quickreference.xml revision 25a848437bc0e4d58675054fd4acc35242837e58
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<!DOCTYPE directiveindex SYSTEM "/style/modulesynopsis.dtd"
[ <!ENTITY allmodules SYSTEM "allmodules.xml"> ]
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<title>Directive Quick Reference</title>
<p>The directive quick reference shows the usage, default, status, and context
of each Apache configuration directive. For more information about each of these,
see the <a href="directive-dict.html">Directive Dictionary</a>.
<p>The first column gives the directive name and usage. The second columns shows the
default value of the directive, if a default exists. If the default is too large to
display, the first characters will be followed by "+".</p>
<p>The third and fourth columns lists the status of the directive and the
contexts where the directive is allowed according
to the following tables:</p>
<table><tr><td>s</td><td>server config</td></tr>
<tr><td>v</td><td>virtual host</td></tr>