mod_remoteip.xml revision 2d391792b33e3c27e070739f74d74989c77fea8e
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<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "/style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_remoteip.xml.meta">
<description>Replaces the original peer IP address for the connection
with the client IP address list presented by a proxies or a load balancer
via the request headers.
<p>This module is used to treat the client which initiated the
request as the originating client as identified by httpd for the
purposes of authorization and logging, even where that client is
behind a load balancer, front end server, or proxy server.</p>
<p>The module overrides the peer IP address for the connection
with the client IP address reported in the request header configured
with the <directive>RemoteIPHeader</directive> directive.</p>
<p>Once replaced as instructed, this overridden client IP address is
then used for the <module>mod_authz_host</module>
<directive module="mod_authz_host" type="section">Require ip</directive>
feature, is reported by <module>mod_status</module>, and is recorded by
<module>mod_log_config</module> <code>%a</code> and <module>core</module>
<code>%a</code> format strings. The underlying peer IP of the connection
is available in the <code>%{c}a</code> format string.</p>
<note type="warning">It is critical to only enable this behavior from
intermediate hosts (proxies, etc) which are trusted by this server, since
it is trivial for the remote client to impersonate another client.</note>
<section id="processing"><title>Remote IP Processing</title>
<p>Apache by default identifies the client with the connection's
peer_ip value, and the connection remote_host and remote_logname are
derived from this value. These fields play a role in authentication,
authorization and logging and other purposes by other loadable
<p>mod_remoteip overrides the peer IP of the connection with the
advertised client IP as provided by a proxy or load balancer, for
the duration of the request. A load balancer might establish a long
lived keepalive connection with the server, and each request will
have the correct client IP, even though the underlying peer IP
address of the load balancer remains unchanged.</p>
<p>When multiple, comma delimited client IP addresses are listed in the
header value, they are processed in Right-to-Left order. Processing
halts when a given client IP address is not trusted to present the
preceding IP address. The header field is updated to this remaining
list of unconfirmed IP addresses, or if all IP addresses were trusted,
this header is removed from the request altogether.</p>
<p>In overriding the client IP, the module stores the list of intermediate
hosts in a remoteip-proxy-ip-list note, which <module>mod_log_config</module>
can record using the <code>%{remoteip-proxy-ip-list}n</code> format token.
If the administrator needs to store this as an additional header, this
same value can also be recording as a header using the directive
<note><title>IPv4-over-IPv6 Mapped Addresses</title>
As with httpd in general, any IPv4-over-IPv6 mapped addresses are recorded
in their IPv4 representation.</note>
<note><title>Internal (Private) Addresses</title>
All internal addresses 10/8, 172.16/12, 192.168/16, 169.254/16 and 127/8
blocks (and IPv6 addresses outside of the public 2000::/3 block) are only
evaluated by mod_remoteip when <directive>RemoteIPInternalProxy</directive>
internal (intranet) proxies are registered.</note>
<description>Declare the header field which should be parsed for client IP addresses</description>
<syntax>RemoteIPHeader <var>header-field</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>RemoteIPHeader</directive> directive triggers
<module>mod_remoteip</module> to treat the value of the specified
<var>header-field</var> header as the client IP address, or list
of intermediate client IP addresses, subject to further configuration
of the <directive>RemoteIPInternalProxy</directive> and
<directive>RemoteIPTrustedProxy</directive> directives. Unless these
other directives are used, <module>mod_remoteip</module> will trust all
hosts presenting a <directive>RemoteIPHeader</directive> IP value.</p>
<example><title>Internal (Load Balancer) Example</title>
RemoteIPHeader X-Client-IP
<example><title>Proxy Example</title>
RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For
<description>Declare client intranet IP addresses trusted to present the RemoteIPHeader value</description>
<syntax>RemoteIPInternalProxy <var>proxy-ip</var>|<var>proxy-ip/subnet</var>|<var>hostname</var> ...</syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>RemoteIPInternalProxy</directive> directive adds one
or more addresses (or address blocks) to trust as presenting a valid
RemoteIPHeader value of the client IP. Unlike the
<directive>RemoteIPTrustedProxy</directive> directive, any IP address
presented in this header, including private intranet addresses, are
trusted when passed from these proxies.</p>
<example><title>Internal (Load Balancer) Example</title>
RemoteIPHeader X-Client-IP<br/>
RemoteIPTrustedProxy gateway.localdomain
<description>Declare client intranet IP addresses trusted to present the RemoteIPHeader value</description>
<syntax>RemoteIPInternalProxyList <var>filename</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>RemoteIPInternalProxyList</directive> directive specifies
a file parsed at startup, and builds a list of addresses (or address blocks)
to trust as presenting a valid RemoteIPHeader value of the client IP.</p>
<p>The '<code>#</code>' hash character designates a comment line, otherwise
each whitespace or newline separated entry is processed identically to
the <directive>RemoteIPInternalProxy</directive> directive.</p>
<example><title>Internal (Load Balancer) Example</title>
RemoteIPHeader X-Client-IP<br/>
RemoteIPTrustedProxyList conf/trusted-proxies.lst
<example><title>conf/trusted-proxies.lst contents</title>
# Our internally trusted proxies;<br/> #Everyone in the testing group<br/>
gateway.localdomain #The front end balancer
<description>Declare the header field which will record all intermediate IP addresses</description>
<syntax>RemoteIPProxiesHeader <var>HeaderFieldName</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>RemoteIPProxiesHeader</directive> directive specifies
a header into which <module>mod_remoteip</module> will collect a list of
all of the intermediate client IP addresses trusted to resolve the client
IP of the request. Note that intermediate
<directive>RemoteIPTrustedProxy</directive> addresses are recorded in
this header, while any intermediate
<directive>RemoteIPInternalProxy</directive> addresses are discarded.</p>
RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For<br/>
RemoteIPProxiesHeader X-Forwarded-By
<description>Declare client intranet IP addresses trusted to present the RemoteIPHeader value</description>
<syntax>RemoteIPTrustedProxy <var>proxy-ip</var>|<var>proxy-ip/subnet</var>|<var>hostname</var> ...</syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>RemoteIPTrustedProxy</directive> directive adds one
or more addresses (or address blocks) to trust as presenting a valid
RemoteIPHeader value of the client IP. Unlike the
<directive>RemoteIPInternalProxy</directive> directive, any intranet
or private IP address reported by such proxies, including the 10/8, 172.16/12,
192.168/16, 169.254/16 and 127/8 blocks (or outside of the IPv6 public
2000::/3 block) are not trusted as the client IP, and are left in the
<directive>RemoteIPHeader</directive> header's value.</p>
<example><title>Trusted (Load Balancer) Example</title>
RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For<br/>
<description>Declare client intranet IP addresses trusted to present the RemoteIPHeader value</description>
<syntax>RemoteIPTrustedProxyList <var>filename</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>RemoteIPTrustedProxyList</directive> directive specifies
a file parsed at startup, and builds a list of addresses (or address blocks)
to trust as presenting a valid RemoteIPHeader value of the client IP.</p>
<p>The '<code>#</code>' hash character designates a comment line, otherwise
each whitespace or newline seperated entry is processed identically to
the <directive>RemoteIPTrustedProxy</directive> directive.</p>
<example><title>Trusted (Load Balancer) Example</title>
RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For<br/>
RemoteIPTrustedProxyList conf/trusted-proxies.lst
<example><title>conf/trusted-proxies.lst contents</title>
# Identified external proxies;<br/> #wap phone group of proxies<br/> #some well known ISP