mod_substitute.xml revision 206f0fb731ca7d2d2b2378cbd5b2882080490bd7
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_substitute.xml.meta">
<description>Perform search and replace operations on response bodies</description>
<compatibility>Available in Apache HTTP Server 2.2.7 and later</compatibility>
<p><module>mod_substitute</module> provides a mechanism to perform
both regular expression and fixed string substitutions on
response bodies.</p>
<description>Pattern to filter the response content</description>
<syntax>Substitute <var>s/pattern/substitution/[infq]</var></syntax>
<p>The <directive>Substitute</directive> directive specifies a
search and replace pattern to apply to the response body.</p>
<p>The meaning of the pattern can be modified by using any
combination of these flags:</p>
<dd>Perform a case-insensitive match.</dd>
<dd>By default the pattern is treated as a regular expression.
Using the <code>n</code> flag forces the pattern to be treated
as a fixed string.</dd>
<dd>The <code>f</code> flag causes mod_substitute to flatten the
result of a substitution allowing for later substitutions to
take place on the boundary of this one. This is the default.</dd>
<dd>The <code>q</code> flag causes mod_substitute to not
flatten the buckets after each substitution. This can
result in much faster response and a decrease in memory
utilization, but should only be used if there is no possibility
that the result of one substitution will ever match a pattern
or regex of a subsequent one.</dd>
&lt;Location /&gt;
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html<br />
Substitute s/foo/bar/ni<br />
<p>If either the pattern or the substitution contain a slash
character then an alternative delimiter should be used:</p>
<example><title>Example of using an alternate delimiter</title>
&lt;Location /&gt;
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html<br />
Substitute "s|&lt;BR */?&gt;|&lt;br /&gt;|i"
<p>Backreferences can be used in the comparison and in the substituion,
when regular expressions are used, as illustrated in the following example: </p>
<example><title>Example of using backreferences and captures</title>
&lt;Location /&gt;
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html<br />
# "foo=k,bar=k" -> "foo/bar=k" <br />
Substitute "s|foo=(\w+),bar=\1|foo/bar=$1"
<p>A common use scenario for <code>mod_substitute</code> is the
situation in which a front-end server proxies requests to a back-end
server which returns HTML with hard-coded embedded URLs that refer
to the back-end server. These URLs don't work for the end-user,
since the back-end server is unreachable.</p>
<p>In this case, <code>mod_substutite</code> can be used to rewrite
those URLs into something that will work from the front end:</p>
<example><title>Rewriting URLs embedded in proxied content</title>
ProxyPass /blog/<br />
ProxyPassReverse /blog/<br />
<br />
Substitute "s|||i"
<p><directive module="mod_proxy">ProxyPassReverse</directive>
modifies any <code>Location</code> (redirect) headers that are sent
by the back-end server, and, in this example,
<code>Substitute</code> takes care of the rest of the problem by
fixing up the HTML response as well.</p>