server-wide.xml revision bf0e7f6393e91c0a7c15cb0d889a4238c973dc2e
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<manualpage metafile="server-wide.xml.meta">
<title>Server-Wide Configuration</title>
<p>This document explains some of the directives provided by
the <module>core</module> server which are used to configure
the basic operations of the server.</p>
<section id="identification">
<title>Server Identification</title>
<directive module="core">ServerName</directive>
<directive module="core">ServerAdmin</directive>
<directive module="core">ServerSignature</directive>
<directive module="core">ServerTokens</directive>
<directive module="core">UseCanonicalName</directive>
<directive module="core">UseCanonicalPhysicalPort</directive>
<p>The <directive module="core">ServerAdmin</directive> and
<directive module="core">ServerTokens</directive> directives
control what information about the server will be presented
in server-generated documents such as error messages. The
<directive module="core">ServerTokens</directive> directive
sets the value of the Server HTTP response header field.</p>
<p>The <directive module="core">ServerName</directive>,
<directive module="core">UseCanonicalName</directive> and
<directive module="core">UseCanonicalPhysicalPort</directive>
directives are used by the server to determine how to construct
self-referential URLs. For example, when a client requests a
directory, but does not include the trailing slash in the
directory name, Apache must redirect the client to the full
name including the trailing slash so that the client will
correctly resolve relative references in the document.</p>
<section id="locations">
<title>File Locations</title>
<directive module="mpm_common">CoreDumpDirectory</directive>
<directive module="core">DocumentRoot</directive>
<directive module="core">ErrorLog</directive>
<directive module="core">Mutex</directive>
<directive module="mpm_common">PidFile</directive>
<directive module="mpm_common">ScoreBoardFile</directive>
<directive module="core">ServerRoot</directive>
<p>These directives control the locations of the various files
that Apache needs for proper operation. When the pathname used
does not begin with a slash (/), the files are located relative
to the <directive module="core">ServerRoot</directive>. Be careful
about locating files in paths which are writable by non-root users.
See the <a href="misc/security_tips.html#serverroot">security tips</a>
documentation for more details.</p>
<section id="resource">
<title>Limiting Resource Usage</title>
<directive module="core">LimitRequestBody</directive>
<directive module="core">LimitRequestFields</directive>
<directive module="core">LimitRequestFieldsize</directive>
<directive module="core">LimitRequestLine</directive>
<directive module="core">RLimitCPU</directive>
<directive module="core">RLimitMEM</directive>
<directive module="core">RLimitNPROC</directive>
<directive module="mpm_common">ThreadStackSize</directive>
<p>The <directive>LimitRequest</directive>*
directives are used to place limits on the amount of resources
Apache will use in reading requests from clients. By limiting
these values, some kinds of denial of service attacks can be
<p>The <directive>RLimit</directive>* directives
are used to limit the amount of resources which can be used by
processes forked off from the Apache children. In particular,
this will control resources used by CGI scripts and SSI exec
<p>The <directive module="mpm_common">ThreadStackSize</directive>
directive is used with some platforms to control the stack size.</p>
<section id="implementation">
<title>Implementation Choices</title>
<directive module="core">Mutex</directive>
<p>The <directive>Mutex</directive> directive can be used to change
the underlying implementation used for mutexes, in order to relieve
functional or performance problems with <glossary>APR</glossary>'s
default choice.</p>