License.
#ifndef APREQ_UTIL_H
#define APREQ_UTIL_H
#include "apr_file_io.h"
#include "apr_buckets.h"
#include "apreq.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* This header contains useful functions for creating new
* parsers, hooks or modules. It includes
* - string <-> array converters
* - substring search functions
* - simple encoders & decoders for urlencoded strings
* - simple time, date, & file-size converters
* @file apreq_util.h
* @brief Utility functions for apreq.
* @ingroup libapreq2
* Join an array of values. The result is an empty string if there are
* no values.
* @param p Pool to allocate return value.
* @param sep String that is inserted between the joined values.
* @param arr Array of apreq_value_t entries.
* @param mode Join type- see apreq_join_t.
* @return Joined string, or NULL on error
APREQ_DECLARE(char *) apreq_join(apr_pool_t *p,
const char *sep,
const apr_array_header_t *arr,
apreq_join_t mode);
* Returns offset of match string's location, or -1 if no match is found.
* @param hay Location of bytes to scan.
* @param hlen Number of bytes available for scanning.
* @param ndl Search string
* @param nlen Length of search string.
* @param type Match type.
* @return Offset of match string, or -1 if no match is found.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_ssize_t) apreq_index(const char* hay, apr_size_t hlen,
const char* ndl, apr_size_t nlen,
const apreq_match_t type);
* Places a quoted copy of src into dest. Embedded quotes are escaped with a
* backslash ('\').
* @param dest Location of quoted copy. Must be large enough to hold the copy
* and trailing null byte.
* @param src Original string.
* @param slen Length of original string.
* @param dest Destination string.
* @return length of quoted copy in dest.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_size_t) apreq_quote(char *dest, const char *src,
const apr_size_t slen);
* Same as apreq_quote() except when src begins and ends in quote marks. In
* that case it assumes src is quoted correctly, and just copies src to dest.
* @param dest Location of quoted copy. Must be large enough to hold the copy
* and trailing null byte.
* @param src Original string.
* @param slen Length of original string.
* @param dest Destination string.
* @return length of quoted copy in dest.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_size_t) apreq_quote_once(char *dest, const char *src,
const apr_size_t slen);
* Url-encodes a string.
* @param dest Location of url-encoded result string. Caller must ensure it
* is large enough to hold the encoded string and trailing '\\0'.
* @param src Original string.
* @param slen Length of original string.
* @return length of url-encoded string in dest; does not exceed 3 * slen.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_size_t) apreq_encode(char *dest, const char *src,
const apr_size_t slen);
* Convert a string from cp1252 to utf8. Caller must ensure it is large enough
* to hold the encoded string and trailing '\\0'.
* @param dest Location of utf8-encoded result string. Caller must ensure it
* is large enough to hold the encoded string and trailing '\\0'.
* @param src Original string.
* @param slen Length of original string.
* @return length of utf8-encoded string in dest; does not exceed 3 * slen.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_size_t) apreq_cp1252_to_utf8(char *dest,
const char *src, apr_size_t slen);
* Heuristically determine the charset of a string.
* @param src String to scan.
* @param slen Length of string.
* @return APREQ_CHARSET_ASCII if the string contains only 7-bit chars;
* @return APREQ_CHARSET_UTF8 if the string is a valid utf8 byte sequence;
* @return APREQ_CHARSET_LATIN1 if the string has no control chars;
* @return APREQ_CHARSET_CP1252 if the string has control chars.
APREQ_DECLARE(apreq_charset_t) apreq_charset_divine(const char *src,
apr_size_t slen);
* Url-decodes a string.
* @param dest Location of url-encoded result string. Caller must ensure dest is
* large enough to hold the encoded string and trailing null character.
* @param dlen points to resultant length of url-decoded string in dest
* @param src Original string.
* @param slen Length of original string.
* @return APR_SUCCESS.
* @return APR_INCOMPLETE if the string
* ends in the middle of an escape sequence.
* @return ::APREQ_ERROR_BADSEQ or ::APREQ_ERROR_BADCHAR on malformed input.
* @remarks In the non-success case, dlen will be set to include
* the last succesfully decoded value. This function decodes
* \%uXXXX into a utf8 (wide) character, following ECMA-262
* (the Javascript spec) Section B.2.1.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apreq_decode(char *dest, apr_size_t *dlen,
const char *src, apr_size_t slen);
* Url-decodes an iovec array.
* @param dest Location of url-encoded result string. Caller must ensure dest is
* large enough to hold the encoded string and trailing null character.
* @param dlen Resultant length of dest.
* @param v Array of iovecs that represent the source string
* @param nelts Number of iovecs in the array.
* @return APR_SUCCESS.
* @return APR_INCOMPLETE if the iovec
* ends in the middle of an escape sequence.
* @return ::APREQ_ERROR_BADSEQ or ::APREQ_ERROR_BADCHAR on malformed input.
* @remarks In the non-APR_SUCCESS case, dlen will be set to include
* the last succesfully decoded value. This function decodes
* \%uXXXX into a utf8 (wide) character, following ECMA-262
* (the Javascript spec) Section B.2.1.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apreq_decodev(char *dest, apr_size_t *dlen,
struct iovec *v, int nelts);
* Returns an url-encoded copy of a string.
* @param p Pool used to allocate the return value.
* @param src Original string.
* @param slen Length of original string.
* @return The url-encoded string.
* @remarks Use this function insead of apreq_encode if its
* caller might otherwise overflow dest.
char *apreq_escape(apr_pool_t *p, const char *src, const apr_size_t slen)
char *rv;
if (src == NULL)
return NULL;
rv = (char *)apr_palloc(p, 3 * slen + 1);
apreq_encode(rv, src, slen);
return rv;
* An \e in-situ url-decoder.
* @param str The string to decode
* @return Length of decoded string, or < 0 on error.
static APR_INLINE apr_ssize_t apreq_unescape(char *str)
apr_size_t len;
apr_status_t rv = apreq_decode(str, &len, str, strlen(str));
if (rv == APR_SUCCESS)
return (apr_ssize_t)len;
return -1;
* Converts file sizes (KMG) to bytes
* @param s file size matching m/^\\d+[KMG]b?$/i
* @return 64-bit integer representation of s.
* @todo What happens when s is malformed? Should this return
* an unsigned value instead?
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_int64_t) apreq_atoi64f(const char *s);
* Converts time strings (YMDhms) to seconds
* @param s time string matching m/^\\+?\\d+[YMDhms]$/
* @return 64-bit integer representation of s as seconds.
* @todo What happens when s is malformed? Should this return
* an unsigned value instead?
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_int64_t) apreq_atoi64t(const char *s);
* Writes brigade to a file.
* @param f File that gets the brigade.
* @param wlen On a successful return, wlen holds the length of
* the brigade, which is the amount of data written to
* the file.
* @param bb Bucket brigade.
* @return APR_SUCCESS.
* @return Error status code from either an unsuccessful apr_bucket_read(),
* or a failed apr_file_writev().
* @remarks This function leaks a bucket brigade into bb->p whenever
* the final bucket in bb is a spool bucket.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apreq_brigade_fwrite(apr_file_t *f,
apr_off_t *wlen,
apr_bucket_brigade *bb);
* Makes a temporary file.
* @param fp Points to the temporary apr_file_t on success.
* @param pool Pool to associate with the temp file. When the
* pool is destroyed, the temp file will be closed
* and deleted.
* @param path The base directory which will contain the temp file.
* If param == NULL, the directory will be selected via
* tempnam(). See the tempnam manpage for details.
* @return APR_SUCCESS.
* @return Error status code from unsuccessful apr_filepath_merge(),
* or a failed apr_file_mktemp().
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apreq_file_mktemp(apr_file_t **fp,
apr_pool_t *pool,
const char *path);
* Set aside all buckets in the brigade.
* @param bb Brigade.
* @param p Setaside buckets into this pool.
* @return APR_SUCCESS.
* @return Error status code from an unsuccessful apr_bucket_setaside().
apr_status_t apreq_brigade_setaside(apr_bucket_brigade *bb, apr_pool_t *p)
apr_bucket *e;
apr_status_t rv = apr_bucket_setaside(e, p);
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS)
return rv;
* Copy a brigade.
* @param d (destination) Copied buckets are appended to this brigade.
* @param s (source) Brigade to copy from.
* @return APR_SUCCESS.
* @return Error status code from an unsuccessful apr_bucket_copy().
* @remarks s == d produces Undefined Behavior.
apr_status_t apreq_brigade_copy(apr_bucket_brigade *d, apr_bucket_brigade *s) {
apr_bucket *e;
apr_bucket *c;
apr_status_t rv = apr_bucket_copy(e, &c);
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS)
return rv;
* Move the front of a brigade.
* @param d (destination) Append buckets to this brigade.
* @param s (source) Brigade to take buckets from.
* @param e First bucket of s after the move. All buckets
* before e are appended to d.
* @remarks This moves all buckets when e == APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(s).
void apreq_brigade_move(apr_bucket_brigade *d, apr_bucket_brigade *s,
apr_bucket *e)
apr_bucket *f;
f = APR_RING_FIRST(&s->list);
if (f == e) /* zero buckets to be moved */
/* obtain the last bucket to be moved */
e = APR_RING_PREV(e, link);
APR_RING_UNSPLICE(f, e, link);
APR_RING_SPLICE_HEAD(&d->list, f, e, apr_bucket, link);
else {
* Search a header string for the value of a particular named attribute.
* @param hdr Header string to scan.
* @param name Name of attribute to search for.
* @param nlen Length of name.
* @param val Location of (first) matching value.
* @param vlen Length of matching value.
* @return APR_SUCCESS.
* @return ::APREQ_ERROR_NOATTR if the attribute is not found.
* @return ::APREQ_ERROR_BADSEQ if an unpaired quote mark was detected.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apreq_header_attribute(const char *hdr,
const char *name,
const apr_size_t nlen,
const char **val,
apr_size_t *vlen);
* Concatenates the brigades, spooling large brigades into
* a tempfile (APREQ_SPOOL) bucket.
* @param pool Pool for creating a tempfile bucket.
* @param temp_dir Directory for tempfile creation.
* @param brigade_limit If out's length would exceed this value,
* the appended buckets get written to a tempfile.
* @param out Resulting brigade.
* @param in Brigade to append.
* @return APR_SUCCESS.
* @return Error status code resulting from either apr_brigade_length(),
* apreq_file_mktemp(), apreq_brigade_fwrite(), or apr_file_seek().
* @todo Flesh out these error codes, making them as explicit as possible.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apreq_brigade_concat(apr_pool_t *pool,
const char *temp_dir,
apr_size_t brigade_limit,
apr_bucket_brigade *out,
apr_bucket_brigade *in);
* Determines the spool file used by the brigade. Returns NULL if the
* brigade is not spooled in a file (does not use an APREQ_SPOOL
* bucket).
* @param bb the bucket brigade
* @return the spool file, or NULL.
APREQ_DECLARE(apr_file_t *) apreq_brigade_spoolfile(apr_bucket_brigade *bb);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* APREQ_UTIL_H */