mod_usertrack.html revision f9b3be308809978f797e0c57b296147532a4313c
<TITLE>Apache module mod_usertrack</TITLE>
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Module mod_usertrack</H1>
Previous releases of Apache have included a module which generates a
'clickstream' log of user activity on a site using cookies. This was
called the "cookies" module, mod_cookies. In Apache 1.2 and later this
module has been renamed the "user tracking" module,
mod_usertrack. This module has been simplified and new directives
Previously, the cookies module (now the user tracking module) did its
own logging, using the <TT>CookieLog</TT> directive. In this release,
this module does no logging at all. Instead, a configurable log
format file should be used to log user click-streams. This is possible
because the logging module now allows <A
HREF="/multilogs.html">multiple log files</A>. The cookie itself is
logged by using the text <TT>%{cookie}n </TT>
in the log file format. For example:
CustomLog logs/clickstream "%{cookie}n %r %t"
For backward compatibility the configurable log module implements the
old <TT>CookieLog</TT> directive, but this should be upgraded to the
above <TT>CustomLog</TT> directive.
<LI><A HREF="#cookieexpires">CookieExpires</A>
<LI><A HREF="#cookietracking">CookieTracking</A>
<h2><A name="cookieexpires">CookieExpires</A></h2>
<STRONG>Syntax:</STRONG> CookieExpires <EM>expiry-period</EM><BR>
<STRONG>Context:</STRONG> server config, virtual host<BR>
<STRONG>Status:</STRONG> optional<BR>
<STRONG>Module:</STRONG> mod_usertrack<P>
When used, this directive sets an expiry time on the cookie generated
by the usertrack module. The <EM>expiry-period</EM> can be given either
as a number of seconds, or in the format such as "2 weeks 3 days 7
hours". Valid denominations are: years, months, weeks, hours, minutes
and seconds. If the expiry time is in any format other than one
number indicating the number of seconds, it must be enclosed by
double quotes.
<P>If this directive is not used, cookies last only for the current
browser session.</P>
<h2><A name="cookietracking">CookieTracking</A></h2>
<STRONG>Syntax:</STRONG> CookieTracking <EM>on | off</EM><BR>
<STRONG>Context:</STRONG> server config, virtual host, directory,
<STRONG>Override:</STRONG> FileInfo<BR>
<STRONG>Status:</STRONG> optional<BR>
<STRONG>Module:</STRONG> mod_usertrack<P>
When the user track module is compiled in, and "CookieTracking on" is
set, Apache will start sending a user-tracking cookie for all new
requests. This directive can be used to turn this behavior on or off
on a per-server or per-directory basis. By default, compiling
mod_usertrack will not activate cookies.
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