obs_mod_auth.xml revision 12e26d5f739d29958c17ec5272e80b8cc7b695a8
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<description>User authentication using text files</description>
<hint>obsolete since 2.0.44</hint>
<compatibility>Available only in versions up to 2.0.43</compatibility>
<note type="warning"><title>This module is obsolete!</title>
<p>Note, that this module has been marked as obsolete. A bunch
of modules was introduced in Apache version 2.0.44 that
support the new Authentication/Authorization provider mechnism.</p>
<p>In order to get the ability of HTTP Basic Authentication, you have
to use the <module>mod_auth_basic</module> module that implements
the HTTP part. <module>mod_authn_file</module> provides for user
authentication based on plain text files. File based group
authorization is now done by the <module>mod_authz_groupfile</module>
<p>This document is kept only for historical reasons and no
longer maintained.</p>
<p>This module allows the use of HTTP Basic Authentication to
restrict access by looking up users in plain text password and
group files. Similar functionality and greater scalability is
provided by <module status="obsolete">mod_auth_dbm</module>. HTTP Digest
Authentication is provided by
<module status="obsolete">mod_auth_digest</module>.</p>
<seealso><directive module="core">Require</directive></seealso>
<seealso><directive module="core">Satisfy</directive></seealso>
<seealso><directive module="core">AuthName</directive></seealso>
<seealso><directive module="core">AuthType</directive></seealso>
<description>Sets the name of a text file containing the list
of user groups for authentication</description>
<syntax>AuthGroupFile <var>file-path</var></syntax>
<p>The <directive>AuthGroupFile</directive> directive sets the
name of a textual file containing the list of user groups for user
authentication. <var>File-path</var> is the path to the group
file. If it is not absolute (<em>i.e.</em>, if it doesn't begin
with a slash), it is treated as relative to the <directive
<p>Each line of the group file contains a groupname followed by a
colon, followed by the member usernames separated by spaces.
<example>mygroup: bob joe anne</example>
<p>Note that searching large text files is <em>very</em>
inefficient; <directive
module="mod_auth_dbm" status="obsolete">AuthDBMGroupFile</directive> should be used
<p>Make sure that the <directive>AuthGroupFile</directive> is
stored outside the document tree of the web-server; do <em>not</em>
put it in the directory that it protects. Otherwise, clients will
be able to download the <directive>AuthGroupFile</directive>.</p>
<description>Sets the name of a text file containing the list of users and
passwords for authentication</description>
<syntax>AuthUserFile <var>file-path</var></syntax>
<p>The <directive>AuthUserFile</directive> directive sets the name
of a textual file containing the list of users and passwords for
user authentication. <var>File-path</var> is the path to the user
file. If it is not absolute (<em>i.e.</em>, if it doesn't begin
with a slash), it is treated as relative to the <directive
<p>Each line of the user file contains a username followed by
a colon, followed by the <code>crypt()</code> encrypted
password. The behavior of multiple occurrences of the same user is
<p>The utility <a href="/programs/htpasswd.html">htpasswd</a>
which is installed as part of the binary distribution, or which
can be found in <code>src/support</code>, is used to maintain
this password file. See the <code>man</code> page for more
details. In short:</p>
<p>Create a password file 'Filename' with 'username' as the
initial ID. It will prompt for the password:</p>
<example>htpasswd -c Filename username</example>
<p>Add or modify 'username2' in the password file 'Filename':</p>
<example>htpasswd Filename username2</example>
<p>Note that searching large text files is <em>very</em>
inefficient; <directive
module="mod_auth_dbm" status="obsolete">AuthDBMUserFile</directive> should be used
<p>Make sure that the <directive>AuthUserFile</directive> is
stored outside the document tree of the web-server; do <em>not</em>
put it in the directory that it protects. Otherwise, clients will
be able to download the <directive>AuthUserFile</directive>.</p>
<description>Sets whether authorization and authentication are
passed to lower level modules</description>
<syntax>AuthAuthoritative on|off</syntax>
<default>AuthAuthoritative on</default>
<note>This information has not been updated for Apache 2.0, which
uses a different system for module ordering.</note>
<p>Setting the <directive>AuthAuthoritative</directive> directive
explicitly to <strong>'off'</strong> allows for both
authentication and authorization to be passed on to lower level
modules (as defined in the <code>Configuration</code> and
<code>modules.c</code> files) if there is <strong>no
userID</strong> or <strong>rule</strong> matching the supplied
userID. If there is a userID and/or rule specified; the usual
password and access checks will be applied and a failure will give
an Authorization Required reply.</p>
<p>So if a userID appears in the database of more than one module;
or if a valid <directive module="core">Require</directive>
directive applies to more than one module; then the first module
will verify the credentials; and no access is passed on;
regardless of the AuthAuthoritative setting.</p>
<p>A common use for this is in conjunction with one of the
database modules; such as <module status="obsolete">mod_auth_dbm</module>,
<code>mod_auth_msql</code>, and <module status="obsolete">mod_auth_anon</module>.
These modules supply the bulk of the user credential checking; but
a few (administrator) related accesses fall through to a lower
level with a well protected <directive
module="mod_auth" status="obsolete">AuthUserFile</directive>.</p>
<p>By default; control is not passed on; and an unknown userID or
rule will result in an Authorization Required reply. Not setting
it thus keeps the system secure; and forces an NCSA compliant
<note><title>Security</title> Do consider the implications of
allowing a user to allow fall-through in his .htaccess file; and
verify that this is really what you want; Generally it is easier
to just secure a single .htpasswd file, than it is to secure a
database such as mSQL. Make sure that the <directive
module="mod_auth" status="obsolete">AuthUserFile</directive> and the <directive
module="mod_auth" status="obsolete">AuthGroupFile</directive> are stored outside the
document tree of the web-server; do <em>not</em> put them in the
directory that they protect. Otherwise, clients will be able to
download the <directive module="mod_auth" status="obsolete">AuthUserFile</directive>
and the <directive module="mod_auth" status="obsolete">AuthGroupFile</directive>.